Esempio n. 1
/* Computes the n-th root of the double-double number a.
   NOTE: n must be a positive integer.  
   NOTE: If n is even, then a must not be negative.       */
dd_real nroot(const dd_real &a, int n) {
  /* Strategy:  Use Newton iteration for the function

          f(x) = x^(-n) - a

     to find its root a^{-1/n}.  The iteration is thus

          x' = x + x * (1 - a * x^n) / n

     which converges quadratically.  We can then find 
    a^{1/n} by taking the reciprocal.

  if (n <= 0) {
    dd_real::abort("(dd_real::nroot): N must be positive.");
    return dd_real::_nan;

  if (n%2 == 0 && a.is_negative()) {
    dd_real::abort("(dd_real::nroot): Negative argument.");
    return dd_real::_nan;

  if (n == 1) {
    return a;
  if (n == 2) {
    return sqrt(a);

  if (a.is_zero())
    return 0.0;

  /* Note  a^{-1/n} = exp(-log(a)/n) */
  dd_real r = abs(a);
  dd_real x = std::exp(-std::log(r.hi) / n);

  /* Perform Newton's iteration. */
  x += x * (1.0 - r * npwr(x, n)) / static_cast<double>(n);
  if (a.hi < 0.0)
    x = -x;
  return 1.0/x;
Esempio n. 2
/* Computes the square root of the double-double number dd.
   NOTE: dd must be a non-negative number.                   */
QD_API dd_real sqrt(const dd_real &a) {
  /* Strategy:  Use Karp's trick:  if x is an approximation
     to sqrt(a), then

        sqrt(a) = a*x + [a - (a*x)^2] * x / 2   (approx)

     The approximation is accurate to twice the accuracy of x.
     Also, the multiplication (a*x) and [-]*x can be done with
     only half the precision.

  if (a.is_zero())
    return 0.0;

  if (a.is_negative()) {
    dd_real::abort("(dd_real::sqrt): Negative argument.");
    return dd_real::_nan;

  double x = 1.0 / std::sqrt(a.hi);
  double ax = a.hi * x;
  return dd_real::add(ax, (a - dd_real::sqr(ax)).hi * (x * 0.5));