Esempio n. 1
void multiround_hash_table::_next_round (file_reader & reader
										, hasher_stream & stream
										, std::set<hole_t> & holes
										, const int32_t blk_len) const
	if (holes.empty ()) {
		std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Holes mustn't be empty.");

	try {
		stream.next_round (blk_len);
		typedef std::set<hole_t>::const_iterator cit_t;

		for (cit_t begin = holes.begin (); begin != holes.end (); ++begin) {
			const hole_t & hole = *begin;
			if (hole.length < (uint32_t)blk_len)

			uint64_t offset = reader.seek_file (hole.offset, FILE_BEGIN);
			if (offset != hole.offset) {
				std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't seek file %s(%s)."
					, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

			read_and_hash (reader, stream, hole.length, blk_len, hole.offset, 0);
		stream.end_one_round ();
	catch (xdelta_exception &e) {
		stream.on_error (e.what (), e.get_errno ());
Esempio n. 2
uint32_t seek_and_read (file_reader & reader, uint64_t offset, uint32_t length, uchar_t * data)
	uint64_t s_offset = reader.seek_file (offset, FILE_BEGIN);
	if (offset != s_offset) {
		std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't seek file %s(%s)."
			, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

	uint32_t ret = reader.read_file (data, length);
	if (ret < length) {
		std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Bytes read from %s(%s) is less than demand."
			, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

	return ret;
Esempio n. 3
// used the hash_table object receive from remote host 
// and send a hash stream to the remote host.
void hash_table::hash_it (file_reader & reader, hasher_stream & stream) const
	rs_mdfour_t ctx;
	uint64_t filsize = 0;
	try {
		int32_t f_blk_len = 0;
		if (reader.exist_file ()) {
			try {
				reader.open_file (); // sometimes this will throw.
				filsize = reader.get_file_size ();
				f_blk_len = get_xdelta_block_size (filsize);
			catch (...) {
				stream.start_hash_stream (reader.get_fname (), 0);
			stream.start_hash_stream (reader.get_fname (), f_blk_len);
		else {
			std::string mesg = fmt_string ("File %s not exists."
				, reader.get_fname ().c_str ());
			stream.start_hash_stream (reader.get_fname (), 0);
			stream.on_error (mesg, ENOENT);
			goto end;
		read_and_hash (reader, stream, filsize, f_blk_len, 0, &ctx);
	catch (xdelta_exception &e) {
		stream.on_error (e.what (), e.get_errno ());

	uchar_t file_hash[DIGEST_BYTES];
	memset (file_hash, 0, sizeof (file_hash));
	rs_mdfour_result (&ctx, file_hash);

	reader.close_file ();
	stream.end_hash_stream (file_hash, filsize);
Esempio n. 4
static void read_and_hash (file_reader & reader
							, hasher_stream & stream
							, uint64_t to_read_bytes
							, int32_t blk_len
							, uint64_t t_offset
							, rs_mdfour_t * pctx)
	// read huge block one time and calc hash block after block length of f_blk_len;
	uint32_t remain, buflen;
	char_buffer<uchar_t> buf (XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN);

	uint64_t index = 0;
	uint32_t size;
	uchar_t * rdbuf = buf.begin ();

	buflen = (uint32_t)(to_read_bytes > XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN ? XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN : to_read_bytes);
	while (to_read_bytes != 0) {
		size = reader.read_file (rdbuf, buflen);
		if (size != buflen) {
			std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't read file %s(%s)."
				, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

		if (pctx != 0)
			rs_mdfour_update(pctx, rdbuf, size);

		to_read_bytes -= size;
		const uchar_t * endbuf = rdbuf + size;
		rdbuf = buf.begin ();
		while ((int32_t)(endbuf - rdbuf) >= blk_len) {
			uint32_t fhash = rolling_hasher::hash (rdbuf, blk_len);
			struct slow_hash bsh;
			bsh.tpos.index = index;
			bsh.tpos.t_offset = t_offset;
			get_slow_hash (rdbuf, blk_len, bsh.hash);
			stream.add_block (fhash, bsh);
			rdbuf += blk_len;

		remain = (int32_t)(endbuf - rdbuf);
		if (remain > 0)
			memmove (buf.begin (), rdbuf, remain);

		rdbuf = buf.begin () + remain;
		buflen = XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN - remain;
		buflen = (uint32_t)(to_read_bytes > buflen ? buflen : to_read_bytes);
Esempio n. 5
int32_t multiround_hash_table::_haser_first_round (file_reader & reader
										, hasher_stream & stream
										, std::set<hole_t> & holes) const
	if (!holes.empty ()) {
		std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Holes must be empty.");

	hole_t hole;
	hole.offset = 0;
	bool round = true;
	try {
		reader.open_file (); // sometimes this will throw.
		hole.length = reader.get_file_size ();
		holes.insert (hole);
	catch (...) {
		round = false;

