Esempio n. 1
btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_World(btScalar step) const
	// use full newton-euler equations.  common practice to drop the wxIw term. want it for better tumbling behavior.
	// calculate using implicit euler step so it's stable.

	const btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	const btVector3 w0 = getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 I;

	I = m_worldTransform.getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) *

	// use newtons method to find implicit solution for new angular velocity (w')
	// f(w') = -(T*step + Iw) + Iw' + w' + w'xIw'*step = 0 
	// df/dw' = I + 1xIw'*step + w'xI*step

	btVector3 w1 = w0;

	// one step of newton's method
		const btVector3 fw = evalEulerEqn(w1, w0, btVector3(0, 0, 0), step, I);
		const btMatrix3x3 dfw = evalEulerEqnDeriv(w1, w0, step, I);

		btVector3 dw;
		dw = dfw.solve33(fw);
		//const btMatrix3x3 dfw_inv = dfw.inverse();
		//dw = dfw_inv*fw;

		w1 -= dw;

	btVector3 gf = (w1 - w0);
	return gf;
static btMatrix3x3 Transpose(btMatrix3x3 &in)
	btVector3 row0 = in.getRow(0);
	btVector3 row1 = in.getRow(1);
	btVector3 row2 = in.getRow(2);
	btVector3 col0 = btAssign128(row0.x(), row1.x(), row2.x(), 0);
	btVector3 col1 = btAssign128(row0.y(), row1.y(), row2.y(), 0);
	btVector3 col2 = btAssign128(row0.z(), row1.z(), row2.z(), 0);
	return btMatrix3x3(col0, col1, col2);
Esempio n. 3
Matrix3d toMatrix3d(const btMatrix3x3& basis)
	Matrix3d rotation;
	btVector3 col0 = basis.getColumn(0);
	btVector3 col1 = basis.getColumn(1);
	btVector3 col2 = basis.getColumn(2);
	rotation.col(0) = toVector3d(col0);
	rotation.col(1) = toVector3d(col1);
	rotation.col(2) = toVector3d(col2);
	return rotation;
Esempio n. 4
void virtuose::Matrix3ToArray(btMatrix3x3 m, float *to) {
    to[0] = m.getRow(0).getX();
    to[1] = m.getRow(0).getZ();
    to[2] = m.getRow(0).getY();
    to[3] = m.getRow(2).getX();
    to[4] = m.getRow(2).getZ();
    to[5] = m.getRow(2).getY();
    to[6] = m.getRow(1).getZ();
    to[7] = m.getRow(1).getX();
    to[8] = m.getRow(1).getY();
Esempio n. 5
/** Set the orientation (forward and up vectors) to the
 * provided rotation matrix
 * @param matrix matrix to use to set new orientation
 * @note this method is provided to ease performance interactions with 
 * the physics library
void Position::setRowMajorRotationMatrix(const btMatrix3x3& matrix)
	btVector3 upV = matrix.getRow(1);
	btVector3 forwardV = matrix.getRow(2);
	// fill in y axis, second row
	up.set(upV.getX(), upV.getY(), upV.getZ());
	// fill in z axis, thrid row
	forward.set(forwardV.getX(), forwardV.getY(), forwardV.getZ());
Esempio n. 6
void ConvertRotationToHL(const btMatrix3x3& matrix, QAngle& hl) {
	btQuaternion quat;
	Quaternion q(quat.getX(), -quat.getZ(), quat.getY(), quat.getW());
	RadianEuler radian(q);
	hl = radian.ToQAngle();
Esempio n. 7
/** Get the rotation matrix into a 3x3 matrix
 * @param matrix out parameter to place matrix data into
 * @note this method is provided to ease performance interactions with 
 * the physics library
void Position::getRowMajorRotationMatrix(btMatrix3x3& matrix)
	// get local x axis
	Vector3f xAxis;
	xAxis.crossProduct(up, forward);

	matrix.setValue (
		// fill in x axis, first column
		// fill in y axis, second column
		// fill in z axis, thrid column
Esempio n. 8
void btSetCrossMatrixMinus(btMatrix3x3& res, const btVector3& a)
	const btScalar a_0 = a[0], a_1 = a[1], a_2 = a[2];
	res.setValue(0, +a_2, -a_1,
		-a_2, 0, +a_0,
		+a_1, -a_0, 0);
Esempio n. 9
QDomElement SimDomElement::basisToNode(QDomDocument &doc, const btMatrix3x3 mx)
	QDomElement matrix = doc.createElement( "matrix" );
	for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
		matrix.appendChild(vectorToNode(doc, mx.getRow(i)));
	return matrix;
Esempio n. 10
static int operator!= ( const btMatrix3x3 &a, const btMatrix3x3 &b )
    int i; 
    btVector3 av3, bv3;

