Particle PlaneParticleEmitter::newParticle(int anim, int time) { Particle p; // TODO: maybe evaluate these outside the spawn function, since they will be common for a given frame? float w = sys->areal.getValue(anim, time) * 0.5f; float l = sys->areaw.getValue(anim, time) * 0.5f; float spd = sys->speed.getValue(anim, time); float var = sys->variation.getValue(anim, time); p.pos = sys->pos + Vec3D(randfloat(-l,l), 0, randfloat(-w,w)); p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos; Vec3D dir = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0,1,0); p.down = Vec3D(0,-1.0f,0); // dir * -1.0f; //p.speed = dir.normalize() * randfloat(spd1,spd2); // ? p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f+randfloat(-var,var)); = 0; p.maxlife = sys->lifespan.getValue(anim, time); p.origin = p.pos; p.tile = randint(0, sys->rows*sys->cols-1); return p; }
toxi::geom::Triangle3D toxi::geom::Triangle3D::createEquilateralFrom( Vec3D & a, Vec3D & b ) { Vec3D c = a.interpolateTo( b, 0.5 ); Vec3D dir = b.sub( a ); Vec3D n = a.cross( dir.normalize( ) ); c.addSelf( n.normalizeTo( dir.magnitude() * toxi::math::MathUtils::SQRT3 / 2 ) ); return Triangle3D( a, b, c ); }
Vec3D CSceneData::getVertexNormal(int x, int y)const { float a = getVertexHeight(x, y); float b = getVertexHeight(x, y+1); float c = getVertexHeight(x+1, y); Vec3D vVector0(0,(b-a),1); Vec3D vVector1(1,(c-a),0); Vec3D vN = vVector0.cross(vVector1); return vN.normalize(); }
Vec3D CTerrainData::getVertexNormal(int nCellX, int nCellY)const { float a = getVertexHeight(nCellX, nCellY); float b = getVertexHeight(nCellX, nCellY+1); float c = getVertexHeight(nCellX+1, nCellY); Vec3D vVector0(0,(b-a),1); Vec3D vVector1(1,(c-a),0); Vec3D vN = vVector0.cross(vVector1); return vN.normalize(); }
void RibbonEmitter::setup(int anim, int time) { Vec3D ntpos = parent->mat * pos; Vec3D ntup = parent->mat * (pos + Vec3D(0, 0, 1)); ntup -= ntpos; ntup.normalize(); float dlen = (ntpos - tpos).length(); manim = anim; mtime = time; // move first segment RibbonSegment &first = *segs.begin(); if (first.len > seglen) { // add new segment first.back = (tpos - ntpos).normalize(); first.len0 = first.len; RibbonSegment newseg; newseg.pos = ntpos; newseg.up = ntup; newseg.len = dlen; segs.push_front(newseg); } else { first.up = ntup; first.pos = ntpos; first.len += dlen; } // kill stuff from the end float l = 0; bool erasemode = false; for (std::list<RibbonSegment>::iterator it = segs.begin(); it != segs.end();) { if (!erasemode) { l += it->len; if (l > length) { it->len = l - length; erasemode = true; } } else { segs.erase(it); } ++it; } tpos = ntpos; tcolor = Vec4D(color.getValue(anim, time), opacity.getValue(anim, time)); tabove = above.getValue(anim, time); tbelow = below.getValue(anim, time); }
void ArcBallCamera::updatePosition() { //LOG_INFO << "m_inclination = " << m_inclination << " / m_azimuth = " << m_azimuth; //LOG_INFO << "BEFORE - m_position = " << m_position.x << " " << m_position.y << " " << m_position.z; Vec3D viewDir = m_position - m_lookAt; viewDir.x = sinf(m_inclination * PI / 180.) * sinf(m_azimuth * PI / 180.); viewDir.y = cosf(m_inclination * PI / 180.); viewDir.z = sinf(m_inclination * PI / 180.) * cosf(m_azimuth * PI / 180.); viewDir.normalize(); m_position = viewDir * m_distance + m_lookAt; //LOG_INFO << "AFTER - m_position = " << m_position.x << " " << m_position.y << " " << m_position.z; }
Particle SphereParticleEmitter::newParticle(int anim, int time) { Particle p; float l = sys->areal.getValue(anim, time); float w = sys->areaw.getValue(anim, time); float spd = sys->speed.getValue(anim, time); float var = sys->variation.getValue(anim, time); float t = randfloat(0,2*PI); // TODO: fix shpere emitters to work properly //Vec3D bdir(l*cosf(t), 0, w*sinf(t)); Vec3D bdir(0, l*cosf(t), w*sinf(t)); /* float theta_range = sys->spread.getValue(anim, time); float theta = -0.5f* theta_range + randfloat(0, theta_range); Vec3D bdir(0, l*cosf(theta), w*sinf(theta)); float phi_range = sys->lat.getValue(anim, time); float phi = randfloat(0, phi_range); rotate(0,0, &bdir.z, &bdir.x, phi); */ p.pos = sys->pos + bdir; p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos; if (bdir.lengthSquared()==0) p.speed = Vec3D(0,0,0); else { Vec3D dir = sys->parent->mrot * (bdir.normalize()); p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f+randfloat(-var,var)); // ? } p.down = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0,-1.0f,0); = 0; p.maxlife = sys->lifespan.getValue(anim, time); p.origin = p.pos; p.tile = randint(0, sys->rows*sys->cols-1); return p; }
