Esempio n. 1
void TextureProjection::emitTextureCoordinates (std::size_t width, std::size_t height, Winding& w,
		const Vector3& normal, const Matrix4& localToWorld)
	if (w.size() < 3) {

	Matrix4 local2tex = m_texdef.getTransform((float) width, (float) height);

		Matrix4 xyz2st;
		// we don't care if it's not normalised...
		basisForNormal(matrix4_transformed_direction(localToWorld, normal), xyz2st);
		matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4(local2tex, xyz2st);

	Vector3 tangent(local2tex.getTransposed().x().getVector3().getNormalised());
	Vector3 bitangent(local2tex.getTransposed().y().getVector3().getNormalised());

	matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4(local2tex, localToWorld);

	for (Winding::iterator i = w.begin(); i != w.end(); ++i) {
		Vector3 texcoord = matrix4_transformed_point(local2tex, (*i).vertex);
		(*i).texcoord[0] = texcoord[0];
		(*i).texcoord[1] = texcoord[1];

		(*i).tangent = tangent;
		(*i).bitangent = bitangent;
Esempio n. 2
brushsplit_t Winding_ClassifyPlane(const Winding& winding, const Plane3& plane) 
  brushsplit_t split;
  for(Winding::const_iterator i = winding.begin(); i != winding.end(); ++i)
    ++split.counts[Winding_ClassifyDistance(plane3_distance_to_point(plane, (*i).vertex), ON_EPSILON)];
  return split;
Esempio n. 3
/// \brief Returns true if
/// !flipped && winding is completely BACK or ON
/// or flipped && winding is completely FRONT or ON
bool Winding_TestPlane(const Winding& winding, const Plane3& plane, bool flipped) 
  const int test = (flipped) ? ePlaneBack : ePlaneFront;
  for(Winding::const_iterator i = winding.begin(); i != winding.end(); ++i)
    if(test == Winding_ClassifyDistance(plane3_distance_to_point(plane, (*i).vertex), ON_EPSILON))
      return false;
  return true;
Esempio n. 4
void TextureProjection::fitTexture (std::size_t width, std::size_t height, const Vector3& normal, const Winding& w,
		float s_repeat, float t_repeat)
	if (w.size() < 3) {

	Matrix4 st2tex = m_texdef.getTransform((float) width, (float) height);

	// the current texture transform
	Matrix4 local2tex = st2tex;
		Matrix4 xyz2st;
		basisForNormal(normal, xyz2st);
		matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4(local2tex, xyz2st);

	// the bounds of the current texture transform
	AABB bounds;
	for (Winding::const_iterator i = w.begin(); i != w.end(); ++i) {
		Vector3 texcoord = matrix4_transformed_point(local2tex, (*i).vertex);
		aabb_extend_by_point_safe(bounds, texcoord);
	bounds.origin.z() = 0;
	bounds.extents.z() = 1;

	// the bounds of a perfectly fitted texture transform
	AABB perfect(Vector3(s_repeat * 0.5, t_repeat * 0.5, 0), Vector3(s_repeat * 0.5, t_repeat * 0.5, 1));

	// the difference between the current texture transform and the perfectly fitted transform
	Matrix4 matrix(Matrix4::getTranslation(bounds.origin - perfect.origin));
	matrix4_pivoted_scale_by_vec3(matrix, bounds.extents / perfect.extents, perfect.origin);

	// apply the difference to the current texture transform
	matrix4_premultiply_by_matrix4(st2tex, matrix);

	setTransform((float) width, (float) height, st2tex);
	m_texdef.normalise((float) width, (float) height);