Esempio n. 1
TEST(hole_filling_test, elliptical_hole_on_repeated_texture_should_give_good_result)
    Mat img = imread("test_images/brick_pavement.jpg");
    convert_for_computation(img, 0.5f);

    // Add some hole
    Mat hole_mask = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);

    Point center(100, 110);
    Size axis(20, 5);
    float angle = 20;
    ellipse(hole_mask, center, axis, angle, 0, 360, Scalar(255), -1);
    int patch_size = 7;
    HoleFilling hf(img, hole_mask, patch_size);

    // Dump image with hole as black region.
    Mat img_with_hole_bgr;
    cvtColor(img, img_with_hole_bgr, CV_Lab2BGR);
    img_with_hole_bgr.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0), hole_mask);
    imwrite("brick_pavement_hole.exr", img_with_hole_bgr);

    // Dump reconstructed image
    Mat filled =;
    cvtColor(filled, filled, CV_Lab2BGR);
    imwrite("brick_pavement_hole_filled.exr", filled);

    // The reconstructed image should be close to the original one, in this very simple case.
    Mat img_bgr;
    cvtColor(img, img_bgr, CV_Lab2BGR);
    double ssd = norm(img_bgr, filled, cv::NORM_L2SQR);
    EXPECT_LT(ssd, 0.2);
Esempio n. 2
TEST(hole_filling_test, rectangular_hole_on_repeated_texture_should_give_good_result)
    Mat img = imread("test_images/brick_pavement.jpg");
    convert_for_computation(img, 0.5f);

    // Add some hole
    Mat hole_mask = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8U);

    hole_mask(Rect(72, 65, 5, 20)) = 255;
    int patch_size = 7;
    HoleFilling hf(img, hole_mask, patch_size);

    // Dump image with hole as black region.
    Mat img_with_hole_bgr;
    cvtColor(img, img_with_hole_bgr, CV_Lab2BGR);
    img_with_hole_bgr.setTo(Scalar(0,0,0), hole_mask);
    imwrite("brick_pavement_hole.exr", img_with_hole_bgr);

    // Dump reconstructed image
    Mat filled =;
    cvtColor(filled, filled, CV_Lab2BGR);
    imwrite("brick_pavement_hole_filled.exr", filled);

    // The reconstructed image should be close to the original one, in this very simple case.
    Mat img_bgr;
    cvtColor(img, img_bgr, CV_Lab2BGR);
    double ssd = norm(img_bgr, filled, cv::NORM_L2SQR);
    EXPECT_LT(ssd, 0.2);
Esempio n. 3
bool VideoStitcher::appendImage(string fileName) {
    Mat image = imread(fileName, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    if (!openOut(image.size())) {
        return false;

    return true;
const Mat FileListImageSource::getImage() const
	if (index < 0 || index >= static_cast<int>(files.size()))
		return Mat();
	Mat image = imread(files[index].string(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	if (image.empty())
		throw runtime_error("image '" + files[index].string() + "' could not be loaded");
	return image;
int main(){

	Mat img = imread("img.jpg");
	Size s = img.size();
	Mat gray;
	cvtColor(img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

	Mat tmp = imread("mask.png");
	Mat mask;
	cvtColor(tmp,mask, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	Mat grad;
 	int scale = 1;
 	int delta = 0;
 	int ddepth = CV_16S;

	 /// Generate grad_x and grad_y
  	Mat grad_x, grad_y;
  	Mat abs_grad_x, abs_grad_y;

	Sobel( gray, grad_x, ddepth, 1, 0, 3, scale, delta, BORDER_DEFAULT );
  	convertScaleAbs( grad_x, abs_grad_x );	

	Sobel( gray, grad_y, ddepth, 0, 1, 3, scale, delta, BORDER_DEFAULT );
  	convertScaleAbs( grad_y, abs_grad_y );

  	/// Total Gradient (approximate)
  	addWeighted( abs_grad_x, 0.5, abs_grad_y, 0.5, 0, grad );


	Mat result = DTOCS(grad,mask);

	Mat new_result = WDTOCS(grad,mask);

Esempio n. 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //Create a CMT object
    Config config("FAST", "BRISK","RANSAC",0.5);
    CMT cmt(config);

    //Initialization bounding box
    Rect rect;

