Esempio n. 1
     * performs validation, masking, compression, etc. will return an error if
     * there was an error, otherwise msg will be ready to be written
     * by default websocket++ performs block masking/unmasking in a manner that
     * makes assumptions about the nature of the machine and stl library used.
     * in particular the assumption is either a 32 or 64 bit word size and an
     * stl with std::string::data returning a contiguous char array.
     * this method improves masking performance by 3-8x depending on the ratio
     * of small to large messages and the availability of a 64 bit processor.
     * to disable this optimization (for use with alternative stl
     * implementations or processors) define websocketpp_strict_masking when
     * compiling the library. this will force the library to perform masking in
     * single byte chunks.
     * todo: tests
     * @param in an unprepared message to prepare
     * @param out a message to be overwritten with the prepared message
     * @return error code
    virtual lib::error_code prepare_data_frame(message_ptr in, message_ptr out)
        if (!in || !out) {
            return make_error_code(error::invalid_arguments);

        frame::opcode::value op = in->get_opcode();

        // validate opcode: only regular data frames
        if (frame::opcode::is_control(op)) {
            return make_error_code(error::invalid_opcode);

        std::string& i = in->get_raw_payload();
        std::string& o = out->get_raw_payload();

        // validate payload utf8
        if (op == frame::opcode::text && !utf8_validator::validate(i)) {
            return make_error_code(error::invalid_payload);

        frame::masking_key_type key;
        bool masked = !base::m_server;
        bool compressed = m_permessage_deflate.is_enabled()
                          && in->get_compressed();
        bool fin = in->get_fin();

        // generate header
        frame::basic_header h(op,i.size(),fin,masked,compressed);

        if (masked) {
            // generate masking key.
            key.i = m_rng();

            frame::extended_header e(i.size(),key.i);
        } else {
            frame::extended_header e(i.size());

        // prepare payload
        if (compressed) {
            // compress and store in o after header.

            // mask in place if necessary
            if (masked) {
        } else {
            // no compression, just copy data into the output buffer

            // if we are masked, have the masking function write to the output
            // buffer directly to avoid another copy. if not masked, copy
            // directly without masking.
            if (masked) {
            } else {


        return lib::error_code();
Esempio n. 2
void echo_func(server* s, websocketpp::connection_hdl hdl, message_ptr msg) {
    s->send(hdl, msg->get_payload(), msg->get_opcode());