bool GraphicsServerCommunication::CaptureFrameStub(gtASCIIString& frameInfoAsXML, unsigned char*& pImageBuffer, unsigned long& imageSize)
    bool retVal = true;
#pragma message ("TODO: FA: remove this function")

    static gtASCIIString serverResponseFormat = "<Root><Location></Location>"\

    static int frameIndex = 1345;
    frameIndex += rand() % 50;
    int elapsedTimeMS = rand() % 1000000;
    int fps = rand() % 250;
    double frameDuration = (double)rand() / 2.345;
    int apiCalls = rand() % 500000;
    int drawCalls = rand() % apiCalls;

    frameInfoAsXML.appendFormattedString(serverResponseFormat.asCharArray(), frameIndex, elapsedTimeMS, fps, frameDuration, apiCalls, drawCalls);

    GetFrameThumbnail(pImageBuffer, imageSize, frameIndex % 12);
    return retVal;
/// Generate a trace info block that can be appended to the top of the trace. Included application and system information.
/// \param outHeaderString A string containing the generated block of header text.
/// \returns True if the header was generated successfully. False if it failed.
bool MultithreadedTraceAnalyzerLayer::GenerateLinkedTraceHeader(gtASCIIString& outHeaderString)
    bool bHeaderGenerated = false;

    // The response should include a header when connected to CodeXL Graphics.
    outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//CodeXL Frame Trace\n");

    osModuleArchitecture moduleArchitecture;
    osRuntimePlatform currentPlatform;
    gtString executablePath;
    gtString commandLine;
    gtString workingDirectory;

    if (osGetProcessLaunchInfo(osGetCurrentProcessId(), moduleArchitecture, currentPlatform, executablePath, commandLine, workingDirectory) == true)
        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//ProcessExe=%s\n", executablePath.asASCIICharArray());

        // Build a timestamp.
        osTime currentTime;
        tm timeStruct;
        currentTime.timeAsTmStruct(timeStruct, osTime::LOCAL);

        // Need to add 1900, since tm contains "years since 1900".
        int year = timeStruct.tm_year + 1900;

        // Need to add 1, since tm contains "months since January".
        int month = timeStruct.tm_mon + 1;

        int day = timeStruct.tm_mday;
        int hour = timeStruct.tm_hour;
        int minute = timeStruct.tm_min;
        int second = timeStruct.tm_sec;

        gtASCIIString timestampBuilder;
        timestampBuilder.appendFormattedString("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d", month, day, year, hour, minute, second);
        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//TraceDateTime=%s\n", timestampBuilder.asCharArray());

        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//TraceFileVersion=%d\n", 1);
        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//ApplicationArgs=%s\n", commandLine.asASCIICharArray());
        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("//WorkingDirectory=%s\n", workingDirectory.asASCIICharArray());

        // Build a system information header string.
        std::string systemInfo;
        outHeaderString.appendFormattedString("\n%s\n", systemInfo.c_str());

        bHeaderGenerated = true;
        Log(logERROR, "Failed to retrieve process info when building response header.\n");

    return bHeaderGenerated;