Esempio n. 1
static void
__ReplaceCChar (nsACString &string, const char replace, const char with)
	PRInt32 i = string.FindChar (replace);
  while (i >= 0 ) {
	  string.Replace (i, 1, (const char*) &with, 1);
	  i = string.FindChar (replace);
nsresult nsDefaultURIFixup::KeywordURIFixup(const nsACString & aURIString, 
                                            nsIURI** aURI)
    // These are keyword formatted strings
    // "what is mozilla"
    // "what is mozilla?"
    // "docshell" - has no dot/colon in the first space-separated substring
    // "?mozilla" - anything that begins with a question mark
    // "? docshell"
    // Things that have a quote before the first dot/colon

    // These are not keyword formatted strings
    // "" - first space-separated substring contains a dot, doesn't start with "?"
    // " stuff"
    // "nonQualifiedHost:80" - first space-separated substring contains a colon, doesn't start with "?"
    // "nonQualifiedHost:80 args"
    // "nonQualifiedHost?"
    // "nonQualifiedHost?args"
    // "nonQualifiedHost?some args"

    // Note: uint32_t(kNotFound) is greater than any actual location
    // in practice.  So if we cast all locations to uint32_t, then a <
    // b guarantees that either b is kNotFound and a is found, or both
    // are found and a found before b.
    uint32_t dotLoc   = uint32_t(aURIString.FindChar('.'));
    uint32_t colonLoc = uint32_t(aURIString.FindChar(':'));
    uint32_t spaceLoc = uint32_t(aURIString.FindChar(' '));
    if (spaceLoc == 0) {
        // Treat this as not found
        spaceLoc = uint32_t(kNotFound);
    uint32_t qMarkLoc = uint32_t(aURIString.FindChar('?'));
    uint32_t quoteLoc = NS_MIN(uint32_t(aURIString.FindChar('"')),

    if (((spaceLoc < dotLoc || quoteLoc < dotLoc) &&
         (spaceLoc < colonLoc || quoteLoc < colonLoc) &&
         (spaceLoc < qMarkLoc || quoteLoc < qMarkLoc)) ||
        qMarkLoc == 0 ||
        (dotLoc == uint32_t(kNotFound) &&
                colonLoc == uint32_t(kNotFound) &&
                qMarkLoc == uint32_t(kNotFound) ) )
        KeywordToURI(aURIString, aURI);

        return NS_OK;

    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 3
ParseString(const nsACString& aSource, char aDelimiter, 
            nsTArray<nsCString>& aArray)
  PRInt32 start = 0;
  PRInt32 end = aSource.Length();

  PRUint32 oldLength = aArray.Length();

  for (;;) {
    PRInt32 delimiter = aSource.FindChar(aDelimiter, start);
    if (delimiter < 0) {
      delimiter = end;

    if (delimiter != start) {
      if (!aArray.AppendElement(Substring(aSource, start, delimiter - start))) {
        aArray.RemoveElementsAt(oldLength, aArray.Length() - oldLength);
        return PR_FALSE;

    if (delimiter == end)
    start = ++delimiter;
    if (start == end)

  return PR_TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
nsNNTPNewsgroupList::ProcessHEADLine(const nsACString &line)
  int32_t colon = line.FindChar(':');
  nsCString header = PromiseFlatCString(line), value;
  if (colon != -1)
    value = Substring(line, colon+1);
  else if (line.CharAt(0) == ' ' || line.CharAt(0) == '\t') // We are continuing the header
    m_thisLine += header; // Preserve whitespace (should we?)
    return NS_OK;
    return NS_OK; // We are malformed. Just ignore and hope for the best...
  nsresult rv;
  if (!m_lastHeader.IsEmpty())
    rv = AddHeader(m_lastHeader.get(), m_thisLine.get());
  value.Trim(" ");