    //Parse args
    int challenge_flag = 0;
    int loop_flag = 0;
    int verbose_flag = 0;
    int bbox_flag = 0;
    int skip_frames = 0;
    int skip_msecs = 0;
    int output_flag = 0;
    string input_path;
    string output_path;

    const int detector_cmd = 1000;
    const int descriptor_cmd = 1001;
    const int bbox_cmd = 1002;
    const int no_scale_cmd = 1003;
    const int with_rotation_cmd = 1004;
    const int skip_cmd = 1005;
    const int skip_msecs_cmd = 1006;
    const int output_file_cmd = 1007;

    struct option longopts[] =
        //No-argument options
        {"challenge", no_argument, &challenge_flag, 1},
        {"loop", no_argument, &loop_flag, 1},
        {"verbose", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 1},
        {"no-scale", no_argument, 0, no_scale_cmd},
        {"with-rotation", no_argument, 0, with_rotation_cmd},
        //Argument options
        {"bbox", required_argument, 0, bbox_cmd},
        {"detector", required_argument, 0, detector_cmd},
        {"descriptor", required_argument, 0, descriptor_cmd},
        {"output-file", required_argument, 0, output_file_cmd},
        {"skip", required_argument, 0, skip_cmd},
        {"skip-msecs", required_argument, 0, skip_msecs_cmd},
        {0, 0, 0, 0}

    int index = 0;
    int c;
    while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "v", longopts, &index)) != -1)
        switch (c)
            case 'v':
                verbose_flag = true;
            case bbox_cmd:
                    //TODO: The following also accepts strings of the form %f,%f,%f,%fxyz...
                    string bbox_format = "%f,%f,%f,%f";
                    float x,y,w,h;
                    int ret = sscanf(optarg, bbox_format.c_str(), &x, &y, &w, &h);
                    if (ret != 4)
                        cerr << "bounding box must be given in format " << bbox_format << endl;
                        return 1;

                    bbox_flag = 1;
                    rect = Rect(x,y,w,h);
            case detector_cmd:
                cmt.str_detector = optarg;
            case descriptor_cmd:
                cmt.str_descriptor = optarg;
            case output_file_cmd:
                output_path = optarg;
                output_flag = 1;
            case skip_cmd:
                    int ret = sscanf(optarg, "%d", &skip_frames);
                    if (ret != 1)
                      skip_frames = 0;
            case skip_msecs_cmd:
                    int ret = sscanf(optarg, "%d", &skip_msecs);
                    if (ret != 1)
                      skip_msecs = 0;
            case no_scale_cmd:
                cmt.consensus.estimate_scale = false;
            case with_rotation_cmd:
                cmt.consensus.estimate_rotation = true;
            case '?':
                return 1;


    // Can only skip frames or milliseconds, not both.
    if (skip_frames > 0 && skip_msecs > 0)
      cerr << "You can only skip frames, or milliseconds, not both." << endl;
      return 1;

    //One argument remains
    if (optind == argc - 1)
        input_path = argv[optind];

    else if (optind < argc - 1)
        cerr << "Only one argument is allowed." << endl;
        return 1;

    //Set up logging
    FILELog::ReportingLevel() = verbose_flag ? logDEBUG : logINFO;
    Output2FILE::Stream() = stdout; //Log to stdout

    //Challenge mode
    if (challenge_flag)
        //Read list of images
        ifstream im_file("images.txt");
        vector<string> files;
        string line;
        while(getline(im_file, line ))

        //Read region
        ifstream region_file("region.txt");
        vector<float> coords = getNextLineAndSplitIntoFloats(region_file);

        if (coords.size() == 4) {
            rect = Rect(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3]);

        else if (coords.size() == 8)
            //Split into x and y coordinates
            vector<float> xcoords;
            vector<float> ycoords;

            for (size_t i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0) xcoords.push_back(coords[i]);
                else ycoords.push_back(coords[i]);

            float xmin = *min_element(xcoords.begin(), xcoords.end());
            float xmax = *max_element(xcoords.begin(), xcoords.end());
            float ymin = *min_element(ycoords.begin(), ycoords.end());
            float ymax = *max_element(ycoords.begin(), ycoords.end());

            rect = Rect(xmin, ymin, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin);
            cout << "Found bounding box" << xmin << " " << ymin << " " <<  xmax-xmin << " " << ymax-ymin << endl;

        else {
            cerr << "Invalid Bounding box format" << endl;
            return 0;

        //Read first image
        Mat im0 = imread(files[0]);
        Mat im0_gray;
        cvtColor(im0, im0_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

        //Initialize cmt
        cmt.initialize(im0_gray, rect);

        //Write init region to output file
        ofstream output_file("output.txt");
        output_file << rect.x << ',' << rect.y << ',' << rect.width << ',' << rect.height << std::endl;

