/* MapEditorWindow::saveMapAs * Saves the current map to a new archive *******************************************************************/ bool MapEditorWindow::saveMapAs() { // Show dialog SFileDialog::fd_info_t info; if (!SFileDialog::saveFile(info, "Save Map As", "Wad Archives (*.wad)|*.wad", this)) return false; // Create new, empty wad WadArchive wad; ArchiveEntry* head = wad.addNewEntry(mdesc_current.name); ArchiveEntry* end = NULL; if (mdesc_current.format == MAP_UDMF) { wad.addNewEntry("TEXTMAP"); end = wad.addNewEntry("ENDMAP"); } else { wad.addNewEntry("THINGS"); wad.addNewEntry("LINEDEFS"); wad.addNewEntry("SIDEDEFS"); wad.addNewEntry("VERTEXES"); end = wad.addNewEntry("SECTORS"); } // Save map data mdesc_current.head = head; mdesc_current.archive = false; mdesc_current.end = end; saveMap(); // Write wad to file wad.save(info.filenames[0]); Archive* archive = theArchiveManager->openArchive(info.filenames[0], true, true); theArchiveManager->addRecentFile(info.filenames[0]); // Update current map description vector<Archive::mapdesc_t> maps = archive->detectMaps(); if (!maps.empty()) { mdesc_current.head = maps[0].head; mdesc_current.archive = false; mdesc_current.end = maps[0].end; } // Set window title SetTitle(S_FMT("SLADE - %s of %s", mdesc_current.name, wad.getFilename(false))); return true; }
/* EntryOperations::openMapDB2 * Opens the map at [entry] with Doom Builder 2, including all open * resource archives. Sets up a FileMonitor to update the map in the * archive if any changes are made to it in DB2 *******************************************************************/ bool EntryOperations::openMapDB2(ArchiveEntry* entry) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Windows only string path = path_db2; if (path.IsEmpty()) { // Check for DB2 location registry key wxRegKey key(wxRegKey::HKLM, "SOFTWARE\\CodeImp\\Doom Builder"); key.QueryValue("Location", path); // Can't proceed if DB2 isn't installed if (path.IsEmpty()) { wxMessageBox("Doom Builder 2 must be installed to use this feature.", "Doom Builder 2 Not Found"); return false; } // Add default executable name path += "\\Builder.exe"; } // Get map info for entry Archive::mapdesc_t map = entry->getParent()->getMapInfo(entry); // Check valid map if (map.format == MAP_UNKNOWN) return false; // Export the map to a temp .wad file string filename = appPath(entry->getParent()->getFilename(false) + "-" + entry->getName(true) + ".wad", DIR_TEMP); filename.Replace("/", "-"); if (map.archive) { entry->exportFile(filename); entry->lock(); } else { // Write map entries to temporary wad archive if (map.head) { WadArchive archive; // Add map entries to archive ArchiveEntry* e = map.head; while (true) { archive.addEntry(e, "", true); e->lock(); if (e == map.end) break; e = e->nextEntry(); } // Write archive to file archive.save(filename); } } // Generate Doom Builder command line string cmd = S_FMT("%s \"%s\" -map %s", path, filename, entry->getName()); // Add base resource archive to command line Archive* base = theArchiveManager->baseResourceArchive(); if (base) { if (base->getType() == ARCHIVE_WAD) cmd += S_FMT(" -resource wad \"%s\"", base->getFilename()); else if (base->getType() == ARCHIVE_ZIP) cmd += S_FMT(" -resource pk3 \"%s\"", base->getFilename()); } // Add resource archives to command line for (int a = 0; a < theArchiveManager->numArchives(); ++a) { Archive* archive = theArchiveManager->getArchive(a); // Check archive type (only wad and zip supported by db2) if (archive->getType() == ARCHIVE_WAD) cmd += S_FMT(" -resource wad \"%s\"", archive->getFilename()); else if (archive->getType() == ARCHIVE_ZIP) cmd += S_FMT(" -resource pk3 \"%s\"", archive->getFilename()); } // Run DB2 FileMonitor* fm = new DB2MapFileMonitor(filename, entry->getParent(), entry->getName(true)); wxExecute(cmd, wxEXEC_ASYNC, fm->getProcess()); return true; #else return false; #endif//__WXMSW__ }
