Array GreyBodyDustEmissivity::emissivity(const DustMix* mix, const Array& Jv) const { // get basic information about the wavelength grid WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); int Nlambda = lambdagrid->Nlambda(); // get basic information about the dust mix int Npop = mix->Npop(); // accumulate the emissivities at the equilibrium temperature for all populations in the dust mix Array ev(Nlambda); for (int c=0; c<Npop; c++) { double T = mix->equilibrium(Jv,c); PlanckFunction B(T); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { ev[ell] += mix->sigmaabs(ell,c) * B(lambdagrid->lambda(ell)); } } // convert emissivity from "per hydrogen atom" to "per unit mass" ev /= mix->mu(); return ev; }
void InstrumentFrame::calibrateAndWriteDataFrames(int ell, QList<Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { PeerToPeerCommunicator* comm = find<PeerToPeerCommunicator>(); if (!comm->isRoot()) return; Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); // conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) // --> divide by delta-lambda double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); // correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr // --> divide by area double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance // --> divide by fourpid2 double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units // --> multiply by unit conversion factor double unitfactor = units->osurfacebrightness(lambdagrid->lambda(ell), 1.); // perform the conversion, in place foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) *= (unitfactor / (dlambda * area * fourpid2)); } // write a FITS file for each array for (int q = 0; q < farrays.size(); q++) { QString filename = find<FilePaths>()->output(_instrument->instrumentName() + "_" + fnames[q] + "_" + QString::number(ell) + ".fits"); find<Log>()->info("Writing " + fnames[q] + " flux " + QString::number(ell) + " to FITS file " + filename + "..."); FITSInOut::write(filename, *(farrays[q]), _Nxp, _Nyp, 1, units->olength(_xpres), units->olength(_ypres), units->usurfacebrightness(), units->ulength()); } }
void SED::write(const QString& filename) const { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); Units* units = find<Units>(); ofstream file(filename.toLocal8Bit().constData()); file << setprecision(8) << scientific; for (int ell=0; ell<lambdagrid->Nlambda(); ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); file << units->owavelength(lambda) << '\t' << _Lv[ell]/dlambda*lambda << endl; } file.close(); }
void InstrumentFrame::calibrateAndWriteDataFrames(int ell, QList<Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); // conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) // --> divide by delta-lambda double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); // correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr // --> divide by area double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance // --> divide by fourpid2 double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units // --> multiply by unit conversion factor double unitfactor = units->osurfacebrightness(lambdagrid->lambda(ell), 1.); // Perform the conversion, in place foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) *= (unitfactor / (dlambda * area * fourpid2)); } // Write a FITS file for each array for (int q = 0; q < farrays.size(); q++) { QString filename = _instrument->instrumentName() + "_" + fnames[q] + "_" + QString::number(ell); QString description = fnames[q] + " flux " + QString::number(ell); // Create the image and save it Image image(this, _Nxp, _Nyp, 1, _xpres, _ypres, "surfacebrightness"); image.saveto(this, *(farrays[q]), filename, description); } }
void PerspectiveInstrument::write() { Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); int Nlambda = find<WavelengthGrid>()->Nlambda(); // Put the data cube in a list of f-array pointers, as the sumResults function requires QList< Array* > farrays; farrays << &_ftotv; // Sum the flux arrays element-wise across the different processes sumResults(farrays); // Multiply each sample by lambda/dlamdba and by the constant factor 1/(4 pi s^2) // to obtain the surface brightness and convert to output units (such as W/m2/arcsec2) double front = 1. / (4.*M_PI*_s*_s); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nx; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Ny; j++) { int m = i + _Nx*j + _Nx*_Ny*ell; _ftotv[m] = units->osurfacebrightness(lambda, _ftotv[m]*front/dlambda); } } } // Write a FITS file containing the data cube QString filename = _instrumentname + "_total"; Image image(this, _Nx, _Ny, Nlambda, _s, _s, "surfacebrightness"); image.saveto(this, _ftotv, filename, "total flux"); }
void QuasarSED::setupSelfBefore() { StellarSED::setupSelfBefore(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); double Nlambda = lambdagrid->Nlambda(); Array jv(Nlambda); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); lambda *= 1e6; // conversion from m to micron (the Quasar SED is defined using microns) double j = 0.0; double a = 1.0; double b = 0.003981072; double c = 0.001258926; double d = 0.070376103; if (lambda<0.001) j = 0.0; else if (lambda<0.01) j = a*pow(lambda,0.2); else if (lambda<0.1) j = b*pow(lambda,-1.0); else if (lambda<5.0) j = c*pow(lambda,-1.5); else if (lambda<1000.0) j = d*pow(lambda,-4.0); else j = 0.0; jv[ell] = j; } setemissivities(jv); }
