Esempio n. 1
void renf_elem_class::assign(const mpq_class & value) noexcept
    if (nf == nullptr)
        fmpq_set_mpq(b, value.__get_mp());
        renf_elem_set_mpq(a, value.get_mpq_t(), nf->renf_t());
Esempio n. 2
bool _Format_o(Signal &sig, Formatter *pFormatter,
					const Formatter::Flags &flags, const mpq_class &num)
	char *str = nullptr;
	::gmp_asprintf(&str, Formatter::ComposeFlags(flags, "Qo").c_str(), num.get_mpq_t());
	bool rtn = pFormatter->PutString(sig, str);
	return rtn;
Esempio n. 3
  * Helper function to convert an mpq_class object into
  * its internal QString representation. Mainly used for
  * debugging.
static QString mpqToString(const mpq_class & val)
  char *p = 0;
  // use the gmp provided conversion routine
  gmp_asprintf(&p, "%Qd", val.get_mpq_t());

  // convert it into a QString
  QString result = QString::fromLatin1(p);

  // and free up the resources allocated by gmp_asprintf
  __gmp_freefunc_t freefunc;
  mp_get_memory_functions(NULL, NULL, &freefunc);
  (*freefunc)(p, std::strlen(p) + 1);

  if (!result.contains(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
    result += QString::fromLatin1("/1");

  // done
  return result;
Esempio n. 4
QDebug operator<<(QDebug s, const mpq_class& m) {
    char b[65536] = "";
    gmp_sprintf (b, "%Qd", m.get_mpq_t());
    s << b;
    return s;