    for(i=0; i<3; i++)
        av3 = a.getRow(i);
        bv3 = b.getRow(i);
        if( fabs(av3.m_floats[0] - bv3.m_floats[0]) + 
            fabs(av3.m_floats[1] - bv3.m_floats[1]) +
            fabs(av3.m_floats[2] - bv3.m_floats[2]) > FLT_EPSILON * 4)
            return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
ork::CMatrix3 btbasistoorkmtx3( const btMatrix3x3& mtx )
{	ork::CMatrix3 rval;
	for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
	{	const btVector3& vec = mtx.getColumn(i);
	return rval;
Esempio n. 12
void convertToBtTransform(const Vector3d& start_pos, const Vector3d& end_pos, btVector3& origin, btMatrix3x3& basis)
	Matrix3d rotation;
	rotation_from_tangent((start_pos - end_pos).normalized(), rotation);
	basis.setValue(rotation(0,0), rotation(0,1), rotation(0,2),
								 rotation(1,0), rotation(1,1), rotation(1,2),
								 rotation(2,0), rotation(2,1), rotation(2,2));
	Vector3d mid_point = (start_pos + end_pos)/2.0;
	origin.setValue(mid_point(0), mid_point(1), mid_point(2));
Esempio n. 13
osgbCollision::asOsgMatrix( const btMatrix3x3& m )
    btScalar f[ 9 ];
    m.getOpenGLSubMatrix( f );
    return( osg::Matrix(
        f[0], f[1], f[2], 0.,
        f[3], f[4], f[5], 0.,
        f[6], f[7], f[8], 0.,
        0., 0., 0., 1. ) );
Esempio n. 14
void btMatrix3_to_Matrix3(JNIEnv * const &jenv, jobject &target, const btMatrix3x3 &source)
	matrix3_ensurefields(jenv, target);
	jfloatArray valArray = (jfloatArray) jenv->GetObjectField(target, matrix3_val);
	jfloat * elements = jenv->GetFloatArrayElements(valArray, NULL);
	// Convert to column-major
	elements[0] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(0).getX();
	elements[1] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(0).getY();
	elements[2] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(0).getZ();
	elements[3] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(1).getX();
	elements[4] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(1).getY();
	elements[5] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(1).getZ();
	elements[6] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(2).getX();
	elements[7] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(2).getY();
	elements[8] = (jfloat) source.getColumn(2).getZ();
	jenv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(valArray, elements, 0);  
Esempio n. 15
static btMatrix3x3 M3x3mulM1M2_ref( const btMatrix3x3 &m1, const btMatrix3x3 &m2 )
	return btMatrix3x3(
        m2.tdotx(m1[0]), m2.tdoty(m1[0]), m2.tdotz(m1[0]),
		m2.tdotx(m1[1]), m2.tdoty(m1[1]), m2.tdotz(m1[1]),
		m2.tdotx(m1[2]), m2.tdoty(m1[2]), m2.tdotz(m1[2]));
Esempio n. 16
static int operator!= ( const btMatrix3x3 &a, const btMatrix3x3 &b )
    if( a.getRow(0) != b.getRow(0) )
        return 1;
    if( a.getRow(1) != b.getRow(1) )
        return 1;
    if( a.getRow(2) != b.getRow(2) )
        return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
void Matrix3_to_btMatrix3(JNIEnv * const &jenv, btMatrix3x3 &target, jobject &source)
	matrix3_ensurefields(jenv, source);
	jfloatArray valArray = (jfloatArray) jenv->GetObjectField(source, matrix3_val);
	jfloat * elements = jenv->GetFloatArrayElements(valArray, NULL);
	// Convert to column-major
	elements[0], elements[3], elements[6],
	elements[1], elements[4], elements[7],
	elements[2], elements[5], elements[8]);
	jenv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(valArray, elements, JNI_ABORT);
Esempio n. 18
static btMatrix3x3 M3x3setRot_ref( btMatrix3x3 &m, const btQuaternion &q )
    btScalar d = q.length2();
    btScalar s = btScalar(2.0) / d;

