LUABIND_API class_info get_class_info(argument const& o) { lua_State* L = o.interpreter(); o.push(L); detail::object_rep* obj = detail::get_instance(L, -1); if (!obj) { class_info result; = lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); result.methods = newtable(L); result.attributes = newtable(L); return result; } lua_pop(L, 1); obj->crep()->get_table(L); object table(from_stack(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); class_info result; = obj->crep()->name(); result.methods = newtable(L); result.attributes = newtable(L); std::size_t index = 1; for (iterator i(table), e; i != e; ++i) { if (type(*i) != LUA_TFUNCTION) continue; // We have to create a temporary `object` here, otherwise the proxy // returned by operator->() will mess up the stack. This is a known // problem that probably doesn't show up in real code very often. object member(*i); member.push(L); detail::stack_pop pop(L, 1); if (lua_tocfunction(L, -1) == &detail::property_tag) { result.attributes[index++] = i.key(); } else { result.methods[i.key()] = *i; } } return result; }
utree eval(scope const& env) const { scope const* eptr = &env; utree result; for (std::size_t i = n; i < eptr->size(); ++i) { utree const& arg = (*eptr)[i]; if (arg.which() != utree_type::function_type) result.push_back(utree(boost::ref(arg))); else result.push_back(arg.eval(*eptr)); } return result; }
void execute_clamp(opcode_t opcode, const argument& a, const argument& b) { const clamp_args_t* args = b.get<const clamp_args_t*>(); usize_t size = a.size(); launchcfg cfg = make_elemwise_launchcfg(size); launch_clamp(cfg.gdim,cfg.bdim,cfg.smem,, size,a.dtype, a.get<void*>(), args->lo,args->hi); }
// execution function: // Called when the virtual machine gets around to executing // the lerp instruction, long after it was validated and inserted // into the execution stream. // A CUDA execution function configures and calls a CUDA kernel. // void execute_lerp(opcode_t opcode, const argument& a, const argument& b, const argument& c, const argument& alpha) { usize_t size = a.size(); launchcfg cfg = make_elemwise_launchcfg(size); launch_lerp(cfg.gdim,cfg.bdim,cfg.smem,, size,a.dtype, a.get<const void*>(), b.get<const void*>(), c.get< void*>(), alpha.get<double>()); }
void operator()(argument const& self_, BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N,a,_)) const { object_rep* self = touserdata<object_rep>(self_); std::auto_ptr<T> instance(new T(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,_))); inject_backref(self_.interpreter(), instance.get(), instance.get()); void* naked_ptr = instance.get(); Pointer ptr(instance.release()); void* storage = self->allocate(sizeof(holder_type)); self->set_instance(new (storage) holder_type( ptr, registered_class<T>::id, naked_ptr)); }
void operator()(argument const& self_) const { object_rep* self = touserdata<object_rep>(self_); class_rep* cls = self->crep(); std::auto_ptr<T> instance(new T); inject_backref(self_.interpreter(), instance.get(), instance.get()); void* naked_ptr = instance.get(); Pointer ptr(instance.release()); void* storage = self->allocate(sizeof(holder_type)); self->set_instance(new (storage) holder_type( ptr, registered_class<T>::id, naked_ptr, cls)); }
void operator()(argument const& self_) const { object_rep* self = touserdata<object_rep>(self_); #ifdef LUABIND_USE_CXX11 std::unique_ptr<T> instance(new T); #else std::auto_ptr<T> instance(new T); #endif inject_backref(self_.interpreter(), instance.get(), instance.get()); void* naked_ptr = instance.get(); Pointer ptr(instance.release()); void* storage = self->allocate(sizeof(holder_type)); self->set_instance(new (storage) holder_type( #ifdef LUABIND_USE_CXX11 std::move(ptr), registered_class<T>::id, naked_ptr)); #else ptr, registered_class<T>::id, naked_ptr)); #endif }
string_view get_enumeration_name(const argument& arg) { return arg.get_type().get_enumeration().value_to_name(arg); }