Esempio n. 1
  Wait_Cursor bob;

  XmStringLocalized mtfstring;
  String	    string;
  KeySym	    mnemonic;

  f_shell = WTopLevelShell(window_system().toplevel(), WPopup, "query_editor");
  window_system().register_shell (&f_shell);

  string = CATGETS(Set_QueryEditor, 1, "Dtinfo: Query Editor");
  XtVaSetValues((Widget)f_shell, XmNtitle, string, NULL);

  // Main form and menu bar. 
  WXmForm form                      (f_shell,    "form"                );
  WXmMenuBar menu_bar               (form,       "menu_bar"            );

  WXmPulldownMenu scope_menu        (form,       "scope_menu");
  Arg args[1];
  int n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNsubMenuId, (Widget) scope_menu); n++;
  f_scope_option = WXmOptionMenu    (form,       "scope_option", AM, args, n);

  mtfstring = CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 212, "Scope Name");
  XtVaSetValues(f_scope_option, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  // Menu definitions.   how about using AddPushButton (name, obj, fun)??
  WXmCascadeButton edit_cascade     (menu_bar,   "edit",             AM);
  WXmPulldownMenu edit_menu         (menu_bar,   "edit_menu"           );
  f_cut_btn = WXmPushButton         (edit_menu,  "cut",              AM);
  f_copy_btn = WXmPushButton        (edit_menu,  "copy",             AM);
  f_paste_btn = WXmPushButton       (edit_menu,  "paste",            AM);
  f_paste_btn = WXmPushButton       (edit_menu,  "new_term",         AM);
  WXmSeparator group_sep            (edit_menu,  "group_sep",        AM);
  f_group_btn = WXmPushButton       (edit_menu,  "group",            AM);
  f_ungroup_btn = WXmPushButton     (edit_menu,  "ungroup",          AM);
  WXmSeparator undo_sep             (edit_menu,  "undo_sep",         AM);
  f_undo_btn = WXmPushButton        (edit_menu,  "undo",             AM);
  f_redo_btn = WXmPushButton        (edit_menu,  "redo",             AM);

  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 16, "Edit");
  mnemonic  = *CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 17, "E");
  XtVaSetValues(edit_cascade, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring,
			      XmNmnemonic, mnemonic, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 224, "Cut");
  XtVaSetValues(f_cut_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 18, "Copy");
  XtVaSetValues(f_copy_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 225, "Paste");
  XtVaSetValues(f_paste_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 226, "Group");
  XtVaSetValues(f_group_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 227, "Ungroup");
  XtVaSetValues(f_ungroup_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 228, "Undo");
  XtVaSetValues(f_undo_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 229, "Redo");
  XtVaSetValues(f_redo_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  // Button area at the bottom 
  WXmForm hform                     (form,       "hform"               );
  f_hist_prev = WXmArrowButton      (hform,      "hist_prev",        AM);
  f_hist_next = WXmArrowButton      (hform,      "hist_next",        AM);
  WXmLabel history                  (hform,      "history",          AM);
  f_search_btn = WXmPushButton      (form,       "search",           AM);
  WXmPushButton cancel              (form,       "cancel",           AM);
  WXmPushButton clear               (form,       "clear",            AM);
  WXmPushButton scope		    (form,	 "scope",	     AM);
  WXmPushButton help                (form,       "help",             AM);
  WXmSeparator separator            (form,       "separator",        AM);

  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 92, "History");
  XtVaSetValues(history, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 102, "Search");
  XtVaSetValues(f_search_btn, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 231, "Clear All");
  XtVaSetValues(clear, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 46, "Scope Editor");
  XtVaSetValues(scope, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 12, "Close");
  XtVaSetValues(cancel, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 48, "Help");
  XtVaSetValues(help, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);

  help_agent().add_activate_help (help, "query_editor_help");

  // Main "work" area 
  WXmPanedWindow pane               (form,       "pane"                );
  WXmForm qform                     (pane,       "qform"               );
  WXmLabel qlabel                   (qform,      "qlabel",           AM);

  mtfstring =  CATGETS(Set_AgentLabel, 230, "Query");
  XtVaSetValues(qlabel, XmNlabelString, (XmString)mtfstring, NULL);
  f_query_text = WXmScrolledText    (qform,      "qtext",            AM);
//  f_query_text.SetEditable(False);
  f_query_area = WXmScrolledWindow  (pane,       "query_area",       AM);
  XtUnmanageChild (f_query_area.HorizontalScrollBar());

  edit_cascade.SubMenuId (edit_menu);

  // Callbacks
  ON_ACTIVATE (f_search_btn, search_activate);
  ON_ACTIVATE (cancel, cancel);
  ON_ACTIVATE (clear, clear);
  ON_ACTIVATE (scope, scope);

