Esempio n. 1
/// processes the 'camera' tag
void process_camera_tag(XMLTreeConstPtr node)

  // read all attributes
  const XMLAttrib* target_attr = node->get_attrib("target");
  const XMLAttrib* position_attr = node->get_attrib("position");
  const XMLAttrib* up_attr = node->get_attrib("up");
  if (!target_attr || !position_attr || !up_attr)

  // get the actual values
  Vector3 target, position, up;

  // setup osg vectors
  #ifdef USE_OSG
  osg::Vec3d position_osg(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
  osg::Vec3d target_osg(target[0], target[1], target[2]);
  osg::Vec3d up_osg(up[0], up[1], up[2]);

  // set the camera view
  if (viewer_pointer && viewer_pointer->getCameraManipulator())
    osg::Camera* camera = viewer_pointer->getCamera();
    camera->setViewMatrixAsLookAt(position_osg, target_osg, up_osg);

    // setup the manipulator using the camera, if necessary
    viewer_pointer->getCameraManipulator()->setHomePosition(position_osg, target_osg, up_osg);
Esempio n. 2
/// Implements Base::load_from_xml()
void OSGGroupWrapper::load_from_xml(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  // load the Base data
  Base::load_from_xml(node, id_map);

  // verify the node name
  assert(strcasecmp(node->name.c_str(), "OSGGroup") == 0);

  // if there is no visualization data filename, return now
  const XMLAttrib* viz_fname_attr = node->get_attrib("filename");
  if (!viz_fname_attr)

  // get the filename
  const std::string& fname = viz_fname_attr->get_string_value();

  // open the filename and read in the file
  osg::Node* osgnode = osgDB::readNodeFile(fname);
  if (!osgnode)
    std::cerr << "OSGGroupWrapper::load_from_xml() - unable to read from ";
    std::cerr  << fname << "!" << std::endl;

  // remove all children from the root separator
  _group->removeChildren(0, _group->getNumChildren());

  // read in the transform, if specified
  const XMLAttrib* transform_attr = node->get_attrib("transform");
  if (transform_attr)
    Matrix4 T;
    if (!Matrix4::valid_transform(T))
      throw InvalidTransformException(T);

    // create the SoTransform and add it to the root separator
    osg::Matrixd m;
    to_osg_matrix(T, m);
    osg::MatrixTransform* mgroup = new osg::MatrixTransform;
    _group = mgroup;

  // add the read node to the group
Esempio n. 3
/// Implements Base::load_from_xml()
void SphericalJoint::load_from_xml(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  // read the information from the articulated body joint
  Joint::load_from_xml(node, id_map);

  // verify that the node name is correct
  assert(strcasecmp(node->name.c_str(), "SphericalJoint") == 0);

  // read local joint axes
  const XMLAttrib* laxis_attrib = node->get_attrib("local-axis");
  if (laxis_attrib)
    Vector3 laxis;
    set_axis_local(laxis, eAxis1);
  const XMLAttrib* laxis1_attrib = node->get_attrib("local-axis1");
  if (laxis1_attrib)
    Vector3 laxis1;
    set_axis_local(laxis1, eAxis1);
  const XMLAttrib* laxis2_attrib = node->get_attrib("local-axis2");
  if (laxis2_attrib)
    Vector3 laxis2;
    set_axis_local(laxis2, eAxis2);

  // read the global joint axes, if given
  const XMLAttrib* gaxis_attrib = node->get_attrib("global-axis");
  if (gaxis_attrib)
    Vector3 gaxis;
    set_axis_global(gaxis, eAxis1);  
  const XMLAttrib* gaxis1_attrib = node->get_attrib("global-axis1");
  if (gaxis1_attrib)
    Vector3 gaxis1;
    set_axis_global(gaxis1, eAxis1);  
  const XMLAttrib* gaxis2_attrib = node->get_attrib("global-axis2");
  if (gaxis2_attrib)
    Vector3 gaxis2;
    set_axis_global(gaxis2, eAxis2);  

