int Gelatin::setNormals(int curNorIndex, int index, int adj[4]) { Vector3d x = particles[index]->x; Vector3d nor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { if (adj[k] != -1 && adj[k+1] != -1) { Vector3d first = (particles[adj[k]]->x - x).normalized(); Vector3d second = (particles[adj[k+1]]->x - x).normalized(); Vector3d res = first.cross(second).normalized(); nor += res; } } if (adj[3] != -1 && adj[0] != -1) { Vector3d first = (particles[adj[3]]->x - x).normalized(); Vector3d second = (particles[adj[0]]->x - x).normalized(); Vector3d res = first.cross(second).normalized(); nor += res; } nor = nor.normalized(); norBuf[curNorIndex++] = nor(0); norBuf[curNorIndex++] = nor(1); norBuf[curNorIndex++] = nor(2); return curNorIndex; }
Vector3d Track::getUp(double t) const { //Vector3d vup = getNonNormalizedNormalVector(t); //assert (vup.x==vup.x && vup.y==vup.y && vup.z==vup.z); // Ensure is not NAN //if (vup.length() < VECTORLENGHTMINIMUM) return Vector3d(0,0,0); //return vup; // Find out in which interval we are on the spline int p = (int)(t / delta_t); double lt = (t - delta_t*(double)p) / delta_t; #define BOUNDS2(pp) { if (pp < 0) pp = 0; else if (pp >= (int)rotations.size()-2) pp = rotations.size() - 2; } BOUNDS2(p); //double angle0 = rotations[p]; //double angle1 = rotations[p+1]; //double angleinterpolated = (angle1-angle0)*lt; // TODO: if y axis and tangent is almost parallel, we get gimbal lock. FIX! Vector3d yaxis(0,1,0); Vector3d tangent = getTangentVector(t); // Find the unit right/binormal vector in the right-hand system (tangent, (0,1,0), right). // Note that this will lead to problems if the tangent vector is very close to +- (0,1,0) Vector3d right = tangent.cross(yaxis).normalizedCopy(); Vector3d up = -tangent.cross(right).normalizedCopy(); // Interpolate the angle linearly between this and next point double angleInterpolated = rotations[p] + (rotations[p+1]-rotations[p]) * lt; up = cos(angleInterpolated)*up + sin(angleInterpolated)*right; return up.normalizedCopy(); }
Vector3d Utils::getHorizonLine(QList<Line*> paralellLines) { Line *firstLine =; Line *secondLine =; Vector3d a, b; a << firstLine->getA()->x(), firstLine->getA()->y(), 1; b << firstLine->getB()->x(), firstLine->getB()->y(), 1; Vector3d firstLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = a.cross(b); a << secondLine->getA()->x(), secondLine->getA()->y(), 1; b << secondLine->getB()->x(), secondLine->getB()->y(), 1; Vector3d secondLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = a.cross(b); Vector3d firstPointHorizonLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = firstLineInHomogeneousCoordinates.cross(secondLineInHomogeneousCoordinates); firstLine =; secondLine =; a << firstLine->getA()->x(), firstLine->getA()->y(), 1; b << firstLine->getB()->x(), firstLine->getB()->y(), 1; firstLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = a.cross(b); a << secondLine->getA()->x(), secondLine->getA()->y(), 1; b << secondLine->getB()->x(), secondLine->getB()->y(), 1; secondLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = a.cross(b); Vector3d secondPointHorizonLineInHomogeneousCoordinates = firstLineInHomogeneousCoordinates.cross(secondLineInHomogeneousCoordinates); return firstPointHorizonLineInHomogeneousCoordinates.cross(secondPointHorizonLineInHomogeneousCoordinates); }
