void NameGenerator::GenerateName(csString &namebuffer,int length_low,int length_high) { unsigned int length; PhonicEntry *lastphonic=NULL; namebuffer.Clear(); length=randomgen->Get((length_high-length_low))+length_low; // Pick a beginning lastphonic=GetRandomBeginner(); namebuffer.Append(lastphonic->phonic); // Add phonics to the middle while within length while (namebuffer.Length() < length) { if (lastphonic->flags & PHONIC_POSTJOINER) lastphonic=GetRandomNonPreJoiner(); else lastphonic=GetRandomPreJoiner(); namebuffer.Append(lastphonic->phonic); } // Pick an ending lastphonic=GetRandomEnder(!(lastphonic->flags & PHONIC_POSTJOINER)); namebuffer.Append(lastphonic->phonic); namebuffer.Downcase(); }
void psWorld::GetAllRegionNames(csString &str) { str.Clear(); for(unsigned i=0; i < regions->GetSize(); i++) { str.Append(regions->Get(i)); str.Append("|"); } }
static inline void TestTarget(csString& targetDesc, int32_t targetType, enum TARGET_TYPES type, const char* desc) { if (targetType & type) { if (targetDesc.Length() > 0) { targetDesc.Append((targetType > (type * 2)) ? ", " : ", or "); } targetDesc.Append(desc); } }
void ProximityList::DebugDumpContents(csString& out) { size_t x; csString temp; temp.AppendFmt("I represent client %d\n",clientnum); temp.AppendFmt("I am publishing updates to:\n"); for (x = 0; x < objectsThatWatchMe.GetSize(); x++ ) { temp.AppendFmt( "\tClient %d (%s), range %1.2f min_range %.2f\n", objectsThatWatchMe[x].client, ((gemObject*)(objectsThatWatchMe[x].object))->GetName(), objectsThatWatchMe[x].dist, objectsThatWatchMe[x].min_dist); } if (clientnum) { temp.Append( "I am listening to:\n"); for (x = 0; x < objectsThatIWatch.GetSize(); x++ ) { gemObject * obj = objectsThatIWatch[x]; temp.AppendFmt("\t%-3d %s\n", obj->GetEID().Unbox(), obj->GetName()); } } else { temp.Append("I am not a human player, so I don't subscribe to other entities.\n"); } out.Append(temp); }
void psServerStatusRunEvent::ReportNPC(psCharacter* chardata, csString & reportString) { csString escpxml_name = EscpXML(chardata->GetCharFullName()); csString player; player.Format("<npc name=\"%s\" characterID=\"%u\" kills=\"%u\" deaths=\"%u\" suicides=\"%u\" pos_x=\"%.2f\" pos_y=\"%.2f\" pos_z=\"%.2f\" sector=\"%s\" />\n", escpxml_name.GetData(), chardata->GetPID().Unbox(), chardata->GetKills(), chardata->GetDeaths(), chardata->GetSuicides(), chardata->location.loc.x, chardata->location.loc.y, chardata->location.loc.z, (const char*) EscpXML(chardata->location.loc_sector->name)); reportString.Append( player ); }
void csWrappedDocumentNode::AppendNodeText (WrapperWalker& walker, csString& text) { while (walker.HasNext ()) { iDocumentNode* node = walker.Peek (); if (node->GetType () != CS_NODE_TEXT) break; text.Append (node->GetValue ()); walker.Next (); } }