  // compute _q_tare if necessary
Esempio n. 4
/// processes the 'window' tag
void process_window_tag(XMLTreeConstPtr node)
  // don't process if not onscreen rendering

  // read window location
  const XMLAttrib* loc_attr = node->get_attrib("location");

  // read window size
  const XMLAttrib* size_attr = node->get_attrib("size");

  // get the actual values
  Vector2 loc(0,0), size(640,480);
  if (loc_attr)
  if (size_attr)

  #ifdef USE_OSG
  // setup the window
  viewer_pointer->setUpViewInWindow(loc[0], loc[1], size[0], size[1]);
Esempio n. 5
 * \param node the subtree under which all data necessary to load this
 *        object is stored
 * \param id_map a map from node IDs to read objects
void Base::load_from_xml(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  // read the ID, if specified
  const XMLAttrib* id_attrib = node->get_attrib("id");
  if (id_attrib)
    id = id_attrib->get_string_value();

  // verify that the ID does not already exist in the map
  if (id_map.find(id) != id_map.end())
    std::cerr << "Base::load_from_xml() - \"unique\" ID '" << id << "' ";
    std::cerr << "  already exists in the id_map!  Adding anyway...";
    std::cerr << std::endl;

  // add the ID to the ID map
  id_map[id] = shared_from_this();
Esempio n. 6
 * \pre node is named JointPlugin 
void XMLReader::read_joint_plugin(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  // sanity check
  assert(strcasecmp(node->name.c_str(), "JointPlugin") == 0);

  // get the name of the plugin to load
  const XMLAttrib* plugin_attr = node->get_attrib("plugin");
  if (!plugin_attr)
    std::cerr << "XMLReader::read_joint_plugin() - no plugin attribute!" << std::endl;
  std::string pluginname = plugin_attr->get_string_value();

  // verify that the plugin can be found
  struct stat filestatus;
  if (stat(pluginname.c_str(), &filestatus) != 0)
    std::cerr << "XMLReader::read_joint_plugin() - unable to find plugin '" << pluginname << "'" << std::endl;

  // load the plugin
  void* plugin = dlopen(pluginname.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY);
  if (!plugin)
    std::cerr << "XMLReader::read_joint_plugin()- cannot load plugin: " << dlerror() << std::endl;

  // load the factory symbol
  boost::shared_ptr<Joint> (*factory)(void) = (boost::shared_ptr<Joint> (*) (void)) dlsym(plugin, "factory");
  if (!factory)
    std::cerr << "XMLReader::read_joint_plugin()- factory() not found in " << pluginname << std::endl;

  // create a new Joint object
  boost::shared_ptr<Joint> joint_plugin = factory();
  // populate the object
  joint_plugin->load_from_xml(node, id_map);
Esempio n. 7
/// Gets the tuple type from a node
XMLReader::TupleType XMLReader::get_tuple(XMLTreeConstPtr node)
  std::string type;

  // get the 'type' attribute
  const XMLAttrib* type_attr = node->get_attrib("type");
  if (type_attr)
    type = type_attr->get_string_value();

  // look for possible tuple types
  if (strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "VectorN") == 0)
    return eVectorN;
  if (strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "Vector3") == 0)
    return eVector3;
  if (strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "Quat") == 0)
    return eQuat;

  // still here?  not one of the above...
  return eNone;
Esempio n. 8
/// Implements Base::load_from_xml() 
void Visualizable::load_from_xml(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  OSGGroupWrapperPtr wrap;

  // load parent data
  Base::load_from_xml(node, id_map);

  // get the relevant attributes
  const XMLAttrib* viz_id_attr = node->get_attrib("visualization-id");
  const XMLAttrib* vfile_id_attr = node->get_attrib("visualization-filename");

  // get whether there are any visualization nodes
  std::list<XMLTreeConstPtr> viz_nodes = node->find_child_nodes("Visualization");

  // check that some visualization data exists
  if (!viz_id_attr && !vfile_id_attr && viz_nodes.empty())

