/* * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. */ void Domain::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetSpatialId()) stream.writeAttribute("spatialId", getPrefix(), mSpatialId); if (isSetDomainType()) stream.writeAttribute("domainType", getPrefix(), mDomainType); // // (EXTENSION) // SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void GeneProductRef::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { FbcAssociation::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetGeneProduct() == true) stream.writeAttribute("geneProduct", getPrefix(), mGeneProduct); if (isSetName() == true) stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void CoordinateComponent::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetType() == true) stream.writeAttribute("type", getPrefix(), CoordinateKind_toString(mType)); if (isSetUnit() == true) stream.writeAttribute("unit", getPrefix(), mUnit); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void CSGScale::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { CSGTransformation::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetScaleX() == true) stream.writeAttribute("scaleX", getPrefix(), mScaleX); if (isSetScaleY() == true) stream.writeAttribute("scaleY", getPrefix(), mScaleY); if (isSetScaleZ() == true) stream.writeAttribute("scaleZ", getPrefix(), mScaleZ); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void AdjacentDomains::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetDomain1() == true) stream.writeAttribute("domain1", getPrefix(), mDomain1); if (isSetDomain2() == true) stream.writeAttribute("domain2", getPrefix(), mDomain2); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void CompartmentMapping::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetDomainType() == true) stream.writeAttribute("domainType", getPrefix(), mDomainType); if (isSetUnitSize() == true) stream.writeAttribute("unitSize", getPrefix(), mUnitSize); }
/* * Writes this XMLAttributes set to stream. */ void XMLAttributes::write (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { for (int n = 0; n < getLength(); ++n) { if ( getPrefix(n).empty() ) { stream.writeAttribute( getName(n), getValue(n) ); } else { stream.writeAttribute( mNames[(size_t)n], getValue(n) ); } } }
void ASTBase::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { if (isSetId()) stream.writeAttribute("id", getId()); if (isSetClass()) stream.writeAttribute("class", getClass()); if (isSetStyle()) stream.writeAttribute("style", getStyle()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNumPlugins(); i++) { getPlugin(i)->writeAttributes(stream, getExtendedType()); } }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void OutwardBindingSite::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetBindingStatus() == true) stream.writeAttribute("bindingStatus", getPrefix(), BindingStatus_toString(mBindingStatus)); if (isSetComponent() == true) stream.writeAttribute("component", getPrefix(), mComponent); SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void InteriorPoint::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetCoord1() == true) stream.writeAttribute("coord1", getPrefix(), mCoord1); if (isSetCoord2() == true) stream.writeAttribute("coord2", getPrefix(), mCoord2); if (isSetCoord3() == true) stream.writeAttribute("coord3", getPrefix(), mCoord3); }
void ASTCnExponentialNode::write(XMLOutputStream& stream) const { stream.startElement("cn"); stream.setAutoIndent(false); ASTCnBase::write(stream); writeENotation ( getMantissa(), getExponent(), stream); stream.endElement("cn"); stream.setAutoIndent(true); }
/* * Writes this XMLToken to stream. */ void XMLToken::write (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { if ( isEOF () ) return; if ( isText() ) { stream << getCharacters(); return; } if ( isStart() ) stream.startElement( mTriple ); if ( isStart() ) stream << mNamespaces << mAttributes; if ( isEnd() ) stream.endElement( mTriple ); }
/* * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. */ void DiffusionCoefficient::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetVariable()) stream.writeAttribute("variable", getPrefix(), mVariable); if (isSetCoordinateIndex()) stream.writeAttribute("coordinateIndex", getPrefix(), mCoordinateIndex); // // (EXTENSION) // SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Writes the XML namespace declarations to stream. */ void XMLNamespaces::write (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { for (int n = 0; n < getLength(); ++n) { if ( getPrefix(n).empty() ) { stream.writeAttribute( "xmlns", getURI(n) ); } else { const XMLTriple triple(getPrefix(n), "", "xmlns"); stream.writeAttribute( triple, getURI(n) ); } } }
void ASTBase::writeStartElement (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { std::string name = getNameFromType(getExtendedType()); stream.startElement(name); writeAttributes(stream); }
void ASTLambdaFunctionNode::write(XMLOutputStream& stream) const { ASTBase::writeStartElement(stream); /* HACK TO REPLICATE OLD AST */ /* all but the last child will be wrapped as bvars * even if they are technically not */ unsigned int numChildren = ASTFunctionBase::getNumChildren(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (i < numChildren-1 && ASTFunctionBase::getChild(i)->getType() != AST_QUALIFIER_BVAR) { ASTQualifierNode * bvar = new ASTQualifierNode(AST_QUALIFIER_BVAR); bvar->addChild(ASTFunctionBase::getChild(i)->deepCopy()); bvar->write(stream); delete bvar; } else { ASTFunctionBase::getChild(i)->write(stream); } } stream.endElement("lambda"); }