  ToLowerCase(header, m_lastHeader);
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 5
// static
nsDOMStorageList::ConvertDomainToArray(const nsACString& aDomain,
                                       nsTArray<nsCString> *aArray)
  PRInt32 length = aDomain.Length();
  PRInt32 n = 0;
  while (n < length) {
    PRInt32 dotpos = aDomain.FindChar('.', n);
    nsCAutoString domain;

    if (dotpos == -1) // no more dots
      domain.Assign(Substring(aDomain, n));
    else if (dotpos - n == 0) // no point continuing in this case
      return false;
    else if (dotpos >= 0)
      domain.Assign(Substring(aDomain, n, dotpos - n));


    if (dotpos == -1)

    n = dotpos + 1;

  // if n equals the length, there is a dot at the end, so treat it as invalid
  return (n != length);
ParseString(const nsACString& aSource, char aDelimiter, 
            nsTArray<nsCString>& aArray)
  int32_t start = 0;
  int32_t end = aSource.Length();

  uint32_t oldLength = aArray.Length();

  for (;;) {
    int32_t delimiter = aSource.FindChar(aDelimiter, start);
    if (delimiter < 0) {
      delimiter = end;

    if (delimiter != start) {
      if (!aArray.AppendElement(Substring(aSource, start, delimiter - start))) {
        aArray.RemoveElementsAt(oldLength, aArray.Length() - oldLength);
        return false;

    if (delimiter == end)
    start = ++delimiter;
    if (start == end)

  return true;
Esempio n. 7
// Works out the screen name to put on the card for some well-known addresses
nsAbAddressCollector::AutoCollectScreenName(nsIAbCard *aCard,
                                            const nsACString &aEmail)
  if (!aCard)

  int32_t atPos = aEmail.FindChar('@');
  if (atPos == -1)

  const nsACString& domain = Substring(aEmail, atPos + 1);

  if (domain.IsEmpty())
  // username in 
  // [email protected] (America Online)
  // [email protected] (Compuserve)
  // [email protected] (Netscape webmail)
  // are all AIM screennames.  autocollect that info.
  if (domain.Equals("") || domain.Equals("") ||
    aCard->SetPropertyAsAUTF8String(kScreenNameProperty, Substring(aEmail, 0, atPos));
  else if (domain.Equals("") || domain.Equals(""))
    aCard->SetPropertyAsAUTF8String(kGtalkProperty, Substring(aEmail, 0, atPos));
Esempio n. 8
SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata(const nsACString& aToken)
  : mAlgorithmType(SRIMetadata::UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM), mEmpty(false)
  MOZ_ASSERT(!aToken.IsEmpty()); // callers should check this first

  SRIMETADATALOG(("SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata, aToken='%s'",

  int32_t hyphen = aToken.FindChar('-');
  if (hyphen == -1) {
    SRIMETADATAERROR(("SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata, invalid (no hyphen)"));
    return; // invalid metadata

  // split the token into its components
  mAlgorithm = Substring(aToken, 0, hyphen);
  uint32_t hashStart = hyphen + 1;
  if (hashStart >= aToken.Length()) {
    SRIMETADATAERROR(("SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata, invalid (missing digest)"));
    return; // invalid metadata
  int32_t question = aToken.FindChar('?');
  if (question == -1) {
    mHashes.AppendElement(Substring(aToken, hashStart,
                                    aToken.Length() - hashStart));
  } else {
    MOZ_ASSERT(question > 0);
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(question) <= hashStart) {
      SRIMETADATAERROR(("SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata, invalid (options w/o digest)"));
      return; // invalid metadata
    mHashes.AppendElement(Substring(aToken, hashStart,
                                    question - hashStart));

  if (mAlgorithm.EqualsLiteral("sha256")) {
    mAlgorithmType = nsICryptoHash::SHA256;
  } else if (mAlgorithm.EqualsLiteral("sha384")) {
    mAlgorithmType = nsICryptoHash::SHA384;
  } else if (mAlgorithm.EqualsLiteral("sha512")) {
    mAlgorithmType = nsICryptoHash::SHA512;

  SRIMETADATALOG(("SRIMetadata::SRIMetadata, hash='%s'; alg='%s'",
                  mHashes[0].get(), mAlgorithm.get()));
/*static*/ nsresult
nsHttpHeaderArray::ParseHeaderLine(const nsACString& line,
                                   nsHttpAtom *hdr,
                                   nsACString *headerName,
                                   nsACString *val)
    // BNF from section 4.2 of RFC 2616:
    //   message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
    //   field-name     = token
    //   field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
    //   field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
    //                     and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
    //                     of token, separators, and quoted-string>

