void sensorsInit(void) { zeroSensorAccumulators(); // TODO allow user to select hardware if there are multiple choices if(mpu6050Detect(&gyro, &accel, cfg.mpu6050Scale)) { sensorsSet(SENSOR_ACC); } else if(!mpu3050Detect(&gyro)) { failureMode(3); } if(adxl345Detect(&accel)) { sensorsSet(SENSOR_ACC); } // At the moment we will do this after mpu6050 and overrride mpu6050 accel if detected if(mma8452Detect(&accel)) { sensorsSet(SENSOR_ACC); } gyro.init(); if(sensorsGet(SENSOR_ACC)) accel.init(); if(hmc5883Detect(&mag)) { mag.init(); sensorsSet(SENSOR_MAG); } #ifdef SONAR if(feature(FEATURE_PPM);) {
void Mag_init(void) { // initialize and calibration. turn on led during mag calibration (calibration routine blinks it) LED1_ON; mag.init(mcfg.mag_align); LED1_OFF; magInit = 1; }
void compassInit(void) { // initialize and calibration. turn on led during mag calibration (calibration routine blinks it) LED1_ON; mag.init(); LED1_OFF; magInit = 1; }