Esempio n. 1
void RKCell::preUpdate(double epsilon[], BaseCell* neighbors[], Grid *grid, Vector3i position) {
    int model = Shared::instance()->getGridConfig()->getModel();
    MyVector3D colorGradient = MyVector3D();
    for (int a = 0; a < model; a++) {
        Vector3i neighbor = position + LBUtil::C[model][a];
        RKCell *cell = dynamic_cast<RKCell*>(grid->getGrid(neighbor.getY(), neighbor.getX(), neighbor.getZ()));
        if (cell != 0) {
            colorGradient = colorGradient + (LBUtil::C[model][a] ^ cell->getColor());
    for (int i = 0; i < model; i++) {
        double fi = red[i] + blue[i];
        double p = redP + blueP;
        double nextF = fi + 1.0 / epsilon[0] * (LBUtil::f_eq(u, p, model, i) - fi);
        double cos = (LBUtil::C[model][i] * colorGradient);
        if (colorGradient.norm() > 1e-10 && LBUtil::C[model][i].norm() > 1e-10) {
            cos = cos / (LBUtil::C[model][i].norm() * colorGradient.norm());
        } else {
            //cos = std::sqrt(2.0) / 2;
            //cos = 1;
            cos = 0;
        GridConfig *config = Shared::instance()->getGridConfig();
        nextF += config->getRkA() * colorGradient.norm() * (2 * cos * cos - 1);
        double diff = config->getRkBeta() * redP * blueP / (p * p) * LBUtil::W[model][i] * p * cos;
        //double diff = 0;
        double newNextRed = redP / p * nextF + diff;
        double newNextBlue = blueP / p * nextF - diff;
        if (neighbors[i] != 0) {
            neighbors[i]->setNextF(i, newNextRed, 0);
            neighbors[i]->setNextF(i, newNextBlue, 1);
Esempio n. 2
void Texture::set(void* iPtr, const Vector3i& iS,
    GLenum iInternalFormat,
    GLenum iFormat,
    GLenum iDataType)
    vector<int> s(3, 0); s[0] = iS.x(); s[1] = iS.y(); s[2] = iS.z();
  set( iPtr, s, iInternalFormat, iFormat, iDataType );
coord_t Box::volume() const {
    if (!valid()) {
        return 0;

    Vector3i diagonal = this->diagonal();

    return diagonal.x() * diagonal.y() * diagonal.z();
Esempio n. 4
void DepositionCell::postUpdate(Grid *grid, Vector3i position) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        Vector3i neighbor = position + LBUtil::C[9][i];
        nextG[i] = g[i] + deposited * (grid->getGrid(neighbor.getY(), neighbor.getX(), neighbor.getZ())->getF(LBUtil::OPPOSITE[9][i], 1) - g[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        g[i] = nextG[i];
Esempio n. 5
double Cube::value(const Vector3i &pos) const
  unsigned int index = pos.x() * m_points.y() * m_points.z()
      + pos.y() * m_points.z() + pos.z();
  if (index < m_data.size())
    return m_data[index];
    return 6969.0;
int main(int, char**)
  Vector3i v = Vector3i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "v.rowwise().replicate(5) = ..." << endl;
cout << v.rowwise().replicate(5) << endl;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 7
IntAABB Octree::calculateTotalKeyBounds()
    IntAABB bounds;
    for (auto it = m_roots.begin(); it != m_roots.end(); ++it)
        OctreeNode & node = *(it->second);
        Vector3i pos = it->first;
        bounds.addPoint(pos.x(), pos.y());
    return bounds;
uint getOctreeDepthForBounding(const Vector3i& maxXYZ) {
    coord_t max = ::std::max(maxXYZ.x(), ::std::max(maxXYZ.y(), maxXYZ.z()));

    if (max < 0) {
        throw ::std::runtime_error("Invalid bounding (all components must not be negative)");

    // how many bits are required to store numbers from 0 to max
    int requiredBits = getMostSignigicantSetBitPos(max) + 1;

    return static_cast<uint>(requiredBits);
Esempio n. 9
void BotBotCollisionGrid::Setup(Vector3i Dimensions)
    assert(Dimensions.x() > 0 && "Attempting to create a world grid with zero x dimensions");
    assert(Dimensions.y() > 0 && "Attempting to create a world grid with zero y dimensions");
    SetupLevel(Grid1, Dimensions, 64);
    SetupLevel(Grid2, Dimensions, 128);
    SetupLevel(Grid3, Dimensions, 256);
    SetupLevel(Grid4, Dimensions, 512);

Esempio n. 10
void BotBotCollisionGrid::SetupLevel(vector< vector< list< Robot* > > > &Grid, Vector3i Dimensions, int GridSize)
    Grid.resize( (Dimensions.x() + GridSize - 1) / GridSize);//round up the number of dimensions needed
    for(unsigned int x = 0; x < Grid.size(); x++)
        Grid[x].resize((Dimensions.y() + GridSize - 1) / GridSize);
        for(unsigned int y = 0; y < Grid[x].size(); y++)
Esempio n. 11
void AbstractTexture::storageImplementationDefault(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, AbstractTexture::InternalFormat internalFormat, const Vector3i& size) {
    /** @todo Re-enable when extension wrangler is available for ES2 */
    glTexStorage3D(target, levels, GLenum(internalFormat), size.x(), size.y(), size.z());
    //glTexStorage3DEXT(target, levels, GLenum(internalFormat), size.x(), size.y(), size.z());
Esempio n. 12
bool Cube::setLimits(const Vector3 &min_, const Vector3i &dim,
                     const Vector3 &spacing_)
  Vector3 max_ = Vector3(min_.x() + (dim.x()-1) * spacing_[0],
                         min_.y() + (dim.y()-1) * spacing_[1],
                         min_.z() + (dim.z()-1) * spacing_[2]);
  m_min = min_;
  m_max = max_;
  m_points = dim;
  m_spacing = spacing_;
  m_data.resize(m_points.x() * m_points.y() * m_points.z());
  return true;
Esempio n. 13
bool Cube::setLimits(const Vector3d &min_, const Vector3i &dim,
                     double spacing_)
  Vector3d max_ = Vector3d(min_.x() + (dim.x()-1) * spacing_,
                          min_.y() + (dim.y()-1) * spacing_,
                          min_.z() + (dim.z()-1) * spacing_);
  m_min = min_;
  m_max = max_;
  m_points = dim;
  m_spacing = Vector3d(spacing_, spacing_, spacing_);
  m_data.resize(m_points.x() * m_points.y() * m_points.z());
  return true;
Esempio n. 14
void Map::Draw(Gdiplus::Graphics* g)
	Vector3i northWestTile = mMapViewport->GetNorthWestTileCoordinate();
	Vector3i southEastTile = mMapViewport->GetSouthEastTileCoordinate();
	Vector2i origin = mMapViewport->GetTileOrigin(northWestTile);
	int xTileCount = southEastTile.GetX() - northWestTile.GetX() + 1;
	int yTileCount = southEastTile.GetY() - northWestTile.GetY() + 1;
	int tileCount = xTileCount*yTileCount;

