result_t ValueListDataField::writeSymbols(istringstream& input, const unsigned char offset, SymbolString& output, const bool isMaster, unsigned char* usedLength) { NumberDataType* numType = (NumberDataType*)m_dataType; if (isIgnored()) return numType->writeRawValue(numType->getReplacement(), offset, m_length, output, usedLength); // replacement value const char* str = input.str().c_str(); for (map<unsigned int, string>::iterator it = m_values.begin(); it != m_values.end(); it++) if (it-> == 0) return numType->writeRawValue(it->first, offset, m_length, output, usedLength); if (strcasecmp(str, NULL_VALUE) == 0) return numType->writeRawValue(numType->getReplacement(), offset, m_length, output, usedLength); // replacement value char* strEnd = NULL; // fall back to raw value in input unsigned int value; value = (unsigned int)strtoul(str, &strEnd, 10); if (strEnd == NULL || strEnd == str || (*strEnd != 0 && *strEnd != '.')) return RESULT_ERR_INVALID_NUM; // invalid value if (m_values.find(value) != m_values.end()) return numType->writeRawValue(value, offset, m_length, output, usedLength); return RESULT_ERR_NOTFOUND; // value assignment not found }
void Bank::createFromXml( istringstream& is, Program& program ) { Document doc; try { doc.Parse( is.str(), true ); Node* root = &doc; Node* programNode = doc.FirstChild( "Program", false ); if( programNode != NULL ) { root = programNode; } Iterator< Element > it( "Module" ); for( it = it.begin( root ); it != it.end(); it++ ) { ModuleData* data = new ModuleData(); Element* moduleElement = it.Get(); readModule( moduleElement, data ); program.addModule( data ); } } catch( const exception& e ) { TRACE( e.what() ); } }
void Bank::createFromXml( istringstream& is, ProgramList& list ) { Document doc; try { doc.Parse( is.str(), true ); Node* moduleNode = doc.FirstChild( "Module", false ); if( moduleNode != NULL ) { Program* program = new Program(); createFromXml( is, *program ); list.push_back( program ); } else { Iterator< Element > it( "Program" ); for( it = it.begin( &doc ); it != it.end(); it++ ) { Program* program = new Program(); Element* programElement = it.Get(); readProgram( programElement, program ); list.push_back( program ); } } } catch( const exception& e ) { TRACE( e.what() ); } }
const float& CPUPercentage::get_percentage() {"/proc/stat"); getline(m_stat_file, m_stat_line); m_stat_file.close(); // skip "cpu" m_line_start_pos = m_stat_line.find_first_not_of(" ", 3); m_line_end_pos = m_stat_line.find_first_of(' ', m_line_start_pos); m_line_end_pos = m_stat_line.find_first_of(' ', m_line_end_pos + 1); m_line_end_pos = m_stat_line.find_first_of(' ', m_line_end_pos + 1); m_line_end_pos = m_stat_line.find_first_of(' ', m_line_end_pos + 1); m_iss.str(m_stat_line.substr(m_line_start_pos, m_line_end_pos - m_line_start_pos)); m_iss >> m_next_user >> m_next_nice >> m_next_system >> m_next_idle; m_iss.clear(); m_diff_user = m_next_user - m_current_user; m_diff_system = m_next_system - m_current_system; m_diff_nice = m_next_nice - m_current_nice; m_diff_idle = m_next_idle - m_current_idle; m_percentage = static_cast<float>(m_diff_user + m_diff_system + m_diff_nice)/static_cast<float>(m_diff_user + m_diff_system + m_diff_nice + m_diff_idle)*100.0; m_current_user = m_next_user; m_current_system = m_next_system; m_current_nice = m_next_nice; m_current_idle = m_next_idle; return m_percentage; }
void AgendaUI::createMeeting(void) { cout << endl << "****************" << endl << "CreateMeeting" << endl << "***************" << endl; os << "[create meeting] [title] [participator] [start time(yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm)] [end time(yyy-mm-dd/hh:mm)]" << endl; os << "[create meeting] "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); __read(); string title, participator, startDate, endDate; istringstream ss(is.str()); ss >> title >> participator >> startDate >> endDate; cout << "!!!!!!!!" << title << participator << startDate << endDate << endl; if (agendaService_.createMeeting(userName_, title, participator, startDate, endDate)) { os << "[create meeting] succeed!" << endl; os << endl; os << "Agenda@" << userName_ << " : # "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); input(); } else { os << "[error] create meeting fail!" << endl; os << endl; os << "Agenda@" << userName_ << " : # "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); input(); } }
void __read() { // clntAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // clntAddr.sin_port = htons(6666); // inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &clntAddr.sin_addr); addrLen = sizeof(toAddr); clear_buffer(); is.str(""); cout << "__reading ...." << endl; if ((len = recvfrom(s, buffer, 2048, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&toAddr,&addrLen))<0) { cout << "shit" << endl; } printf("__read from %s with the string:\n%s\n",inet_ntoa(toAddr.sin_addr), buffer); cout << "__read finished" << endl; cout << "the client enter : " << buffer << endl; string tem = buffer; cout << "the tem is " << tem << endl; is.str(tem); }
