/*! \brief Find a string of bytes in the file \details The function searches from the current read position until the given \c needle is found. If the needle is not found, XsResultValue::NOT_FOUND is returned. The function will update the seek position to the first character of the found needle. \param needleV The byte string to find. \param pos The position where \a needleV was found. This will point to the first character of the found \a needleV. \returns XRV_OK if the data was found, XRV_ENDOFFILE if it wasn't found */ XsResultValue IoInterfaceFile::find(const XsByteArray& needleV, XsFilePos& pos) { if (!m_handle) return m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEOPEN; XsSize needleLength = needleV.size(); pos = 0; if (needleLength == 0) return m_lastResult = XRV_OK; const char* needle = (const char*) needleV.data(); gotoRead(); char buffer[512]; uint32_t bufferPos, needlePos = 0; size_t readBytes; if (m_readPos & 0x1FF) // read a block of data readBytes = fread(buffer, 1, (512-((size_t) m_readPos & 0x1FF)), m_handle); else readBytes = fread(buffer, 1, 512, m_handle); // read a block of data while (readBytes > 0) { m_readPos += readBytes; bufferPos = 0; while (bufferPos < readBytes && needlePos < needleLength) { if (buffer[bufferPos] == needle[needlePos]) { // found a byte ++needlePos; } else { if (needlePos > 0) needlePos = 0; else if (buffer[bufferPos] == needle[0]) { // found a byte needlePos = 1; } } ++bufferPos; } if (needlePos < needleLength) readBytes = fread(buffer, 1, 512, m_handle); // read next block else { m_readPos = m_readPos + bufferPos - readBytes - needleLength; // or without needleLength pos = m_readPos; // - needleLength; FSEEK(m_readPos); return m_lastResult = XRV_OK; } } return m_lastResult = XRV_ENDOFFILE; }
/*! \brief Compose a message for transmission \param raw The raw byte array to be constructed from the message \param msg The message to translate into a raw byte array \returns The size of the generated byte array \todo Generalize this method -> IProtocolHandler */ int ProtocolHandler::composeMessage(XsByteArray& raw, const XsMessage& msg) { if (msg.getTotalMessageSize() < 5) // minimum size of an xsens message including envelope is 5 bytes return -1; raw.assign(msg.getTotalMessageSize(), msg.getMessageStart()); return (int) raw.size(); }
/*! \brief Read data from the USB port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue UsbInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { XsSize length = 0; data.setSize(maxLength); XsResultValue res = readData(maxLength, data.data(), &length); data.pop_back(maxLength - length); return res; }
/*! \copydoc IoInterface::writeData \note The default timeout is respected in this operation. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::writeData (const XsByteArray& data, XsSize* written) { XsSize bytes; if (written == NULL) written = &bytes; if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); *written = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD lwritten = 0; if (WriteFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) data.size(), &lwritten, NULL) == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); *written = lwritten; #else ssize_t result = write(m_handle, (const void*)data.data(), data.size()); if (result < 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); *written = result; #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (written[0] > 0) { if (tx_log == NULL) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "tx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname,"tx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); tx_log = fopen(fname, "wb"); } fwrite(data.data(), 1, *written, tx_log); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH fflush(tx_log); #endif } #endif return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read all messages from the buffered read data after adding new data supplied in \a rawIn \details This function will read all present messages in the read buffer. In order for this function to work, you need to call readDataToBuffer() first. \param rawIn The buffered data in which to search for messages \param messages The messages found in the data \return The messages that were read. */ XsResultValue processBufferedData(XsByteArray& rawIn, XsMessageArray& messages) { ProtocolHandler protocol; if (rawIn.size()) m_dataBuffer.append(rawIn); int popped = 0; messages.clear(); for(;;) { XsByteArray raw(m_dataBuffer.data()+popped, m_dataBuffer.size()-popped); XsMessage message; MessageLocation location = protocol.findMessage(message, raw); if (location.isValid()) { // message is valid, remove data from cache popped += location.m_size + location.m_startPos; messages.push_back(message); } else { if (popped) m_dataBuffer.pop_front(popped); if (messages.empty()) return XRV_TIMEOUTNODATA; return XRV_OK; } } }