void basic_ins_qkf::obs_vector(const Vector3d& ref, const Vector3d& obs, double error) { #ifdef TIME_OPS timer clock; clock.start(); #endif #define DEBUG_VECTOR_OBS 0 Vector3d obs_ref = avg_state.orientation.conjugate()*obs; Vector3d v_residual = log<double>(Quaterniond().setFromTwoVectors(ref, obs_ref)); Matrix<double, 3, 2> h_trans; h_trans.col(0) = ref.cross( (abs( < 0.9994) ? obs_ref : (abs( < 0.707) ? Vector3d::UnitX() : Vector3d::UnitY()).normalized(); h_trans.col(1) = -ref.cross(h_trans.col(0)); assert(!hasNaN(h_trans)); assert(h_trans.isUnitary()); #ifdef RANK_ONE_UPDATES // Running a rank-one update here is a strict win. Matrix<double, 12, 1> update = Matrix<double, 12, 1>::Zero(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { double obs_error = error; double obs_cov = (h_trans.col(i).transpose() * cov.block<3, 3>(3, 3) * h_trans.col(i))[0]; Matrix<double, 12, 1> gain = cov.block<12, 3>(0, 3) * h_trans.col(i) / (obs_error + obs_cov); update += gain * h_trans.col(i).transpose() * v_residual; // TODO: Get Eigen to treat cov as self-adjoint cov -= gain * h_trans.col(i).transpose() * cov.block<3, 12>(3, 0); } #else // block-wise form. This is much less efficient. Vector2d innovation = h_trans.transpose() * v_residual; Matrix<double, 12, 2> kalman_gain = cov.block<12, 3>(0, 3) * h_trans * (h_trans.transpose() * cov.block<3, 3>(3, 3) * h_trans + (Vector2d() << error, error).finished().asDiagonal()).inverse(); // TODO: Get Eigen to treat cov as self-adjoint cov -= kalman_gain * h_trans.transpose() * cov.block<3, 12>(3, 0); Matrix<double, 12, 1> update = (kalman_gain * innovation); #endif #if DEBUG_VECTOR_OBS // std::cout << "projected update: " << (obs_projection * update.segment<3>(3)).transpose() << "\n"; std::cout << "deprojected update: " << update.segment<3>(3).transpose() << "\n"; #endif avg_state.apply_kalman_vec_update(update); assert(invariants_met()); #ifdef TIME_OPS double time = clock.stop() * 1e6; std::cout << "observe_vector(): " << time << "\n"; #endif }
Vector4d gc_av_to_asd(Vector6d av) { Vector4d asd; Vector3d a = av.head(3); Vector3d x = av.tail(3); // v Vector3d y = a.cross(x); // n // Vector2d w(y.norm(), x.norm()); // w /= w.norm(); // asd(3) = asin(w(1)); double depth = x.norm() / y.norm(); // double sig_d = log( (2.0*depth + 1.0) / (1.0 - 2.0*depth)); // double quotient = depth / 0.5; // int integer_quotient = (int)quotient; // double floating_quotient = quotient - (double)integer_quotient; // depth = depth * floating_quotient; // double sig_d = log(2.0*depth + 1.0) - log(1.0 - 2.0*depth); // double sig_d = atan(1.0 / (1.0*depth) ); // double sig_d = atan(depth); // double sig_d = atan2(1.0, depth); // double sig_d = atan(depth); // double sig_d = atan2(1.0, depth) / 4.0; double sig_d = 1.0 / exp(-depth); asd(3) = sig_d; // cout << "sig_d = " << sig_d << endl; // asd(3) = depth; // double sig_d = tan(1.0/depth); // double sig_d = tan(2.0/depth); // double sig_d = tan(2.0*depth); // double sig_d = (1.0 - exp(-1.0/depth)) / (2.0*(1.0 + exp(-1.0/depth))); // double sig_d = (1.0 - exp(-depth)) / (2.0*(1.0 + exp(-depth))); // double sig_d = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.0/depth)); // double sig_d = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-depth)); x /= x.norm(); y /= y.norm(); Vector3d z = x.cross(y); Matrix3d R; R.col(0) = x; R.col(1) = y; R.col(2) = z; Vector3d aa = gc_Rodriguez(R); asd(0) = aa(0); asd(1) = aa(1); asd(2) = aa(2); return asd; }
Vector4d gc_av_to_orth(Vector6d av) { Vector4d orth; Vector3d a = av.head(3); Vector3d v = av.tail(3); // v Vector3d n = a.cross(v); // n Vector3d x = n / n.norm(); Vector3d y = v / v.norm(); Vector3d z = x.cross(y); orth[0] = atan2( y(2), z(2) ); orth[1] = asin( - x(2) ); orth[2] = atan2( x(1), x(0) ); Vector2d w( n.norm(), v.norm() ); w = w / w.norm(); orth[3] = asin( w(1) ); // MatrixXd A(3,2), Q, R; // // A.col(0) = n; // A.col(1) = v; // // Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQR<MatrixXd> qr(A); // // Q = qr.householderQ(); // Q = qr.matrixQ(); // R = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Upper>(); // // std::cout << Q << "\n\n" << R << "\n\n" << Q * R - A << "\n"; // // // double sigma1 = R(0,0); // // double sigma2 = R(1,1); // // // cout << "\ntheta from sigma1 = " << acos(sigma1) << endl; // // cout << "theta from sigma2 = " << asin(sigma2) << endl; // // // cout << "\nsigma1 = " << sigma1<< endl; // // cout << "sigma2 = " << sigma2<< endl; // // // sigma2 /= sqrt(sigma1*sigma1 + sigma2*sigma2); // // Vector3d x = Q.col(0); // Vector3d y = Q.col(1); // Vector3d z = Q.col(2); // // orth[0] = atan2( y(2), z(2) ); // orth[1] = asin( - x(2) ); // orth[2] = atan2( x(1), x(0) ); // // orth[3] = asin(sigma2); // // Vector2d w( n.norm(), v.norm() ); // w = w / w.norm(); // orth[3] = asin( w(1) ); return orth; }
