string getRead(ifstream& readFile){ string read,header,inter; char c; for(uint64_t i(0);i<1;++i){ getline(readFile,header); getline(readFile,read); point: c=readFile.peek(); if(c=='>'){ if(read.size()>2){ bool fail(false); for(uint64_t j(0);(j)<read.size();++j){ if(read[j]!='A' and read[j]!='C' and read[j]!='T' and read[j]!='G'){ fail=true; break; } } if(!fail){ return read; } } read=""; }else{ if(!readFile.eof()){ getline(readFile,inter); read+=inter; goto point; }else{ if(read.size()>2){ bool fail(false); for(uint64_t j(0);(j)<read.size();++j){ if(read[j]!='A' and read[j]!='C' and read[j]!='T' and read[j]!='G'){ fail=true; break; } } if(!fail){ return read; } } return ""; } } } return ""; }
Item::Item(ifstream &theFile) : sum(0.0), mean(0.0), min(0.0), q25(0.0), median(0.0), q75(0.0), max(0.0), statInformation(false), valid_values( true ), data_status_description() { theFile >> name; theFile >> count; ReadWhitespaces(theFile); if(theFile.peek() != '-') { theFile >> mean; theFile >> median; theFile >> min; theFile >> max; theFile >> sum; if(count >= 2) { theFile >> variance; }
// Read protein entry's ACCESSION ID ( AC )by specified file position bool CFastaParser::ReadEntryAC(string& strAC, long lPosEntryStart, ifstream& ifDB) { std::streamsize tLength = MAX_AC_LENGTH_PRO; char* pszBuf = new char[MAX_AC_LENGTH_PRO]; ifDB.seekg(lPosEntryStart, ios::beg); if (ifDB.peek() == '>') //skip the char '>' ifDB.get(); ifDB.getline(pszBuf, tLength - 1, ' '); strAC = pszBuf ; strAC = strAC.substr(0, strAC.find_last_not_of('\r')+1); delete pszBuf; return true; }
void GetStrs(ifstream & fin, vector<string> & vistr) { size_t len; string str; char ch; // check that there is something to read while (fin.peek() && !fin.eof()) { *) &len, sizeof(size_t)); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {, sizeof(char)); str.push_back(ch); } vistr.push_back(str); str.clear(); } }
bool hasNextLog (ifstream & file) { #ifdef MAP cout << "Appel à la methode Read::hasNextLog" << endl; #endif if ( !file.eof() && file.peek() != char_traits<wchar_t>::eof() ) { #ifdef MAP cout << "Read::hasNextLog = true" << endl; #endif return true; } #ifdef MAP cout << "Read::hasNextLog = false" << endl; #endif return false; } //----- Fin de hasNextLog
void ignoreComment(ifstream& inpt) { ECString nxt; char a; inpt.get(a); if(a == '/') { char b = inpt.peek(); if(b == '*') { while(inpt) { inpt >> nxt; if(nxt == "*/") break; } return; } }
// // Name: readStream() // Discription: Reads the stream and gets the full instruction, then returning. // Parameters: ifstream &stream - Stream to read from. // Returns: bool - true errors, false no errors. // bool I_Let::readStream(ifstream &stream) { if (debug) readLineForDebug(stream); // var checkForEndOfLine(); string var; stream >> var; int num = vars->asciiNumber(var); if (num == -1) { string error = "Variable unknown: "; error += var; reportError(error.c_str()); } else { theVar = vars->asciiNumber(var); vars->isUsed(theVar); } // = checkForEndOfLine(); char c = stream.peek(); if (c != '=') { reportError("Missing \"=\" in let command."); return true; } else{ char c[1];,1); } // Expression checkForEndOfLine(); e.setVariableClass(vars); e.setDebug(debug); e.type = type; e.readStream(stream); return (moveToTheEndOfTheLine(stream)); }
string getFormFile(long start,long frame) { char c; c=myfile.peek();; myfile.seekg(start); string toret; while(myfile.tellg()<start+frame && !myfile.eof()) { int pos=myfile.tellg(); // c=myfile.peek();; myfile>>c; // cout<<"C:"<<c<<endl; if(c=='a')c='A'; if(c=='t' || c=='u' || c=='U')c='T'; if(c=='g')c='G'; if(c=='c')c='C'; if(c=='.' ||c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='>')continue; toret+=c; }; return toret; };
dll::dll(ifstream & infile) { char buffer[100]; int length; root = NULL; while(infile.eof() == false) { char * name; int classrooms, max_students, age_group; infile.getline(buffer, 100, ':'); length = strlen(buffer); name = new char[length+1]; strcpy(name, buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 5, ':'); classrooms = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 5, ':'); max_students = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 5); age_group = atoi(buffer); school current(name, classrooms, max_students, age_group); add(current); delete [] name; infile.peek(); } }
//DC <valor> (para fonte DC) void Tensao::carregaParamDC(ifstream &arq) { int i = 0; while(arq.good() && arq.peek() != '\n') { switch(i) { case 0: arq >> m_DC; break; default: arq>>m_ignora; break; } i++; } if(i!=1) { cout<< m_nome <<" DC: Numero de parametros errado" << i << "/1"<<endl; arq.close(); m_erro = true; } cout<<m_nome<<" DC: "<<m_nome_a<<" "<<m_nome_b<<" "<<m_DC<<endl; }