    // We skip over mal-formed headers in the hope that we'll still be able to
    // do something useful with the response.
    int32_t split = line.FindChar(':');

    if (split == kNotFound) {
        LOG(("malformed header [%s]: no colon\n",
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    const nsACString& sub = Substring(line, 0, split);
    const nsACString& sub2 = Substring(
        line, split + 1, line.Length() - split - 1);

    // make sure we have a valid token for the field-name
    if (!nsHttp::IsValidToken(sub)) {
        LOG(("malformed header [%s]: field-name not a token\n",
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    nsHttpAtom atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom(sub);
    if (!atom) {
        LOG(("failed to resolve atom [%s]\n", PromiseFlatCString(line).get()));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // skip over whitespace
    char *p = net_FindCharNotInSet(
        sub2.BeginReading(), sub2.EndReading(), HTTP_LWS);

    // trim trailing whitespace - bug 86608
    char *p2 = net_RFindCharNotInSet(p, sub2.EndReading(), HTTP_LWS);

    // assign return values
    if (hdr) *hdr = atom;
    if (val) val->Assign(p, p2 - p + 1);
    if (headerName) headerName->Assign(sub);

    return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 10
NS_IMETHODIMP nsAbManager::GetDirectory(const nsACString &aURI,
                                        nsIAbDirectory **aResult)

  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> directory;

  // Was the directory root requested?
  if (aURI.EqualsLiteral(kAllDirectoryRoot))
    rv = GetRootDirectory(getter_AddRefs(directory));
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
    NS_IF_ADDREF(*aResult = directory);
    return NS_OK;

  // Do we have a copy of this directory already within our look-up table?
  if (!mAbStore.Get(aURI, getter_AddRefs(directory)))
    // The directory wasn't in our look-up table, so we need to instantiate
    // it. First, extract the scheme from the URI...

    nsCAutoString scheme;

    PRInt32 colon = aURI.FindChar(':');
    if (colon <= 0)
    scheme = Substring(aURI, 0, colon);

    // Construct the appropriate nsIAbDirectory...
    nsCAutoString contractID;
    directory = do_CreateInstance(contractID.get(), &rv);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    // Init it with the URI
    rv = directory->Init(PromiseFlatCString(aURI).get());
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    // Check if this directory was initiated with a search query.  If so,
    // we don't cache it.
    bool isQuery = false;
    rv = directory->GetIsQuery(&isQuery);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    if (!isQuery)
      mAbStore.Put(aURI, directory);
  NS_IF_ADDREF(*aResult = directory);

  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 11
RustURL::GetSpecIgnoringRef(nsACString & aSpecIgnoringRef)
  nsresult rv = GetSpec(aSpecIgnoringRef);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    return rv;
  int32_t pos = aSpecIgnoringRef.FindChar('#');
  if (pos == kNotFound) {
    return NS_OK;

  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 12
nsViewSourceHandler::NewURI(const nsACString &aSpec,
                            const char *aCharset,
                            nsIURI *aBaseURI,
                            nsIURI **aResult)
    *aResult = nsnull;

    // Extract inner URL and normalize to ASCII.  This is done to properly
    // support IDN in cases like "view-source:http://www.szalagavató.hu/"

    PRInt32 colon = aSpec.FindChar(':');
    if (colon == kNotFound)
        return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> innerURI;
    nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(innerURI),
                            Substring(aSpec, colon + 1), aCharset, aBaseURI);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    nsCAutoString asciiSpec;
    rv = innerURI->GetAsciiSpec(asciiSpec);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // put back our scheme and construct a simple-uri wrapper

    asciiSpec.Insert(VIEW_SOURCE ":", 0);

    // We can't swap() from an nsRefPtr<nsSimpleNestedURI> to an nsIURI**,
    // sadly.
    nsSimpleNestedURI* ourURI = new nsSimpleNestedURI(innerURI);
    nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = ourURI;
    if (!uri)
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    rv = ourURI->SetSpec(asciiSpec);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // Make the URI immutable so it's impossible to get it out of sync
    // with its inner URI.