  // check for mix-and-match
  if ((viz_id_attr && vfile_id_attr) || (viz_id_attr && vfile_id_attr) ||
      (vfile_id_attr && !viz_nodes.empty()))
    std::cerr << "Visualizable::load_from_xml() - found mix and match of ";
    std::cerr << "visualization-id, visualization-filename, " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "  and/or Visualization node in offending node: " << std::endl;
    std::cerr << *node;

  #ifdef USE_OSG
  // if one of the attributes has been set, get the group
  if (viz_id_attr || vfile_id_attr)
    osg::Group* group = construct_from_node(node, id_map);
    if (group)
    // if we are here, then one or more Visualization nodes encountered
    // create a new group to hold all data read..
    osg::Group* root = NULL;

    // handle all Visualization nodes
    for (std::list<XMLTreeConstPtr>::const_iterator i = viz_nodes.begin(); i != viz_nodes.end(); i++)
      // get the group from the child node
      osg::Group* child_group = construct_from_node(*i, id_map);

      // if the child group is NULL, continue looping
      if (!child_group)

      // look for a visualization-rel-transform attribute
      const XMLAttrib* rel_trans_attr = (*i)->get_attrib("visualization-rel-transform");
      if (rel_trans_attr)
        // create a new transform group
        osg::MatrixTransform* xgroup = new osg::MatrixTransform;

        // create the transform and set it
        Matrix4 Tx;
        osg::Matrixd T;
        to_osg_matrix(Tx, T);

        // add the child to the transform group

        // point child_sep to new_sep (its parent)
        child_group = xgroup;

      // create the root, if need be
      if (!root)
        root = new osg::Group;

      // add the child group to the root group 

    // set the visualization, if available
    if (root)

  // update the visualization transform
Esempio n. 9
File: Joint.cpp Progetto: hsu/Moby
/// Implements Base::load_from_xml()
void Joint::load_from_xml(XMLTreeConstPtr node, std::map<std::string, BasePtr>& id_map)
  std::map<std::string, BasePtr>::const_iterator id_iter;

  // ***********************************************************************
  // don't verify that the node is correct, b/c Joint will 
  // be subclassed
  // ***********************************************************************
  // load the parent data
  Visualizable::load_from_xml(node, id_map);

  // read the lower limits, if given
  const XMLAttrib* lolimit_attr = node->get_attrib("lower-limits");
  if (lolimit_attr)

  // read the upper limits, if given
  const XMLAttrib* hilimit_attr = node->get_attrib("upper-limits");
  if (hilimit_attr)

  // read the maximum actuator force, if given
  const XMLAttrib* maxforce_attr = node->get_attrib("max-forces");
  if (maxforce_attr)

  // read the joint positions, if given
  const XMLAttrib* q_attr = node->get_attrib("q");
  if (q_attr)

  // read the joint velocities, if given
  const XMLAttrib* qd_attr = node->get_attrib("qd");
  if (qd_attr)

  // read the joint positions, if given
  const XMLAttrib* q_init_attr = node->get_attrib("q-tare");
  if (q_init_attr)
    _determine_q_tare = false;
    _determine_q_tare = true;

  // read the Coulomb friction coefficient, if given
  const XMLAttrib* fc_attr = node->get_attrib("coulomb-friction-coeff");
  if (fc_attr)
    mu_fc = fc_attr->get_real_value();

  // read the viscous friction coefficient, if given
  const XMLAttrib* fv_attr = node->get_attrib("viscous-friction-coeff");
  if (fv_attr)
    mu_fv = fv_attr->get_real_value();

  // read the restitution coefficient, if given
  const XMLAttrib* resti_attr = node->get_attrib("restitution-coeff");
  if (resti_attr)
    limit_restitution = resti_attr->get_real_value();

  // read the articulated body, if given
  const XMLAttrib* ab_attr = node->get_attrib("articulated-body-id");
  if (ab_attr)
    // get the ID
    const std::string& ID = ab_attr->get_string_value();