	for(int i = 0; i<xTileCount; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j<yTileCount; j++)
			Vector3i coord(northWestTile.GetX() + i, northWestTile.GetY() + j, mMapViewport->GetZoom());
			Tile* tile = GetTile(coord);
				tile->SignalReady += [this](Tile* tile) {
					std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(signal_mutex);
			Gdiplus::Image* im = tile->GetImage();
				g->DrawImage(im, origin.GetX() + i*mMapSource->GetTileSize(), origin.GetY() + j*mMapSource->GetTileSize());
Esempio n. 15
bool Cube::setLimits(const Vector3 &min_, const Vector3 &max_,
                     const Vector3i &points)
  // We can calculate all necessary properties and initialise our data
  Vector3 delta = max_ - min_;
  m_spacing = Vector3(delta.x() / (points.x()-1),
                       delta.y() / (points.y()-1),
                       delta.z() / (points.z()-1));
  m_min = min_;
  m_max = max_;
  m_points = points;
  m_data.resize(m_points.x() * m_points.y() * m_points.z());
  return true;
Esempio n. 16
void Map::SyncDraw(Gdiplus::Graphics* g)
	Vector3i northWestTile = mMapViewport->GetNorthWestTileCoordinate();
	Vector3i southEastTile = mMapViewport->GetSouthEastTileCoordinate();
	Vector2i origin = mMapViewport->GetTileOrigin(northWestTile);
	int xTileCount = southEastTile.GetX() - northWestTile.GetX() + 1;
	int yTileCount = southEastTile.GetY() - northWestTile.GetY() + 1;
	int tileCount = xTileCount*yTileCount;

	int k = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i<xTileCount; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j<yTileCount; j++)
			std::cout << k << "/" << tileCount << std::endl;
			Vector3i coord(northWestTile.GetX() + i, northWestTile.GetY() + j, mMapViewport->GetZoom());
			Tile* tile = new Tile(coord, mMapSource);
			Gdiplus::Image* im = tile->GetImage();
				g->DrawImage(im, origin.GetX() + i*mMapSource->GetTileSize(), origin.GetY() + j*mMapSource->GetTileSize());
			delete tile;
Esempio n. 17
void AbstractTexture::subImageImplementationDefault(GLenum target, GLint level, const Vector3i& offset, const Vector3i& size, AbstractImage::Format format, AbstractImage::Type type, const GLvoid* data) {
    /** @todo Get some extension wrangler instead to avoid linker errors to glTexSubImage3D() on ES2 */
    glTexSubImage3D(target, level, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z(), size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), static_cast<GLenum>(format), static_cast<GLenum>(type), data);
Esempio n. 18
MatrixX3f Surface::compute_normals(const MatrixX3f& rr, const MatrixX3i& tris)
    printf("\tcomputing normals\n");
    // first, compute triangle normals
    MatrixX3f r1(tris.rows(),3); MatrixX3f r2(tris.rows(),3); MatrixX3f r3(tris.rows(),3);

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < tris.rows(); ++i)
        r1.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 0));
        r2.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 1));
        r3.row(i) = rr.row(tris(i, 2));

    MatrixX3f x = r2 - r1;
    MatrixX3f y = r3 - r1;
    MatrixX3f tri_nn(x.rows(),y.cols());
    tri_nn.col(0) = x.col(1).cwiseProduct(y.col(2)) - x.col(2).cwiseProduct(y.col(1));
    tri_nn.col(1) = x.col(2).cwiseProduct(y.col(0)) - x.col(0).cwiseProduct(y.col(2));
    tri_nn.col(2) = x.col(0).cwiseProduct(y.col(1)) - x.col(1).cwiseProduct(y.col(0));

    //   Triangle normals and areas
    MatrixX3f tmp = tri_nn.cwiseProduct(tri_nn);
    VectorXf normSize = tmp.rowwise().sum();
    normSize = normSize.cwiseSqrt();

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < normSize.size(); ++i)
        if(normSize(i) != 0)
            tri_nn.row(i) /= normSize(i);

    MatrixX3f nn = MatrixX3f::Zero(rr.rows(), 3);

    for(qint32 p = 0; p < tris.rows(); ++p)
        Vector3i verts = tris.row(p);
        for(qint32 j = 0; j < verts.size(); ++j)
            nn.row(verts(j)) = tri_nn.row(p);

    tmp = nn.cwiseProduct(nn);
    normSize = tmp.rowwise().sum();
    normSize = normSize.cwiseSqrt();

    for(qint32 i = 0; i < normSize.size(); ++i)
        if(normSize(i) != 0)
            nn.row(i) /= normSize(i);

    return nn;
Esempio n. 19
void setScalarAsFloat(T* data, Vector3i position, Vector3i size, float value, uchar channel, uchar nrOfChannels) {

    if(position.x() < 0 || position.y() < 0 || position.z() < 0 ||
            position.x() > size.x()-1 || position.y() > size.y()-1 || position.z() > size.z()-1 || channel >= nrOfChannels)
        throw OutOfBoundsException();

    data[(position.x() + position.y()*size.x() + position.z()*size.x()*size.y())*nrOfChannels + channel] = value;

bool Box::contains(const Vector3i& point) const {
    return point.x() >= m_llf.x() && point.y() >= m_llf.y() && point.z() >= m_llf.z() && m_urb.x() >= point.x() && m_urb.y() >= point.y() &&
           m_urb.z() >= point.z();
Esempio n. 21
InitialParticle::InitialParticle(Vector3i position, Vector3i color, int id) : position(position), color(color), id(id) {
    streakLines = new std::list<Particle*>();
    streakLines->push_back(new Particle(position.toMyVector3D(), color, id, position.toMyVector3D()));
Esempio n. 22
Array VoxelMesher::build(const VoxelBuffer &buffer, unsigned int channel, Vector3i min, Vector3i max) {
	uint64_t time_before = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();