int ParameterList::readNext(ifstream in,char * tmp){ int tmp_lenght; //remove all leading spaces while(in.peek()==32) in.get(); //check if end of line if((in.peek()==10 || in.peek()==13)) return-1; in>>tmp; if(in.eof()) return -1; tmp_lenght=strlen(tmp); // look for comment sign if((int)strcspn(tmp,"#")<tmp_lenght){ //found comment: read till the end and go to next line while(!(in.peek()==10 || in.peek()==13)) in.get(); //remove end of line while((in.peek()==10 || in.peek()==13)) in.get(); return -1; } return 1; }
bool lexicalAnalyzer::checkAndAddTokens(char charToBeChecked, vector<Token> &tokenList, int& lineNumber, ifstream& in){ Token tokenToBeAdded = Token(); string tempString = string(1, charToBeChecked); char nextChar = in.peek(); char tempChar; int currLine = lineNumber; bool endstring = false; int aposCount = 1; if(isspace(charToBeChecked)){ return true; } else if(isalpha(charToBeChecked)){ string word = string(1, charToBeChecked); while(isalnum(nextChar)){ in.get(tempChar); word += string(1, tempChar); //cout << word << endl; if (isToken(word) != ""){ if(!isalnum(in.peek())){ tokenToBeAdded = Token (isToken(word), word, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } } nextChar = in.peek(); } tokenToBeAdded = Token ("ID", word, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //cout << word << endl; } //Keep Reading from input switch (charToBeChecked){ case ',': tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COMMA", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //output comma break; case ':': if(nextChar == '-'){ tempString += nextChar; in.get(tempChar); tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COLON_DASH", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } else{ tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COLON", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } //check if it's a c-dash, then output colon case '.': tokenToBeAdded = Token ("PERIOD", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //create token object for period, and add to tokenList case '?': tokenToBeAdded = Token ("Q_MARK", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //create token object for qmark, and add to tokenList case '(': tokenToBeAdded = Token ("LEFT_PAREN", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //create token object for lparenth, and add to tokenList case ')': tokenToBeAdded = Token ("RIGHT_PAREN", tempString, lineNumber); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; //create token object for r parenth, and add to tokenList case '#': if (nextChar == '|'){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); if(in.peek() == '|'){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); if(in.peek() == '#'){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COMMENT", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } } do { if(in.eof()){ tokenToBeAdded = Token ("UNDEFINED", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return false; } in.get(tempChar); if(tempChar == '\n'){ lineNumber++; } tempString += string(1, tempChar); nextChar = in.peek(); } while(nextChar != '|'); in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); nextChar = in.peek(); if(nextChar == '#'){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COMMENT", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } else return false; } else{ while(nextChar != '\n' && !in.eof()){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); nextChar = in.peek(); } tokenToBeAdded = Token ("COMMENT", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } //peek for |, and add appropriate token. break; case '\'': in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); nextChar = in.peek(); while(endstring == false){ nextChar = in.peek(); if(tempChar == '\n') lineNumber++; if(tempChar == '\'' && nextChar == '\''){ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); aposCount += 2; in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); } else if(tempChar == '\''){ tokenToBeAdded = Token ("STRING", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return true; } else if(in.eof()){ tokenToBeAdded = Token ("UNDEFINED", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); return false; } else{ in.get(tempChar); tempString += string(1, tempChar); } } default: tokenToBeAdded = Token ("UNDEFINED", tempString, currLine); tokenList.push_back(tokenToBeAdded); } return true; }
// This will eath through white spaces. void eatspaces(ifstream &inp) { while(inp.peek() == ' ' || inp.peek() == '\n') inp.get(); }