void Test::tick(float t, float dt) { Vec3D dir(1,0,0); rotate(0,0, &dir.x,&dir.y, av*PI/180.0f); rotate(0,0, &dir.x,&dir.z, ah*PI/180.0f); if (moving != 0) world->camera += dir * dt * movespd * moving; if (strafing != 0) { Vec3D right = dir % Vec3D(0,1,0); right.normalize(); world->camera += right * dt * movespd * strafing; } if (updown != 0) world->camera += Vec3D(0, dt * movespd * updown, 0); world->lookat = world->camera + dir; world->time += (world->modelmanager.v * /*360.0f*/ 90.0f * dt); world->animtime += dt * 1000.0f; globalTime = (int)world->animtime; world->tick(dt); }
void load3ds(Lib3dsFile *f) { int i,j,meshV,meshT,meshNum; Lib3dsMesh *m; Lib3dsMaterial *mat; //First thing need to count all the vertices and triangles; nVertices=0; nTriangles=0; nSubmeshes=0; printf("Loading 3ds File\n"); extractMaterialData(f); for (m=f->meshes; m; m=m->next) { nVertices+=m->points; nTriangles+=m->faces; for(i=1;i<m->faces;i++) if(strcmp(m->faceL[i-1].material,m->faceL[i].material)!=0) nSubmeshes++; nSubmeshes++; } printf("Vertices: %d Triangles: %d Submeshes: %d\n",nVertices,nTriangles,nSubmeshes); dVertices=new ModelVertex[nVertices]; dTriangles=new uint16[nTriangles*3]; dSubmeshes=new ModelGeoset[nSubmeshes]; nTextureUnits=nSubmeshes; dTextureUnits=new ModelTexUnit[nTextureUnits]; //Load initial vertex & triangle data meshV=0; meshT=0; meshNum=0; Matrix meshMat; for (m=f->meshes; m; m=m->next) { printf("Processing Mesh %d\n",meshNum); //This mesh must have something in it dSubmeshes[meshNum].id=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].vstart=meshV; dSubmeshes[meshNum].vcount=m->points; dSubmeshes[meshNum].istart=meshT*3; dSubmeshes[meshNum].icount=m->faces*3; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d2=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d3=1; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d4=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d5=1; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d6=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.x=0.001168764; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.y=5.960465E-9; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.z=0.6214849; //For now we are going to fake the texture unit data int matNum=materialNumber(m->faceL[0].material,f); dTextureUnits[meshNum].flags=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].order=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].op=meshNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].op2=meshNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].colorIndex=matNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].flagsIndex=matNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].texunit=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].textureid=findTexture(m->faceL[0].material,f); dTextureUnits[meshNum].texunit2=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].transid=matNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].texanimid=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].d4=1; meshNum++; for(i=0;i<m->points;i++) { dVertices[i+meshV].pos=Vec3D(m->pointL[i].pos[0],m->pointL[i].pos[1],m->pointL[i].pos[2])*0.01*.33*Scale; dVertices[i+meshV].texcoords=Vec2D(m->texelL[i][0],m->texelL[i][1]); dVertices[i+meshV].texcoords[1]=1-dVertices[i+meshV].texcoords[1]; for(j=0;j<4;j++) { dVertices[i+meshV].bones[j]=0; dVertices[i+meshV].weights[j]=0; } dVertices[i+meshV].weights[0]=255; dVertices[i+meshV].unk1=0; dVertices[i+meshV].unk2=0; //Calculate Normal Vec3D Normal; Normal=Vec3D(0,0,0); for(j=0;j<m->faces;j++) { if((m->faceL[j].points[0]==i)||(m->faceL[j].points[2]==i)||(m->faceL[j].points[2]==i)) Normal+=Vec3D(m->faceL[j].normal[0],m->faceL[j].normal[1],m->faceL[j].normal[2]); } Normal.normalize(); dVertices[i+meshV].normal=Normal; } for(i=0;i<m->faces;i++) { if(i!