/* MapEditorWindow::handleAction * Handles the action [id]. Returns true if the action was handled, * false otherwise *******************************************************************/ bool MapEditorWindow::handleAction(string id) { // Don't handle actions if hidden if (!IsShown()) return false; // Map->Save if (id == "mapw_save") { // Save map if (saveMap()) { // Save archive Archive* a = currentMapDesc().head->getParent(); if (a && save_archive_with_map) a->save(); } return true; } // Map->Save As if (id == "mapw_saveas") { saveMapAs(); return true; } // Map->Restore Backup if (id == "mapw_backup") { if (mdesc_current.head) { Archive* data = backup_manager->openBackup(mdesc_current.head->getTopParent()->getFilename(false), mdesc_current.name); if (data) { vector<Archive::mapdesc_t> maps = data->detectMaps(); if (!maps.empty()) { editor.getMap().clearMap(); editor.openMap(maps[0]); loadMapScripts(maps[0]); } } } return true; } // Edit->Undo if (id == "mapw_undo") { editor.doUndo(); return true; } // Edit->Redo if (id == "mapw_redo") { editor.doRedo(); return true; } // Editor->Set Base Resource Archive if (id == "mapw_setbra") { wxDialog dialog_ebr(this, -1, "Edit Base Resource Archives", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER); BaseResourceArchivesPanel brap(&dialog_ebr); wxBoxSizer* sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer->Add(&brap, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 4); sizer->Add(dialog_ebr.CreateButtonSizer(wxOK|wxCANCEL), 0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxDOWN, 4); dialog_ebr.SetSizer(sizer); dialog_ebr.Layout(); dialog_ebr.SetInitialSize(wxSize(500, 300)); dialog_ebr.CenterOnParent(); if (dialog_ebr.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) theArchiveManager->openBaseResource(brap.getSelectedPath()); return true; } // Editor->Preferences if (id == "mapw_preferences") { PreferencesDialog::openPreferences(this); return true; } // View->Item Properties if (id == "mapw_showproperties") { wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); wxAuiPaneInfo& p_inf = m_mgr->GetPane("item_props"); // Toggle window and focus p_inf.Show(!p_inf.IsShown()); map_canvas->SetFocus(); m_mgr->Update(); return true; } // View->Console else if (id == "mapw_showconsole") { wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); wxAuiPaneInfo& p_inf = m_mgr->GetPane("console"); // Toggle window and focus if (p_inf.IsShown()) { p_inf.Show(false); map_canvas->SetFocus(); } else { p_inf.Show(true); p_inf.window->SetFocus(); } p_inf.MinSize(200, 128); m_mgr->Update(); return true; } // View->Script Editor else if (id == "mapw_showscripteditor") { wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); wxAuiPaneInfo& p_inf = m_mgr->GetPane("script_editor"); // Toggle window and focus if (p_inf.IsShown()) { p_inf.Show(false); map_canvas->SetFocus(); } else if (!theGameConfiguration->scriptLanguage().IsEmpty()) { p_inf.Show(true); p_inf.window->SetFocus(); } p_inf.MinSize(200, 128); m_mgr->Update(); return true; } // View->Map Checks else if (id == "mapw_showchecks") { wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); wxAuiPaneInfo& p_inf = m_mgr->GetPane("map_checks"); // Toggle window and focus if (p_inf.IsShown()) { p_inf.Show(false); map_canvas->SetFocus(); } else { p_inf.Show(true); p_inf.window->SetFocus(); } //p_inf.MinSize(200, 128); m_mgr->Update(); return true; } // View->Undo History else if (id == "mapw_showundohistory") { wxAuiManager* m_mgr = wxAuiManager::GetManager(this); wxAuiPaneInfo& p_inf = m_mgr->GetPane("undo_history"); // Toggle window p_inf.Show(!p_inf.IsShown()); m_mgr->Update(); return true; } // Run Map else if (id == "mapw_run_map") { Archive* archive = NULL; if (mdesc_current.head) archive = mdesc_current.head->getParent(); RunDialog dlg(this, archive); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { WadArchive* wad = writeMap(mdesc_current.name); if (wad) wad->save(appPath("sladetemp_run.wad", DIR_TEMP)); string command = dlg.getSelectedCommandLine(archive, mdesc_current.name, wad->getFilename()); if (!command.IsEmpty()) { // Set working directory string wd = wxGetCwd(); wxSetWorkingDirectory(dlg.getSelectedExeDir()); // Run wxExecute(command, wxEXEC_ASYNC); // Restore working directory wxSetWorkingDirectory(wd); } } return true; } return false; }