/*! \brief Wait for data to arrive or a timeout to occur. \details The function waits until \c maxLength data is available or until a timeout occurs. The function returns success if data is available or XsResultValue::TIMEOUT if a timeout occurred. A timeout value of 0 indicates that the default timeout stored in the class should be used. \param maxLength The maximum number of bytes to read before returning \param data The buffer to put the read data in. \returns XRV_OK if \a maxLength bytes were read, XRV_TIMEOUT if less was read, XRV_TIMEOUTNODATA if nothing was read */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::waitForData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { data.clear(); data.reserve(maxLength); //char *data = (char *)&_data[0]; JLTRACE(gJournal, "timeout=" << m_timeout << ", maxLength=" << maxLength); uint32_t timeout = m_timeout; uint32_t eTime = XsTime_getTimeOfDay(NULL, NULL) + timeout; // uint32_t newLength = 0; while ((data.size() < maxLength) && (XsTime_getTimeOfDay(NULL, NULL) <= eTime)) { XsByteArray raw; if (readData(maxLength - data.size(), raw) != XRV_OK) return m_lastResult; data.append(raw); } JLTRACE(gJournal, "Read " << data.size() << " of " << maxLength << " bytes"); if (data.size() < maxLength) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); else return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Write data to the end of the file. \details The function writes the given data to the file at the end. The current write position is also moved to the end of the file. \param bdata The byte data to append to the file \returns XRV_OK if the write was successful */ XsResultValue IoInterfaceFile::appendData(const XsByteArray& bdata) { if (!m_handle) return m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEOPEN; if (m_readOnly) return m_lastResult = XRV_READONLY; if (!bdata.size()) return m_lastResult = XRV_OK; if (m_reading || m_writePos != m_fileSize) { m_reading = false; FSEEK_R(0); // lint !e534 } size_t bytesWritten = fwrite(bdata.data(), 1, bdata.size(), m_handle); (void)bytesWritten; m_writePos = FTELL(); m_fileSize = m_writePos; return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read available data from the open IO device \details This function will attempt to read all available data from the open device (COM port or USB port). The function will read from the device, but it won't wait for data to become available. \param raw A XsByteArray to where the read data will be stored. \return Whether data has been read from the IO device */ XsResultValue readDataToBuffer(XsByteArray& raw) { // always read data and append it to the cache before doing analysis const int maxSz = 8192; XsResultValue res = m_streamInterface->readData(maxSz, raw); if (raw.size()) return XRV_OK; return res; }
/*! \brief Insert the given data into the file. \details The function writes the given data to the file at the current write position. This operation may take a while to complete. The write position is placed at the end of the inserted data. \param start The offset in the file to write the first byte \param data The data to insert in the file \returns XRV_OK if the data was inserted successfully */ XsResultValue IoInterfaceFile::insertData( XsFilePos start, const XsByteArray& data) { if (!m_handle) return m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEOPEN; if (m_readOnly) return m_lastResult = XRV_READONLY; gotoWrite(); XsSize length = data.size(); XsFilePos rPos = start; XsFilePos wPos = rPos + length; size_t read1, read2; XsFilePos remaining = m_fileSize - start; size_t bsize = (length > 512) ? length : 512; char* bufferRoot = (char*)malloc(bsize * 2); if (!bufferRoot) return XRV_OUTOFMEMORY; char* buffer1 = bufferRoot; char* buffer2 = bufferRoot + bsize; char* btemp; // copy data FSEEK(rPos); if (data.size() == 0) return m_lastResult = XRV_OK; if (remaining >= (XsFilePos)bsize) read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, bsize, m_handle); else read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, (size_t)remaining, m_handle); remaining -= read1; rPos += read1; while (remaining > 0) { // move data to correct buffer read2 = read1; btemp = buffer1; buffer1 = buffer2; buffer2 = btemp; // read next block if (remaining >= (XsFilePos)bsize) read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, bsize, m_handle); else read1 = fread(buffer1, 1, (size_t)remaining, m_handle); remaining -= read1; rPos += read1; // write block to the correct position FSEEK(wPos); wPos += fwrite(buffer2, 1, read2, m_handle); FSEEK(rPos); } FSEEK(wPos); wPos += fwrite(buffer1, 1, read1, m_handle); FSEEK(start); m_writePos = start + fwrite(data.data(), 1, length, m_handle); m_fileSize += length; free(bufferRoot); return m_lastResult = XRV_OK; }
/*! \copydoc IProtocolHandler::findMessage \todo Since the assumption is that we receive a stream of valid messages without garbage, the scan is implemented in a rather naive and simple way. If we can expect lots of garbage in the data stream, this should probably be looked into. */ MessageLocation ProtocolHandler::findMessage(XsMessage& rcv, const XsByteArray& raw) const { JLTRACE(gJournal, "Entry"); MessageLocation rv(-1,0); rcv.clear(); int bufferSize = (int) raw.size(); if (bufferSize == 0) return rv; const unsigned char* buffer = raw.data(); // loop through the buffer to find a preamble for (int pre = 0; pre < bufferSize; ++pre) { if (buffer[pre] == XS_PREAMBLE) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "Preamble found at " << pre); // we found a preamble, see if we can read a message from here if (rv.m_startPos == -1) rv.m_startPos = (int32_t) pre; int remaining = bufferSize-pre; // remaining bytes in buffer INCLUDING preamble if (remaining < XS_LEN_MSGHEADERCS) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "Not enough header data read"); if (rv.m_startPos != pre) continue; rv.m_size = -expectedMessageSize(&buffer[pre], remaining); return rv; } // read header const uint8_t* msgStart = &(buffer[pre]); const XsMessageHeader* hdr = (const XsMessageHeader*) msgStart; if (hdr->m_length == XS_EXTLENCODE) { if (remaining < XS_LEN_MSGEXTHEADERCS) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "Not enough extended header data read"); if (rv.m_startPos != pre) continue; rv.m_size = -expectedMessageSize(&buffer[pre], remaining); return rv; } } else if (hdr->m_busId == 0 && hdr->m_messageId == 0) { // found 'valid' message that isn't actually valid... happens inside GPS raw data // skip to next preamble continue; } // check the reported size int target = expectedMessageSize(&buffer[pre], remaining); JLTRACE(gJournal, "Bytes in buffer=" << remaining << ", full target = " << target); if (target > (XS_LEN_MSGEXTHEADERCS + XS_MAXDATALEN)) { // skip current preamble JLALERT(gJournal, "Invalid message length: " << target); rv.m_startPos = -1; continue; } if (remaining < target) { // not enough data read, skip current preamble JLTRACE(gJournal, "Not enough data read: " << remaining << " / " << target); if (rv.m_size == 0) rv.m_size = -target; continue; } // we have read enough data to fulfill our target so we'll try to parse the message // and check the checksum //if (rcv->loadFromString(msgStart, (uint16_t) target) == XRV_OK) if (rcv.loadFromString(msgStart, (uint16_t)target)) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "OK, size = " << (int) rcv.getTotalMessageSize() << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << " First bytes " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[0] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[1] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[2] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[3] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[4] << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')); rv.m_size = (int) rcv.getTotalMessageSize(); rv.m_startPos = pre; // we do this again here because this may not be the first preamble encountered (the check for -1 at the start of the loop is necessary) return rv; } // we could not read the message, clear message and try next preamble rcv.clear(); if (rv.m_startPos == pre) { rv.m_startPos = -1; JLALERT(gJournal, "Invalid checksum" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << " First bytes " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[0] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[1] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[2] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[3] << " " << std::setw(2) << (int) msgStart[4] << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')); } } } JLTRACE(gJournal, "Exit"); return rv; }