	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_library.is_null(), Array());
	ERR_FAIL_COND_V(channel >= VoxelBuffer::MAX_CHANNELS, Array());

	const VoxelLibrary &library = **_library;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_MATERIALS; ++i) {
		Arrays &a = _arrays[i];

	float baked_occlusion_darkness;
	if (_bake_occlusion)
		baked_occlusion_darkness = _baked_occlusion_darkness / 3.0;

	// The technique is Culled faces.
	// Could be improved with greedy meshing:
	// However I don't feel it's worth it yet:
	// - Not so much gain for organic worlds with lots of texture variations
	// - Works well with cubes but not with any shape
	// - Slower
	// => Could be implemented in a separate class?

	// Data must be padded, hence the off-by-one
	Vector3i::sort_min_max(min, max);
	const Vector3i pad(1, 1, 1);
	min.clamp_to(pad, max);
	max.clamp_to(min, buffer.get_size() - pad);

	int index_offset = 0;

	// Iterate 3D padded data to extract voxel faces.
	// This is the most intensive job in this class, so all required data should be as fit as possible.

	// The buffer we receive MUST be dense (i.e not compressed, and channels allocated).
	// That means we can use raw pointers to voxel data inside instead of using the higher-level getters,
	// and then save a lot of time.

	uint8_t *type_buffer = buffer.get_channel_raw(Voxel::CHANNEL_TYPE);
	//       _
	//      | \
	//     /\ \\
	//    / /|\\\
	//    | |\ \\\
	//    | \_\ \\|
	//    |    |  )
	//     \   |  |
	//      \    /
	CRASH_COND(type_buffer == NULL);

	//CRASH_COND(memarr_len(type_buffer) != buffer.get_volume() * sizeof(uint8_t));

	// Build lookup tables so to speed up voxel access.
	// These are values to add to an address in order to get given neighbor.

	int row_size = buffer.get_size().y;
	int deck_size = buffer.get_size().x * row_size;

	int side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_COUNT];
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT] = row_size;
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT] = -row_size;
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] = -deck_size;
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] = deck_size;
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] = -1;
	side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] = 1;

	int edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_COUNT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_BACK] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_FRONT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BOTTOM_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BACK_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_BACK_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_FRONT_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_FRONT_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_BACK] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_FRONT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	edge_neighbor_lut[Cube::EDGE_TOP_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];

	int corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_COUNT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_BACK_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_BACK_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_FRONT_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_BOTTOM_FRONT_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BOTTOM] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_BACK_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_BACK_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_BACK] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_FRONT_RIGHT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_RIGHT];
	corner_neighbor_lut[Cube::CORNER_TOP_FRONT_LEFT] = side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_TOP] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_FRONT] + side_neighbor_lut[Cube::SIDE_LEFT];

	uint64_t time_prep = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
	time_before = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();

	for (unsigned int z = min.z; z < max.z; ++z) {
		for (unsigned int x = min.x; x < max.x; ++x) {
			for (unsigned int y = min.y; y < max.y; ++y) {
				// min and max are chosen such that you can visit 1 neighbor away from the current voxel without size check

				// TODO In this intensive routine, there is a way to make voxel access fastest by getting a pointer to the channel,
				// and using offset lookup to get neighbors rather than going through get_voxel validations
				int voxel_index = y + x * row_size + z * deck_size;
				int voxel_id = type_buffer[voxel_index];

				if (voxel_id != 0 && library.has_voxel(voxel_id)) {

					const Voxel &voxel = library.get_voxel_const(voxel_id);

					Arrays &arrays = _arrays[voxel.get_material_id()];

					// Hybrid approach: extract cube faces and decimate those that aren't visible,
					// and still allow voxels to have geometry that is not a cube

					// Sides
					for (unsigned int side = 0; side < Cube::SIDE_COUNT; ++side) {

						const PoolVector<Vector3> &positions = voxel.get_model_side_positions(side);
						int vertex_count = positions.size();

						if (vertex_count != 0) {

							int neighbor_voxel_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + side_neighbor_lut[side]];

							// TODO Better face visibility test
							if (is_face_visible(library, voxel, neighbor_voxel_id)) {

								// The face is visible

								int shaded_corner[8] = { 0 };

								if (_bake_occlusion) {

									// Combinatory solution for

									for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
										unsigned int edge = Cube::g_side_edges[side][j];
										int edge_neighbor_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + edge_neighbor_lut[edge]];
										if (!is_transparent(library, edge_neighbor_id)) {
											shaded_corner[Cube::g_edge_corners[edge][0]] += 1;
											shaded_corner[Cube::g_edge_corners[edge][1]] += 1;
									for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
										unsigned int corner = Cube::g_side_corners[side][j];
										if (shaded_corner[corner] == 2) {
											shaded_corner[corner] = 3;
										} else {
											int corner_neigbor_id = type_buffer[voxel_index + corner_neighbor_lut[corner]];
											if (!is_transparent(library, corner_neigbor_id)) {
												shaded_corner[corner] += 1;

								PoolVector<Vector3>::Read rv =;
								PoolVector<Vector2>::Read rt = voxel.get_model_side_uv(side).read();

								// Subtracting 1 because the data is padded
								Vector3 pos(x - 1, y - 1, z - 1);

								// Append vertices of the faces in one go, don't use push_back

									int append_index = arrays.positions.size();
									arrays.positions.resize(arrays.positions.size() + vertex_count);
									Vector3 *w = arrays.positions.ptrw() + append_index;
									for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
										w[i] = rv[i] + pos;

									int append_index = arrays.uvs.size();
									arrays.uvs.resize(arrays.uvs.size() + vertex_count);
									memcpy(arrays.uvs.ptrw() + append_index, rt.ptr(), vertex_count * sizeof(Vector2));

									int append_index = arrays.normals.size();
									arrays.normals.resize(arrays.normals.size() + vertex_count);
									Vector3 *w = arrays.normals.ptrw() + append_index;
									for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
										w[i] = Cube::g_side_normals[side].to_vec3();

								if (_bake_occlusion) {
									// Use color array

									int append_index = arrays.colors.size();
									arrays.colors.resize(arrays.colors.size() + vertex_count);
									Color *w = arrays.colors.ptrw() + append_index;

									for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
										Vector3 v = rv[i];

