inline void Mat2d :: AddDiadicProduct (double alpha, Vec2d & v) { coeff[0] += alpha * v.X() * v.X(); coeff[1] += alpha * v.X() * v.Y(); coeff[2] += alpha * v.Y() * v.X(); coeff[3] += alpha * v.Y() * v.Y(); }
double Angle (const Vec2d & v) { if (v.X() == 0 && v.Y() == 0) return 0; double ang = atan2 (v.Y(), v.X()); if (ang < 0) ang+= 2 * M_PI; return ang; }
inline void Mat2d :: SolvePositiveDefinite (const Vec2d & rhs, Vec2d & x) const { double a = max2(coeff[0], 1e-8); double b = coeff[1] / a; double c = coeff[2] / a; double d = max2(coeff[3] - a *b * c, 1e-8); x.X() = (rhs.X() - b * rhs.Y()) / a; x.Y() = rhs.Y() / d - c * x.X(); }
inline void Mat2d :: Solve (const Vec2d & rhs, Vec2d & x) const { double det = Det(); if (det == 0) MyError ("Mat2d::Solve: zero determinant"); else { x.X() = (coeff[3] * rhs.X() - coeff[1] * rhs.Y()) / det; x.Y() = (-coeff[2] * rhs.X() + coeff[0] * rhs.Y()) / det; } }
bool Slider::isWithinBounds(Vec2d &point) { point.setY(game->getDisplay()->getDimensions().Y() - point.Y()); Vec2d pos = mPosition + mMenuPosition; pos.addX(mSliderPosition); return (point.X() >= pos.X() && point.Y() >= pos.Y() && point.X() <= pos.X() + 32 && point.Y() <= pos.Y() + 32 ); }
bool Button::isWithinBounds(Vec2d point) { point.setY(game->getDisplay()->getDimensions().Y() - point.Y()); /*point *= -1; point += 1.0f;*/ Vec2d pos = mPosition + mMenuPosition; return (point.X() >= pos.X() && point.Y() >= pos.Y() && point.X() <= pos.X() + getWidth() && point.Y() <= pos.Y() + getHeight() ); }
float netrule :: CalcLineError (int li, const Vec2d & v) const { float dx = v.X() - linevecs.Get(li).X(); float dy = v.Y() - linevecs.Get(li).Y(); const threefloat * ltf = &linetolerances.Get(li); return ltf->f1 * dx * dx + ltf->f2 * dx * dy + ltf->f3 * dy * dy; }
int SolveLinearSystemLS2 (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol, double & x, double & y) { double a11 = col1 * col1; double a12 = col1 * col2; double a22 = col2 * col2; double det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a12; if (fabs (det) <= 1e-12 * col1.Length() * col2.Length() || col1.Length2() == 0 || col2.Length2() == 0) { sol = Vec3d (0, 0, 0); x = 0; y = 0; return 1; } Vec2d invrhs; invrhs.X() = ( a22 * rhs.X() - a12 * rhs.Y()) / det; invrhs.Y() = (-a12 * rhs.X() + a11 * rhs.Y()) / det; sol.X() = invrhs.X() * col1.X() + invrhs.Y() * col2.X(); sol.Y() = invrhs.X() * col1.Y() + invrhs.Y() * col2.Y(); sol.Z() = invrhs.X() * col1.Z() + invrhs.Y() * col2.Z(); x = invrhs.X(); y = invrhs.Y(); return 0; /* Vec3d inv1, inv2; int err = PseudoInverse (col1, col2, inv1, inv2); sol = rhs.X() * inv1 + rhs.Y() * inv2; return err; */ }
CircleSeg<D> :: CircleSeg (const GeomPoint<D> & ap1, const GeomPoint<D> & ap2, const GeomPoint<D> & ap3) : p1(ap1), p2(ap2), p3(ap3) { Vec<D> v1,v2; v1 = p1 - p2; v2 = p3 - p2; Point<D> p1t(p1+v1); Point<D> p2t(p3+v2); // works only in 2D!!!!!!!!! Line2d g1t,g2t; g1t.P1() = Point<2>(p1(0),p1(1)); g1t.P2() = Point<2>(p1t(0),p1t(1)); g2t.P1() = Point<2>(p3(0),p3(1)); g2t.P2() = Point<2>(p2t(0),p2t(1)); Point<2> mp = CrossPoint (g1t,g2t); pm(0) = mp(0); pm(1) = mp(1); radius = Dist(pm,StartPI()); Vec2d auxv; auxv.X() = p1(0)-pm(0); auxv.Y() = p1(1)-pm(1); w1 = Angle(auxv); auxv.X() = p3(0)-pm(0); auxv.Y() = p3(1)-pm(1); w3 = Angle(auxv); if ( fabs(w3-w1) > M_PI ) { if ( w3>M_PI ) w3 -= 2*M_PI; if ( w1>M_PI ) w1 -= 2*M_PI; } }
int SolveLinearSystemLS (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol) { double a11 = col1 * col1; double a12 = col1 * col2; double a22 = col2 * col2; double det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a12; if (det*det <= 1e-24 * a11 * a22) { sol = Vec3d (0, 0, 0); return 1; } Vec2d invrhs; invrhs.X() = ( a22 * rhs.X() - a12 * rhs.Y()) / det; invrhs.Y() = (-a12 * rhs.X() + a11 * rhs.Y()) / det; sol.X() = invrhs.X() * col1.X() + invrhs.Y() * col2.X(); sol.Y() = invrhs.X() * col1.Y() + invrhs.Y() * col2.Y(); sol.Z() = invrhs.X() * col1.Z() + invrhs.Y() * col2.Z(); return 0; /* Vec3d inv1, inv2; int err = PseudoInverse (col1, col2, inv1, inv2); sol = rhs.X() * inv1 + rhs.Y() * inv2; return err; */ }