UpErrorCalculator(const Vector3d& dir_local, const Vector3d& goal_dir_world, RobotAndDOFPtr manip, KinBody::LinkPtr link) : dir_local_(dir_local), goal_dir_world_(goal_dir_world), manip_(manip), link_(link) { Vector3d perp0 = goal_dir_world_.cross(Vector3d::Random()).normalized(); Vector3d perp1 = goal_dir_world_.cross(perp0); perp_basis_.resize(2,3); perp_basis_.row(0) = perp0.transpose(); perp_basis_.row(1) = perp1.transpose(); }
/* ********************************************************************************************** */ void anglesFromRotationMatrix(double &theta1, double &theta2, double &theta3, const Vector3d &n1, const Vector3d &n2, const Vector3d &n3, const Matrix3d &A) { double lambda = std::atan2(n3.cross(n2).dot(n1),; double temp = n1.transpose() * A * n3; theta2 = -lambda - acos(temp); theta3 = -std::atan2(n1.transpose() * A * n2, -n1.transpose() * A * n3.cross(n2)); theta1 = -std::atan2(n2.transpose() * A * n3, -n2.cross(n1).transpose() * A * n3); if(theta2 < -M_PI) { theta2 += 2.0 * M_PI; } }
void POVPainter::drawMultiCylinder (const Vector3d &end1, const Vector3d &end2, double radius, int order, double) { // Just render single bonds with the standard drawCylinder function if (order == 1) { drawCylinder(end1, end2, radius); return; } // Find the bond axis Vector3d axis = end2 - end1; double axisNorm = axis.norm(); if( axisNorm < 1.0e-5 ) return; Vector3d axisNormalized = axis / axisNorm; // Use the plane normal vector for the molecule to draw multicylinders along Vector3d ortho1 = axisNormalized.cross(d->planeNormalVector); double ortho1Norm = ortho1.norm(); if( ortho1Norm > 0.001 ) ortho1 /= ortho1Norm; else ortho1 = axisNormalized.unitOrthogonal(); // This number seems to work well for drawing the multiCylinder inside ortho1 *= radius*1.5; Vector3d ortho2 = axisNormalized.cross(ortho1); // Use an angle offset of zero for double bonds, 90 for triple and 22.5 for higher order double angleOffset = 0.0; if( order >= 3 ) { if( order == 3 ) angleOffset = 90.0; else angleOffset = 22.5; } // Actually draw the cylinders for( int i = 0; i < order; i++) { double alpha = angleOffset / 180.0 * M_PI + 2.0 * M_PI * i / order; Vector3d displacement = cos(alpha) * ortho1 + sin(alpha) * ortho2; Vector3d displacedEnd1 = end1 + displacement; Vector3d displacedEnd2 = end2 + displacement; // Write out a POVRay cylinder for rendering *(d->output) << "cylinder {\n" << "\t<" << displacedEnd1.x() << ", " << displacedEnd1.y() << ", " << displacedEnd1.z() << ">, " << "\t<" << displacedEnd2.x() << ", " << displacedEnd2.y() << ", " << displacedEnd2.z() << ">, " << radius << "\n\tpigment { rgbt <" << d-> << ", " << d-> << ", " << d-> << ", " << 1.0 - d->color.alpha() << "> }\n}\n"; } }
/// Returns the transformation between the proximal and distal shoulder frames (3.2.3) void getT1 (const Transform<double, 3, Affine>& relGoal, const Transform<double, 3, Affine>& Ty, const Vector3d& elbow, Transform<double, 3, Affine>& T1) { const bool debug = 0; // First, compute the transformation between distal shoulder and // proximal wrist frames, and then, its translation is the position of // the wrist in the distal shoulder (world) frame Transform<double, 3, Affine> temp (A * Ty.matrix() * B); Vector3d w = temp.translation(); // Define the axes for the distal shoulder frame assuming T_1, the // transformation between