=0) { if(strcmp(m->faceL[i-1].material,m->faceL[i].material)!=0) { //This mesh must have something in it dSubmeshes[meshNum].id=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].vstart=meshV; dSubmeshes[meshNum].vcount=m->points; dSubmeshes[meshNum].istart=meshT*3+i*3; //Change count numbers dSubmeshes[meshNum-1].icount-=m->faces*3-i*3; dSubmeshes[meshNum].icount=m->faces*3-i*3; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d2=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d3=1; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d4=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d5=1; dSubmeshes[meshNum].d6=0; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.x=0.001168764; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.y=5.960465E-9; dSubmeshes[meshNum].v.z=0.6214849; //For now we are going to fake the texture unit data dTextureUnits[meshNum].flags=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].colorIndex=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].order=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].op=meshNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].op2=meshNum; dTextureUnits[meshNum].colorIndex=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].flagsIndex=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].texunit=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].textureid=findTexture(m->faceL[i].material,f); dTextureUnits[meshNum].texunit2=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].transid=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].texanimid=0; dTextureUnits[meshNum].d4=1; meshNum++; } } dTriangles[(i+meshT)*3]=(uint16)m->faceL[i].points[0]+meshV; dTriangles[(i+meshT)*3+1]=(uint16)m->faceL[i].points[1]+meshV; dTriangles[(i+meshT)*3+2]=(uint16)m->faceL[i].points[2]+meshV; } meshV+=m->points; meshT+=m->faces; } }
Particle SphereParticleEmitter::newParticle(int anim, int time, float w, float l, float spd, float var, float spr, float spr2) { Particle p; Vec3D dir; float radius; radius = misc::randfloat(0, 1); // Old method //float t = misc::randfloat(0,2*PI); // New // Spread should never be zero for sphere particles ? float t = 0; if (spr == 0) t = misc::randfloat((float)-PI, (float)PI); else t = misc::randfloat(-spr, spr); //Spread Calculation Matrix mrot; CalcSpreadMatrix(spr * 2, spr2 * 2, w, l); mrot = sys->parent->mrot*SpreadMat; // New // Length should never technically be zero ? //if (l==0) // l = w; // New method // Vec3D bdir(w*cosf(t), 0.0f, l*sinf(t)); // -- //! \todo fix shpere emitters to work properly /* // Old Method //Vec3D bdir(l*cosf(t), 0, w*sinf(t)); //Vec3D bdir(0, w*cosf(t), l*sinf(t)); float theta_range = sys->spread.getValue(anim, time); float theta = -0.5f* theta_range + misc::randfloat(0, theta_range); Vec3D bdir(0, l*cosf(theta), w*sinf(theta)); float phi_range = sys->lat.getValue(anim, time); float phi = misc::randfloat(0, phi_range); rotate(0,0, &bdir.z, &bdir.x, phi); */ if (sys->flags == 57 || sys->flags == 313) { // Faith Halo Vec3D bdir(w*cosf(t)*1.6f, 0.0f, l*sinf(t)*1.6f); p.pos = sys->pos + bdir; p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos; if (bdir.lengthSquared() == 0) p.speed = Vec3D(0, 0, 0); else { dir = sys->parent->mrot * (bdir.normalize());//mrot * Vec3D(0, 1.0f,0); p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f + misc::randfloat(-var, var)); // ? } } else { Vec3D bdir; float temp; bdir = mrot * Vec3D(0, 1, 0) * radius; temp = bdir.z; bdir.z = bdir.y; bdir.y = temp; p.pos = sys->parent->mat * sys->pos + bdir; //p.pos = sys->pos + bdir; //p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos; if (!bdir.lengthSquared() && !(sys->flags & 0x100)) { p.speed = Vec3D(0, 0, 0); dir = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0, 1, 0); } else { if (sys->flags & 0x100) dir = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0, 1, 0); else dir = bdir.normalize(); p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f + misc::randfloat(-var, var)); // ? } } p.dir = dir.normalize();//mrot * Vec3D(0, 1.0f,0); p.down = Vec3D(0, -1.0f, 0); = 0; p.maxlife = sys->lifespan.getValue(anim, time); p.origin = p.pos; p.tile = misc::randint(0, sys->rows*sys->cols - 1); return p; }