        //Process images, write output to file
        for (size_t i = 1; i < files.size(); i++)
            FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Processing frame " << i << "/" << files.size();
            Mat im = imread(files[i]);
            Mat im_gray;
            cvtColor(im, im_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
            if (verbose_flag)
                display(im, cmt);
            rect = cmt.bb_rot.boundingRect();
            output_file << rect.x << ',' << rect.y << ',' << rect.width << ',' << rect.height << std::endl;


        return 0;

    //Normal mode

    //Create window

    VideoCapture cap;

    bool show_preview = true;

    //If no input was specified
    if (input_path.length() == 0)
    {; //Open default camera device

    //Else open the video specified by input_path

        if (skip_frames > 0)
          cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, skip_frames);

        if (skip_msecs > 0)
          cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, skip_msecs);

          // Now which frame are we on?
          skip_frames = (int) cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES);

        show_preview = false;

    //If it doesn't work, stop
        cerr << "Unable to open video capture." << endl;
        return -1;

    //Show preview until key is pressed
    while (show_preview)
        Mat preview;
        cap >> preview;

        screenLog(preview, "Press a key to start selecting an object.");
        imshow(WIN_NAME, preview);

        char k = waitKey(10);
        if (k != -1) {
            show_preview = false;

    //Get initial image
    Mat im0;
    cap >> im0;

    //If no bounding was specified, get it from user
    if (!bbox_flag)
        rect = getRect(im0, WIN_NAME);

    FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Using " << rect.x << "," << rect.y << "," << rect.width << "," << rect.height
        << " as initial bounding box.";

    //Convert im0 to grayscale
    Mat im0_gray;
    if (im0.channels() > 1) {
        cvtColor(im0, im0_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    } else {
        im0_gray = im0;

    //Initialize CMT
    cmt.initialize(im0_gray, rect);

    int frame = skip_frames;

    //Open output file.
    ofstream output_file;

    if (output_flag)
        int msecs = (int) cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC);;
        output_file << OUT_FILE_COL_HEADERS << endl;
        output_file << frame << "," << msecs << ",";
        output_file << cmt.points_active.size() << ",";
        output_file << write_rotated_rect(cmt.bb_rot) << endl;

    //Main loop
    while (true)

        Mat im;

        //If loop flag is set, reuse initial image (for debugging purposes)
        if (loop_flag) im0.copyTo(im);
        else cap >> im; //Else use next image in stream

        if (im.empty()) break; //Exit at end of video stream

        Mat im_gray;
        if (im.channels() > 1) {
            cvtColor(im, im_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        } else {
            im_gray = im;

        //Let CMT process the frame

        if (output_flag)
            int msecs = (int) cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC);
            output_file << frame << "," << msecs << ",";
            output_file << cmt.points_active.size() << ",";
            output_file << write_rotated_rect(cmt.bb_rot) << endl;
            //TODO: Provide meaningful output
            FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "#" << frame << " active: " << cmt.points_active.size();

        //Display image and then quit if requested.
        char key = display(im, cmt);
        if(key == 'q') break;

    //Close output file.
    if (output_flag) output_file.close();

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
						"\t%s -cf <in.imgs.folder> <out.keys.folder> {}\n\n"
						"\t%s -featsel <in.query.keys.folder> <in.queries.mask.folder> <out.queries.maskedkeys.folder>\n\n"
						"\t%s -visualkp <in.query.keys.folder> <in.query.imgs.folder> <out.query.withkeys.folder>\n\n"
						"\t-cf: compute features\t\n"
						"\t-featseal: apply mask to a set of keypoints file and write the result to a specific folder\t\n"
						"\t-visualkp: visualize mask application result\t\n\n", argv[0], argv[0], argv[0]);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	vector<string> folderFiles;
	int result = FileUtils::readFolder(argv[2], folderFiles);
	if (result == EXIT_FAILURE) {
		return result;

	if (string(argv[1]).compare("-cf") == 0) {
		vector<string>::iterator start_image;
		if (argc == 4) {
			// Set first image as start point of the loop over the folder of images
			start_image = folderFiles.begin();
		} else {
			// Set received argument as start point of the loop over the folder of images
			start_image = std::find(folderFiles.begin(), folderFiles.end(),

		for (vector<string>::iterator image = start_image;
				image != folderFiles.end(); ++image) {
			if ((*image).find(".jpg") != string::npos) {
				printf("%s\n", (*image).c_str());
				Features features = detectAndDescribeFeatures(
						argv[2] + string("/") + (*image));

				string descriptorFileName(argv[3]);
				descriptorFileName += "/"
						+ (*image).substr(0, (*image).size() - 4) + ".key";
				writeFeaturesToFile(descriptorFileName, features);
	} else if (string(argv[1]).compare("-featsel") == 0) {
		string keypointsFolderPath(argv[2]);
		string masksFolderPath(argv[3]);
		string outputFolderPath(argv[4]);

		vector<string> maskFiles;