proximal and distal shoulder frames is // identity (the rest configuration). Vector3d x = A.topRightCorner<3,1>().normalized(); Vector3d y = (w - * x); y = y.normalized(); Vector3d z = x.cross(y); // First, compute the wrist location wrt to the distal shoulder // in the goal configuration Vector3d wg = relGoal.translation(); // Then, define the axes for the distal shoulder frame in the // goal configuration (T_1 is not I anymore). Vector3d xg = elbow.normalized(); Vector3d yg = (wg - * xg).normalized(); Vector3d zg = xg.cross(yg); // Create the two rotation matrices from the frames above and // compute T1. Matrix3d R1r, R1g; R1r.col(0) = x; R1r.col(1) = y; R1r.col(2) = z; R1g.col(0) = xg; R1g.col(1) = yg; R1g.col(2) = zg; T1 = Transform<double, 3, Affine>(R1g * R1r.transpose()); if(0 && debug) { cout << "Ty:\n" << Ty.matrix() << endl; cout << "A * Ty * B: \n" << temp.matrix() << endl << endl; cout << "w: " << w.transpose() << endl; cout << "y: " << y.transpose() << "\n" << endl; cout << "x: " << x.transpose() << endl; cout << "y: " << y.transpose() << endl; cout << "z: " << z.transpose() << endl; cout << "R1r: " << R1r << endl; cout << "R1g: " << R1g << endl; } }
MatrixXd pointPlaneDistJac(Vector3d y11, Vector3d y21, Vector3d y22, Vector3d y23) { Vector3d a(y22 - y21); Vector3d b(y23 - y21); Vector3d c(y11 - y21); Vector3d f(a.cross(b)); Matrix3d da_dy21(-Matrix3d::Identity()); Matrix3d da_dy22(Matrix3d::Identity()); if(<0) { a = y21-y22; f = a.cross(b); da_dy21 = Matrix3d::Identity(); da_dy22 = -Matrix3d::Identity(); } const Matrix3d db_dy21(-Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d db_dy23(Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d dc_dy21(-Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d dc_dy11(Matrix3d::Identity()); const double norm_f = f.norm(); const Vector3d dd_df((Matrix3d::Identity()/norm_f - f*f.transpose()/pow(norm_f,3))*c); const RowVector3d dd_da(-dd_df.cross(b)); const RowVector3d dd_db(dd_df.cross(a)); const RowVector3d dd_dc(f/norm_f); MatrixXd Jd(1,12); Jd << dd_dc*dc_dy11, dd_da*da_dy21 + dd_db*db_dy21 + dd_dc*dc_dy21, dd_da*da_dy22, dd_db*db_dy23; //DEBUG //cout << "simpleClosestPointFunctions::pointPlaneDistJac: Values:" << endl; //cout << "y11 = [" << y11.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "y21 = [" << y21.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "y22 = [" << y22.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "y23 = [" << y23.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "a = [" << a.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "b = [" << b.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "c = [" << c.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "f = [" << f.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "dd_df = [" << dd_df.transpose() << "]';" << endl; //cout << "dd_da = [" << dd_da << "]';" << endl; //cout << "dd_db = [" << dd_da << "]';" << endl; //cout << "dd_dc = [" << dd_da << "]';" << endl; //cout << "Jd = [" << Jd << "]';" << endl; //cout << "simpleClosestPointFunctions::lineLineDistJac: End Values:" << endl; //END_DEBUG return Jd; }
GLCamera::GLCamera(const Vector3d &pos, const Vector3d &target, const Vector3d &up) { m_pos = pos; m_target = target; m_up = up; n = Vector3d( pos.x-target.x, pos.y-target.y, pos.z-target.z); u = Vector3d(up.cross(n).x, up.cross(n).y, up.cross(n).z); v = Vector3d(n.cross(u).x,n.cross(u).y,n.cross(u).z); n.normalize(); u.normalize(); v.normalize(); setModelViewMatrix(); }
void MyTorus::torusNormal(double phi, double theta, Vector3d &normal){ Vector3d dT_dTheta (-(R+r*cos(phi))*sin(theta),(R+r*cos(phi))*cos(theta),0); Vector3d dT_dPhi (-r*sin(phi)*cos(theta),-r*sin(phi)*sin(theta),r*cos(phi)); normal.cross(dT_dTheta,dT_dPhi); normal.normalize(); }