void Sprite::drawPlain(Vec2d &location, Vec2d &bounds, Vec2d &scale) { GLfloat left = convertScale(mTexPosition.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat right = convertScale(mTexPosition.X() + bounds.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat up = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y() + bounds.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); GLfloat down = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); // Front Face glTexCoord2f(left,up); glVertex3f(-((bounds.X()/bounds.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Left glTexCoord2f(right,up); glVertex3f(/*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((bounds.X()/bounds.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Right glTexCoord2f(right,down); glVertex3f( /*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((bounds.X()/bounds.Y()) * scale.X())/2, scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Right glTexCoord2f(left,down); glVertex3f(-((bounds.X()/bounds.Y()) * scale.X())/2,scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Left }
void netrule :: SetFreeZoneTransformation (const Vector & devp, int tolclass) { double lam1 = 1.0/tolclass; double lam2 = 1.-lam1; double mem1[100], mem2[100], mem3[100]; int vs = oldutofreearea.Height(); FlatVector devfree(vs, mem1); int fzs = freezone.Size(); transfreezone.SetSize (fzs); if (tolclass <= oldutofreearea_i.Size()) { oldutofreearea_i[tolclass-1] -> Mult (devp, devfree); Array<Point2d> & fzi = *freezone_i[tolclass-1]; for (int i = 0; i < fzs; i++) { transfreezone[i].X() = fzi[i].X() + devfree[2*i]; transfreezone[i].Y() = fzi[i].Y() + devfree[2*i+1]; } } else { FlatVector devfree1(vs, mem2); FlatVector devfree2(vs, mem3); oldutofreearea.Mult (devp, devfree1); oldutofreearealimit.Mult (devp, devfree2); devfree.Set2 (lam1, devfree1, lam2, devfree2); for (int i = 0; i < fzs; i++) { transfreezone[i].X() = lam1 * freezone[i].X() + lam2 * freezonelimit[i].X() + devfree[2*i]; transfreezone[i].Y() = lam1 * freezone[i].Y() + lam2 * freezonelimit[i].Y() + devfree[2*i+1]; } } if (fzs > 0) { fzmaxx = fzminx = transfreezone[0].X(); fzmaxy = fzminy = transfreezone[0].Y(); } for (int i = 1; i < fzs; i++) { if (transfreezone[i].X() > fzmaxx) fzmaxx = transfreezone[i].X(); if (transfreezone[i].X() < fzminx) fzminx = transfreezone[i].X(); if (transfreezone[i].Y() > fzmaxy) fzmaxy = transfreezone[i].Y(); if (transfreezone[i].Y() < fzminy) fzminy = transfreezone[i].Y(); } for (int i = 0; i < fzs; i++) { Point2d p1 = transfreezone[i]; Point2d p2 = transfreezone[(i+1) % fzs]; Vec2d vn (p2.Y() - p1.Y(), p1.X() - p2.X()); double len2 = vn.Length2(); if (len2 < 1e-10) { freesetinequ(i, 0) = 0; freesetinequ(i, 1) = 0; freesetinequ(i, 2) = -1; } else { vn /= sqrt (len2); // scaling necessary ? freesetinequ(i,0) = vn.X(); freesetinequ(i,1) = vn.Y(); freesetinequ(i,2) = -(p1.X() * vn.X() + p1.Y() * vn.Y()); } } }