//  f_query_text.SetFocusCallback (this,
//			    (WWL_FUN) &QueryEditor::modify_verify);
//  f_query_text.SetModifyVerifyCallback (this,
//			    (WWL_FUN) &QueryEditor::modify_verify);

  // Set minimum sizes.
  //  hform.Manage();
  form.DefaultButton (f_search_btn);
  form.ShadowThickness (0);

  form.InitialFocus (pane);
  pane.InitialFocus (f_query_area);
  qform.PaneMinimum (f_query_text.Height());

  f_shell.MinWidth (f_shell.Width());
  f_shell.MinHeight (f_shell.Height());
  ON_DEBUG(printf ("Query for height = %d\n", qform.Height()));
  //cerr << "Query for height = " << qform.Height() << endl;

//#ifndef UseFJMTF
#if 1
  // Swap the entries in the pane around.  Have to do this now
  // to get initial sizes right.
  qform.PositionIndex (1);


  UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeCreated> *) this);
  UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeDeleted> *) this);
  UAS_SearchScope::request ((UAS_Receiver<ScopeRenamed> *) this);

Esempio n. 2
QueryEditor::edit_query (QueryGroup *query)
  static Boolean first_time = True;

//#ifdef UseFJMTF
#if 1
  // Fujitsu Motif seems to be buggy for HaL's Restraint widget.
  // You must not destroy and re-create the Restraint widget.
  // Instead keep the same Restraint widget forever. - 10/22/94 kamiya

  // Create a group with a single term if none provided.
  if (query == NULL)
      query = new QueryGroup();
      // This QueryTerm is pointed to by the QueryGroup.
      new QueryTerm (query, NULL, NULL);

  f_query = query;

  // re-load the query terms
  if (f_query_view != NULL)

  // Clean up old junk.
  // The query isn't destroyed sometimes??
  // Need to nuke only if it isn't saved on the history list.  DJB 
  if (f_query_view != NULL)
      QueryGroup *group = f_query_view->query_group();
      delete f_query_view;
      delete f_query;

  // NOTE: old query probably leaked!! 15:06 01/29/93 DJB
  // This is going to need to be fixed up to edit pre-existing querys.
  // NOTE: Another problem if this is called before the UI is created,
  // because thar's widgets created below.  17:19 02/03/93 DJB
  f_query = query;

  // Create a group with a single term if none provided.
  if (f_query == NULL)
      f_null_terms = 0;
      f_query = new QueryGroup();
      // This QueryTerm is pointed to by the QueryGroup.
      new QueryTerm (f_query, NULL, NULL);

  // QueryGroupView holds the pointer to the QueryGroup. 
  f_query_view =
    new QueryGroupView (f_query, WXmForm ((WObject &) f_query_area));

  if (first_time)
//#ifdef UseFJMTF
#if 1
      f_null_terms = 0;

      // QueryGroupView holds the pointer to the QueryGroup. 
      f_query_view = new QueryGroupView (f_query, f_query_area);
      // Only let pane get small enough to show two query entries.
      // Start with the whole scrolled window, then take out the scrolling
      // area to leave the borders, then add the term height * 2 back in.
      // NOTE: This really needs to use the height of one row.  If this
      // dialog comes up with an existing query at this point, the
      // height will be wrong.  We need to get the height of a single
      // line somehow.  11:59 02/04/93 DJB 
	PaneMinimum (f_query_area.Height() -
		     WCore (XtParent(XtParent(*f_query_view))).Height() +
		     (2 * f_query_view->Height()));

      // Take the height of each pane - the min size of each pane.
      // That is the excess height of the dialog.
      // This needs to equal the current height - min height.
      // So subtract it from the current height to get the new min height.
      WXmForm qform (XtParent(f_query_text.Parent()));
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf ("qform height = %d, scrolled height = %d\n",
	      qform.Height(), f_query_area.Height());
      printf ("qform min = %d, scrolled min = %d\n",
	      qform.PaneMinimum(), f_query_area.PaneMinimum());
      Dimension excess_height = qform.Height() + f_query_area.Height() -
	qform.PaneMinimum() - f_query_area.PaneMinimum();

      ON_DEBUG(printf ("Query Editor excess height = %d\n", excess_height));

      f_shell.MinHeight (f_shell.Height() - excess_height);
      first_time = False;

  //g_allow_query_text_change = TRUE;
  f_query_text.Value ("");
  //g_allow_query_text_change = FALSE;

  // Move the input focus to the term view.
  f_query_area.InitialFocus (*f_query_view);
  //  f_query_view->traverse_here();
