Esempio n. 1
    get_nth_kday_type(stream_itr_type& sitr,
                      stream_itr_type& stream_end,
                      std::ios_base& a_ios,
                      const facet_type& facet) const
      // skip leading whitespace
      while(std::isspace(*sitr) && sitr != stream_end) { ++sitr; }
      typename nth_kday_type::week_num wn;
      day_of_week_type wd(0); // no default constructor
      month_type m(1);        // no default constructor

      match_results mr = m_element_strings.match(sitr, stream_end);
      switch(mr.current_match) {
        case first  : { wn = nth_kday_type::first; break; }
        case second : { wn = nth_kday_type::second; break; }
        case third  : { wn = nth_kday_type::third; break; }
        case fourth : { wn = nth_kday_type::fourth; break; }
        case fifth  : { wn = nth_kday_type::fifth; break; }
          boost::throw_exception(std::ios_base::failure("Parse failed. No match found for '" + mr.cache + "'"));
          BOOST_DATE_TIME_UNREACHABLE_EXPRESSION(wn = nth_kday_type::first);
      }                                         // week num
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, wd);   // day_of_week
      extract_element(sitr, stream_end, of);    // "of" element
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, m);    // month

      return nth_kday_type(wn, wd, m);
Esempio n. 2
    period_type get_period(stream_itr_type& sitr, 
                           stream_itr_type& stream_end,
                           std::ios_base& a_ios, 
                           const period_type& p,
                           const duration_type& dur_unit,
                           const facet_type& facet) const 
      // skip leading whitespace
      while(std::isspace(*sitr) && sitr != stream_end) { ++sitr; } 
      typedef typename period_type::point_type point_type;
      point_type p1(not_a_date_time), p2(not_a_date_time);

      consume_delim(sitr, stream_end, delimiters[START]);       // start delim
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, p1);                   // first point
      consume_delim(sitr, stream_end, delimiters[SEPARATOR]);   // separator
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, p2);                   // second point

      // period construction parameters are always open range [begin, end)
      if (m_range_option == AS_CLOSED_RANGE) {
        consume_delim(sitr, stream_end, delimiters[CLOSED_END]);// end delim
        // add 1 duration unit to p2 to make range open
        p2 += dur_unit;
      else {
        consume_delim(sitr, stream_end, delimiters[OPEN_END]);  // end delim
      return period_type(p1, p2);
Esempio n. 3
    get_last_kday_type(stream_itr_type& sitr,
                       stream_itr_type& stream_end,
                       std::ios_base& a_ios,
                       const facet_type& facet) const
      // skip leading whitespace
      while(std::isspace(*sitr) && sitr != stream_end) { ++sitr; }

      day_of_week_type wd(0); // no default constructor
      month_type m(1);        // no default constructor
      extract_element(sitr, stream_end, last); // "last" element
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, wd);  // day_of_week
      extract_element(sitr, stream_end, of);   // "of" element
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, m);   // month

      return last_kday_type(wd, m);
Esempio n. 4
    get_kday_after_type(stream_itr_type& sitr,
                        stream_itr_type& stream_end,
                        std::ios_base& a_ios,
                        const facet_type& facet) const
      // skip leading whitespace
      while(std::isspace(*sitr) && sitr != stream_end) { ++sitr; }

      day_of_week_type wd(0); // no default constructor

      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, wd);   // day_of_week
      extract_element(sitr, stream_end, after); // "after" element

      return kday_after_type(wd);
Esempio n. 5
    get_partial_date_type(stream_itr_type& sitr,
                          stream_itr_type& stream_end,
                          std::ios_base& a_ios,
                          const facet_type& facet) const
      // skip leading whitespace
      while(std::isspace(*sitr) && sitr != stream_end) { ++sitr; }

      day_type d(1);
      month_type m(1);
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, d);
      facet.get(sitr, stream_end, a_ios, m);

      return partial_date_type(d,m);