										// General purpose occlusion colouring.
										// TODO Optimize for cubes
										// TODO Fix occlusion inconsistency caused by triangles orientation? Not sure if worth it
										float shade = 0;
										for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
											unsigned int corner = Cube::g_side_corners[side][j];
											if (shaded_corner[corner]) {
												float s = baked_occlusion_darkness * static_cast<float>(shaded_corner[corner]);
												float k = 1.0 - Cube::g_corner_position[corner].distance_to(v);
												if (k < 0.0)
													k = 0.0;
												s *= k;
												if (s > shade)
													shade = s;
										float gs = 1.0 - shade;
										w[i] = Color(gs, gs, gs);

								const PoolVector<int> &side_indices = voxel.get_model_side_indices(side);
								PoolVector<int>::Read ri =;
								unsigned int index_count = side_indices.size();

									int i = arrays.indices.size();
									arrays.indices.resize(arrays.indices.size() + index_count);
									int *w = arrays.indices.ptrw();
									for(unsigned int j = 0; j < index_count; ++j) {
										w[i++] = index_offset + ri[j];

								index_offset += vertex_count;

					// Inside
					if (voxel.get_model_positions().size() != 0) {
						// TODO Get rid of push_backs

						const PoolVector<Vector3> &vertices = voxel.get_model_positions();
						int vertex_count = vertices.size();

						PoolVector<Vector3>::Read rv =;
						PoolVector<Vector3>::Read rn = voxel.get_model_normals().read();
						PoolVector<Vector2>::Read rt = voxel.get_model_uv().read();

						Vector3 pos(x - 1, y - 1, z - 1);

						for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertex_count; ++i) {
							arrays.positions.push_back(rv[i] + pos);

						if(_bake_occlusion) {
							// TODO handle ambient occlusion on inner parts

						const PoolVector<int> &indices = voxel.get_model_indices();
						PoolVector<int>::Read ri =;
						unsigned int index_count = indices.size();

						for(unsigned int i = 0; i < index_count; ++i) {
							arrays.indices.push_back(index_offset + ri[i]);

						index_offset += vertex_count;

	uint64_t time_meshing = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time_before;
	time_before = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();

	// Commit mesh

//	print_line(String("Made mesh v: ") + String::num(_arrays[0].positions.size())
//			+ String(", i: ") + String::num(_arrays[0].indices.size()));

	Array surfaces;

	// TODO We could return a single byte array and use Mesh::add_surface down the line?

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MATERIALS; ++i) {

		const Arrays &arrays = _arrays[i];
		if (arrays.positions.size() != 0) {

			for(int i = 0; i < arrays.positions.size(); ++i)
				print_line(String("  P {0}").format(varray(arrays.positions[i])));
			for(int i = 0; i < arrays.normals.size(); ++i)
				print_line(String("  N {0}").format(varray(arrays.normals[i])));
			for(int i = 0; i < arrays.uvs.size(); ++i)
				print_line(String("  UV {0}").format(varray(arrays.uvs[i])));*/

			Array mesh_arrays;

				PoolVector<Vector3> positions;
				PoolVector<Vector2> uvs;
				PoolVector<Vector3> normals;
				PoolVector<Color> colors;
				PoolVector<int> indices;

				raw_copy_to(positions, arrays.positions);
				raw_copy_to(uvs, arrays.uvs);
				raw_copy_to(normals, arrays.normals);
				raw_copy_to(colors, arrays.colors);
				raw_copy_to(indices, arrays.indices);

				mesh_arrays[Mesh::ARRAY_VERTEX] = positions;
				mesh_arrays[Mesh::ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs;
				mesh_arrays[Mesh::ARRAY_NORMAL] = normals;
				mesh_arrays[Mesh::ARRAY_COLOR] = colors;
				mesh_arrays[Mesh::ARRAY_INDEX] = indices;


	uint64_t time_commit = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - time_before;

	//print_line(String("P: {0}, M: {1}, C: {2}").format(varray(time_prep, time_meshing, time_commit)));

	return surfaces;
Esempio n. 23
	/** Imprints the piece in the specified chunk. Assumes they intersect. */
	void ImprintInChunk(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc, const Vector3i & a_Pos, int a_NumCCWRotations)
		int BlockX = a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkX() * cChunkDef::Width;
		int BlockZ = a_ChunkDesc.GetChunkZ() * cChunkDef::Width;
		Vector3i Min = a_Pos;
		Min.Move(-BlockX, 0, -BlockZ);
		Vector3i Max = Min;
		Max.Move(m_SizeXZ - 1, m_Height - 1, m_SizeXZ - 1);
		ASSERT(Min.x < cChunkDef::Width);
		ASSERT(Min.z < cChunkDef::Width);
		ASSERT(Max.x >= 0);
		ASSERT(Max.z >= 0);
		if (Min.x >= 0)
			// Draw the XM wall:
			a_ChunkDesc.FillRelCuboid(Min.x, Min.x, Min.y, Max.y, Min.z, Max.z, E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS, m_SizeXZ % 16);
		if (Min.z >= 0)
			// Draw the ZM wall:
			a_ChunkDesc.FillRelCuboid(Min.x, Max.x, Min.y, Max.y, Min.z, Min.z, E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS, m_SizeXZ % 16);
		if (Max.x < cChunkDef::Width)
			// Draw the XP wall:
			a_ChunkDesc.FillRelCuboid(Max.x, Max.x, Min.y, Max.y, Min.z, Max.z, E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS, m_SizeXZ % 16);
		if (Max.z < cChunkDef::Width)
			// Draw the ZP wall:
			a_ChunkDesc.FillRelCuboid(Min.x, Max.x, Min.y, Max.y, Max.z, Max.z, E_BLOCK_STAINED_GLASS, m_SizeXZ % 16);
		// Draw all the connectors:
		for (cConnectors::const_iterator itr = m_Connectors.begin(), end = m_Connectors.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			cConnector Conn = cPiece::RotateMoveConnector(*itr, a_NumCCWRotations, a_Pos.x, a_Pos.y, a_Pos.z);
			Conn.m_Pos.Move(-BlockX, 0, -BlockZ);
			if (
				(Conn.m_Pos.x >= 0) && (Conn.m_Pos.x < cChunkDef::Width) &&
				(Conn.m_Pos.z >= 0) && (Conn.m_Pos.z < cChunkDef::Width)
				a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockTypeMeta(Conn.m_Pos.x, Conn.m_Pos.y, Conn.m_Pos.z, E_BLOCK_WOOL, itr->m_Type % 16);
			// TODO: Frame the connectors
			switch (itr->m_Direction)
				case BLOCK_FACE_XM:
				case BLOCK_FACE_XP:
					// TODO
				case BLOCK_FACE_ZM:
				case BLOCK_FACE_ZP:
					// TODO
		}  // for itr - m_Connectors[]
Esempio n. 24
int spheroidsToSTL(const string& out, const shared_ptr<DemField>& dem, Real tol, const string& solid, int mask, bool append, bool clipCell, bool merge){
	if(tol==0 || isnan(tol)) throw std::runtime_error("tol must be non-zero.");
	#ifndef WOO_GTS
		if(merge) throw std::runtime_error("woo.triangulated.spheroidsToSTL: merge=True only possible in builds with the 'gts' feature.");
	// first traversal to find reference radius
	auto particleOk=[&](const shared_ptr<Particle>&p){ return (mask==0 || (p->mask & mask)) && (p->shape->isA<Sphere>() || p->shape->isA<Ellipsoid>() || p->shape->isA<Capsule>()); };
	int numTri=0;