    btScalar xs = q.x() * s,   ys = q.y() * s,   zs = q.z() * s;
    btScalar wx = q.w() * xs,  wy = q.w() * ys,  wz = q.w() * zs;
    btScalar xx = q.x() * xs,  xy = q.x() * ys,  xz = q.x() * zs;
    btScalar yy = q.y() * ys,  yz = q.y() * zs,  zz = q.z() * zs;
        btScalar(1.0) - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy,
        xy + wz, btScalar(1.0) - (xx + zz), yz - wx,
        xz - wy, yz + wx, btScalar(1.0) - (xx + yy));

    return m;
Esempio n. 19
unsigned int btPolarDecomposition::decompose(const btMatrix3x3& a, btMatrix3x3& u, btMatrix3x3& h) const
  // Use the 'u' and 'h' matrices for intermediate calculations
  u = a;
  h = a.inverse();

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maxIterations; ++i)
    const btScalar h_1 = p1_norm(h);
    const btScalar h_inf = pinf_norm(h);
    const btScalar u_1 = p1_norm(u);
    const btScalar u_inf = pinf_norm(u);

    const btScalar h_norm = h_1 * h_inf;
    const btScalar u_norm = u_1 * u_inf;

    // The matrix is effectively singular so we cannot invert it
    if (btFuzzyZero(h_norm) || btFuzzyZero(u_norm))

    const btScalar gamma = btPow(h_norm / u_norm, 0.25f);
    const btScalar inv_gamma = 1.0 / gamma;

    // Determine the delta to 'u'
    const btMatrix3x3 delta = (u * (gamma - 2.0) + h.transpose() * inv_gamma) * 0.5;

    // Update the matrices
    u += delta;
    h = u.inverse();

    // Check for convergence
    if (p1_norm(delta) <= m_tolerance * u_1)
      h = u.transpose() * a;
      h = (h + h.transpose()) * 0.5;
      return i;

  // The algorithm has failed to converge to the specified tolerance, but we
  // want to make sure that the matrices returned are in the right form.
  h = u.transpose() * a;
  h = (h + h.transpose()) * 0.5;

  return m_maxIterations;
Esempio n. 20
static int operator!= ( const btMatrix3x3 &a, const btMatrix3x3 &b )
    if( a.getRow(0) != b.getRow(0) )
		if (!fuzzyEqualSlow(a.getRow(0),b.getRow(0)))
			return 1;
    if( a.getRow(1) != b.getRow(1) )
	    if( !fuzzyEqualSlow(a.getRow(1),b.getRow(1)) )
	        return 1;
    if( a.getRow(2) != b.getRow(2) )
		if( !fuzzyEqualSlow(a.getRow(2),b.getRow(2)) )
			return 1;
    return 0;
void btMultiBody::stepVelocities(btScalar dt,
                               btAlignedObjectArray<btScalar> &scratch_r,
                               btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> &scratch_v,
                               btAlignedObjectArray<btMatrix3x3> &scratch_m)
    // Implement Featherstone's algorithm to calculate joint accelerations (q_double_dot)
    // and the base linear & angular accelerations.

    // We apply damping forces in this routine as well as any external forces specified by the 
    // caller (via addBaseForce etc).

    // output should point to an array of 6 + num_links reals.
    // Format is: 3 angular accelerations (in world frame), 3 linear accelerations (in world frame),
    // num_links joint acceleration values.
	int num_links = getNumLinks();

    const btScalar DAMPING_K1_LINEAR = m_linearDamping;
	const btScalar DAMPING_K2_LINEAR = m_linearDamping;

	const btScalar DAMPING_K1_ANGULAR = m_angularDamping;
	const btScalar DAMPING_K2_ANGULAR= m_angularDamping;

    btVector3 base_vel = getBaseVel();
    btVector3 base_omega = getBaseOmega();

    // Temporary matrices/vectors -- use scratch space from caller
    // so that we don't have to keep reallocating every frame

    scratch_r.resize(2*num_links + 6);
    scratch_v.resize(8*num_links + 6);
    scratch_m.resize(4*num_links + 4);

    btScalar * r_ptr = &scratch_r[0];
    btScalar * output = &scratch_r[num_links];  // "output" holds the q_double_dot results
    btVector3 * v_ptr = &scratch_v[0];
    // vhat_i  (top = angular, bottom = linear part)
    btVector3 * vel_top_angular = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;
    btVector3 * vel_bottom_linear = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;