    // look for the ID -- only warn if it is not found
    if ((id_iter = id_map.find(ID)) == id_map.end())
      #ifdef _DEBUG_XML_
      std::cout << "Joint::load_from_xml() warning - ";
      std::cout << "articulated body" << std::endl << "  '" << ID << "' not ";
      std::cout << "found" << std::endl << "  ** This warning could result ";
      std::cout << "from joints being constructed before articulated bodies ";
      std::cout << std::endl << "    and may not be serious..." << std::endl; 
      std::cout << "  offending node: " << std::endl << *node;

  // read the inboard link id, if given
  const XMLAttrib* inboard_attr = node->get_attrib("inboard-link-id");
  if (inboard_attr)
    // get the ID of the inboard link
    const std::string& id = inboard_attr->get_string_value();

    // complain if the link not found but don't treat it as an error-- there 
    // are circular dependencies
    if ((id_iter = id_map.find(id)) == id_map.end())
      #ifdef _DEBUG_XML_
      std::cout << "Joint::load_from_xml() warning - link ";
      std::cout << id << " not found" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  ** This warning could result from joints being ";
      std::cout << " constructed before links" << std::endl << "     and may ";
      std::cout << "not be serious" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  offending node: " << std::endl << *node;
      RigidBodyPtr inboard(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<RigidBody>(id_iter->second));

  // read the outboard link id, if given
  const XMLAttrib* outboard_attr = node->get_attrib("outboard-link-id");
  if (outboard_attr)
    // get the ID of the outboard link
    const std::string& id = outboard_attr->get_string_value();

    // complain if the link not found but don't treat it as an error-- there 
    // are circular dependencies
    if ((id_iter = id_map.find(id)) == id_map.end())
      #ifdef _DEBUG_XML_
      std::cout << "Joint::load_from_xml() warning - link ";
      std::cout << id << " not found" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  ** This warning could result from joints being ";
      std::cout << " constructed before links" << std::endl << "     and may ";
      std::cout << "not be serious" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "  offending node: " << std::endl << *node;
      RigidBodyPtr outboard(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<RigidBody>(id_iter->second));

  // get the global position of the joint, if possible
  const XMLAttrib* pos_attr = node->get_attrib("global-position");
  if (pos_attr)
    // get the position of the joint
    Vector3 position;

    // make sure that both inboard and outboard links have been set
    if (!get_inboard_link() || !get_outboard_link())
      std::cerr << "Joint::load_from_xml() - global position";
      std::cerr << " specified w/o " << std::endl << "  inboard and/or";
      std::cerr << " outboard links set!" << std::endl;

    // get the inboard and outboard links
    RigidBodyPtr inboard(get_inboard_link());
    RigidBodyPtr outboard(get_outboard_link());

    // get the transforms for the two bodies
    const Matrix4& Ti = inboard->get_transform();
    const Matrix4& To = outboard->get_transform();

    // determine the vector from the inboard link to the joint (link coords)
    Vector3 inboard_to_joint = Ti.inverse_mult_point(position);

    // determine the vector from the joint to the outboard link (link coords)
    Vector3 joint_to_outboard_lf = -To.inverse_mult_point(position);

    // NOTE: the calculation immediately below assumes that the induced
    //       transform (i.e., the transform that the joint applies) is initally
    //       identity
    // compute the vector from the joint to the outboard link in joint frame
    Vector3 joint_to_outboard_jf = (Ti.inverse_transform() * To).get_translation() - inboard_to_joint;    

    // add/replace this as an inner joint
    inboard->add_outer_joint(outboard, get_this(), inboard_to_joint);
    outboard->add_inner_joint(inboard, get_this(), joint_to_outboard_jf, joint_to_outboard_lf);

  // get the spatial axis in link coordinates; note that this must be done
  // after the link IDs are set
  const XMLAttrib* sa_link_attr = node->get_attrib("spatial-axis-link");
  if (sa_link_attr)
    SMatrix6N si;
    if (si.columns() != num_dof())
      throw std::runtime_error("Incorrect spatial matrix size reading XML attribute spatial-axis-link");
    _si = si;