bool inventory_vector::already_have( db_tx & tx_db, const inventory_vector & inv ) { switch (inv.type()) { case type_error: { // ... } break; case type_msg_tx: { auto tx_in_map = transaction_pool::instance().exists(inv.hash()); return tx_in_map || globals::instance().orphan_transactions().count(inv.hash()) || tx_db.contains_transaction(inv.hash() ); } break; case type_msg_block: { return globals::instance().block_indexes().count(inv.hash()) || globals::instance().orphan_blocks().count(inv.hash()) ; } break; } return true; }
std::pair<bool, std::string> transaction_wallet::accept_wallet_transaction( db_tx & tx_db ) { /** * Add previous supporting transactions first. */ for (auto & i : m_previous_transactions) { if (i.is_coin_base() == false && i.is_coin_stake() == false) { auto hash_tx = i.get_hash(); if ( transaction_pool::instance().exists(hash_tx) == false && tx_db.contains_transaction(hash_tx) == false ) { i.accept_to_transaction_pool(tx_db); } } } return transaction::accept_to_transaction_pool(tx_db); }
void transaction_wallet::relay_wallet_transaction( db_tx & tx_db, const std::shared_ptr<tcp_connection_manager> & connection_manager, const bool & use_udp ) { for (auto & i : m_previous_transactions) { if ((i.is_coin_base() || i.is_coin_stake()) == false) { auto hash_tx = i.get_hash(); if (tx_db.contains_transaction(hash_tx) == false) { inventory_vector inv( inventory_vector::type_msg_tx, hash_tx ); data_buffer buffer; i.encode(buffer); for (auto & j : connection_manager->tcp_connections()) { if (auto t = j.second.lock()) { t->send_relayed_inv_message(inv, buffer); } } } } } if ((is_coin_base() || is_coin_stake()) == false) { auto hash_tx = get_hash(); if (tx_db.contains_transaction(hash_tx) == false) { log_debug( "Transaction wallet is relaying " << hash_tx.to_string().substr(0, 10) << "." ); /** * Allocate the inventory_vector. */ inventory_vector inv(inventory_vector::type_msg_tx, hash_tx); /** * Allocate the data_buffer. */ data_buffer buffer; /** * Encode the transaction. */ reinterpret_cast<transaction *> (this)->encode(buffer); /** * Relay the transaction over TCP. */ for (auto & i : connection_manager->tcp_connections()) { if (auto t = i.second.lock()) { t->send_relayed_inv_message(inv, buffer); } } if (use_udp) { if (wallet_) { /** * Allocate the message. */ message msg(inv.command(), buffer); /** * Encode the message. */ msg.encode(); /** * Allocate the UDP packet. */ std::vector<std::uint8_t> udp_packet(msg.size()); /** * Copy the message to the UDP packet. */ std::memcpy(&udp_packet[0],, msg.size()); /** * Broadcast the message over UDP. */ const_cast<stack_impl *> (wallet_->get_stack_impl() )->get_database_stack()->broadcast(udp_packet ); } } } } }