    return rv;
Esempio n. 13
nsSimpleURI::SetPath(const nsACString &path)
    int32_t hashPos = path.FindChar('#');
    if (hashPos < 0) {
        mIsRefValid = false;
        mRef.Truncate(); // invariant: mRef should be empty when it's not valid
        mPath = path;
        return NS_OK;

    mPath = StringHead(path, hashPos);
    return SetRef(Substring(path, uint32_t(hashPos)));
Esempio n. 14
RustURL::SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass)

  int32_t colonPos = aUserPass.FindChar(':');
  nsAutoCString user;
  nsAutoCString pass;
  if (colonPos == kNotFound) {
    user = aUserPass;
  } else {
    user = Substring(aUserPass, 0, colonPos);
    pass = Substring(aUserPass, colonPos + 1, aUserPass.Length());

  if (rusturl_set_username(mURL.get(), &user) != 0) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  return static_cast<nsresult>(rusturl_set_password(mURL.get(), &pass));
static nsMsgSearchOpValue
ConvertSearchFlagsToOperator(const nsACString &aFlags)
  nsCString flags(aFlags);
  int32_t lastTabPosition = flags.RFindChar('\t');
  if ((lastTabPosition == -1) ||
      ((int32_t)aFlags.Length() == lastTabPosition - 1)) {
    return -1;

  switch (aFlags.CharAt(0)) {
    case 'X':
      return nsMsgSearchOp::DoesntContain;
    case 'O':
      if (aFlags.FindChar('T', lastTabPosition + 1) >= 0)
        return nsMsgSearchOp::BeginsWith;
      return nsMsgSearchOp::Contains;
      return -1;
Esempio n. 16
nsNNTPNewsgroupList::ProcessXHDRLine(const nsACString &line)
  PRInt32 middle = line.FindChar(' ');
  nsCString value, key = PromiseFlatCString(line);
  if (middle == -1)
    return NS_OK;
  value = Substring(line, middle+1);

  // According to RFC 2980, some will send (none) instead.
  // So we don't treat this is an error.
  if (key.CharAt(0) < '0' || key.CharAt(0) > '9')
    return NS_OK;

  nsresult code;
  PRInt32 number = key.ToInteger(&code);
  if (code != NS_OK)
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  // RFC 2980 specifies one or more spaces.
  value.Trim(" ");

  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> header;
  nsresult rv = m_newsDB->GetMsgHdrForKey(number, getter_AddRefs(header));

  rv = header->SetStringProperty(m_filterHeaders[m_currentXHDRIndex].get(), value.get());

  PRInt32 totalToDownload = m_lastMsgToDownload - m_firstMsgToDownload + 1;
  PRInt32 numDownloaded = number - m_firstMsgNumber + 1;

  PRTime elapsedTime = PR_Now() - m_lastStatusUpdate;

    UpdateStatus(true, numDownloaded, totalToDownload);
  return rv;
/* static */
sbURIChecker::CheckDomain( nsACString &aDomain, nsIURI *aSiteURI )
  LOG(( "sbURIChecker::CheckDomain(%s)", aDomain.BeginReading() ));

  // get host from URI
  nsCString host;
  nsresult rv = aSiteURI->GetHost(host);
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, rv );

  nsCString fixedHost;
  rv = sbURIChecker::FixupDomain( host, fixedHost );
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, rv );


  if ( !aDomain.IsEmpty() ) {
    LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- Have a domain from the user"));
    // remove trailing dots, lowercase it
    nsCString fixedDomain;
    rv = sbURIChecker::FixupDomain( aDomain, fixedDomain );
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, rv );


    // Deal first with numerical ip addresses
    PRNetAddr addr;
    if ( PR_StringToNetAddr( host.get(), &addr ) == PR_SUCCESS ) {
      // numerical ip address
      LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- Numerical Address "));
      if ( !aDomain.Equals(host) ) {
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED ip address check"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    } else {
      // domain based host, check it against host from URI
      LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- Domain based host "));