//Peter: Used great billboard drawing trick from void Sprite::drawScaledTintedRotated(Vec3d &location, Vec2d &scale, Color &color, float rotation) { GLfloat left = convertScale(mTexPosition.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat right = convertScale(mTexPosition.X() + mSize.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat up = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y() + mSize.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); GLfloat down = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(location.X, location.Y, location.Z); glPushMatrix(); //glTranslatef(mpTexture->getRatio()*0.5,0,0); mpTexture->setAsActiveTexture(); float modelview[16]; int i,j; // save the current modelview matrix glPushMatrix(); // get the current modelview matrix glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX , modelview); // undo all rotations // beware all scaling is lost as well for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) for( j=0; j<3; j++ ) { if ( i==j ) modelview[i*4+j] = 1.0; else modelview[i*4+j] = 0.0; } // set the modelview with no rotations and scaling glLoadMatrixf(modelview); glRotatef(rotation, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //cwc::glShader *shader = (*game->getShaderManager())[0]; //shader->begin(); glBegin(GL_QUADS); // Front Face //Set tint. glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b); glTexCoord2f(left,up); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Left glTexCoord2f(right,up); glVertex3f(/*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Right glTexCoord2f(right,down); glVertex3f( /*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Right glTexCoord2f(left,down); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2,scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Left glEnd(); //shader->end(); if(game->getWireframeBoundingBoxMode()) { glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glLineWidth(10); glBegin(GL_LINES); // Front Face //Set tint. glColor3f(color.r, color.g, color.b); glTexCoord2f(left,up); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Left glVertex3f(/*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(right,up); glVertex3f(/*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Right glVertex3f( /*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(right,down); glVertex3f( /*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Right glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2,scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(left,down); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2,scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Left glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } glPopMatrix(); // restores the modelview matrix glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); }
inline void Mat2d :: MultTrans (const Vec2d & v, Vec2d & prod) const { prod.X() = coeff[0] * v.X() + coeff[2] * v.Y(); prod.Y() = coeff[1] * v.X() + coeff[3] * v.Y(); }
inline void PmP (const Point2d & p1, const Point2d & p2, Vec2d & v) { v.X() = p1.X() - p2.X(); v.Y() = p1.Y() - p2.Y(); }
inline void PpSmV (const Point2d & p1, double s, const Vec2d & v, Point2d & p2) { p2.X() = p1.X() + s * v.X(); p2.Y() = p1.Y() + s * v.Y(); }
inline Vec2d operator* (double scal, const Vec2d & v) { return Vec2d (scal * v.X(), scal * v.Y()); }
inline Vec2d operator+ (const Vec2d & v1, const Vec2d & v2) { return Vec2d (v1.X() + v2.X(), v1.Y() + v2.Y()); }
inline Point2d operator+ (const Point2d & p1, const Vec2d & v) { return Point2d (p1.X() + v.X(), p1.Y() + v.Y()); }
friend double Cross (const Vec2d & v1, const Vec2d & v2) { return double(v1.X()) * double(v2.Y()) - double(v1.Y()) * double(v2.X()); }
