Esempio n. 1
//количество ключей в секции
int getTotalKeys(minIni ini,string section){
    int ik;
    string s;
    for (ik = 0; s = ini.getkey(section, ik), s.length() > 0; ik++) {}
    return ik;
Esempio n. 2
string getTextureIni(minIni ini) {
    string s;
    s = ini.gets("config_path", "texture", "NULL");
    return s;
Esempio n. 3
//количество секций в конфиге
int getTotalSections(minIni ini){
    int is;
    string section;
    for (is = 0; section = ini.getsection(is), section.length() > 0; is++) {}
    return is;
	// Spawn this object based on ObjectName
	// Returns true if successfully spawned
	void GameObject::LoadFromIniSection( const std::string& inObjectName, const minIni& inIni )
		( void ) inObjectName; ( void ) inIni;
		//lab 3
		Vector3 position;
		Quaternion rotation;
		float scale;

		mObjectName = inObjectName;

		// Add mesh
		string defaultMeshFileName = "cube.itpmesh";
		MeshComponentPtr mesh(new MeshComponent(
			GetMesh(inIni.gets(inObjectName, "Mesh", defaultMeshFileName))));
		// Obtain position
		string positionString = inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Position", "(0,0,0)").c_str();
		float positionX = 0;
		float positionY = 0;
		float positionZ = 0;
		sscanf(positionString.c_str(), "(%f, %f, %f)", &positionX, &positionY, &positionZ);
		position.Set(positionX, positionY, positionZ);

		// Obtain Rotation
		string rotationString = inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Rotation", "(0,0,0)").c_str();
		float rotationX = 0;
		float rotationY = 0;
		float rotationZ = 0;
		sscanf(rotationString.c_str(), "(%f, %f, %f)", &rotationX, &rotationY, &rotationZ);
		rotation = DirectX::XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw(rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ);

		// Obtain scale
		string scaleString = inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Scale", "1.0").c_str();
		sscanf(scaleString.c_str(), "%f", &scale);

		// Obtain texture
		string textureFileName = inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Texture", "");
		if (textureFileName != "")
			wstring wTextureFileName = L"Textures\\" + wstring(textureFileName.begin(), textureFileName.end());	// convert to wstring
			TexturePtr texturePtr = GraphicsDriver::Get()->CreateTextureFromFile(wTextureFileName.c_str()); // pass in wchar array
			mesh->SetTexture(texturePtr);	// set texture

		// Obtain animation and add animation if available
		string animationString = inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Animation", "");
		if (animationString.length() > 0)
			animationString = "Animations\\" + inIni.gets(mObjectName, "Animation", "");
			AnimComponentPtr anim(new AnimComponent(animationString.c_str()));

		// Apply transformations and animation to mesh

		// Add the mesh to the gameobject