/** * Constructor responsible for reading data from the EDF file. * It reads data from the header and stores key-value pairs in dictionry. * Also EDF image is read. */ edf_reader::edf_reader(ifstream &in){ char buffer[256], value_string[256]; double value; char a = ' '; bool is_header = 0; int dim1, dim2; // //read first character from the file // in.get(a); // // read file until bace closing the header is met // while(in.peek()!='}'){ // //prevention from corrupted bits in file // if({ in.clear(in.rdstate() & ~ios::failbit); in.getline(buffer, 255); break; } // //check if the header begins // if((a=='{') || is_header==1){ // //set flag if first time in the loop // if(!is_header){ in.get(a); is_header = 1; } // //get key // in.getline(buffer, 255,' '); string key(buffer); // //check if key corresponds to float value // if(!strcmp(buffer,"Center_1")||!strcmp(buffer,"Center_2")||!strcmp(buffer,"DDummy")||!strcmp(buffer,"Dummy")||!strcmp(buffer,"Offset_2")||!strcmp(buffer,"Psize_1")||!strcmp(buffer,"Psize_2")||!strcmp(buffer,"SampleDistance")||!strcmp(buffer,"SaxsDataVersion")||!strcmp(buffer,"WaveLength")||!strcmp(buffer,"EDF_BinarySize")||!strcmp(buffer,"Image")||!strcmp(buffer, "Offset_1")) { // //get value corresponding to key // in.getline(buffer, 255, '='); while(in.peek()==' ')in.ignore(1,'\n'); in >> value; // //store pairs key-double value in key_double dictionary // key_double.insert(pair<string, double>(key, value)); } // //get dimension separately and store in dictionary // else if(!strcmp(buffer,"Dim_1")){ in.getline(buffer, 255, '='); while(in.peek()==' ')in.ignore(1,'\n'); in >> value; dim1 = (int)value; (void)dim1; // TODO unused varable - quiet warnings key_double.insert(pair<string, double>(key, value)); }
bool isEmpty(ifstream& pFile) { return pFile.peek() == ifstream::traits_type::eof(); }
QualityScores::QualityScores(ifstream& qFile){ try { m = MothurOut::getInstance(); seqName = ""; int score; qFile >> seqName; m->getline(qFile); //cout << seqName << endl; if (seqName == "") { m->mothurOut("Error reading quality file, name blank at position, " + toString(qFile.tellg())); m->mothurOutEndLine(); } else{ seqName = seqName.substr(1); } string qScoreString = m->getline(qFile); //cout << qScoreString << endl; while(qFile.peek() != '>' && qFile.peek() != EOF){ if (m->control_pressed) { break; } string temp = m->getline(qFile); //cout << temp << endl; qScoreString += ' ' + temp; } //cout << "done reading " << endl; istringstream qScoreStringStream(qScoreString); int count = 0; while(!qScoreStringStream.eof()){ if (m->control_pressed) { break; } string temp; qScoreStringStream >> temp; m->gobble(qScoreStringStream); //check temp to make sure its a number if (!m->isContainingOnlyDigits(temp)) { m->mothurOut("[ERROR]: In sequence " + seqName + "'s quality scores, expected a number and got " + temp + ", setting score to 0."); m->mothurOutEndLine(); temp = "0"; } convert(temp, score); //cout << count << '\t' << score << endl; qScores.push_back(score); count++; } //qScores.pop_back(); // string scores = ""; // // while(!qFile.eof()){ // // qFile >> seqName; // // //get name // if (seqName.length() != 0) { // seqName = seqName.substr(1); // while (!qFile.eof()) { // char c = qFile.get(); // //gobble junk on line // if (c == 10 || c == 13){ break; } // } // m->gobble(qFile); // } // // //get scores // while(qFile){ // char letter=qFile.get(); // if((letter == '>')){ qFile.putback(letter); break; } // else if (isprint(letter)) { scores += letter; } // } // m->gobble(qFile); // // break; // } // // //convert scores string to qScores // istringstream qScoreStringStream(scores); // // int score; // while(!qScoreStringStream.eof()){ // // if (m->control_pressed) { break; } // // qScoreStringStream >> score; // qScores.push_back(score); // } // // qScores.pop_back(); seqLength = qScores.size(); //cout << "seqlength = " << seqLength << '\t' << count << endl; } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "QualityScores", "QualityScores"); exit(1); } }
string lexer(ifstream &file){ char c; string lexeme = "", token ="", both=""; bool notfound = true; do{ c = file.get(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Identifier DFSM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(isalpha(c)){ /* state 2*/ lexeme += c; token = "identifier"; notfound = false; /* state 3*/ /* state 4*/ /* state 5*/ while(isalpha(file.peek()) || isdigit(file.peek()) || file.peek()=='_'){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; } int size= lexeme.size(); if(lexeme[size-1] == '_'){ token = "unknown"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Keyword /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(lexeme=="function") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="int") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="boolean") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="real") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="if") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="else") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="return") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="write") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="read") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="while") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="endif") token = "keyword"; else if(lexeme=="function") token = "true"; else if(lexeme=="false") token = "keyword"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Interger aand Real DFSM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*For real and integer we combined both DFSM into one. Which either recieves a digit or a '.' */ else if(isdigit(c)){ lexeme += c; token = "integer"; notfound = false; while(isdigit(file.peek()) || file.peek()=='.'){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; if( c=='.' ) token = "real"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operator, Separator and Unkown /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else switch(c){ case 'ÿ': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "EndofFile"; case '\n': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "EndofLine"; lexeme = "EndofLine"; break; case '\t': break; case ' ': break; case '$': lexeme = lexeme + c; if(file.peek()=='$'){ c = file.get(); lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; }else{ notfound = false; token = "unknown"; } break; case '{': lexeme += c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case '}': notfound = false; token = "separator"; lexeme += c; break; case ';': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case '(': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case ')': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case ':': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; if(file.peek()=='='){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; token = "operator"; } break; case '[': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case ']': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case ',': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "separator"; break; case '=': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; if(file.peek()=='>'){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; } break; case '>': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; break; case '<': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; if(file.peek()=='='){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; } break; case '/': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; if(file.peek()=='='){ c = file.get(); lexeme += c; } break; case '*': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; break; case '+': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; break; case '-': lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "operator"; break; default: lexeme = lexeme + c; notfound = false; token = "unknown"; } }while(notfound); both = token + " " + lexeme; return both; }
/** **/ token getToken(ifstream &is) { char lastChar; token ret; ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::eof); ret.value = ""; // get char is.get(lastChar); // kill "spaces" while (lastChar==' ' || lastChar=='\t' || lastChar=='\r') { if(is.eof()) return ret; is.get(lastChar); } // singletons ret.value += lastChar; if(lastChar=='(') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::list_open); return ret; } if(lastChar==')') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::list_close); return ret; } if(lastChar=='[') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::option_open); return ret; } if(lastChar==']') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::option_close); return ret; } if(lastChar=='{') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::block_open); return ret; } if(lastChar=='}') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::block_close); return ret; } // delimiter? if(isDelimiter(lastChar)) { // merge delimiters //return buildWord(isDelimiter, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::delimiter)); while(isDelimiter(lastChar)) { if(is.eof()) return ret; is.get(lastChar); } // last read was NOT valid: restore it, cut it! is.seekg(-1, ios::cur); ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::delimiter); return ret; } // get identifyers and controll words if (isalpha(lastChar)) { // identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* auto fp = [](int c)->int{return isalnum(c);}; return buildWord(fp, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::identifier)); } // get numbers if (isdigit(lastChar)) { // Number: [0-9.]