Esempio n. 1
static void write_children_recursive(WTF::Vector<char>& v, WebCore::HistoryItem* parent)
    const WebCore::HistoryItemVector& children = parent->children();
    WebCore::HistoryItemVector::const_iterator end = children.end();
    for (WebCore::HistoryItemVector::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
        WebCore::HistoryItem* item = (*i).get();
                "The parent item should have a bridge object!");
        if (!item->bridge()) {
            WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(parent->bridge()));
        } else {
            // The only time this item's parent may not be the same as the
            // parent's bridge is during history close. In that case, the
            // parent must not have a parent bridge.
            WebHistoryItem* bridge = static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(item->bridge());
            WebHistoryItem* parentBridge = static_cast<WebHistoryItem*>(parent->bridge());
            LOG_ASSERT(parentBridge->parent() == 0 ||
                    bridge->parent() == parentBridge,
                    "Somehow this item has an incorrect parent");
        write_item(v, item);
        write_children_recursive(v, item);
Esempio n. 2
void WebHistory::AddItem(const AutoJObject& list, WebCore::HistoryItem* item)
    LOG_ASSERT(item, "newItem must take a valid HistoryItem!");
    // Item already added. Should only happen when we are inflating the list.
    if (item->bridge() || !list.get())

    JNIEnv* env = list.env();
    // Allocate a blank WebHistoryItem
    jclass clazz = env->FindClass("android/webkit/WebHistoryItem");
    jobject newItem = env->NewObject(clazz, gWebHistoryItem.mInit);

    // Create the bridge, make it active, and attach it to the item.
    WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(env, newItem, item);

    // Update the history item which will flatten the data and call update on
    // the java item.

    // Add it to the list.
    env->CallVoidMethod(list.get(), gWebBackForwardList.mAddHistoryItem, newItem);

    // Delete our local reference.
Esempio n. 3
static void WebHistoryInflate(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame, jbyteArray data)
    LOG_ASSERT(frame, "Inflate needs a valid frame pointer!");
    LOG_ASSERT(data, "Inflate needs a valid data pointer!");

    // Inflate the history tree into one HistoryItem or null if the inflation
    // failed.
    RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> newItem = WebCore::HistoryItem::create();
    WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(env, obj, newItem.get());
		    // Get the actual bytes and the length from the java array.
		    const jbyte* bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL);
		    jsize size = env->GetArrayLength(data);

    // Inflate the item recursively. If it fails, that is ok. We'll have an
    // incomplete HistoryItem but that is better than crashing due to a null
    // item.
    // We have a 2nd local variable since read_item_recursive may change the
    // ptr's value. We can't pass &bytes since we have to send bytes to
    // ReleaseByteArrayElements unchanged.
    const char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes);
		    bool readCheck = read_item_recursive(newItem.get(), &ptr, (int)size);
				LOGV("read_item_recursive returned %d ",readCheck);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, const_cast<jbyte*>(bytes), JNI_ABORT);

    // Add the new item to the back/forward list.
    WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame;

    // Update the item.
static jint WebHistoryInflate(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame, jbyteArray data)
    ALOG_ASSERT(frame, "Inflate needs a valid frame pointer!");
    ALOG_ASSERT(data, "Inflate needs a valid data pointer!");

    // Get the actual bytes and the length from the java array.
    const jbyte* bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL);
    jsize size = env->GetArrayLength(data);

    // Inflate the history tree into one HistoryItem or null if the inflation
    // failed.
    RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> newItem = WebCore::HistoryItem::create();
    WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(newItem.get());

    // Inflate the item recursively. If it fails, that is ok. We'll have an
    // incomplete HistoryItem but that is better than crashing due to a null
    // item.
    // We have a 2nd local variable since read_item_recursive may change the
    // ptr's value. We can't pass &bytes since we have to send bytes to
    // ReleaseByteArrayElements unchanged.
    const char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes);
    readItemRecursive(newItem.get(), &ptr, (int)size);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, const_cast<jbyte*>(bytes), JNI_ABORT);

    // Add the new item to the back/forward list.
    WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame;

    // Update the item.
    // Ref here because Java expects to adopt the reference, and as such will not
    // call ref on it. However, setBridge has also adopted the reference
    // TODO: This is confusing as hell, clean up ownership and have setBridge
    // take a RefPtr instead of a raw ptr and calling adoptRef on it
    return reinterpret_cast<jint>(bridge);