		LOG_DEBUG("tolerance is negative, taken as relative to minimum radius.");
		Real minRad=Inf;
		for(const auto& p: *dem->particles){
			if(particleOk(p)) minRad=min(minRad,p->shape->equivRadius());
		if(isinf(minRad) || isnan(minRad)) throw std::runtime_error("Minimum radius not found (relative tolerance specified); no matching particles?");
		LOG_DEBUG("Minimum radius "<<minRad<<".");
	LOG_DEBUG("Triangulation tolerance is "<<tol);
	std::ofstream stl(out,append?(std::ofstream::app|std::ofstream::binary):std::ofstream::binary); // binary better, anyway
	if(!stl.good()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open output file "+out+" for writing.");

	Scene* scene=dem->scene;
	if(!scene) throw std::logic_error("DEM field has not associated scene?");

	// periodicity, cache that for later use
	AlignedBox3r cell;

	wasteful memory-wise, but we need to store the whole triangulation in case *merge* is in effect,
	when it is only an intermediary result and will not be output as-is
	vector<vector<Vector3r>> ppts;
	vector<vector<Vector3i>> ttri;
	vector<Particle::id_t> iid;

	for(const auto& p: *dem->particles){
		if(!particleOk(p)) continue;
		const auto sphere=dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(p->shape.get());
		const auto ellipsoid=dynamic_cast<Ellipsoid*>(p->shape.get());
		const auto capsule=dynamic_cast<Capsule*>(p->shape.get());
		vector<Vector3r> pts;
		vector<Vector3i> tri;
		if(sphere || ellipsoid){
			Real r=sphere?sphere->radius:ellipsoid->semiAxes.minCoeff();
			// 1 is for icosahedron
			int tess=ceil(M_PI/(5*acos(1-tol/r)));
			LOG_DEBUG("Tesselation level for #"<<p->id<<": "<<tess);
			auto uSphTri(CompUtils::unitSphereTri20(/*0 for icosahedron*/max(tess-1,0)));
			const auto& uPts=std::get<0>(uSphTri); // unit sphere point coords
			const auto& node=(p->shape->nodes[0]);
			Vector3r scale=(sphere?sphere->radius*Vector3r::Ones():ellipsoid->semiAxes);
			for(size_t i=0; i<uPts.size(); i++){
			tri=std::get<1>(uSphTri); // this makes a copy, but we need out own for capsules
			#ifdef WOO_VTK
				int subdiv=max(4.,ceil(M_PI/(acos(1-tol/capsule->radius))));
				throw std::runtime_error("Triangulation of capsules is (for internal and entirely fixable reasons) only available when compiled with the 'vtk' features.");
		// do not write out directly, store first for later
		LOG_TRACE("#"<<p->id<<" triangulated: "<<tri.size()<<","<<pts.size()<<" faces,vertices.");

			// make sure we have aabb, in skewed coords and such
				// this is a bit ugly, but should do the trick; otherwise we would recompute all that ourselves here
				if(sphere) Bo1_Sphere_Aabb().go(p->shape);
				else if(ellipsoid) Bo1_Ellipsoid_Aabb().go(p->shape);
				else if(capsule) Bo1_Capsule_Aabb().go(p->shape);
			const AlignedBox3r& box(p->shape->bound->box);
			AlignedBox3r cell(Vector3r::Zero(),scene->cell->getSize()); // possibly in skewed coords
			// central offset
			Vector3i off0;
			scene->cell->canonicalizePt(p->shape->nodes[0]->pos,off0); // computes off0
			Vector3i off; // offset from the original cell
			//cerr<<"#"<<p->id<<" at "<<p->shape->nodes[0]->pos.transpose()<<", off0="<<off0<<endl;
			for(off[0]=off0[0]-1; off[0]<=off0[0]+1; off[0]++) for(off[1]=off0[1]-1; off[1]<=off0[1]+1; off[1]++) for(off[2]=off0[2]-1; off[2]<=off0[2]+1; off[2]++){
				Vector3r dx=scene->cell->intrShiftPos(off);
				//cerr<<"  off="<<off.transpose()<<", dx="<<dx.transpose()<<endl;
				AlignedBox3r boxOff(box); boxOff.translate(dx);
				//cerr<<"  boxOff="<<boxOff.min()<<";"<<boxOff.max()<<" | cell="<<cell.min()<<";"<<cell.max()<<endl;
				if(boxOff.intersection(cell).isEmpty()) continue;
				// copy the entire triangulation, offset by dx
				vector<Vector3r> pts2(pts); for(auto& p: pts2) p+=dx;
				vector<Vector3i> tri2(tri); // same topology
				LOG_TRACE("  offset "<<off.transpose()<<": #"<<p->id<<": "<<tri2.size()<<","<<pts2.size()<<" faces,vertices.");