//Peter: Used great billboard drawing trick from void Sprite::drawScaled(Vec3d &location, Vec2d &scale) { GLfloat left = convertScale(mTexPosition.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat right = convertScale(mTexPosition.X() + mSize.X(), 0, mpTexture->getWidth(), 0.0f, 1.0f); GLfloat up = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y() + mSize.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); GLfloat down = convertScale(mTexPosition.Y(), 0, mpTexture->getHeight(), 1.0f, 0.0f); glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(location.X, location.Y, location.Z); glPushMatrix(); //glTranslatef(mpTexture->getRatio()*0.5,0,0); mpTexture->setAsActiveTexture(); float modelview[16]; int i,j; // save the current modelview matrix glPushMatrix(); // get the current modelview matrix glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX , modelview); // undo all rotations // beware all scaling is lost as well for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) for( j=0; j<3; j++ ) { if ( i==j ) modelview[i*4+j] = 1.0; else modelview[i*4+j] = 0.0; } // set the modelview with no rotations and scaling glLoadMatrixf(modelview); glBegin(GL_QUADS); // Front Face glColor3f(1,1,1); glTexCoord2f(left,up); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Left glTexCoord2f(right,up); glVertex3f(/*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, -scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Top Right glTexCoord2f(right,down); glVertex3f( /*mpTexture->getRatio()*/((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2, scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Right glTexCoord2f(left,down); glVertex3f(-((mSize.X()/mSize.Y()) * scale.X())/2,scale.Y()/2, 0.0f); // Bottom Left glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); // restores the modelview matrix glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); }
GLvoid Font::print(std::string &msg, float x, float y) // Custom GL "Print" Routine { glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); Vec2d charPos; //mpFontTexture->setAsActiveTexture(); glDisable(GL_LINES); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); char c = 'A'; for(size_t i = 0; i < msg.length(); ++i) { //charPos.setX(fmod(mCharDimensions.X() * msg[i], mpFontTexture->getWidth())); //charPos.setY((((mCharDimensions.X() * msg[i]) - fmod(mCharDimensions.X() * msg[i], mpFontTexture->getWidth())) / mpFontTexture->getWidth()) * mCharDimensions.Y()); /*charPos.setX(msg[i] % 16 * mCharDimensions.X()); charPos.setY(256 - (msg[i] / 16 + 1) * mCharDimensions.Y());*/ c = msg[i]; //Support line endings. if(c == '\n' || c == '\r') { glTranslatef(0, getHeight(), 0); continue; } GlyphMetrics &glyph = (*mpFontMetrics)[c]; charPos = glyph.mPos; //charPos.setY(-charPos.Y() + mpFontTexture->getHeight()); charPos = charPos / mpFontTexture->getSizeVec2d(); mpFontTexture->setAsActiveTexture(); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glColor3f(1,1,1); glTexCoord2f(charPos.X(), 1.0f-(charPos.Y() + glyph.mSize.Y()/mpFontTexture->getHeight())); glVertex2f(0,0); glTexCoord2f(charPos.X() + glyph.mSize.X()/mpFontTexture->getWidth(), 1.0f-(charPos.Y() + glyph.mSize.Y()/mpFontTexture->getHeight())); glVertex2f(glyph.mSize.X(), 0); glTexCoord2f(charPos.X() + glyph.mSize.X()/mpFontTexture->getWidth(), 1.0f-charPos.Y()); glVertex2f(glyph.mSize.X(), glyph.mSize.Y()); glTexCoord2f(charPos.X(), 1.0f-charPos.Y()); glVertex2f(0, glyph.mSize.Y()); glEnd(); glTranslatef(glyph.mSize.X(), 0, 0); } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_LINES); glPopMatrix(); //mpFont->draw(x, y, fmt); }
void Monster::think(const double elapsedTime) { Entity::think(elapsedTime); if(!mIsDying && mHealth <= 0) kill(); if(mIsStunned) { if(mPosition.Y > -0.5) { mVelocity.Y -= 0.005; mPosition += mVelocity; if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X + mVelocity.X), int(mPosition.Z)).type == TYPE_WALL) { mVelocity.X = -mVelocity.X; mVelocity *= MONSTER_DAMPING; } if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z + mVelocity.Z)).type == TYPE_WALL) { mVelocity.Z = -mVelocity.Z; mVelocity *= MONSTER_DAMPING; } } else { mIsStunned = false; mPosition.Y = -0.5; } } if(mIsDying) { if(mDeathTimer.getElapsedTime() >= 500) mShouldDelete = true; return; } if(mIsFrozen) { if(mFreezeTimer.getElapsedTime() < 