bool FirecrestInput::next_cluster( int *plane, int *ptile, int *px, int* py ) { string line ; if( !getline( intensities_, line ) ) return false ; cur_line_.str( line ) ; cur_line_.clear() ; cycle_ = 0 ; return cur_line_ >> *plane >> *ptile >> *px >> *py ; }
void AgendaUI::userLogIn(void) { cout << endl << "****************" << endl << "login" << endl << "***************" << endl; list<User> l = agendaService_.listAllUsers(); if (l.empty()) { os << "[error] No User" << endl; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); start_input(); return; } os << endl; os << "[log in] [user name] [password]" << endl; os << "[log in] "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); __read(); istringstream ss(is.str()); ss >> userName_ >> userPassword_; // is >> userName_ >> userPassword_; cout << is.str() << endl; cout << "!!!!!!!!!" << userName_ << " " << userPassword_ << endl; if (agendaService_.userLogIn(userName_, userPassword_)) { os << "[log in] succeed!" << endl; os << endl; help(); } else { os << "[error] log in fail!" << endl; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); userLogIn(); } }
void AgendaUI::queryMeetingByTimeInterval(void) { cout << endl << "****************" << endl << "queryMeetingByTimeInterval" << endl << "***************" << endl; os << endl; os << "[query meetings] [start time(yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm)] [end time(yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm)]" << endl; os << "[query meeting] "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(), __read();; std::string startDate, endDate; // is >> startDate >> endDate; istringstream ss(is.str()); ss >> startDate >> endDate; cout << "!!!!!" << startDate << " " << endDate << endl; os << endl; os << left << setw(17) << "title"; os << left << setw(17) << "sponsor"; os << left << setw(17) << "participator"; os << left << setw(17) << "start time"; os << left << setw(17) << "end time" << endl; list<Meeting> l = agendaService_.meetingQuery(userName_, startDate, endDate); for (list<Meeting>::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++) { os << left << setw(17) << it->getTitle(); os << left << setw(17) << it->getSponsor(); os << left << setw(17) << it->getParticipator(); os << left << setw(17) << Date::dateToString(it->getStartDate()); os << left << setw(17) << Date::dateToString(it->getEndDate()) << endl; } os << endl; os << endl; os << "Agenda@" << userName_ << " : # "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); input(); }
void AgendaUI::queryMeetingByTitle(void) { cout << endl << "****************" << endl << "queryMeetingByTitle" << endl << "***************" << endl; os << endl; os << "[query meeting] [title]:" << endl; os << "[query meeting] "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); __read(); string title; istringstream ss(is.str()); // is >> title; ss >> title; cout << "!!!!!!!!" << title << endl; os << endl; os << left << setw(17) << "sponsor"; os << left << setw(17) << "participator"; os << left << setw(17) << "start time"; os << left << setw(17) << "end time" << endl; list<Meeting> l = agendaService_.meetingQuery(userName_, title); for (list<Meeting>::iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); it++) { os << left << setw(17) << it->getSponsor(); os << left << setw(17) << it->getParticipator(); os << left << setw(17) << Date::dateToString(it->getStartDate()); os << left << setw(17) << Date::dateToString(it->getEndDate()) << endl; } os << endl; os << endl; os << "Agenda@" << userName_ << " : # "; res = os.str(); strcpy(buffer, res.c_str()); os.str(""); __send(); input(); }
inline const ObjIO::e_FaceFormat ObjIO::parseFaceFormat(const istringstream & line) { string s(line.str()); trim(s); size_t l(s.find(" ")); if(string::npos == l) l = s.length(); const size_t f0(s.find("/", 0)); if(string::npos == f0) return FF_V; const size_t f1(s.find("/", f0 + 1)); if(string::npos == f1 || f1 > l) return FF_VT; if(string::npos == s.find("//", 0)) return FF_VTN; else return FF_VN; }
int main() { #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif scanf("%d\n",&cas); tt=0; while(cas--){ printf("Case #%d: ",++tt); bases.clear(); getline(cin,strtmp); inss.clear(); inss.str(strtmp); while(inss>>a){ bases.push_back(a); } j=2; while(!test(j)){ j++; } printf("%d\n",j); } }
void assign(istringstream &iss, const string &str) { iss.clear(); iss.str(str); }
/// \brief TODOCUMENT void istreams_equal_test_suite_fixture::reset_stringstreams() { compare_ss.str ( compare_str ); compare_ss_equal.str ( compare_str_equal ); compare_ss_longer.str ( compare_str_longer ); compare_ss_diff.str ( compare_str_diff ); }
string OBJLoader::readStr(istringstream &input) { return input.str().substr(1+input.tellg()); }