void Camera::computeMatrix(){ Vector3d z = e - d; z.normalize(); Vector3d x = up.cross(z); x.normalize(); Vector3d y = z.cross(x); y.normalize(); Matrix4d r; r.identity(); r.set(0, 0, x[0]); r.set(1, 0, x[1]); r.set(2, 0, x[2]); r.set(0, 1, y[0]); r.set(1, 1, y[1]); r.set(2, 1, y[2]); r.set(0, 2, z[0]); r.set(1, 2, z[1]); r.set(2, 2, z[2]); Matrix4d t; t.identity(); t.makeTranslate(-e[0], -e[1], -e[2]); m = r * t; }
void Shape::OptimizeRotation() { // CenterAroundXY(); vector<Vector3d> normals = getMostUsedNormals(); // cycle through most-used normals? Vector3d N; Vector3d Z(0,0,-1); double angle=0; int count = (int)normals.size(); for (int n=0; n < count; n++) { //cerr << n << normals[n] << endl; N = normals[n]; angle = acos(; if (angle>0) { Vector3d axis = N.cross(Z); if (axis.squared_length()>0.1) { Rotate(axis,angle); break; } } } CalcBBox(); PlaceOnPlatform(); }
unsigned RotateBox(CONFIG& config, int ig) { Vector3d a; Vector3d rotv; Vector3d rtmp; double angle; time_t time1, time2; time(&time1); a = config.grain[ig].angle; rotv << cos(a(0))*sin(a(1)), sin(a(0))*sin(a(1)), cos(a(1)); angle = a(2); for (int i = 0; i < config.atoms_grain; i++) { rtmp = config.atom_grain[i].r; config.atom_grain[i].r = rtmp * cos(angle) + rotv.cross(rtmp) * sin(angle) + (1 - cos(angle)) * rotv *( + config.grain[ig].r; // Rodrigue's rotation formula } time(&time2); if (config.time) cout << "Rotated in " << time2-time1 << " s."; return 0; }
std::pair<Eigen::Vector3d, double> resolveCenterOfPressure(const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedTorque> & torque, const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedForce> & force, const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedNormal> & normal, const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedPoint> & point_on_contact_plane) { // TODO: implement multi-column version using namespace Eigen; if (abs(normal.squaredNorm() - 1.0) > 1e-12) { throw std::runtime_error("Drake:resolveCenterOfPressure:BadInputs: normal should be a unit vector"); } Vector3d cop; double normal_torque_at_cop; double fz =; bool cop_exists = abs(fz) > 1e-12; if (cop_exists) { auto torque_at_point_on_contact_plane = torque - point_on_contact_plane.cross(force); double normal_torque_at_point_on_contact_plane =; auto tangential_torque = torque_at_point_on_contact_plane - normal * normal_torque_at_point_on_contact_plane; cop = normal.cross(tangential_torque) / fz + point_on_contact_plane; auto torque_at_cop = torque - cop.cross(force); normal_torque_at_cop =; } else { cop.setConstant(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); normal_torque_at_cop = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } return std::pair<Vector3d, double>(cop, normal_torque_at_cop); }
std::pair<Eigen::Vector3d, double> resolveCenterOfPressure(Eigen::Vector3d torque, Eigen::Vector3d force, Eigen::Vector3d normal, Eigen::Vector3d point_on_contact_plane) { // TODO: implement multi-column version using namespace Eigen; if (abs(normal.squaredNorm() - 1.0) > 1e-12) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:resolveCenterOfPressure:BadInputs", "normal should be a unit vector"); } Vector3d cop; double normal_torque_at_cop; double fz =; bool cop_exists = abs(fz) > 1e-12; if (cop_exists) { auto torque_at_point_on_contact_plane = torque - point_on_contact_plane.cross(force); double normal_torque_at_point_on_contact_plane =; auto tangential_torque = torque_at_point_on_contact_plane - normal * normal_torque_at_point_on_contact_plane; cop = normal.cross(tangential_torque) / fz + point_on_contact_plane; auto torque_at_cop = torque - cop.cross(force); normal_torque_at_cop =; } else { cop.setConstant(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); normal_torque_at_cop = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } return std::pair<Vector3d, double>(cop, normal_torque_at_cop); }