5000) { return; } else setFrozen(false); } if(mIsFleeing) { Vec2d motion = Vec2d(playerPos.X-mPosition.X,playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z); motion.normalize(); motion /= 35; if((playerPos.X - mPosition.X) + (playerPos.Z - mPosition.Z) < 0.3) { int goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal; playerPos = mPosition; for(int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) for(int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).type != TYPE_WALL && goalStr < game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal && game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal < 100) { goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal; playerPos.X = mPosition.X + i; playerPos.Z = mPosition.Z + j; } } game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(playerPos.X), int(playerPos.Z), 0); game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z), 0); //Increase position of monster. mPosition -= Vec3d(motion.X(),0,motion.Y()); } else { Vec2d motion = Vec2d(playerPos.X-mPosition.X,playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z); motion.normalize(); motion /= 50; if((playerPos.X - mPosition.X) + (playerPos.Z - mPosition.Z) < 0.3) { int goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal; playerPos = mPosition; for(int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) for(int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).type != TYPE_WALL && goalStr < game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal && game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal < 100) { goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal; playerPos.X = mPosition.X + i; playerPos.Z = mPosition.Z + j; } } game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(playerPos.X), int(playerPos.Z), 0); game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z), 0); //Increase position of monster. mPosition += Vec3d(motion.X(),0,motion.Y()); } /*if(rand() % 500 == 0) { attack(); } if(rand() % 5000 == 0) { makeMonsterNoise(); }*/ if(mVoice) mVoice->setPosition(mPosition); }
double FastAngle (const Vec2d & v) { return Fastatan2 (v.X(), v.Y()); }
void Button::draw() { Color *color; if(mHover && !mPressed) color = &mSelectedColor; else color = &mBackColor; /*mpBuffer->fill(*color); //Draw outline. mpBuffer->drawRect(Vec2d(0,0), mpBuffer->getDimensions()-2, mForeColor, 2.0); //Draw button caption. mpBuffer->writeText(mText,(getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2, *mpFont, mForeColor);*/ glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(mPosition.X(), mPosition.Y(), 0); //*********** //Draw button. //*********** glBegin(GL_QUADS); color->setActiveColor(); glVertex2f(0,0); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y()); glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y()); glEnd(); //************ //Draw outline //************ glBegin(GL_LINES); //Set line width to 2.0. glLineWidth(2.0f); mForeColor.setActiveColor(); glVertex2f(0,0); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), 0); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y()); glVertex2f(mDimensions.X(), mDimensions.Y()); glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y()); glVertex2f(0, mDimensions.Y()); glVertex2f(0,0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); /*glPushMatrix(); Vec2d center = (getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2; glTranslatef(center.X(), center.Y(), 0); mpFont->print(mText.c_str()); glPopMatrix();*/ Vec2d center = mPosition + (getDimensions() - mTextDimensions)/2; mpFont->print(mText, center.X(), center.Y()); //mpBuffer->draw(buffer,mPosition); }
friend double operator* (const Vec2d & v1, const Vec2d & v2) { return v1.X() * v2.X() + v1.Y() * v2.Y(); }