+ auto fp = [](int c)->int{return isdigit(c);}; return buildWord(fp, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::number)); //TODO: use for something - should we check for "this is a number"? //NumVal = strtod(NumStr.c_str(), 0); } // get comments if (lastChar == '#') { auto fp = [](int c)->int{ return (c!='\n' && c!='\r'); }; return buildWord(fp, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::oneline_comment)); } if (lastChar == '/' && is.peek() == '/') { auto fp = [](int c)->int{ return (c!='\n' && c!='\r'); }; return buildWord(fp, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::oneline_comment)); } // get operants if(isOperator(lastChar)) { return buildWord(isOperator, is, lastChar, static_cast<int>(token_ident::operand)); } if(lastChar == '"') { string StrValue = ""; //TODO: needs an advanced lambda function. since its the only "block"-lex we do so far // i leave it as it was do { if(is.eof()) { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::string); ret.value = "Unsescaped String (EOF)"; return ret; } is.get(lastChar); if(lastChar=='"') break; if(lastChar=='\n' || lastChar=='\r') { ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::string); ret.value = "Unsescaped String"; return ret; } StrValue += lastChar; } while (1); ret.type = static_cast<int>(token_ident::string); ret.value = StrValue; return ret; } // whatever. ret.type = 0; ret.value = "unknown"; return ret; }
bool Netlist::carregar(ifstream &arq) { arq.ignore(MAX_LINHA,'\n'); while(arq.good()) { Elemento *elemento = NULL; switch(arq.peek()) { case '.': carregarParametros(arq); break; case 'R': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Resistor(arq); break; case 'L': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Indutor(arq); break; case 'C': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Capacitor(arq); break; case 'O': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Ampop(arq); break; case 'V': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Tensao(arq); break; case 'I': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Corrente(arq); break; case 'E': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Tensaotensao(arq); break; case 'F': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Correntecorrente(arq); break; case 'G': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Correntetensao(arq); break; case 'H': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Tensaocorrente(arq); break; case 'W': case 'M': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Mos(arq); break; case 'K': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Acoplamento(arq); break; case 'D': //arq.ignore(); elemento = new Diodo(arq); break; default: arq.ignore(MAX_LINHA,'\n'); break; } if(elemento) { if(elemento->getErro()) return false; elemento->associaMatriz(&m_matriz); m_elementos.push_back(elemento); } elemento = NULL; } cout<<"O Circuito possui "<<m_elementos.size()<<" elemento(s) e "<<m_matriz.m_numVariaveis<<" variaveis"<<endl; cout<<"Variaveis:"<<endl; for(int i=1;i<=m_matriz.m_numVariaveis;i++) { cout<<i<<":"<<m_matriz.getNomeVariavel(i)<<endl; } string metodo; if(m_metodo == GEAR) metodo = "GEAR"; else if(m_metodo == BE) metodo = "BE"; else if(m_metodo == TRAP) metodo = "TRAP"; cout<<"metodo="<<metodo<<",passo="<<m_passo<<",passos internos="<<m_passosInternos<<",tempo de analise="<<m_t<<endl; cout<<endl; return true; }
BOOL static getField(ifstream& fin, CString& marker, CString& contents) { static BOOL bNextLineIsBlank=FALSE; if(bNextLineIsBlank) { bNextLineIsBlank=FALSE; marker = "BLANKLINE"; contents =""; return TRUE; } ASSERTX(fin.is_open()); const int kBuffSize = 5000; // CURRENTLY MAX FIELD SIZE TOO! CString sField; LPTSTR buff = sField.GetBuffer(kBuffSize+2); LPTSTR start_buff = buff; fin.eatwhite(); char* b = buff; BOOL bFoundBlank = FALSE; do { fin.getline(b, kBuffSize - (b-buff), '\n'); b += fin.gcount(); if(fin.gcount()) { *(b-1) = '\n'; // put a carriage return in place of the null terminator *b = '\0'; // null terminate in case the next getline fails } while(fin.peek() == '\n') // keep swallowing blank lines until we see what's at the end of them { fin.get(); // swallow the \n; if(fin.peek() == '\\') // if the blanks are followed by a record, then this constitutes a true blank line { bFoundBlank=TRUE; break; } } } while (!bFoundBlank && fin.good() && fin.gcount() && fin.peek() != '\\'); bNextLineIsBlank = bFoundBlank; // will be used on the next call if( (kBuffSize-1) <= (b-buff)) // to long (and thus fin.gcount() == 0) { CString s; s.Format("The interlinear file appears to have a line which is longer than the maximum of %d characters which csCleanITX can handle.