		LOG_DEBUG("Will export (unmerged) "<<ppts.size()<<" particles to STL.");
		stl<<"solid "<<solid<<"\n";
		for(size_t i=0; i<ppts.size(); i++){
			const auto& pts(ppts[i]);
			const auto& tri(ttri[i]);
			LOG_TRACE("Exporting "<<i<<" with "<<tri.size()<<" faces.");
			for(const Vector3i& t: tri){
				Vector3r pp[]={pts[t[0]],pts[t[1]],pts[t[2]]};
				// skip triangles which are entirely out of the canonical periodic cell
				if(scene->isPeriodic && clipCell && (!scene->cell->isCanonical(pp[0]) && !scene->cell->isCanonical(pp[1]) && !scene->cell->isCanonical(pp[2]))) continue;
				Vector3r n=(pp[1]-pp[0]).cross(pp[2]-pp[1]).normalized();
				stl<<"  facet normal "<<n.x()<<" "<<n.y()<<" "<<n.z()<<"\n";
				stl<<"    outer loop\n";
				for(auto p: {pp[0],pp[1],pp[2]}){
					stl<<"      vertex "<<p[0]<<" "<<p[1]<<" "<<p[2]<<"\n";
				stl<<"    endloop\n";
				stl<<"  endfacet\n";
		stl<<"endsolid "<<solid<<"\n";
		return numTri;

	Convert all triangulation to GTS surfaces, find their distances, isolate connected components,
	merge these components incrementally and write to STL

	// total number of points
	const size_t N(ppts.size());
	// bounds for collision detection
	struct Bound{
		Bound(Real _coord, int _id, bool _isMin): coord(_coord), id(_id), isMin(_isMin){};
		Bound(): coord(NaN), id(-1), isMin(false){}; // just for allocation
		Real coord;
		int id;
		bool isMin;
		bool operator<(const Bound& b) const { return coord<b.coord; }
	vector<Bound> bounds[3]={vector<Bound>(2*N),vector<Bound>(2*N),vector<Bound>(2*N)};
	/* construct GTS surface objects; all objects must be deleted explicitly! */
	vector<GtsSurface*> ssurf(N);
	vector<vector<GtsVertex*>> vvert(N);
	vector<vector<GtsEdge*>> eedge(N);
	vector<AlignedBox3r> boxes(N);
	for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++){
		LOG_TRACE("** Creating GTS surface for #"<<i<<", with "<<ttri[i].size()<<" faces, "<<ppts[i].size()<<" vertices.");
		AlignedBox3r box;
		// new surface object
		// copy over all vertices
		eedge[i].reserve(size_t(1.5*ttri[i].size())); // each triangle consumes 1.5 edges, for closed surfs
		for(size_t v=0; v<ppts[i].size(); v++){
		// create faces, and create edges on the fly as needed
		std::map<std::pair<int,int>,int> edgeIndices;
		for(size_t t=0; t<ttri[i].size(); t++){
			//const Vector3i& t(ttri[i][t]);
			//LOG_TRACE("Face with vertices "<<ttri[i][t][0]<<","<<ttri[i][t][1]<<","<<ttri[i][t][2]);
			Vector3i eIxs;
			for(int a:{0,1,2}){
				int A(ttri[i][t][a]), B(ttri[i][t][(a+1)%3]);
				auto AB=std::make_pair(min(A,B),max(A,B));
				auto ABI=edgeIndices.find(AB);
				if(ABI==edgeIndices.end()){ // this edge not created yet
					edgeIndices[AB]=eedge[i].size(); // last index 
					//LOG_TRACE("  New edge #"<<eIxs[a]<<": "<<A<<"--"<<B<<" (length "<<(ppts[i][A]-ppts[i][B]).norm()<<")");
				} else {
					//LOG_TRACE("  Found edge #"<<ABI->second<<" for "<<A<<"--"<<B);
			//LOG_TRACE("  New face: edges "<<eIxs[0]<<"--"<<eIxs[1]<<"--"<<eIxs[2]);
			GtsFace* face=gts_face_new(gts_face_class(),eedge[i][eIxs[0]],eedge[i][eIxs[1]],eedge[i][eIxs[2]]);
		// make sure the surface is OK
		if(!gts_surface_is_orientable(ssurf[i])) LOG_ERROR("Surface of #"+to_string(iid[i])+" is not orientable (expect troubles).");
		if(!gts_surface_is_closed(ssurf[i])) LOG_ERROR("Surface of #"+to_string(iid[i])+" is not closed (expect troubles).");
		// copy bounds
		LOG_TRACE("Setting bounds of surf #"<<i);
		for(int ax:{0,1,2}){

	broad-phase collision detection between GTS surfaces
	only those will be probed with exact algorithms below and merged if needed
	for(int ax:{0,1,2}) std::sort(bounds[ax].begin(),bounds[ax].end());
	vector<Bound>& bb(bounds[0]); // run the search along x-axis, does not matter really
	std::list<std::pair<int,int>> int0; // broad-phase intersections
	for(size_t i=0; i<2*N; i++){
		if(!bb[i].isMin) continue; // only start with lower bound
		// go up to the upper bound, but handle overflow safely (no idea why it would happen here) as well
		for(size_t j=i+1; j<2*N && bb[j].id!=bb[i].id; j++){
			if(bb[j].isMin) continue; // this is handled by symmetry
				if(!boxes[bb[i].id].intersects(boxes[bb[j].id])) continue; // no intersection along all axes
				// old, less elegant
				if(boxes[bb[i].id].intersection(boxes[bb[j].id]).isEmpty()) continue; 
			LOG_TRACE("Broad-phase collision "<<int0.back().first<<"+"<<int0.back().second);