vector<Vector3d> getAxes(const Vector3d &r1,const Vector3d &r2,const Vector3d &r3) { vector<Vector3d> l0; Vector3d i = (r3 - r2).normalized(), r21 = r1 - r2; Vector3d e = (r21 - ( * i)).normalized(); l0.push_back(i); l0.push_back(e); l0.push_back(i.cross(e)); return l0; }
void general_ewald_sum(UnitCell &uc, const Vector3d &a1, const Vector3d &a2, const Vector3d &a3, const Vector3i &Rcutoff) { int N = uc.size(); const double sigma = M_PI; // renormalize electron occupation double unrenorm_Ne = 0, Ne = 0; for (UnitCell::iterator it = uc.begin(); it < uc.end(); ++it) { unrenorm_Ne += it->ne; Ne += it->C; } for (UnitCell::iterator it = uc.begin(); it < uc.end(); ++it) it->ne *= Ne/unrenorm_Ne; // get reciprocal vectors Vector3d b1, b2, b3; double uc_vol =; b1 = 2*M_PI*a2.cross(a3)/uc_vol; b2 = 2*M_PI*a3.cross(a1)/uc_vol; b3 = 2*M_PI*a1.cross(a2)/uc_vol; // Ewald sum double Vs, Vl; Vector3d k; for (int id = 0; id < N; ++id) { Vs = 0; Vl = 0; for (int m = -Rcutoff[0]; m < Rcutoff[0]; ++m) for (int n = -Rcutoff[1]; n < Rcutoff[1]; ++n) for (int l = -Rcutoff[2]; l < Rcutoff[2]; ++l) { k = n*b1 + m*b2 + l*b3; double ksquare =; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { double dR = (uc[id].r - (uc[i].r + m*a1 + n*a2 + l*a3)).norm(); // for long-range terms if ( !(m == 0 && n == 0 && l == 0) ) Vl += 4*M_PI/uc_vol*(uc[i].C-uc[i].ne)/ksquare * cos([id].r-uc[i].r)) * exp(-pow(sigma,2)*ksquare/2.); // for short-range terms if ( !(m == 0 && n == 0 && l == 0 && i == id) ) Vs += (uc[i].C - uc[i].ne) / dR * erfc(dR/sqrt(2)/sigma); } } uc[id].V = Vs + Vl - (uc[id].C - uc[id].ne)*sqrt(2/M_PI)/sigma; } }
/// transforms system with z' to regular system /// will try to align y' with z, but if that fails will align y' with y Transformation Transformation::alignZPrime(const Vector3d& zPrime) { Vector3d xp; Vector3d yp; Vector3d zp = zPrime; if (!zp.normalize()){ LOG(Error, "Could not normalize zPrime"); } Vector3d xAxis(1,0,0); Vector3d yAxis(0,1,0); Vector3d zAxis(0,0,1); Vector3d negXAxis(-1,0,0); // check if face normal is up or down if (fabs( < 0.99){ // not facing up or down, set yPrime along zAxis yp = zAxis - (*zp); if (!yp.normalize()){ LOG(Error, "Could not normalize axis"); } xp = yp.cross(zp); }else{ // facing up or down, set xPrime along -xAxis xp = negXAxis - (*zp); if (!xp.normalize()){ LOG(Error, "Could not normalize axis"); } yp = zp.cross(xp); } Matrix storage = identity_matrix<double>(4); storage(0,0) = xp.x(); storage(1,0) = xp.y(); storage(2,0) = xp.z(); storage(0,1) = yp.x(); storage(1,1) = yp.y(); storage(2,1) = yp.z(); storage(0,2) = zp.x(); storage(1,2) = zp.y(); storage(2,2) = zp.z(); return Transformation(storage); }
double lineLineDist(const Vector3d y11, const Vector3d y12, const Vector3d y21, const Vector3d y22) { Vector3d a = y12-y11; Vector3d b = y22-y21; Vector3d c = y21-y11; Vector3d f = a.cross(b); double g = std::abs(; double d = g/(f.norm()); return d; }
/** Get the orientation of the frame at the specified time. The frame's orientation * is undefined whenever one or more of the following is true: * - the state of either the primary or secondary object is undefined * - the positions of the primary and secondary object are identical * - the secondary is stationary with respect to the primary * - the position and velocity vectors are exactly aligned */ Quaterniond TwoBodyRotatingFrame::orientation(double t) const { StateVector state = m_secondary->state(t) - m_primary->state(t); if (state.position().isZero() || state.velocity().isZero()) { return Quaterniond::Identity(); } // Compute the axes of the two body rotating frame, // convert this to a matrix, then derive a quaternion // from this matrix. // x-axis points in direction from the primary to the secondary Vector3d xAxis = state.position().normalized(); Vector3d v = state.velocity().normalized(); Vector3d zAxis; if (m_velocityAlligned) { // z-axis normal to both the x-axis and the velocity vector zAxis = xAxis.cross(v); if (zAxis.isZero()) { return Quaterniond::Identity(); } } else { // z-axis normal to both the x-axis and the z axis of the primary zAxis = xAxis.cross(m_primary->orientation(t) * Vector3d::UnitX()); if (zAxis.isZero()) { return Quaterniond::Identity(); } } zAxis.normalize(); Vector3d yAxis = zAxis.cross(xAxis); Matrix3d m; m << xAxis, yAxis, zAxis; return Quaterniond(m); }
