void _insert(pair1_type p) { _map1.erase(p.first); _map2.erase(p.second); _map1.insert(p); _map2.insert(pair2_type(p.second, p.first)); }
static void find_unreachable_objects_impl(map_type const & m, map2_type & m2) { // scan objects for shared_ptr members, compute internal counts { std::cout << "... " << m.size() << " objects in m.\n"; for(map_type::const_iterator i = m.begin(); i != m.end(); ++i) { abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const * p = static_cast<abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const *>(i->first); BOOST_ASSERT(p->use_count() != 0); // there should be no inactive counts in the map m2[ i->first ]; scan_and_count(i->second.first, i->second.second, m, m2); } std::cout << "... " << m2.size() << " objects in m2.\n"; } // mark reachable objects { open_type open; for(map2_type::iterator i = m2.begin(); i != m2.end(); ++i) { abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const * p = static_cast<abt_boost::detail::sp_counted_base const *>(i->first); if(p->use_count() != i->second) open.push_back(p); } std::cout << "... " << open.size() << " objects in open.\n"; for(open_type::iterator j = open.begin(); j != open.end(); ++j) { m2.erase(*j); } while(!open.empty()) { void const * p = open.front(); open.pop_front(); map_type::const_iterator i = m.find(p); BOOST_ASSERT(i != m.end()); scan_and_mark(i->second.first, i->second.second, m2, open); } } // m2 now contains the unreachable objects }
static void scan_and_mark(void const * area, size_t size, map2_type & m2, open_type & open) { unsigned char const * p = static_cast<unsigned char const *>(area); for(size_t n = 0; n + sizeof(shared_ptr_layout) <= size; p += pointer_align, n += pointer_align) { shared_ptr_layout const * q = reinterpret_cast<shared_ptr_layout const *>(p); if(q->pn.id == abt_boost::detail::shared_count_id && q->pn.pi != 0 && m2.count(q->pn.pi) != 0) { open.push_back(q->pn.pi); m2.erase(q->pn.pi); } } }