	narrow-phase collision detection between GTS surface
	this must be done via gts_surface_inter_new, since gts_surface_distance always succeeds
	std::list<std::pair<int,int>> int1;
	for(const std::pair<int,int> ij: int0){
		LOG_TRACE("Testing narrow-phase collision "<<ij.first<<"+"<<ij.second);
		#if 0
			GtsRange gr1, gr2;
			gts_surface_distance(ssurf[ij.first],ssurf[ij.second],/*delta ??*/(gfloat).2,&gr1,&gr2);
			if(gr1.min>0 && gr2.min>0) continue;
			LOG_TRACE("  GTS reports collision "<<ij.first<<"+"<<ij.second<<" (min. distances "<<gr1.min<<", "<<gr2.min);
			GtsSurface *s1(ssurf[ij.first]), *s2(ssurf[ij.second]);
			GNode* t1=gts_bb_tree_surface(s1);
			GNode* t2=gts_bb_tree_surface(s2);
			GtsSurfaceInter* I=gts_surface_inter_new(gts_surface_inter_class(),s1,s2,t1,t2,/*is_open_1*/false,/*is_open_2*/false);
			GSList* l=gts_surface_intersection(s1,s2,t1,t2); // list of edges describing intersection
			int n1=g_slist_length(l);
			// extra check by looking at number of faces of the intersected surface
			#if 1
				GtsSurface* s12=gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(),gts_face_class(),gts_edge_class(),gts_vertex_class());
				int n2=gts_surface_face_number(s12);
			if(n1==0) continue;
			#if 1
				if(n2==0){ LOG_ERROR("n1==0 but n2=="<<n2<<" (no narrow-phase collision)"); continue; }
			LOG_TRACE("  GTS reports collision "<<ij.first<<"+"<<ij.second<<" ("<<n<<" edges describe the intersection)");
	connected components on the graph: graph nodes are 0…(N-1), graph edges are in int1
	typedef boost::subgraph<boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS,boost::vecS,boost::undirectedS,boost::property<boost::vertex_index_t,int>,boost::property<boost::edge_index_t,int>>> Graph;
	Graph graph(N);
	for(const auto& ij: int1) boost::add_edge(ij.first,ij.second,graph);
	vector<size_t> clusters(boost::num_vertices(graph));
	size_t numClusters=boost::connected_components(graph,;
	for(size_t n=0; n<numClusters; n++){
		// beginning cluster #n
		// first, count how many surfaces are in this cluster; if 1, things are easier
		int numThisCluster=0; int cluster1st=-1;
		for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++){ if(clusters[i]!=n) continue; numThisCluster++; if(cluster1st<0) cluster1st=(int)i; }
		GtsSurface* clusterSurf=NULL;
		LOG_DEBUG("Cluster "<<n<<" has "<<numThisCluster<<" surfaces.");
		} else {
			clusterSurf=ssurf[cluster1st]; // surface of the cluster itself
			LOG_TRACE("  Initial cluster surface from "<<cluster1st<<".");
			/* composed surface */
			for(size_t i=0; i<N; i++){
				if(clusters[i]!=n || ((int)i)==cluster1st) continue;
				LOG_TRACE("   Adding "<<i<<" to the cluster");
				// ssurf[i] now belongs to cluster #n
				// trees need to be rebuild every time anyway, since the merged surface keeps changing in every cycle
				//if(gts_surface_face_number(clusterSurf)==0) LOG_ERROR("clusterSurf has 0 faces.");
				//if(gts_surface_face_number(ssurf[i])==0) LOG_ERROR("Surface #"<<i<<" has 0 faces.");
				GNode* t1=gts_bb_tree_surface(clusterSurf);
				GNode* t2=gts_bb_tree_surface(ssurf[i]);
				GtsSurfaceInter* I=gts_surface_inter_new(gts_surface_inter_class(),clusterSurf,ssurf[i],t1,t2,/*is_open_1*/false,/*is_open_2*/false);
				GtsSurface* merged=gts_surface_new(gts_surface_class(),gts_face_class(),gts_edge_class(),gts_vertex_class());
					LOG_ERROR("Cluster #"<<n<<": 0 faces after fusing #"<<i<<" (why?), adding #"<<i<<" separately!");
					// this will cause an extra 1-particle cluster to be created
				} else {
					// not from global vectors (cleanup at the end), explicit delete!
					if(clusterSurf!=ssurf[cluster1st]) gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(clusterSurf));
		#if 0
			LOG_TRACE("  GTS surface cleanups...");
	 		pygts_vertex_cleanup(clusterSurf,.1*tol); // cleanup 10× smaller than tolerance
		LOG_TRACE("  STL: cluster "<<n<<" output");
		stl<<"solid "<<solid<<"_"<<n<<"\n";
		/* output cluster to STL here */
		_gts_face_to_stl_data data(stl,scene,clipCell,numTri);
		if(clusterSurf!=ssurf[cluster1st]) gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(clusterSurf));
	// this deallocates also edges and vertices
	for(size_t i=0; i<ssurf.size(); i++) gts_object_destroy(GTS_OBJECT(ssurf[i]));
	return numTri;
#endif /* WOO_GTS */
Esempio n. 25
	int run(int argc, char **argv) {
		if(argc != 7 && argc != 9) {
			cout << "Down-sample grid volume data by a scale" << endl;
			cout << "Syntax: mtsutil downSampleVolume 0 <grid_volume> <scale x> <scale y> <scale z> <target_volume>" << endl;
			cout << "Syntax: mtsutil downSampleVolume 1 <hgrid_volume_dict> <scale x> <scale y> <scale z> <prefix> <origin_suffix> <target_suffix>" << endl;
			return -1;

		if (strcmp(argv[1], "0") == 0) {
			char *end_ptr = NULL;
			scale.x = strtol(argv[3], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.y = strtol(argv[4], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.z = strtol(argv[5], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");

			Properties props("gridvolume");
			props.setString("filename", argv[2]);
			props.setBoolean("sendData", false);

			VolumeDataSource *originVol = static_cast<VolumeDataSource *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
				createObject(MTS_CLASS(VolumeDataSource), props));

			Log(EInfo, "%s", originVol->getClass()->getName().c_str());
			Log(EInfo, "res = (%d, %d, %d)", originVol->getResolution().x, originVol->getResolution().y, originVol->getResolution().z);
			Log(EInfo, "channels = %d", originVol->getChannels());
			Log(EInfo, "min = (%.6f, %.6f, %.6f)", originVol->getAABB().min.x, originVol->getAABB().min.y, originVol->getAABB().min.z);
			Log(EInfo, "max = (%.6f, %.6f, %.6f)", originVol->getAABB().max.x, originVol->getAABB().max.y, originVol->getAABB().max.z);