void SPHStarburstComp::setupSelfBefore() { StellarComp::setupSelfBefore(); // cache the random generator _random = find<Random>(); // local constant for units const double pc = Units::pc(); // vectors storing the particle attributes (r and h are data members since we need those after setup) std::vector<double> SFRv; std::vector<double> Zv; std::vector<double> logCv; std::vector<double> Pv; std::vector<double> fPDRv; // load the SPH star particles QString filepath = find<FilePaths>()->input(_filename); QFile infile(filepath); if (!|QIODevice::Text)) throw FATALERROR("Could not open the SPH HII region data file " + filepath); find<Log>()->info("Reading SPH HII region particles from file " + filepath + "..."); int Nparts = 0; double SFRtot = 0; while (!infile.atEnd()) { // read a line, split it in columns, and skip empty and comment lines QList<QByteArray> columns = infile.readLine().simplified().split(' '); if (!columns.isEmpty() && !columns[0].startsWith('#')) { // get the column values; missing or illegal values default to zero _rv.push_back(Vec(columns.value(0).toDouble()*pc, columns.value(1).toDouble()*pc, columns.value(2).toDouble()*pc)); _hv.push_back(columns.value(3).toDouble()*pc); SFRv.push_back(columns.value(4).toDouble()); // star formation rate in Msun / yr Zv.push_back(columns.value(5).toDouble()); // metallicity as dimensionless fraction logCv.push_back(columns.value(6).toDouble()); // log compactness (Groves 2008) as dimensionless value Pv.push_back(columns.value(7).toDouble()); // ISM pressure in Pa fPDRv.push_back(columns.value(8).toDouble()); // dimensionless photo-dissociation region covering fraction Nparts++; SFRtot += columns.value(4).toDouble(); } } infile.close(); double Mtot = SFRtot * 1.e7; // total stellar mass from total sfr over the last 10 Myr find<Log>()->info(" Total number of SPH HII region particles: " + QString::number(Nparts)); find<Log>()->info(" Total stellar mass: " + QString::number(Mtot) + " Msun"); find<Log>()->info("Filling the vectors with the SEDs of the particles... "); // construct the library of SED models MappingsSEDFamily map(this); // construct a temporary matrix Lvv with the luminosity of each particle at each wavelength // and also the permanent vector _Ltotv with the total luminosity for every wavelength bin int Nlambda = find<WavelengthGrid>()->Nlambda(); ArrayTable<2> Lvv(Nlambda,Nparts); _Ltotv.resize(Nlambda); double Ltot = 0; for (int i=0; i<Nparts; i++) { const Array& Lv = map.luminosities(SFRv[i], Zv[i], logCv[i], Pv[i], fPDRv[i]); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { Lvv[ell][i] = Lv[ell]; _Ltotv[ell] += Lv[ell]; Ltot += Lv[ell]; } } find<Log>()->info(" HII luminosity: " + QString::number(Ltot/Units::Lsun()) + " Lsun"); // construct the permanent vectors _Xvv with the normalized cumulative luminosities (per wavelength bin) _Xvv.resize(Nlambda,0); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { NR::cdf(_Xvv[ell], Lvv[ell]); } // if requested, write a data file with the luminosities per wavelength if (_writeLuminosities) { Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); // Create a text file TextOutFile file(this, "HII_luminosities", "HII luminosities"); // Write the header file.addColumn("lambda (" + units->uwavelength() + ")"); file.addColumn("luminosity (" + units->ubolluminosity() + ")"); // Write the body for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { file.writeRow(QList<double>() << units->owavelength(lambdagrid->lambda(ell)) << units->obolluminosity(_Ltotv[ell])); } } }
void PanDustSystem::write() const { DustSystem::write(); // If requested, output the interstellar radiation field in every dust cell to a data file if (_writeISRF) { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); Units* units = find<Units>(); // Create a text file TextOutFile file(this, "ds_isrf", "ISRF"); // Write the header file.writeLine("# Mean field intensities for all dust cells with nonzero absorption"); file.addColumn("dust cell index", 'd'); file.addColumn("x coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); file.addColumn("y coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); file.addColumn("z coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); for (int ell=0; ell<_Nlambda; ell++) file.addColumn("J_lambda (W/m3/sr) for lambda = " + QString::number(units->owavelength(lambdagrid->lambda(ell))) + " " + units->uwavelength(), 'g'); // Write one line for each dust cell with nonzero absorption for (int m=0; m<_Ncells; m++) { double Ltotm = Labs(m); if (Ltotm>0.0) { QList<double> values; Position bfr = _grid->centralPositionInCell(m); values << m << units->olength(bfr.x()) << units->olength(bfr.y()) << units->olength(bfr.z()); for (auto J : meanintensityv(m)) values << J; file.writeRow(values); } } } // If requested, output temperate map(s) along coordiate axes cuts if (_writeTemp) { // construct a private class instance to do the work (parallelized) WriteTemp wt(this); Parallel* parallel = find<ParallelFactory>()->parallel(); // get the dimension of the dust grid int dimDust = _grid->dimension(); // Create an assigner that assigns all the work to the root process RootAssigner* assigner = new RootAssigner(0); assigner->assign(Np); // For the xy plane (always) { wt.setup(1,1,0); parallel->call(&wt, assigner); wt.write(); } // For the xz plane (only if dimension is at least 2) if (dimDust >= 2) { wt.setup(1,0,1); parallel->call(&wt, assigner); wt.write(); } // For the yz plane (only if dimension is 3) if (dimDust == 3) { wt.setup(0,1,1); parallel->call(&wt, assigner); wt.write(); } } }