    // zhat_i^A
    btVector3 * zero_acc_top_angular = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;
    btVector3 * zero_acc_bottom_linear = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;

    // chat_i  (note NOT defined for the base)
    btVector3 * coriolis_top_angular = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links;
    btVector3 * coriolis_bottom_linear = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links;

    // top left, top right and bottom left blocks of Ihat_i^A.
    // bottom right block = transpose of top left block and is not stored.
    // Note: the top right and bottom left blocks are always symmetric matrices, but we don't make use of this fact currently.
    btMatrix3x3 * inertia_top_left = &scratch_m[num_links + 1];
    btMatrix3x3 * inertia_top_right = &scratch_m[2*num_links + 2];
    btMatrix3x3 * inertia_bottom_left = &scratch_m[3*num_links + 3];

    // Cached 3x3 rotation matrices from parent frame to this frame.
    btMatrix3x3 * rot_from_parent = &matrix_buf[0];
    btMatrix3x3 * rot_from_world = &scratch_m[0];

    // hhat_i, ahat_i
    // hhat is NOT stored for the base (but ahat is)
    btVector3 * h_top = num_links > 0 ? &vector_buf[0] : 0;
    btVector3 * h_bottom = num_links > 0 ? &vector_buf[num_links] : 0;
    btVector3 * accel_top = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;
    btVector3 * accel_bottom = v_ptr; v_ptr += num_links + 1;

    // Y_i, D_i
    btScalar * Y = r_ptr; r_ptr += num_links;
    btScalar * D = num_links > 0 ? &m_real_buf[6 + num_links] : 0;

    // ptr to the joint accel part of the output
    btScalar * joint_accel = output + 6;

    // Start of the algorithm proper.
    // First 'upward' loop.
    // Combines CompTreeLinkVelocities and InitTreeLinks from Mirtich.

    rot_from_parent[0] = btMatrix3x3(base_quat);

    vel_top_angular[0] = rot_from_parent[0] * base_omega;
    vel_bottom_linear[0] = rot_from_parent[0] * base_vel;

    if (fixed_base) {
        zero_acc_top_angular[0] = zero_acc_bottom_linear[0] = btVector3(0,0,0);
    } else {
        zero_acc_top_angular[0] = - (rot_from_parent[0] * (base_force 
                                                   - base_mass*(DAMPING_K1_LINEAR+DAMPING_K2_LINEAR*base_vel.norm())*base_vel));
        zero_acc_bottom_linear[0] =
            - (rot_from_parent[0] * base_torque);

		if (m_useGyroTerm)
			zero_acc_bottom_linear[0]+=vel_top_angular[0].cross( base_inertia * vel_top_angular[0] );

        zero_acc_bottom_linear[0] += base_inertia * vel_top_angular[0] * (DAMPING_K1_ANGULAR + DAMPING_K2_ANGULAR*vel_top_angular[0].norm());


    inertia_top_left[0] = btMatrix3x3(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);//::Zero();
    inertia_top_right[0].setValue(base_mass, 0, 0,
                            0, base_mass, 0,
                            0, 0, base_mass);
    inertia_bottom_left[0].setValue(base_inertia[0], 0, 0,
                              0, base_inertia[1], 0,
                              0, 0, base_inertia[2]);

    rot_from_world[0] = rot_from_parent[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < num_links; ++i) {
        const int parent = links[i].parent;
        rot_from_parent[i+1] = btMatrix3x3(links[i].cached_rot_parent_to_this);

        rot_from_world[i+1] = rot_from_parent[i+1] * rot_from_world[parent+1];
        // vhat_i = i_xhat_p(i) * vhat_p(i)
        SpatialTransform(rot_from_parent[i+1], links[i].cached_r_vector,
                         vel_top_angular[parent+1], vel_bottom_linear[parent+1],
                         vel_top_angular[i+1], vel_bottom_linear[i+1]);