			AABB bbox = originVol->getAABB();

			GridData s;
			downSample(originVol, s);

			Log(EInfo, "finish down-sampling, save volume data to file");
			ref<FileStream> outFile = new FileStream(argv[6], FileStream::ETruncReadWrite);
			writeVolume(s, bbox, originVol->getChannels(), outFile);
		else if (strcmp(argv[1], "1") == 0) {
			char *end_ptr = NULL;
			scale.x = strtol(argv[3], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.y = strtol(argv[4], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");
			scale.z = strtol(argv[5], &end_ptr, 10);
			if (*end_ptr != '\0')
				SLog(EError, "Could not parse integer value");

			fs::path resolved = Thread::getThread()->getFileResolver()->resolve(argv[2]);
			Log(EInfo, "Loading hierarchical grid dictrionary \"%s\"", argv[2]);
			ref<FileStream> stream = new FileStream(resolved, FileStream::EReadOnly);

			Float xmin = stream->readSingle(), ymin = stream->readSingle(), zmin = stream->readSingle();
			Float xmax = stream->readSingle(), ymax = stream->readSingle(), zmax = stream->readSingle();
			AABB aabb = AABB(Point(xmin, ymin, zmin), Point(xmax, ymax, zmax));

			Vector3i res = Vector3i(stream);
			int nCells = res.x * res.y * res.z;

			int numBlocks = 0;
			while (!stream->isEOF()) {
				Vector3i block = Vector3i(stream);
				Assert(block.x >= 0 && block.y >= 0 && block.z >= 0
					&& block.x < res.x && block.y < res.y && block.z < res.z);

				Properties props("gridvolume");
				props.setString("filename", formatString("%s%03i_%03i_%03i%s",
					argv[6], block.x, block.y, block.z, argv[7]));
				props.setBoolean("sendData", false);

				VolumeDataSource *ori = static_cast<VolumeDataSource *> (PluginManager::getInstance()->
					createObject(MTS_CLASS(VolumeDataSource), props));

				//Log(EInfo, "Loading grid %03i_%03i_%03i", block.x, block.y, block.z);

				AABB bbox = ori->getAABB();

				GridData s;
				downSample(ori, s);

				std::string filename(formatString("%s%03i_%03i_%03i%s", argv[6], block.x, block.y, block.z, argv[8]));
				ref<FileStream> outFile = new FileStream(filename.c_str(), FileStream::ETruncReadWrite);

				writeVolume(s, bbox, ori->getChannels(), outFile);

			Log(EInfo, "%i blocks total, %s, resolution=%s", numBlocks,
				aabb.toString().c_str(), res.toString().c_str());

		return 0;
Esempio n. 26
void AbstractTexture::subImageImplementationDSA(GLenum target, GLint level, const Vector3i& offset, const Vector3i& size, AbstractImage::Format format, AbstractImage::Type type, const GLvoid* data) {
    glTextureSubImage3DEXT(_id, target, level, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z(), size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), static_cast<GLenum>(format), static_cast<GLenum>(type), data);
Esempio n. 27
void AbstractTexture::invalidateSubImplementationARB(GLint level, const Vector3i& offset, const Vector3i& size) {
    glInvalidateTexSubImage(_id, level, offset.x(), offset.y(), offset.z(), size.x(), size.y(), size.z());
Esempio n. 28
  bool MeshGenerator::marchingCube(const Vector3i &pos)
    float afCubeValue[8];
    Vector3f asEdgeVertex[12];
    Vector3f asEdgeNorm[12];

    // Calculate the position in the Cube
    Vector3f fPos(pos.x() * m_stepSize + m_min.x(),
                  pos.y() * m_stepSize + m_min.y(),
                  pos.z() * m_stepSize + m_min.z());

    //Make a local copy of the values at the cube's corners
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      afCubeValue[i] = m_cube->value(Vector3i(pos + Vector3i(a2iVertexOffset[i])));

    //Find which vertices are inside of the surface and which are outside
    long iFlagIndex = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      if(afCubeValue[i] <= m_iso) {
        iFlagIndex |= 1<<i;

    //Find which edges are intersected by the surface
    long iEdgeFlags = aiCubeEdgeFlags[iFlagIndex];

    // No intersections if the cube is entirely inside or outside of the surface
    if(iEdgeFlags == 0) {
      return false;

    //Find the point of intersection of the surface with each edge
    //Then find the normal to the surface at those points
    for(int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
      //if there is an intersection on this edge
      if(iEdgeFlags & (1<<i)) {
        float fOffset = offset(afCubeValue[a2iEdgeConnection[i][0]],

        asEdgeVertex[i] = Vector3f(
          fPos.x() + (a2fVertexOffset[a2iEdgeConnection[i][0]][0]
                      + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[i][0]) * m_stepSize,
          fPos.y() + (a2fVertexOffset[a2iEdgeConnection[i][0]][1]
                      + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[i][1]) * m_stepSize,
          fPos.z() + (a2fVertexOffset[a2iEdgeConnection[i][0]][2]
                      + fOffset * a2fEdgeDirection[i][2]) * m_stepSize);

        /// FIXME Optimize this to only calculate normals when required
        asEdgeNorm[i] = normal(asEdgeVertex[i]);

    // Store the triangles that were found, there can be up to five per cube
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
      if(a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*i] < 0)
      int iVertex = 0;
      iEdgeFlags = a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*i];
      // Make sure we get the triangle winding the right way around!
      if (!m_reverseWinding) {
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
          iVertex = a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*i+j];
      else {
        for(int j = 2; j >= 0; --j) {
          iVertex = a2iTriangleConnectionTable[iFlagIndex][3*i+j];

    return true;
Esempio n. 29
	inline bool operator()(const Vector3i &a, const Vector3i &b) const {
		return a.distance_sq(center) < b.distance_sq(center);
Esempio n. 30
void AbstractTexture::imageImplementationDSA(GLenum target, GLint level, InternalFormat internalFormat, const Vector3i& size, AbstractImage::Format format, AbstractImage::Type type, const GLvoid* data) {
    glTextureImage3DEXT(_id, target, level, GLint(internalFormat), size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), 0, static_cast<GLenum>(format), static_cast<GLenum>(type), data);