\n", kBuffSize); throw(s); } if(!buff[0]) // end of file { sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return FALSE; } // eat white space before the SFM Code (will always be there after a \dis) while(*buff && _ismbcspace(*buff)) { *buff='~'; // a hack so that iSpaceLoc, below, isn't set to the space between the "\dis" and marker ++buff; } int iSpaceLoc ; // figure out where the marker ends and field contents begin iSpaceLoc = sField.FindOneOf(" \t\n"); if(iSpaceLoc <= 1)// [0] should be the slash, [1] at least one char { sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return FALSE; } start_buff[iSpaceLoc] = '\0'; marker = buff + 1; // +1 to skip the slash marker.TrimRight(); contents = start_buff + iSpaceLoc+1; contents.TrimLeft(); contents.TrimRight(); sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return TRUE; }
int yylex() { int c; while (1) { yytextclear(); int c; while ((c = fin.get()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') continue; if (c == '/') { if (fin.peek() == '*') { fin.get(); while (c = fin.get()) { if ((c == '*' && fin.peek() == '/') || c == '\n') break; } fin.get(); continue; } else yytext[0]='/'; yytext[1]=0; return DIVOP; //MULOP be * | / } if (c == EOF){ return EOFSY; } if (c == ':' && fin.peek() == '=') { yytext[0]=c; yytext[1]=fin.get(); yytext[2]=0; return ASSIGNOPP; } if (c == '('){ yytext[0] = '('; yytext[1]=0; return LPAREN; } if (c == ')'){ yytext[0] = ')'; yytext[1]=0; return RPAREN; } if (c == '+'){ yytext[0] = '+'; yytext[1]=0; return ADDOP; //ADDOP can be + | - } if (c == '-'){ yytext[0] = '-'; yytext[1]=0; return SUBOP; //ADDOP can be + | - } if (c == '*'){ yytext[0] = '*'; yytext[1]=0; return MULOP; //MULOP can be * | / } if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { int dec = 0; yytext[0] = c; int i = 1; while (((c = fin.get()) >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '.')) { if (c == '.') dec++; if (dec == 2) throw exception(); yytext[i] = c; i++; } yytext[i]=0; fin.unget(); return NUMCONST; } else { yytext[0] = toupper(c); int i = 1; while ((c = fin.get()) != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != EOF && c != ':' && c != '(' && c != ')' && c != '+' && c != '-' && c != '*' && c != '/') { yytext[i] = toupper(c); i++; } yytext[i] = 0; fin.unget(); if (_stricmp(yytext, "read") == 0) { return READSY; } if (_stricmp(yytext, "write") == 0) { return WRITESY; } return ID; } } }
Token Scanner::GetNextToken() { char currentChar, c; ClearBuffer(); currentChar = NextChar(); while (!sourceFile.eof()) { if (isspace(currentChar)) currentChar = NextChar(); // do nothing else if (isalpha(currentChar)) { // identifier BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); while (isalnum(c) || c == '_') { currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); } return CheckReserved(); } else if (isdigit(currentChar)) { // integer literal BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); while (isdigit(c)) { currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); if (c == ".") { currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); while (isdigit(c)) { currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); c = sourceFile.peek(); } return FLOAT_LIT; } } return INT_LIT; } // Added section here: start else if (currentChar == '[') return LSTAPLE; else if (currentChar == ']') return RSTAPLE; else if (currentChar == '{') return LMUSTACHE; else if (currentChar == '}') return RMUSTACHE; // Added section here: end else if (currentChar == '(') return LBANANA; else if (currentChar == ')') return RBANANA; else if (currentChar == ';') return SEMICOLON; else if (currentChar == ',') return COMMA; else if (currentChar == ':') { return COLON; } else if (currentChar == '*') { BufferChar(currentChar); return MULT_OP; } else if (currentChar == '/') { BufferChar(currentChar); return DIV_OP; } else if (currentChar == '+') { BufferChar(currentChar); return PLUS_OP; } else if (currentChar == '<') { if (sourceFile.peek() == '=') { // := operator BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return LE_OP; } else { BufferChar(currentChar); return LT_OP; } } else if (currentChar == '>') { if (sourceFile.peek() == '=') { // := operator BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return GE_OP; } else { BufferChar(currentChar); return GT_OP; } } else if (currentChar == '!') { if (sourceFile.peek() == '!') { // := operator BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return EQ_OP2; } else if (sourceFile.peek() == '='){ BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return NE_OP; } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else if (currentChar == 'F' || currentChar == 'T') { if (sourceFile.peek() == 'A') { // := operator BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); if (sourceFile.peek() == 'L') { BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); if (sourceFile.peek() == 'S') { BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); if (sourceFile.peek() == 'E') { BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return BOOL_LIT; } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else if (sourceFile.peek() == 'R'){ BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); if (sourceFile.peek() == 'U') { BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); if (sourceFile.peek() == 'E') { BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return BOOL_LIT; } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else { LexicalError(currentChar); } } else if (currentChar == '=') { if (sourceFile.peek() == '=') { // := operator BufferChar(currentChar); currentChar = NextChar(); BufferChar(currentChar); return EQ_OP1; } else { return ASSIGN_OP; } } else if (currentChar == '-') if (sourceFile.peek() == '-') // comment do // skip comment currentChar = NextChar(); while (currentChar != '\n'); else { BufferChar(currentChar); // minus operator return MINUS_OP; } else if (currentChar == '"') // string character do { currentChar = NextChar(); c = sourceFile.peek(); if (currentChar == '"' && c == '"'){ currentChar = NextChar(); } else if (currentChar == '"' && c != '"'){ return CHEESE_LIT; } stringBuffer += currentChar; } while (c != '\n'); else LexicalError(currentChar); } // end while return EOF_SYM; }
map::map(ifstream &infile) { size = 25; char buffer[13] ={0}; section = new vertex[size]; for(int i = 0; i<size; ++i) { int a = i%5; if(a > 0) section[i].add_edge(section[i].head, i); if(a < 4) section[i].add_edge(section[i].head, i+2); if(i>4) section[i].add_edge(section[i].head, i-4); if(i<20) section[i].add_edge(section[i].head, i+6); } //input loop infile.peek(); while(!infile.eof()) { int age_4, age_10, age_13, age_18, age_60, age_retired, median_income = 0; char race; float latt, longit; infile.getline(buffer, 14, ':'); latt = atof(buffer); if(latt == 0.0) return; infile.getline(buffer, 14, ':'); longit = atof(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_4 = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_10 = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_13 = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_18 = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_60 = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 3, ':'); age_retired = atoi(buffer); infile.getline(buffer, 10, ':'); median_income = atoi(buffer); infile.get(race); //infile.ignore(); location * current; current = new location(latt, longit); section[current->sector()].add(age_4, age_10, age_13, age_18, age_60, age_retired, median_income, race); delete current; infile.peek(); } }
bool at_eof(ifstream &ifstream) { return ifstream.peek() == ifstream::traits_type::eof(); }
int getNextToken(){ while(!infile.eof()) { char c = infile.peek(); if (c == '/') { infile.get(c); char c2 = infile.peek(); if(c2 == '/') { // found a comment. infile.get(c); while(c != '\n' && !infile.eof()){ infile.get(c); } }else{ keyword = ""; keyword += c; return KEYWORD_TOKEN; } }else if(checkIfLetter(c)){ keyword = ""; while((checkIfLetter(c) || checkIfDigit(c) || c == '_' ) && !infile.eof()){ infile.get(c); keyword += c; c = infile.peek(); } if(infile.eof() && treeStack.size() > 1){ cout << "Error... stack not empty but reached end of file.\n"; exit(1); } string* p = find(keyList, keyList + 20, keyword); if(p != (keyList + 20)){ return KEYWORD_TOKEN; }else{ return IDENTIFIER_TOKEN; } }else if(find(operatorList, operatorList + 26, c) != operatorList + 26){ keyword = ""; infile.get(c); char c2 = infile.peek(); keyword += c; if(find(operatorList, operatorList + 26, c2) != operatorList + 26){ infile.get(c); keyword += c; } return KEYWORD_TOKEN; }else if(checkIfDigit(c)){ keyword = ""; while(checkIfDigit(c) && !infile.eof()){ infile.get(c); keyword += c; c = infile.peek(); } if(infile.eof() && treeStack.size() > 1){ cout << "Error... stack not empty but reached end of file.\n"; exit(1); } return INTEGER_TOKEN; }else if(checkIfPunction(c)){ infile.get(c); keyword = ""; keyword += c; return KEYWORD_TOKEN; }else if(c == '\''){ infile.get(c); keyword = ""; keyword += c; do{ infile.get(c); keyword += c; if ((find(stringList, stringList + 9, c) == stringList + 9) && (find(operatorList, operatorList + 26, c) == operatorList + 26) && !checkIfLetter(c) && !checkIfDigit(c)){ return 0; } }while(c != '\'' && !infile.eof()); if(infile.eof() && treeStack.size() > 1){ cout << "Error... stack not empty but reached end of file.\n"; exit(1); } return STRING_TOKEN; }else{ infile.get(c); } } return 0; }
// function defined by Michael Main for input data bool is_more_stuff_there(ifstream& f) { return (f && (f.peek() != EOF)); }