        // we can now calculate chat_i
        // remember vhat_i is really vhat_p(i) (but in current frame) at this point
        coriolis_bottom_linear[i] = vel_top_angular[i+1].cross(vel_top_angular[i+1].cross(links[i].cached_r_vector))
            + 2 * vel_top_angular[i+1].cross(links[i].axis_bottom) * getJointVel(i);
        if (links[i].is_revolute) {
            coriolis_top_angular[i] = vel_top_angular[i+1].cross(links[i].axis_top) * getJointVel(i);
            coriolis_bottom_linear[i] += (getJointVel(i) * getJointVel(i)) * links[i].axis_top.cross(links[i].axis_bottom);
        } else {
            coriolis_top_angular[i] = btVector3(0,0,0);
        // now set vhat_i to its true value by doing
        // vhat_i += qidot * shat_i
        vel_top_angular[i+1] += getJointVel(i) * links[i].axis_top;
        vel_bottom_linear[i+1] += getJointVel(i) * links[i].axis_bottom;

        // calculate zhat_i^A
        zero_acc_top_angular[i+1] = - (rot_from_world[i+1] * (links[i].applied_force));
        zero_acc_top_angular[i+1] += links[i].mass * (DAMPING_K1_LINEAR + DAMPING_K2_LINEAR*vel_bottom_linear[i+1].norm()) * vel_bottom_linear[i+1];

        zero_acc_bottom_linear[i+1] =
            - (rot_from_world[i+1] * links[i].applied_torque);
		if (m_useGyroTerm)
			zero_acc_bottom_linear[i+1] += vel_top_angular[i+1].cross( links[i].inertia * vel_top_angular[i+1] );

        zero_acc_bottom_linear[i+1] += links[i].inertia * vel_top_angular[i+1] * (DAMPING_K1_ANGULAR + DAMPING_K2_ANGULAR*vel_top_angular[i+1].norm());

        // calculate Ihat_i^A
        inertia_top_left[i+1] = btMatrix3x3(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);//::Zero();
        inertia_top_right[i+1].setValue(links[i].mass, 0, 0,
                                  0, links[i].mass, 0,
                                  0, 0, links[i].mass);
        inertia_bottom_left[i+1].setValue(links[i].inertia[0], 0, 0,
                                    0, links[i].inertia[1], 0,
                                    0, 0, links[i].inertia[2]);

    // 'Downward' loop.
    // (part of TreeForwardDynamics in Mirtich.)
    for (int i = num_links - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

        h_top[i] = inertia_top_left[i+1] * links[i].axis_top + inertia_top_right[i+1] * links[i].axis_bottom;
        h_bottom[i] = inertia_bottom_left[i+1] * links[i].axis_top + inertia_top_left[i+1].transpose() * links[i].axis_bottom;
		btScalar val = SpatialDotProduct(links[i].axis_top, links[i].axis_bottom, h_top[i], h_bottom[i]);
        D[i] = val;
		Y[i] = links[i].joint_torque
            - SpatialDotProduct(links[i].axis_top, links[i].axis_bottom, zero_acc_top_angular[i+1], zero_acc_bottom_linear[i+1])
            - SpatialDotProduct(h_top[i], h_bottom[i], coriolis_top_angular[i], coriolis_bottom_linear[i]);

        const int parent = links[i].parent;

        // Ip += pXi * (Ii - hi hi' / Di) * iXp
        const btScalar one_over_di = 1.0f / D[i];


		const btMatrix3x3 TL = inertia_top_left[i+1]   - vecMulVecTranspose(one_over_di * h_top[i] , h_bottom[i]);
        const btMatrix3x3 TR = inertia_top_right[i+1]  - vecMulVecTranspose(one_over_di * h_top[i] , h_top[i]);
        const btMatrix3x3 BL = inertia_bottom_left[i+1]- vecMulVecTranspose(one_over_di * h_bottom[i] , h_bottom[i]);