void MultiASTPlugin::writeAttributes(XMLOutputStream& stream, int type) const { if (type != AST_NAME) { return; } else { if (isSetSpeciesReference()) stream.writeAttribute("speciesReference", getPrefix(), getSpeciesReference()); if (isSetRepresentationType()) stream.writeAttribute("representationType", getPrefix(), getRepresentationType()); } }
/* * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. */ void InitialAssignment::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); const unsigned int level = getLevel (); const unsigned int version = getVersion(); // // sboTerm: SBOTerm { use="optional" } (L2v2) // // sboTerm for L2V3 or later is written in SBase::writeAttributes() // if ( (level == 2) && (version == 2) ) { SBO::writeTerm(stream, mSBOTerm); } // // symbol: SId { use="required" } (L2v2) // stream.writeAttribute("symbol", mSymbol); // // (EXTENSION) // SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/** * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. For example: * * SBase::writeAttributes(stream); * stream.writeAttribute( "id" , mId ); * stream.writeAttribute( "name", mName ); * ... */ void SpeciesReferenceGlyph::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { GraphicalObject::writeAttributes(stream); if(this->isSetSpeciesReferenceId()) { stream.writeAttribute("speciesReference", mSpeciesReference); } if(this->isSetSpeciesGlyphId()) { stream.writeAttribute("speciesGlyph", mSpeciesGlyph); } if(this->isSetRole()) { stream.writeAttribute("role", this->getRoleString().c_str() ); } }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void Objective::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetName() == true) stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); if (isSetType() == true) stream.writeAttribute("type", getPrefix(), ObjectiveType_toString(mType)); }
/* * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. */ void EventAssignment::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { const unsigned int level = getLevel(); const unsigned int version = getVersion(); /* invalid level/version */ if (level < 2) { return; } SBase::writeAttributes(stream); // // sboTerm: SBOTerm { use="optional" } (L2v2 ->) // // sboTerm for L2V3 or later is written in SBase::writeAttributes() // if ( (level == 2) && (version == 2) ) { SBO::writeTerm(stream, mSBOTerm); } // // variable: SId { use="required" } (L2v1 ->) // stream.writeAttribute("variable", mVariable); // // (EXTENSION) // SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
void MultiASTPlugin::writeXMLNS(XMLOutputStream& stream) const { bool hasAttributes = false; if (hasAttributesSet() == true) stream.writeAttribute(getPrefix(), "xmlns", getURI()); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void DistribInput::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetName() == true) stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); if (isSetIndex() == true) stream.writeAttribute("index", getPrefix(), mIndex); SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Writes the role list to an XML stream. */ void Style::writeRolesList(XMLOutputStream& stream) const { std::string s=createStringFromSet(this->mRoleList); if(!s.empty()) { stream.writeAttribute("roleList", getPrefix(), s); } }
/* * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. For example: * * SBase::writeAttributes(stream); * stream.writeAttribute( "id" , mId ); * stream.writeAttribute( "name", mName ); * ... */ void Transformation2D::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if(this->isSetMatrix() && memcmp(this->mMatrix,getIdentityMatrix(),12*sizeof(double))!=0) { stream.writeAttribute("transform", getPrefix(), this->get2DTransformationString()); } }
/** * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes * to the XMLOutputStream. Be sure to call your parents implementation * of this method as well. For example: * * SBase::writeAttributes(stream); * stream.writeAttribute( "id" , mId ); * stream.writeAttribute( "name", mName ); * ... */ void SpeciesGlyph::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { GraphicalObject::writeAttributes(stream); if(this->isSetSpeciesId()) { stream.writeAttribute("species", mSpecies); } }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void ListOfMemberConstraints::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetName() == true) stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); if (isSetMembersShareType() == true) stream.writeAttribute("membersShareType", getPrefix(), mMembersShareType); SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetReactant() == true) stream.writeAttribute("reactant", getPrefix(), mReactant); if (isSetReactantComponent() == true) stream.writeAttribute("reactantComponent", getPrefix(), mReactantComponent); if (isSetProductComponent() == true) stream.writeAttribute("productComponent", getPrefix(), mProductComponent); SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Writes the attributes to the stream */ void Uncertainty::writeAttributes(XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) { stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); } if (isSetName() == true) { stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); } SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }
/* * Write values of XMLAttributes to the output stream. */ void SpeciesFeatureType::writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const { SBase::writeAttributes(stream); if (isSetId() == true) stream.writeAttribute("id", getPrefix(), mId); if (isSetName() == true) stream.writeAttribute("name", getPrefix(), mName); if (isSetOccur() == true) stream.writeAttribute("occur", getPrefix(), mOccur); SBase::writeExtensionAttributes(stream); }