void PanDustSystem::write() const { DustSystem::write(); PeerToPeerCommunicator* comm = find<PeerToPeerCommunicator>(); bool dataParallel = comm->dataParallel(); // If requested, output the interstellar radiation field in every dust cell to a data file if (_writeISRF) { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); Units* units = find<Units>(); // Create a text file TextOutFile file(this, "ds_isrf", "ISRF"); // Write the header file.writeLine("# Mean field intensities for all dust cells with nonzero absorption"); file.addColumn("dust cell index", 'd'); file.addColumn("x coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); file.addColumn("y coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); file.addColumn("z coordinate of cell center (" + units->ulength() + ")", 'g'); for (int ell=0; ell<_Nlambda; ell++) file.addColumn("J_lambda (W/m3/sr) for lambda = " + QString::number(units->owavelength(lambdagrid->lambda(ell))) + " " + units->uwavelength(), 'g'); // Write one line for each dust cell with nonzero absorption for (int m=0; m<_Ncells; m++) { if (!dataParallel) { double Ltotm = Labs(m); if (Ltotm>0.0) { QList<double> values; Position bfr = _grid->centralPositionInCell(m); values << m << units->olength(bfr.x()) << units->olength(bfr.y()) << units->olength(bfr.z()); for (auto J : meanintensityv(m)) values << J; file.writeRow(values); } } else // for distributed mode { QList<double> values; Position bfr = _grid->centralPositionInCell(m); values << m << units->olength(bfr.x()) << units->olength(bfr.y()) << units->olength(bfr.z()); // the correct process gets Jv Array Jv(_Nlambda); if (_assigner->validIndex(m)) Jv = meanintensityv(m); // and broadcasts it int sender = _assigner->rankForIndex(m); comm->broadcast(Jv,sender); if (Jv.sum()>0) { for (auto J : Jv) values << J; file.writeRow(values); } } } } // If requested, output temperature map(s) along coordinate axes and temperature data for each dust cell if (_writeTemp) { // Parallelize the calculation over the threads Parallel* parallel = find<ParallelFactory>()->parallel(); // If the necessary data is distributed over the processes, do the calculation on all processes. // Else, let the root do everything. bool isRoot = comm->isRoot(); // Output temperature map(s) along coordinate axes { // Construct a private class instance to do the work (parallelized) WriteTempCut wt(this); // Get the dimension of the dust grid int dimDust = _grid->dimension(); // For the xy plane (always) { wt.setup(1,1,0); if (dataParallel) parallel->call(&wt, Np); else if (isRoot) parallel->call(&wt, Np); wt.write(); } // For the xz plane (only if dimension is at least 2) if (dimDust >= 2) { wt.setup(1,0,1); if (dataParallel) parallel->call(&wt, Np); else if (isRoot) parallel->call(&wt, Np); wt.write(); } // For the yz plane (only if dimension is 3) if (dimDust == 3) { wt.setup(0,1,1); if (dataParallel) parallel->call(&wt, Np); else if (isRoot) parallel->call(&wt, Np); wt.write(); } } // Output a text file with temperature data for each dust cell { find<Log>()->info("Calculating indicative dust temperatures for each cell..."); // Construct a private class instance to do the work (parallelized) WriteTempData wt(this); // Call the body on the right cells. If everything is available, no unnecessary communication will be done. if (dataParallel) { // Calculate the temperature for the cells owned by this process parallel->call(&wt, _assigner); } else if (isRoot) { // Let root calculate it for everything parallel->call(&wt, _Ncells); } wt.write(); } } }
void SingleFrameInstrument::calibrateAndWriteDataCubes(QList< Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); int Nlambda = lambdagrid->Nlambda(); // calibration step 1: conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nxp; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Nyp; j++) { int m = i + _Nxp*j + _Nxp*_Nyp*ell; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr)[m] /= dlambda; } } } } // calibration step 2: correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) /= area; } // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) /= fourpid2; } // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units; // we use lambda*flambda for the surface brightness (in units like W/m2/arcsec2) Units* units = find<Units>(); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nxp; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Nyp; j++) { int m = i + _Nxp*j + _Nxp*_Nyp*ell; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr)[m] = units->obolsurfacebrightness(lambda*(*farr)[m]); } } } }