int main(int argc, char const **argv)
    init_env(argc, argv);
    high_resolution_clock::time_point s;

    pthread_t workers[num_thread];
    pthread_mutex_init(&queuing, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&iter_fin, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&processing, NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < num_thread; ++i)
        pthread_create(&workers[i], NULL, worker, NULL);

    Gm = G * mass;
    for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
        s = high_resolution_clock::now();
        queuing_jobs = num_body, num_done = 0;
        pthread_cond_wait(&iter_fin, &queuing);
        Body* t = new_bodies; new_bodies = bodies; bodies = t;
        total_time += timeit(s);
    finsish = true;
    for (int j = 0; j < num_thread; ++j) pthread_join(workers[j], NULL);
    INFO("- compute: " << total_time.count() / 1000 << " us");
    INFO("- build tree: " << build_time.count() / 1000 << " us");
    INFO("- i/o: " << io_time.count() / 1000 << " us");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
void square_am_signal(float time, float frequency)
    using namespace std::chrono ;
    std::cout << "Playing / " << time << " seconds / " << frequency << " Hz\n" ;

    seconds const sec{1} ;
    nanoseconds const nsec{ sec } ;
    using rep = nanoseconds::rep ;
    auto nsec_per_sec = nsec.count() ;

    nanoseconds const period( static_cast<rep>( nsec_per_sec / frequency) ) ;

    auto start = high_resolution_clock::now() ;
    auto const end = start + nanoseconds( static_cast<rep>(time * nsec_per_sec) ) ;

    while (high_resolution_clock::now() < end)
        mid = start + period / 2 ;
        reset = start + period ;

        cv.notify_all() ;
        std::this_thread::sleep_until( reset ) ;
        start = reset;
Esempio n. 3
			void display_clock_resolution(std::string const & clock_name, ::clockid_t clock) {
				::timespec t;
				if(::clock_getres(clock, &t)) throw exception(UNIVERSALIS__COMPILER__LOCATION__NO_CLASS);
				using namespace stdlib::chrono;
				nanoseconds const ns(seconds(t.tv_sec) + nanoseconds(t.tv_nsec));
				std::ostringstream s;
					<< "clock: " << clock_name
					<< ", resolution: " << ns.count() * 1e-9 << 's';
Esempio n. 4
std::string mir::logging::input_timestamp(nanoseconds when)
    // Input events use CLOCK_MONOTONIC, and so we must...
    duration<double, std::milli> const age = steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch() - when;

    char str[64];
    snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%lld (%.6fms ago)",
             static_cast<long long>(when.count()),age.count());

    return std::string(str);
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char const **argv)
    init_env(argc, argv);
    high_resolution_clock::time_point s;

    Gmm = G * mass * mass;
    for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
        if (gui) draw_points(0);
        s = high_resolution_clock::now();
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 50)
        for (int j = 0; j < num_body; ++j) move_nth_body(j);
        Body* t = new_bodies; new_bodies = bodies; bodies = t;
        total_time += timeit(s);
    INFO("Run in " << total_time.count() / 1000 << " us");
    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void updateModifiedTime(
    const std::string& path,
    bool forward = true,
    nanoseconds timeDiffNano = seconds(10)) {
  struct stat currentFileStat;
  std::array<struct timespec, 2> newTimes;

  if (stat(path.c_str(), &currentFileStat) < 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to stat file: " + path);

#ifdef _WIN32
  throw std::runtime_error("don't know how to set mtime on win32");
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) \
 || (defined(__NetBSD__) && (__NetBSD_Version__ < 6099000000))
  newTimes[0] = currentFileStat.st_atimespec;
  newTimes[1] = currentFileStat.st_mtimespec;
  newTimes[0] = currentFileStat.st_atim;
  newTimes[1] = currentFileStat.st_mtim;

  auto secVal = duration_cast<seconds>(timeDiffNano).count();
  auto nsecVal = timeDiffNano.count();
  if (forward) {
    newTimes[1].tv_sec += secVal;
    newTimes[1].tv_nsec += nsecVal;
  } else {
    newTimes[1].tv_sec -= secVal;
    newTimes[1].tv_nsec -= nsecVal;
  // 0 <= tv_nsec < 1e9
  newTimes[1].tv_nsec %= (long)1e9;
  if (newTimes[1].tv_nsec < 0) {
    newTimes[1].tv_nsec *= -1;

  if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path.c_str(),, 0) < 0) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to set time for file: " + path);
Esempio n. 7
uint8_t membus_t::read(const uint16_t addr)
    /*if(addr == 0xFF00){
        std::cout << "P1 (Joypad) read: " << std::hex << (int)rom[0xFF00] << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF01){
        std::cout << "SB (Serial Bus) read unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF02){
        std::cout << "SC (Serial Control) read unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF04){
        std::cout << "DIV read unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF05){
        std::cout << "TIMA read unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF06){
        std::cout << "TMA read unhandled " << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF07){
        std::cout << "TAC read unhandled " << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF24){
        std::cout << "Sound channel control read unhandled " << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF25){
        std::cout << "Sound channel selection read unhandled " << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF26){
        std::cout << "Sound hardware control read unhandled " << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF41){
        std::cout << "STAT read unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF4A){
        std::cout << "Read from WY register, unhandled" << std::endl;
    if(addr == 0xFF4B){
        std::cout << "Read from WX register, unhandled" << std::endl;
    // Read the LY register, we calculate what would be in there (goes from 0x00 to 0x99 at 57Hz)
    if(addr == 0xFF44){
        static const bool increment_per_read = false;
        uint8_t result = 0xA0;
            using namespace boost::chrono;
            typedef high_resolution_clock clock;
            nanoseconds const step = (nanoseconds(seconds(1))/57);
            assert(step.count() > 0);
            nanoseconds const now_duration = clock::now().time_since_epoch();

            nanoseconds const part = now_duration % step;
            double const normalized = normalize(0., double(step.count()), double(part.count()));
            double const denormalized = denormalize(0., 152., normalized);
            result = std::floor(denormalized);
            //std::cout << now_duration.count() << " " << part.count() << " -> " << int(result) << std::endl;
        } else {
            result = rom[0xFF44] = (rom[0xFF44] + 1) % 0xA0;
            //std::cout << int(result) << std::endl;

        if(result == 0x90){
            // If LY == 0x90, or IF
            *get_pointer(0xFFFE) |= FLAG_I_VBLANK;

        assert(result <= 0x99);
        return result;

    if(bootrom_enabled && addr < 0x100)
        return bootrom[addr];
    /*if(addr >= 0x4000 && *cart_mode == 0x01)
        if(rom_bank == 0x00)
            return rom[0x2000 + addr];
        return rom[rom_bank * 0x2000 + addr];
    return rom[addr];
Esempio n. 8
void g(nanoseconds d, boost::intmax_t res)
    // d.count() == 3000 when passed microseconds(3)
    std::cout << d.count() << " " <<res << std::endl;