/*! \brief Write the data to the USB port. \details The function writes the given data to the connected USB port. The default timeout is respected in this operation. \param data The data to be written \param written An optional pointer to storage for the actual number of bytes that were written \returns XRV_OK if the data was successfully written \sa writeData(const XsSize, const void *, XsSize*) */ XsResultValue UsbInterface::writeData(const XsByteArray& data, XsSize* written) { return writeData(data.size(), data.data(), written); }
void UsbInterfacePrivate::threadFunc() { HANDLE handles[1+m_oCount]; handles[0] = m_quitEvent; handles[m_oCount] = m_waitEvents[m_oCount-1]; //= { m_quitEvent, m_waitEvents[0], m_waitEvents[1] }; // start first read operation for (m_readIdx = 0 ; m_readIdx < (m_oCount-1); ++m_readIdx) { handles[m_readIdx+1] = m_waitEvents[m_readIdx]; //m_readIdx = 0; m_overlapped[m_readIdx] = OVERLAPPED(); ::ResetEvent(m_waitEvents[m_readIdx]); //lint !e534 m_overlapped[m_readIdx].hEvent = m_waitEvents[m_readIdx]; m_winUsb.ReadPipe(m_usbHandle[1], m_bulkInPipe, m_fixedBuffer[m_readIdx], (ULONG)m_fixedBufferSize, 0, &m_overlapped[m_readIdx]); //lint !e534 } int fastCount = 0; //m_readIdx = 1; bool policyFast = false; bool run = true; while (run) { // start follow-up read operation m_overlapped[m_readIdx] = OVERLAPPED(); ::ResetEvent(m_waitEvents[m_readIdx]); //lint !e534 m_overlapped[m_readIdx].hEvent = m_waitEvents[m_readIdx]; m_winUsb.ReadPipe(m_usbHandle[1], m_bulkInPipe, m_fixedBuffer[m_readIdx], (ULONG)m_fixedBufferSize, 0, &m_overlapped[m_readIdx]); //lint !e534 m_readIdx = (m_readIdx + 1) % m_oCount; int64_t tBegin = XsTime_timeStampNow(0); DWORD waitResult = ::WaitForMultipleObjects(1+m_oCount, handles, FALSE, INFINITE); #if 0 // not sure if this causes problems, but it should help in catching up int64_t tEnd = XsTime_timeStampNow(0); switch (tEnd - tBegin) { case 0: if (++fastCount > m_fastPolicyThreshold && !policyFast) { policyFast = true; // set fast policy UCHAR enable = TRUE; m_winUsb.SetPipePolicy(m_usbHandle[1], m_bulkInPipe, IGNORE_SHORT_PACKETS, sizeof(UCHAR), &enable); //lint !e534 } break; case 1: if (fastCount) --fastCount; if (policyFast && fastCount <= m_fastPolicyThreshold) { // reset policy policyFast = false; UCHAR enable = FALSE; m_winUsb.SetPipePolicy(m_usbHandle[1], m_bulkInPipe, IGNORE_SHORT_PACKETS, sizeof(UCHAR), &enable); //lint !e534 } break; default: fastCount = 0; if (policyFast) { // reset policy policyFast = false; UCHAR enable = FALSE; m_winUsb.SetPipePolicy(m_usbHandle[1], m_bulkInPipe, IGNORE_SHORT_PACKETS, sizeof(UCHAR), &enable); //lint !e534 } break; } #endif // handle data switch (waitResult) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: case WAIT_FAILED: case WAIT_OBJECT_0: run = false; break; default: if (waitResult >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0) { JLDEBUG(gJournal, "WFMO abandoned: " << (waitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0)); break; } #ifndef XSENS_RELEASE JLDEBUG(gJournal, "WFMO trigger: " << (waitResult - WAIT_OBJECT_0)); #endif { // put data into buffer int idx = m_readIdx; DWORD dataRead = 0; if (!m_winUsb.GetOverlappedResult(m_usbHandle[0], &m_overlapped[idx], &dataRead, FALSE)) { // error DWORD err = ::GetLastError(); switch (err) { case ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT: case ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE: //JLDEBUG(gJournal, "m_winUsb.GetOverlappedResult resulted in acceptable windows error " << err); break; default: JLALERT(gJournal, "m_winUsb.GetOverlappedResult resulted in windows error " << err); run = false; break; } //assert (err == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE); } else { // append unread data to var buffer JLTRACE(gJournal, "m_winUsb.GetOverlappedResult resulted in " << dataRead << " bytes being read"); XsByteArray ref(&m_fixedBuffer[idx][0], dataRead, XSDF_None); ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_mutex); m_varBuffer.append(ref); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_mutex); } } break; } } }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << ::GetLastError()); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); data.pop_back(maxLength - length); // if (m_callbackHandler != NULL && *length > 0) { // XsBinary