void cOrbit::FromPositionAndVelocity(cOrbit &out, const cBody &referenceBody, const Vector3d &position, const Vector3d &velocity, double t) { double mu = referenceBody.GravitationalParameter(); double r = position.norm(); double v = velocity.norm(); Vector3d specificAngularMomentum = position.cross(velocity); Vector3d nodeVector; if (specificAngularMomentum(0) != 0.0 || specificAngularMomentum(1) != 0.0) { nodeVector = Vector3d(-specificAngularMomentum(1), specificAngularMomentum(0), 0).normalized(); } else { nodeVector = Vector3d(1, 0, 0); } Vector3d eccentricityVector = ((1 / mu) * velocity.cross(specificAngularMomentum)) - position.normalized(); double semiMajorAxis = 1 / (2 / r - v * v / mu); double eccentricity = eccentricityVector.norm(); double inclination = std::acos(specificAngularMomentum[2] / specificAngularMomentum.norm()); double longAscNode, argPeriaps; if (eccentricity == 0.0) { argPeriaps = 0; longAscNode = 0; } else { longAscNode = std::acos(nodeVector[0]); if (nodeVector[1] < 0) { longAscNode = TWO_PI - longAscNode; } argPeriaps = std::acos( / eccentricity); if (eccentricityVector[2] < 0) { argPeriaps = TWO_PI - argPeriaps; } } double trueAnomaly = std::acos( / (eccentricity * r)); if ( < 0) { trueAnomaly = -trueAnomaly; } out.Reset(&referenceBody, semiMajorAxis, eccentricity, inclination, longAscNode, argPeriaps, 0, 0); out.m_meanAnomalyAtEpoch = out.MeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(trueAnomaly); out.m_timeOfPeriapsisPassage = t - out.m_meanAnomalyAtEpoch / out.MeanMotion(); }
MatrixXd pointLineDistJac(const Vector3d y11, const Vector3d y21, const Vector3d y22) { const Vector3d a(y22 - y21); const Vector3d b(y21 - y11); const Vector3d c(a.cross(b)); const double norm_a = a.norm(); const double norm_a_squared = a.squaredNorm(); const double norm_c = c.norm(); const Matrix3d da_dy21(-Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d da_dy22(Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d db_dy11(-Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d db_dy21(Matrix3d::Identity()); const RowVector3d dd_da(-( c.cross(b)/(norm_a*norm_c) + norm_c*a/(norm_a*norm_a_squared))); const RowVector3d dd_db(c.cross(a)/(norm_a*norm_c)); MatrixXd Jd(1,9); Jd << dd_db*db_dy11, dd_da*da_dy21 + dd_db*db_dy21, dd_da*da_dy22; return Jd; }
MatrixXd lineLineDistJac(Vector3d y11, Vector3d y12, Vector3d y21, Vector3d y22) { Vector3d a(y12 - y11); Vector3d b(y22 - y21); Vector3d c(y21 - y11); Vector3d f(a.cross(b)); Matrix3d da_dy11(-Matrix3d::Identity()); Matrix3d da_dy12(Matrix3d::Identity()); Matrix3d db_dy21(-Matrix3d::Identity()); Matrix3d db_dy22(Matrix3d::Identity()); if ( < 0) { a = y11 - y12; b = y22 - y21; f = a.cross(b); da_dy11 = Matrix3d::Identity(); da_dy12 = -Matrix3d::Identity(); db_dy21 = -Matrix3d::Identity(); db_dy22 = Matrix3d::Identity(); } const double g =; const double norm_f = f.norm(); const Matrix3d dc_dy11(-Matrix3d::Identity()); const Matrix3d dc_dy21(Matrix3d::Identity()); const Vector3d dd_df(-f*abs(g)/pow(norm_f,3)); const double dd_dg(g/(abs(g)*norm_f)); const Vector3d& dg_df = c; const Vector3d full_dd_df(dd_df + dd_dg*dg_df); const RowVector3d dd_da = -full_dd_df.cross(b); const RowVector3d dd_db = full_dd_df.cross(a); const RowVector3d dd_dc = dd_dg*f; MatrixXd Jd(1,12); Jd << dd_da*da_dy11 + dd_dc*dc_dy11, dd_da*da_dy12, dd_db*db_dy21 + dd_dc*dc_dy21, dd_db*db_dy22; return Jd; }