        btMatrix3x3 r_cross;
            0, -links[i].cached_r_vector[2], links[i].cached_r_vector[1],
            links[i].cached_r_vector[2], 0, -links[i].cached_r_vector[0],
            -links[i].cached_r_vector[1], links[i].cached_r_vector[0], 0);
        inertia_top_left[parent+1] += rot_from_parent[i+1].transpose() * ( TL - TR * r_cross ) * rot_from_parent[i+1];
        inertia_top_right[parent+1] += rot_from_parent[i+1].transpose() * TR * rot_from_parent[i+1];
        inertia_bottom_left[parent+1] += rot_from_parent[i+1].transpose() *
            (r_cross * (TL - TR * r_cross) + BL - TL.transpose() * r_cross) * rot_from_parent[i+1];
        // Zp += pXi * (Zi + Ii*ci + hi*Yi/Di)
        btVector3 in_top, in_bottom, out_top, out_bottom;
        const btScalar Y_over_D = Y[i] * one_over_di;
        in_top = zero_acc_top_angular[i+1]
            + inertia_top_left[i+1] * coriolis_top_angular[i]
            + inertia_top_right[i+1] * coriolis_bottom_linear[i]
            + Y_over_D * h_top[i];
        in_bottom = zero_acc_bottom_linear[i+1]
            + inertia_bottom_left[i+1] * coriolis_top_angular[i]
            + inertia_top_left[i+1].transpose() * coriolis_bottom_linear[i]
            + Y_over_D * h_bottom[i];
        InverseSpatialTransform(rot_from_parent[i+1], links[i].cached_r_vector,
                                in_top, in_bottom, out_top, out_bottom);
        zero_acc_top_angular[parent+1] += out_top;
        zero_acc_bottom_linear[parent+1] += out_bottom;

    // Second 'upward' loop
    // (part of TreeForwardDynamics in Mirtich)

    if (fixed_base) 
        accel_top[0] = accel_bottom[0] = btVector3(0,0,0);
        if (num_links > 0) 
            //Matrix<btScalar, 6, 6> Imatrix;
            //Imatrix.block<3,3>(0,0) = inertia_top_left[0];
            //Imatrix.block<3,3>(3,0) = inertia_bottom_left[0];
            //Imatrix.block<3,3>(0,3) = inertia_top_right[0];
            //Imatrix.block<3,3>(3,3) = inertia_top_left[0].transpose();
            //cached_imatrix_lu.reset(new Eigen::LU<Matrix<btScalar, 6, 6> >(Imatrix));  // TODO: Avoid memory allocation here?

			cached_inertia_top_left = inertia_top_left[0];
			cached_inertia_top_right = inertia_top_right[0];
			cached_inertia_lower_left = inertia_bottom_left[0];
			cached_inertia_lower_right= inertia_top_left[0].transpose();

		btVector3 rhs_top (zero_acc_top_angular[0][0], zero_acc_top_angular[0][1], zero_acc_top_angular[0][2]);
		btVector3 rhs_bot (zero_acc_bottom_linear[0][0], zero_acc_bottom_linear[0][1], zero_acc_bottom_linear[0][2]);
        float result[6];

		solveImatrix(rhs_top, rhs_bot, result);
//		printf("result=%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",result[0],result[0],result[0],result[0],result[0],result[0]);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            accel_top[0][i] = -result[i];
            accel_bottom[0][i] = -result[i+3];


    // now do the loop over the links
    for (int i = 0; i < num_links; ++i) {
        const int parent = links[i].parent;
        SpatialTransform(rot_from_parent[i+1], links[i].cached_r_vector,
                         accel_top[parent+1], accel_bottom[parent+1],
                         accel_top[i+1], accel_bottom[i+1]);
        joint_accel[i] = (Y[i] - SpatialDotProduct(h_top[i], h_bottom[i], accel_top[i+1], accel_bottom[i+1])) / D[i];
        accel_top[i+1] += coriolis_top_angular[i] + joint_accel[i] * links[i].axis_top;
        accel_bottom[i+1] += coriolis_bottom_linear[i] + joint_accel[i] * links[i].axis_bottom;

    // transform base accelerations back to the world frame.
    btVector3 omegadot_out = rot_from_parent[0].transpose() * accel_top[0];
	output[0] = omegadot_out[0];
	output[1] = omegadot_out[1];
	output[2] = omegadot_out[2];

    btVector3 vdot_out = rot_from_parent[0].transpose() * accel_bottom[0];
	output[3] = vdot_out[0];
	output[4] = vdot_out[1];
	output[5] = vdot_out[2];
    // Final step: add the accelerations (times dt) to the velocities.
    applyDeltaVee(output, dt);

Esempio n. 22
void ConvertRotationToBull(const QAngle& angles, btMatrix3x3& bull) {
	RadianEuler radian(angles);
	Quaternion q(radian);
	btQuaternion quat(q.x, q.z, -q.y, q.w);
Esempio n. 23
btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Cooper(btScalar step) const
#if 0
	dReal h = callContext->m_stepperCallContext->m_stepSize; // Step size
	dVector3 L; // Compute angular momentum
	dMultiply0_331(L, I, b->avel);

	btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	btMatrix3x3 inertiaTensorWorld = getWorldTransform().getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) * getWorldTransform().getBasis().transpose();
	btVector3 L = inertiaTensorWorld*getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 Itild(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

#if 0
	for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
		Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	btSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L*step);
	Itild += inertiaTensorWorld;

#if 0
// Compute a new effective 'inertia tensor'
// for the implicit step: the cross-product 
// matrix of the angular momentum plus the
// old tensor scaled by the timestep.  
// Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite, 
// but we can still use it to compute implicit
// gyroscopic torques.
dMatrix3 Itild = { 0 };
dSetCrossMatrixMinus(Itild, L, 4);
for (int ii = 0; ii<12; ++ii) {
	Itild[ii] = Itild[ii] * h + I[ii];

	L *= step;
	//Itild may not be symmetric pos-definite
	btMatrix3x3 itInv = Itild.inverse();
	Itild =  inertiaTensorWorld * itInv;
	btMatrix3x3 ident(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
	Itild -= ident;


#if 0
// Scale momentum by inverse time to get 
// a sort of "torque"
dScaleVector3(L, dRecip(h));
// Invert the pseudo-tensor
dMatrix3 itInv;
// This is a closed-form inversion.
// It's probably not numerically stable
// when dealing with small masses with
// a large asymmetry.
// An LU decomposition might be better.
if (dInvertMatrix3(itInv, Itild) != 0) {
	// "Divide" the original tensor
	// by the pseudo-tensor (on the right)
	dMultiply0_333(Itild, I, itInv);
	// Subtract an identity matrix
	Itild[0] -= 1; Itild[5] -= 1; Itild[10] -= 1;

	// This new inertia matrix rotates the 
	// momentum to get a new set of torques
	// that will work correctly when applied
	// to the old inertia matrix as explicit
	// torques with a semi-implicit update
	// step.
	dVector3 tau0;
	dMultiply0_331(tau0, Itild, L);

	// Add the gyro torques to the torque 
	// accumulator
	for (int ii = 0; ii<3; ++ii) {
		b->tacc[ii] += tau0[ii];
	btVector3 tau0 = Itild * L;
//	printf("tau0 = %f,%f,%f\n",tau0.x(),tau0.y(),tau0.z());
	return tau0;

btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Ewert(btScalar step) const
	// use full newton-euler equations.  common practice to drop the wxIw term. want it for better tumbling behavior.
	// calculate using implicit euler step so it's stable.

	const btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia();
	const btVector3 w0 = getAngularVelocity();

	btMatrix3x3 I;

	I = m_worldTransform.getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) *

	// use newtons method to find implicit solution for new angular velocity (w')
	// f(w') = -(T*step + Iw) + Iw' + w' + w'xIw'*step = 0 
	// df/dw' = I + 1xIw'*step + w'xI*step

	btVector3 w1 = w0;

	// one step of newton's method
		const btVector3 fw = evalEulerEqn(w1, w0, btVector3(0, 0, 0), step, I);
		const btMatrix3x3 dfw = evalEulerEqnDeriv(w1, w0, step, I);

		const btMatrix3x3 dfw_inv = dfw.inverse();
		btVector3 dw;

		dw = dfw_inv*fw;

		w1 -= dw;

	btVector3 gf = (w1 - w0);
	return gf;

void btRigidBody::integrateVelocities(btScalar step) 
	if (isStaticOrKinematicObject())

	m_linearVelocity += m_totalForce * (m_inverseMass * step);
	m_angularVelocity += m_invInertiaTensorWorld * m_totalTorque * step;

	/// clamp angular velocity. collision calculations will fail on higher angular velocities	
	btScalar angvel = m_angularVelocity.length();
	if (angvel*step > MAX_ANGVEL)
		m_angularVelocity *= (MAX_ANGVEL/step) /angvel;


btQuaternion btRigidBody::getOrientation() const
		btQuaternion orn;
		return orn;
Esempio n. 24
Geometry::Matrix3x3 toMatrix3x3(const btMatrix3x3& btm){
    Geometry::Matrix3x3 tmp;
    for(int i = 0; i<3; ++i)
    return tmp;