		Features features, selectedFeatures;

		for (string filename : folderFiles) {
			if (filename.find(".key") != string::npos) {
				string keypointFilepath = keypointsFolderPath + "/" + filename;
				readKeypoints(keypointFilepath.c_str(), features.keypoints,

				StringUtils::split(filename.c_str(), '/').back();
				filename.resize(filename.size() - 4);

				string maskPath = masksFolderPath + "/" + filename

				vector<Point2f> polygon = readMask(maskPath.c_str());

				printf("Selecting features\n");
				int count = 0;
				for (KeyPoint p : features.keypoints) {
					int inCont = pointPolygonTest(polygon,, false);
					if (inCont != -1) {
				printf("  Selected [%d] features\n",
						(int) selectedFeatures.keypoints.size());

				string outputFeaturesPath = outputFolderPath + "/" + filename

				writeFeaturesToFile(outputFeaturesPath, selectedFeatures);
	} else if (string(argv[1]).compare("-visualkp") == 0) {

		string keypointsFolderPath(argv[2]);
		string imagesFolderPath(argv[3]);
		string outputImagesFolderPath(argv[4]);

		Features features;
		for (string filename : folderFiles) {
			if (filename.find(".key") != string::npos) {

				string keypointFilepath = keypointsFolderPath + "/" + filename;
				readKeypoints(keypointFilepath.c_str(), features.keypoints,

				string imgPath = imagesFolderPath + "/"
						+ StringUtils::parseImgFilename(filename);

				printf("Reading image [%s]\n", imgPath.c_str());
				Mat img = imread(imgPath, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

				drawKeypoints(img, features.keypoints, img, cvScalar(255, 0, 0),
				string imgWithKeysPath = outputImagesFolderPath + "/"
						+ StringUtils::parseImgFilename(filename, "_with_keys");
				printf("Writing image [%s]\n", imgWithKeysPath.c_str());
				cv::imwrite(imgWithKeysPath, img);


Esempio n. 8
// Uses OpenCV
ImageData* loadImageData(string imgFilename) {
	Mat imgMat = imread(imgFilename.c_str()); // BGR

	return new ImageData(imgMat, CV_BGR2RGB);
const Mat FileListImageSource::getImage() const
	if (index < 0 || index >= files.size())
		return Mat();
	return imread(files[index].string(), 1);
Esempio n. 10
Params ImageRetriever::train( const string& dirname, const Params& preconf )
	path dir = dirname;
	RuntimeCheck(is_directory(dir), "Error: failed to load image directory.");

	vector<string> names;
	// load image names
	for (auto it = directory_iterator(dir); it != directory_iterator(); ++it)

	// shuffle the images
	std::random_shuffle(names.begin(), names.end());

	const bool with_vocabulary = not preconf.vocabulary.empty();
	const float hessian = preconf.hessian;
	const int voclen = preconf.voclen;
	const int binlen = preconf.binarylen;
	const int imgmaxlen = preconf.imgmaxlen;

	// load images and extract local feature for training.
	auto lfextractor = m_bwextractor.lfextractor();
	const int maxnum = 1000 * voclen;
	const int dims = lfextractor.size();
	Mat descs(maxnum, dims, DataType<float>::type); //TODO add auto configuration for feature type.
	int count = 0;
	for (auto it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it) {
		std::cout << "\t" << *it << std::endl;
		Mat image = imread(*it);
		image = reformed(image, imgmaxlen);

		auto lfs = lfextractor.compute(image);
		Mat desc = std::get<1>(lfs);
		int num = desc.rows;

		desc.copyTo(descs.rowRange(count, count+num));
		count += num;

		if (count > maxnum)

	// copy the valid descriptors for training.
	if (maxnum > count)
		descs = descs.rowRange(0, count);

	Params param = preconf;

	// train the parameters and store in Param struct.
	if (with_vocabulary) {
		auto ret = m_bwextractor.train(descs, preconf.vocabulary, binlen);
		param.projection = std::get<0>(ret);
		param.thresholds = std::get<1>(ret);
	else {
		auto ret = m_bwextractor.train(descs, voclen, binlen);
		param.vocabulary = std::get<0>(ret);
		param.projection = std::get<1>(ret);
		param.thresholds = std::get<2>(ret);

	return param;