Particle PlaneParticleEmitter::newParticle(int anim, int time, float w, float l, float spd, float var, float spr, float /*spr2*/) { // Model Flags - *shrug* gotta write this down somewhere. // 0x1 = // 0x2 = // 0x4 = // 0x8 = // 0x10 = // 19 = 0x13 = blue ball in thunderfury = should be billboarded? // Particle Flags // 0x0 / 0 = Basilisk has no flags? // 0x1 / 1 = Pretty much everything I know of except Basilisks have this flag.. Billboard? // 0x2 / 2 = // 0x4 / 4 = // 0x8 / 8 = // 0x10 / 16 = Position Relative to bone pivot? // 0x20 / 32 = // 0x40 / 64 = // 0x80 / 128 = // 0x100 / 256 = // 0x200 / 512 = // 0x400 / 1024 = // 0x800 / 2048 = // 0x1000/ 4096 = // 0x0000/ 1593 = [1,8,16,32,512,1024]"Warp Storm" - aura type particle effect // 0x419 / 1049 = [1,8,16,1024] Forest Wind shoulders // 0x411 / 1041 = [1,16,1024] Halo // 0x000 / 541 = [1,4,8,16,512] Staff glow // 0x000 / 537 = "Warp Storm" // 0x31 / 49 = [1,16,32] particle moving up? // 0x00 / 41 = [1,8,32] Blood elf broom, dust spread out on the ground (X, Z axis) // 0x1D / 29 = [1,4,8,16] particle being static // 0x19 / 25 = [1,8,16] flame on weapon - move up/along the weapon // 17 = 0x11 = [1,16] glow on weapon - static, random direction. - Aurastone Hammer // 1 = 0x1 = perdition blade // 4121 = water ele // 4097 = water elemental // 1041 = Transcendance Halo // 1039 = water ele Particle p; //Spread Calculation Matrix mrot; CalcSpreadMatrix(spr, spr, 1.0f, 1.0f); mrot = sys->parent->mrot*SpreadMat; if (sys->flags == 1041) { // Trans Halo p.pos = sys->parent->mat * (sys->pos + Vec3D(misc::randfloat(-l, l), 0, misc::randfloat(-w, w))); const float t = misc::randfloat(0.0f, 2.0f * (float)PI); p.pos = Vec3D(0.0f, sys->pos.y + 0.15f, sys->pos.z) + Vec3D(cos(t) / 8, 0.0f, sin(t) / 8); // Need to manually correct for the halo - why? // var isn't being used, which is set to 1.0f, whats the importance of this? // why does this set of values differ from other particles Vec3D dir(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); p.dir = dir; p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * misc::randfloat(0, var); } else if (sys->flags == 25 && sys->parent->parent<1) { // Weapon Flame p.pos = sys->parent->pivot * (sys->pos + Vec3D(misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-w, w))); Vec3D dir = mrot * Vec3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); p.dir = dir.normalize(); //Vec3D dir = sys->model->bones[sys->parent->parent].mrot * sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd; } else if (sys->flags == 25 && sys->parent->parent > 0) { // Weapon with built-in Flame (Avenger lightsaber!) p.pos = sys->parent->mat * (sys->pos + Vec3D(misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-w, w))); Vec3D dir = Vec3D(sys->parent->mat.m[1][0], sys->parent->mat.m[1][1], sys->parent->mat.m[1][2]) * Vec3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * misc::randfloat(0, var * 2); } else if (sys->flags == 17 && sys->parent->parent<1) { // Weapon Glow p.pos = sys->parent->pivot * (sys->pos + Vec3D(misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-l, l), misc::randfloat(-w, w))); Vec3D dir = mrot * Vec3D(0, 1, 0); p.dir = dir.normalize(); } else { p.pos = sys->pos + Vec3D(misc::randfloat(-l, l), 0, misc::randfloat(-w, w)); p.pos = sys->parent->mat * p.pos; //Vec3D dir = mrot * Vec3D(0,1,0); Vec3D dir = sys->parent->mrot * Vec3D(0, 1, 0); p.dir = dir;//.normalize(); p.down = Vec3D(0, -1.0f, 0); // dir * -1.0f; p.speed = dir.normalize() * spd * (1.0f + misc::randfloat(-var, var)); } if (!sys->billboard) { p.corners[0] = mrot * Vec3D(-1, 0, +1); p.corners[1] = mrot * Vec3D(+1, 0, +1); p.corners[2] = mrot * Vec3D(+1, 0, -1); p.corners[3] = mrot * Vec3D(-1, 0, -1); } = 0; p.maxlife = sys->lifespan.getValue(anim, time); p.origin = p.pos; p.tile = misc::randint(0, sys->rows*sys->cols - 1); return p; }
Track::Track(Vec3D pos, Vec3D dir, float en) : position(pos), flightDirection(dir.normalize()), energy(en) { }