bytes; // bytes.setPortNumber(m_port); // bytes.setData(data, *length); //#ifdef LOG_CALLBACKS // JLDEBUG(gJournal, "XsensDeviceAPI", "C1: onBytesReceived(%d,(%d,%d),%p)\n",(int32_t) m_onBytesReceivedInstance, (int32_t) bytes->m_size, (int32_t) bytes->m_portNr, m_onBytesReceivedParam); //#endif //// m_callbackHandler->onBytesReceived(bytes); // } #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (rx_log == NULL) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif rx_log = fopen(fname, "wb"); } fwrite(data.data(), 1, length, rx_log); fflush(rx_log); } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { DWORD wErr = ::GetLastError(); JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << wErr); if (wErr >= ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION && wErr <= ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEORPORTOPEN); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); data.pop_back(maxLength - length); #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (rx_log == NULL) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); rx_log = fopen(fname, "wb"); } fwrite(data.data(), 1, length, rx_log); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH fflush(rx_log); #endif } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \copydoc IoInterface::writeData \note The default timeout is respected in this operation. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::writeData (const XsByteArray& data, XsSize* written) { XsSize bytes; if (written == NULL) written = &bytes; if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); *written = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD lwritten = 0; if (WriteFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) data.size(), &lwritten, NULL) == 0) { DWORD wErr = ::GetLastError(); JLALERT(gJournal, "WriteFile returned windows error " << wErr); if (wErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return (m_lastResult = XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } *written = lwritten; #else ssize_t result = write(m_handle, (const void*)data.data(), data.size()); if (result <= 0) { int err = errno; *written = 0; switch (err) { case EAGAIN: #if defined(EWOULDBLOCK) && EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif return XRV_TIMEOUT; case EIO: return XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT; /* we don't expect any other errors to actually occur */ default: break; } } if (result < 0) *written = 0; else *written = result; #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (written[0] > 0) { if (!tx_log.isOpen()) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "tx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname,"tx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); tx_log.create(XsString(fname), true); } tx_log.write(data.data(), 1, *written); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH tx_log.flush(); #endif } #endif return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { DWORD wErr = ::GetLastError(); JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << wErr); if (wErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return (m_lastResult = XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); if (wErr >= ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION && wErr <= ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEORPORTOPEN); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); if (length > 0) { data.pop_back(maxLength - length); } else { int err = errno; data.clear(); switch (err) { case EAGAIN: #if defined(EWOULDBLOCK) && EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif return XRV_TIMEOUT; case EIO: return XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT; default: break; } } #if defined(JLLOGLEVEL) && JLLOGLEVEL <= JLL_TRACE && !defined(ANDROID) serial_icounter_struct ic; res = ioctl(m_handle, TIOCGICOUNT, &ic); if (res == 0) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "rx: " << ic.rx); JLTRACE(gJournal, "tx: " << ic.tx); JLTRACE(gJournal, "frame " << ic.frame); JLTRACE(gJournal, "overrun " << ic.overrun); JLTRACE(gJournal, "buf_overrun " << ic.buf_overrun); } #endif #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (!rx_log.isOpen()) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); rx_log.create(XsString(fname), true); } rx_log.write(data.data(), 1, length); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH rx_log.flush(); #endif } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }