VideoFrame VideoFrameConverter::convert(const VideoFrame &frame, int fffmt) const { if (!frame.isValid() || fffmt == QTAV_PIX_FMT_C(NONE)) return VideoFrame(); if (!frame.constBits(0)) // hw surface return; const VideoFormat format(frame.format()); //if (fffmt == format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()) // return *this; if (!m_cvt) { m_cvt = new ImageConverterSWS(); } m_cvt->setBrightness(m_eq[0]); m_cvt->setContrast(m_eq[1]); m_cvt->setSaturation(m_eq[2]); m_cvt->setInFormat(format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); m_cvt->setOutFormat(fffmt); m_cvt->setInSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); m_cvt->setOutSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); m_cvt->setInRange(frame.colorRange()); const int pal = format.hasPalette(); QVector<const uchar*> pitch(format.planeCount() + pal); QVector<int> stride(format.planeCount() + pal); for (int i = 0; i < format.planeCount(); ++i) { pitch[i] = frame.constBits(i); stride[i] = frame.bytesPerLine(i); } const QByteArray paldata(frame.metaData(QStringLiteral("pallete")).toByteArray()); if (pal > 0) { pitch[1] = (const uchar*)paldata.constData(); stride[1] = paldata.size(); } if (!m_cvt->convert(pitch.constData(), stride.constData())) { return VideoFrame(); } const VideoFormat fmt(fffmt); VideoFrame f(frame.width(), frame.height(), fmt, m_cvt->outData()); f.setBits(m_cvt->outPlanes()); f.setBytesPerLine(m_cvt->outLineSizes()); f.setTimestamp(frame.timestamp()); f.setDisplayAspectRatio(frame.displayAspectRatio()); // metadata? if (fmt.isRGB()) { f.setColorSpace(fmt.isPlanar() ? ColorSpace_GBR : ColorSpace_RGB); } else { f.setColorSpace(ColorSpace_Unknown); } // TODO: color range return f; }
void VideoShader::update(VideoMaterial *material) { if (!material->bind()) return; const VideoFormat fmt(material->currentFormat()); //format is out of date because we may use the same shader for different formats setVideoFormat(fmt); // uniforms begin program()->bind(); //glUseProgram(id). for glUniform // all texture ids should be binded when renderering even for packed plane! const int nb_planes = fmt.planeCount(); //number of texture id for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { // use glUniform1i to swap planes. swap uv: i => (3-i)%3 // TODO: in shader, use uniform sample2D u_Texture[], and use glUniform1iv(u_Texture, 3, {...}) program()->setUniformValue(textureLocation(i), (GLint)i); } if (nb_planes < textureLocationCount()) { for (int i = nb_planes; i < textureLocationCount(); ++i) { program()->setUniformValue(textureLocation(i), (GLint)(nb_planes - 1)); } } //qDebug() << "color mat " << material->colorMatrix(); program()->setUniformValue(colorMatrixLocation(), material->colorMatrix()); program()->setUniformValue(bppLocation(), (GLfloat)material->bpp()); //program()->setUniformValue(matrixLocation(), material->matrix()); //what about sgnode? state.combindMatrix()? // uniform end. attribute begins }
VideoFrame VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::copyToFrame(const VideoFormat& fmt, int surface_h, quint8 *src[], int pitch[], bool swapUV) { DPTR_D(VideoDecoderFFmpegHW); Q_ASSERT_X(src[0] && pitch[0] > 0, "VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::copyToFrame", "src[0] and pitch[0] must be set"); const int nb_planes = fmt.planeCount(); const int chroma_pitch = nb_planes > 1 ? fmt.bytesPerLine(pitch[0], 1) : 0; const int chroma_h = fmt.chromaHeight(surface_h); int h[] = { surface_h, 0, 0}; for (int i = 1; i < nb_planes; ++i) { h[i] = chroma_h; // set chroma address and pitch if not set if (pitch[i] <= 0) pitch[i] = chroma_pitch; if (!src[i]) src[i] = src[i-1] + pitch[i-1]*h[i-1]; } if (swapUV) { std::swap(src[1], src[2]); std::swap(pitch[1], pitch[2]); } VideoFrame frame; if (copyMode() == VideoDecoderFFmpegHW::OptimizedCopy && d.gpu_mem.isReady()) { int yuv_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { yuv_size += pitch[i]*h[i]; } // additional 15 bytes to ensure 16 bytes aligned QByteArray buf(15 + yuv_size, 0); const int offset_16 = (16 - ((uintptr_t) & 0x0f)) & 0x0f; // plane 1, 2... is aligned? uchar* plane_ptr = (uchar*) + offset_16; QVector<uchar*> dst(nb_planes, 0); for (int i = 0; i < nb_planes; ++i) { dst[i] = plane_ptr; // TODO: add VideoFormat::planeWidth/Height() ? // pitch instead of surface_width plane_ptr += pitch[i] * h[i]; d.gpu_mem.copyFrame(src[i], dst[i], pitch[i], h[i], pitch[i]); } frame = VideoFrame(buf, width(), height(), fmt); frame.setBits(dst); frame.setBytesPerLine(pitch); } else { frame = VideoFrame(width(), height(), fmt); frame.setBits(src); frame.setBytesPerLine(pitch); // TODO: why clone is faster()? // TODO: buffer pool and create VideoFrame when needed to avoid copy? also for other va frame = frame.clone(); } frame.setTimestamp(double(d.frame->pkt_pts)/1000.0); frame.setDisplayAspectRatio(d.getDAR(d.frame)); d.updateColorDetails(&frame); return frame; }
bool convertTo(const VideoFormat& fmt, const QSizeF &dstSize, const QRectF &roi) { if (fmt == format.pixelFormatFFmpeg() && roi == QRectF(0, 0, width, height) && dstSize == roi.size()) return true; if (!conv) { format.setPixelFormat(VideoFormat::Format_Invalid); return false; } format = fmt; data = conv->outData(); planes = conv->outPlanes(); line_sizes = conv->outLineSizes(); planes.resize(fmt.planeCount()); line_sizes.resize(fmt.planeCount()); textures.resize(fmt.planeCount()); return false; }
VideoFrame VideoFrameConverter::convert(const VideoFrame &frame, int fffmt) const { if (!frame.isValid() || fffmt == QTAV_PIX_FMT_C(NONE)) return VideoFrame(); if (!frame.bits(0)) // hw surface return; const VideoFormat format(frame.format()); //if (fffmt == format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()) // return *this; if (!m_cvt) { m_cvt = new ImageConverterSWS(); } m_cvt->setBrightness(m_eq[0]); m_cvt->setContrast(m_eq[1]); m_cvt->setSaturation(m_eq[2]); m_cvt->setInFormat(format.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); m_cvt->setOutFormat(fffmt); m_cvt->setInSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); m_cvt->setOutSize(frame.width(), frame.height()); QVector<const uchar*> pitch(format.planeCount()); QVector<int> stride(format.planeCount()); for (int i = 0; i < format.planeCount(); ++i) { pitch[i] = frame.bits(i); stride[i] = frame.bytesPerLine(i); } if (!m_cvt->convert(pitch.constData(), stride.constData())) { return VideoFrame(); } const VideoFormat fmt(fffmt); VideoFrame f(m_cvt->outData(), frame.width(), frame.height(), fmt); f.setBits(m_cvt->outPlanes()); f.setBytesPerLine(m_cvt->outLineSizes()); f.setTimestamp(frame.timestamp()); // metadata? if (fmt.isRGB()) { f.setColorSpace(fmt.isPlanar() ? ColorSpace_GBR : ColorSpace_RGB); } else { f.setColorSpace(ColorSpace_Unknow); } return f; }
bool GLWidgetRendererPrivate::initTextures(const VideoFormat &fmt) { // isSupported(pixfmt) if (!fmt.isValid()) return false; video_format.setPixelFormatFFmpeg(fmt.pixelFormatFFmpeg()); // //NV12: UV is 1 plane. 16 bits as a unit. GL_LUMINANCE4, 8, 16, ... 32? //GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA are deprecated in GL3, removed in GL3.1 //replaced by GL_RED, GL_RG, GL_RGB, GL_RGBA? for 1, 2, 3, 4 channel image // // GL_LUMINANCE does work on a Galaxy Tab 2. LUMINANCE_ALPHA very slow on Linux //ALPHA: vec4(1,1,1,A), LUMINANCE: (L,L,L,1), LUMINANCE_ALPHA: (L,L,L,A) /* * To support both planar and packed use GL_ALPHA and in shader use r,g,a like xbmc does. * or use Swizzle_mask to layout the channels: * GL ES2 support: GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, GL_ALPHA * */ internal_format = QVector<GLint>(fmt.planeCount(), FMT_INTERNAL); data_format = QVector<GLenum>(fmt.planeCount(), FMT); data_type = QVector<GLenum>(fmt.planeCount(), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); if (fmt.isPlanar()) { /*! * GLES internal_format == data_format, GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA is 2 bytes * so if NV12 use GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, YV12 use GL_ALPHA */ qDebug("///////////bpp %d", fmt.bytesPerPixel()); internal_format[0] = data_format[0] = GL_LUMINANCE; //or GL_RED for GL if (fmt.planeCount() == 2) { internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; } else { if (fmt.bytesPerPixel(1) == 2) { // read 16 bits and compute the real luminance in shader internal_format[0] = data_format[0] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; //vec4(L,L,L,A) internal_format[2] = data_format[2] = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; } else { internal_format[1] = data_format[1] = GL_LUMINANCE; //vec4(L,L,L,1) internal_format[2] = data_format[2] = GL_ALPHA;//GL_ALPHA; } } for (int i = 0; i < internal_format.size(); ++i) { // xbmc use bpp not bpp(plane) //internal_format[i] = GetGLInternalFormat(data_format[i], fmt.bytesPerPixel(i)); //data_format[i] = internal_format[i]; } } else { //glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, fmt.bytesPerPixel()); // TODO: if no alpha, data_fmt is not GL_BGRA. align at every upload? } for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) { //qDebug("format: %#x GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA=%#x", data_format[i], GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA); if (fmt.bytesPerPixel(i) == 2 && fmt.planeCount() == 3) { //data_type[i] = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; } int bpp_gl = bytesOfGLFormat(data_format[i], data_type[i]); int pad = qCeil((qreal)(texture_size[i].width() - effective_tex_width[i])/(qreal)bpp_gl); texture_size[i].setWidth(qCeil((qreal)texture_size[i].width()/(qreal)bpp_gl)); effective_tex_width[i] /= bpp_gl; //fmt.bytesPerPixel(i); //effective_tex_width_ratio = qDebug("texture width: %d - %d = pad: %d. bpp(gl): %d", texture_size[i].width(), effective_tex_width[i], pad, bpp_gl); } /* * there are 2 fragment shaders: rgb and yuv. * only 1 texture for packed rgb. planar rgb likes yuv * To support both planar and packed yuv, and mixed yuv(NV12), we give a texture sample * for each channel. For packed, each (channel) texture sample is the same. For planar, * packed channels has the same texture sample. * But the number of actural textures we upload is plane count. * Which means the number of texture id equals to plane count */ if (textures.size() != fmt.planeCount()) { glDeleteTextures(textures.size(),; qDebug("delete %d textures", textures.size()); textures.clear(); textures.resize(fmt.planeCount()); glGenTextures(textures.size(),; } if (!hasGLSL) { initTexture(textures[0], internal_format[0], data_format[0], data_type[0], texture_size[0].width(), texture_size[0].height()); // more than 1? qWarning("Does not support GLSL!"); return false; } qDebug("init textures..."); initTexture(textures[0], internal_format[0], data_format[0], data_type[0], texture_size[0].width(), texture_size[0].height()); for (int i = 1; i < textures.size(); ++i) { initTexture(textures[i], internal_format[i], data_format[i], data_type[i], texture_size[i].width(), texture_size[i].height()); } return true; }
bool videoFormatToGL(const VideoFormat& fmt, GLint* internal_format, GLenum* data_format, GLenum* data_type, QMatrix4x4* mat) { typedef struct fmt_entry { VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt; GLint internal_format; GLenum format; GLenum type; } fmt_entry; static const fmt_entry pixfmt_to_gles[] = { {VideoFormat::Format_BGRA32, GL_BGRA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //tested for angle {VideoFormat::Format_RGB32, GL_BGRA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_Invalid, 0, 0, 0} }; Q_UNUSED(pixfmt_to_gles); static const fmt_entry pixfmt_to_desktop[] = { {VideoFormat::Format_BGRA32, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //bgra bgra works on win but not osx {VideoFormat::Format_RGB32, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //FIXMEL endian check //{VideoFormat::Format_BGRA32, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //{2,1,0,3} //{VideoFormat::Format_BGR24, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //{0,1,2,3} #ifdef GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV {VideoFormat::Format_BGR565, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV}, // es error, use channel map #endif #ifdef GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV {VideoFormat::Format_RGB555, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, #endif #ifdef GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV {VideoFormat::Format_BGR555, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV}, #endif // TODO: BE formats not implemeted {VideoFormat::Format_RGB48, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, //TODO: they are not work for ANGLE, and rgb16 works on desktop gl, so remove these lines to use rgb16? {VideoFormat::Format_RGB48LE, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_RGB48BE, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_BGR48, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, //RGB16? {VideoFormat::Format_BGR48LE, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_BGR48BE, GL_RGB, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_RGBA64LE, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_RGBA64BE, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_BGRA64LE, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_BGRA64BE, GL_RGBA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT }, {VideoFormat::Format_Invalid, 0, 0, 0} }; Q_UNUSED(pixfmt_to_desktop); const fmt_entry *pixfmt_gl_entry = pixfmt_to_desktop; if (OpenGLHelper::isOpenGLES()) pixfmt_gl_entry = pixfmt_to_gles; // Very special formats, for which OpenGL happens to have direct support static const fmt_entry pixfmt_gl_base[] = { {VideoFormat::Format_RGBA32, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, // only tested for osx, win, angle {VideoFormat::Format_RGB24, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_RGB565, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5}, {VideoFormat::Format_BGR32, GL_BGRA, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, //rgba(tested) or abgr, depending on endian }; const VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = fmt.pixelFormat(); // can not use array size because pixfmt_gl_entry is set on runtime for (const fmt_entry* e = pixfmt_gl_entry; e->pixfmt != VideoFormat::Format_Invalid; ++e) { if (e->pixfmt == pixfmt) { *internal_format = e->internal_format; *data_format = e->format; *data_type = e->type; if (mat) *mat = QMatrix4x4(); return true; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pixfmt_gl_base); ++i) { const fmt_entry& e = pixfmt_gl_base[i]; if (e.pixfmt == pixfmt) { *internal_format = e.internal_format; *data_format = e.format; *data_type = e.type; if (mat) *mat = QMatrix4x4(); return true; } } static const fmt_entry pixfmt_to_gl_swizzele[] = { {VideoFormat::Format_UYVY, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_YUYV, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_VYUY, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_YVYU, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE }, {VideoFormat::Format_BGR565, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5}, //swizzle {VideoFormat::Format_RGB555, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1}, //not working {VideoFormat::Format_BGR555, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1}, //not working }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pixfmt_to_gl_swizzele); ++i) { const fmt_entry& e = pixfmt_to_gl_swizzele[i]; if (e.pixfmt == pixfmt) { *internal_format = e.internal_format; *data_format = e.format; *data_type = e.type; if (mat) *mat = channelMap(fmt); return true; } } GLint *i_f = internal_format; GLenum *d_f = data_format; GLenum *d_t = data_type; gl_param_t* gp = (gl_param_t*)get_gl_param(); if (gp == gl_param_desktop && ( fmt.planeCount() == 2 // nv12 UV plane is 16bit, but we use rg || (OpenGLHelper::depth16BitTexture() == 16 && OpenGLHelper::has16BitTexture() && fmt.isBigEndian() && fmt.bitsPerComponent() > 8) // 16bit texture does not support be channel now )) { gp = (gl_param_t*)gl_param_desktop_fallback; qDebug("desktop_fallback for %s", fmt.planeCount() == 2 ? "bi-plane format" : "16bit big endian channel"); } for (int p = 0; p < fmt.planeCount(); ++p) { // for packed rgb(swizzle required) and planar formats const int c = (fmt.channels(p)-1) + 4*((fmt.bitsPerComponent() + 7)/8 - 1); if (gp[c].format == 0) return false; const gl_param_t& f = gp[c]; *(i_f++) = f.internal_format; *(d_f++) = f.format; *(d_t++) = f.type; } if (mat) *mat = channelMap(fmt); return true; }