	if (!round) {
		hash_table::hash_it (reader, stream);
		return -1;

	int32_t blk_len = (uint32_t)(hole.length / multiround_base ());
	if (blk_len < XDELTA_BLOCK_SIZE)
		blk_len = XDELTA_BLOCK_SIZE;

	stream.start_hash_stream (reader.get_fname (), blk_len);
	rs_mdfour_t ctx;

	read_and_hash (reader, stream, hole.length, blk_len, hole.offset, &ctx);
	uchar_t file_hash[DIGEST_BYTES];
	memset (&file_hash, 0, sizeof (file_hash));
	rs_mdfour_result (&ctx, file_hash);

	bool neednextround = stream.end_first_round (file_hash);
	return (neednextround ? blk_len : -1);
Esempio n. 6
void read_and_delta (file_reader & reader
					, xdelta_stream & stream
					, const hash_table & hashes
					, std::set<hole_t> & hole_set
					, const int blk_len
					, bool need_split_hole)
	bool adddiff = !need_split_hole;
	char_buffer<uchar_t> buf (XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN);
	typedef std::set<hole_t>::iterator it_t;
	std::list<hole_t> holes2remove;

	for (it_t begin = hole_set.begin (); begin != hole_set.end (); ++begin) {
		const hole_t & hole = *begin;
		uint64_t offset = reader.seek_file (hole.offset, FILE_BEGIN);
		if (offset != hole.offset) {
			std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't seek file %s(%s)."
				, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

		uint32_t buflen = XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN;
		uint32_t to_read_bytes = (uint32_t)hole.length;

		buflen = to_read_bytes > buflen ? buflen : to_read_bytes;
		uchar_t * rdbuf = buf.begin ();

		uint32_t size = reader.read_file (rdbuf, buflen);
		if (size != buflen) {
			std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't read file %s(%s)."
				, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

		to_read_bytes -= size;
		const uchar_t * endbuf = rdbuf + size;
		rdbuf = buf.begin ();

		if ((int32_t)(endbuf - rdbuf) >= blk_len) {
			uchar_t * sentrybuf = rdbuf;
			rolling_hasher hasher;
			hasher.eat_hash (rdbuf, blk_len);

			while (true) {
				bool newhash = false;
				const slow_hash * bsh = hashes.find_block (hasher.hash_value (), rdbuf, blk_len);
				uchar_t outchar = 0;

				if (bsh) {
					// a match was found.
					uint32_t slipsize = (uint32_t)(rdbuf - sentrybuf);
					if (slipsize > 0 && adddiff)
						stream.add_block (sentrybuf, slipsize, offset);

					offset += slipsize;

					stream.add_block (bsh->tpos, blk_len, offset);
					if (need_split_hole) {
						hole_t newhole;
						newhole.offset = offset;
						newhole.length = blk_len;
						holes2remove.push_back (newhole);

					rdbuf += blk_len;
					sentrybuf = rdbuf;
					newhash = true;
					offset += blk_len;
				else {
					// slip the window by one bytes which size is blk_len.
					outchar = *rdbuf;

				// beyond the buffer.
				int remain = (int)(endbuf - rdbuf);
				if (remain < blk_len) {
					if (to_read_bytes == 0) {
						// no more to read.
						uint32_t slipsize = (uint32_t)(endbuf - sentrybuf);
						if (slipsize > 0 && adddiff)
							stream.add_block (sentrybuf, slipsize, offset);
						goto end;
					else {
						memmove (buf.begin (), rdbuf, remain);
						rdbuf = buf.begin ();
						sentrybuf = rdbuf;

						buflen = XDELTA_BUFFER_LEN - remain;
						buflen = to_read_bytes > buflen ? buflen : to_read_bytes;
						size = reader.read_file (rdbuf + remain, buflen);

						if (size != buflen) {
							std::string errmsg = fmt_string ("Can't read file %s(%s)."
								, reader.get_fname ().c_str (), error_msg ().c_str ());

						to_read_bytes -= size;
						endbuf = rdbuf + remain + size;
						remain += size;

						if (remain >= blk_len) {
							if (newhash)
								hasher.eat_hash (rdbuf, blk_len);
								hasher.update (outchar, *(rdbuf + blk_len));
						else {
							// one read must complement data which length plus
							// remain must be more than one block length of @f_blk_len,
							// so if remain less than that, it must be reach the end of
							// file
							if (adddiff)
								stream.add_block (rdbuf, remain, offset);
							offset += remain;
							goto end;
				else {
					if (newhash)
						hasher.eat_hash (rdbuf, blk_len);
						hasher.update (outchar, *(rdbuf + blk_len - 1));
		else {
			if (adddiff)
				stream.add_block (rdbuf, size, offset);

	if (need_split_hole) {
		typedef std::list<hole_t>::iterator it_t;
		for (it_t begin = holes2remove.begin (); begin != holes2remove.end (); ++begin)
			split_hole (hole_set, *begin);