inline void KinematicUtil::get_head_angles_for_distance_intern(KRobot& robot, const Vector2d& pos, bool left_leg, double y_angle, double x_angle) { Affine3d base, inv_base; //handle support leg if(left_leg) { inv_base = robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::LFootEndpoint).get_chain_matrix_inverse(); base = robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::LFootEndpoint).get_chain_matrix(); } else { inv_base = robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::RFootEndpoint).get_chain_matrix_inverse(); base = robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::RFootEndpoint).get_chain_matrix(); } Vector3d head_pos = (inv_base.matrix() * robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::Camera).get_endpoint()).head<3>(); head_pos.y() = 0; //difference vector between head and the point to focus Vector3d diff = (Vector3d()<<pos, 0).finished() - head_pos; Vector3d target = base.linear() * diff.normalized(); //handle "special" tasks. Those tasks where another point than the middle point should have the given distance. if(additional_parameter > 0) { Vector3d y_orthogonal, x_orthogonal; //Calculate an orthogonal vector to have a rotation axis when rotating the target vector, so that y-angle has the given distance y_orthogonal = diff.cross(Vector3d::UnitZ()).normalized(); L_DEBUG(cout<<"Orthogonale:\n"<<y_orthogonal.transpose()<<endl); //Creating the rotation type AngleAxisd y_turn( - y_angle, y_orthogonal); L_DEBUG(cout<<"Turn Matrix:\n"<<(Matrix3d()<<(Matrix3d::Identity() * y_turn)).finished()<<endl); //rotating target = y_turn * target; if(additional_parameter > 1) { //same as for y-axis now for x-axis, y-axis first because of "dependencies" x_orthogonal = diff.cross(y_orthogonal).normalized(); L_DEBUG(cout<<"Orthogonale:\n"<<x_orthogonal.transpose()<<endl); AngleAxisd x_turn(x_angle, x_orthogonal); L_DEBUG(cout<<"Turn Matrix:\n"<<(Matrix3d()<<(Matrix3d::Identity() * x_turn)).finished()<<endl); target = x_turn * target; } } robot.inverse_chain(ChainIds::HeadChain, target, 1e-3, 100, Kin::KJoint::AxisType::XAxis); L_DEBUG(cout<<"angles: y_angle:" << y_angle << " x_angle: "<< x_angle<<endl); L_DEBUG(cout<< "Target"<<endl<<target.transpose()<<endl); L_DEBUG(cout<<"Head"<<endl<<(robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::LFootEndpoint).get_chain_matrix_inverse() * robot.get_joint_by_id(JointIds::Camera).get_chain_matrix()).matrix()<<endl); }
void WalkLink::render() const { Vector3d mid = (m_edge.e1 + m_edge.e2) / 2; Vector3d alongEdge = (m_edge.e2 - m_edge.e1); Vector3d acrossEdge = alongEdge.cross(Vector3d(0,0,1)).normalize(); acrossEdge *= 0.2; Vector3d s = mid + acrossEdge, d = mid - acrossEdge; glBegin(GL_LINES); glColor3d(0,1,1); glVertex3d(s.x, s.y, s.z); glVertex3d(d.x, d.y, d.z); glEnd(); }
Triangle::Triangle(const Vector3d& inVertexA, const Vector3d& inVertexB, const Vector3d& inVertexC) { vertexA = inVertexA; vertexB = inVertexB; vertexC = inVertexC; Vector3d ab = vertexA - vertexB; Vector3d ac = vertexA - vertexC; Vector3d n = ab.cross(ac); normalA = n; normalB = n; normalC = n; }
Vector4d gc_av_to_aid(Vector6d av) { Vector4d aid; Vector3d a = av.head(3); Vector3d x = av.tail(3); // v Vector3d y = a.cross(x); // n aid(3) = x.norm() / y.norm(); x /= x.norm(); y /= y.norm(); Vector3d z = x.cross(y); Matrix3d R; R.col(0) = x; R.col(1) = y; R.col(2) = z; Vector3d aa = gc_Rodriguez(R); aid(0) = aa(0); aid(1) = aa(1); aid(2) = aa(2); // Vector4d aid; // Vector3d a = av.head(3); // Vector3d v = av.tail(3); // v // Vector3d n = a.cross(v); // n // // aid(3) = v.norm() / n.norm(); // // Vector3d x = n / n.norm(); // Vector3d y = v / v.norm(); // Vector3d z = x.cross(y); // // aid[0] = atan2( y(2), z(2) ); // aid[1] = asin( - x(2) ); // aid[2] = atan2( x(1), x(0) ); return aid; }