      // make sure the domain wasn't '.com' - it should have a dot in it
      // we need to skip this check if the host is localhost
      PRInt32 dot = aDomain.FindChar('.');
      if ( dot < 0 && !host.Equals("localhost")) {
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED dot test "));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

      // prepend a dot so doesn't match but does
      aDomain.Insert( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("."), 0 );

      PRInt32 domainLength = aDomain.Length();
      PRInt32 lengthDiff = host.Length() - domainLength;
      if ( lengthDiff == -1 ) {
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- long domain check"));
        // special case:  from user:   vs. from URI:
        // XXXredfive - I actually think we'll see this most often because
        //             of the prepending of the dot to the user supplied domain
        if ( !StringEndsWith(aDomain, host) ) {
          LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED long domain check"));
          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      } else if ( lengthDiff == 0 ) {
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- same length check"));
        // same length better be the same strings
        if ( !aDomain.Equals(host) ) {
          LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED same length check"));
          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      } else if ( lengthDiff > 0 ) {
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- parent domain check"));
        // normal case URI host is longer that host from user
        //   from user:   from URI:
        if ( !StringEndsWith(host, aDomain) ) {
          LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED parent domain check"));
          return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      } else {
        // domains are WAY off, the user domain is more than 1 char longer than
        // the URI domain. ie: user: URI: ""
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED, user domain is superset"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

      // remove the leading dot we added
      aDomain.Cut( 0, 1 );
  } else {
    LOG(( "sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- NO domain from the user"));
    // If the user didn't specify a host
    // if the URI host is empty, make sure we're file://
    if ( host.IsEmpty() ) {
      PRBool isFileURI;
      rv = aSiteURI->SchemeIs( "file", &isFileURI );
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS( rv, rv );

      if (!isFileURI) {
        // non-file URI without a host!!!
        LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- FAILED file scheme check"));
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
      // clear the isVoid flag if set
    } else {
      // no domain from the user but there is a domain from the URI

  LOG(("sbURIChecker::CheckDomain() -- PASSED match test"));
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 18
nsresult nsDefaultURIFixup::ConvertFileToStringURI(const nsACString& aIn,
                                                   nsCString& aOut)
    bool attemptFixup = false;

#if defined(XP_WIN)
    // Check for \ in the url-string or just a drive (PC)
    if(kNotFound != aIn.FindChar('\\') ||
       (aIn.Length() == 2 && (aIn.Last() == ':' || aIn.Last() == '|')))
        attemptFixup = true;
#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
    // Check if it starts with / (UNIX)
    if(aIn.First() == '/')
        attemptFixup = true;
    // Do nothing (All others for now) 

    if (attemptFixup)
        // Test if this is a valid path by trying to create a local file
        // object. The URL of that is returned if successful.

        // NOTE: Please be sure to check that the call to NS_NewLocalFile
        //       rejects bad file paths when using this code on a new
        //       platform.

        nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> filePath;
        nsresult rv;

        // this is not the real fix but a temporary fix
        // in order to really fix the problem, we need to change the 
        // nsICmdLineService interface to use wstring to pass paramenters 
        // instead of string since path name and other argument could be
        // in non ascii.(see bug 87127) Since it is too risky to make interface change right
        // now, we decide not to do so now.
        // Therefore, the aIn we receive here maybe already in damage form
        // (e.g. treat every bytes as ISO-8859-1 and cast up to char16_t
        //  while the real data could be in file system charset )
        // we choice the following logic which will work for most of the case.
        // Case will still failed only if it meet ALL the following condiction:
        //    1. running on CJK, Russian, or Greek system, and 
        //    2. user type it from URL bar
        //    3. the file name contains character in the range of 
        //       U+00A1-U+00FF but encode as different code point in file
        //       system charset (e.g. ACP on window)- this is very rare case
        // We should remove this logic and convert to File system charset here
        // once we change nsICmdLineService to use wstring and ensure
        // all the Unicode data come in is correctly converted.
        // XXXbz nsICmdLineService doesn't hand back unicode, so in some cases
        // what we have is actually a "utf8" version of a "utf16" string that's
        // actually byte-expanded native-encoding data.  Someone upstream needs
        // to stop using AssignWithConversion and do things correctly.  See bug
        // 58866 for what happens if we remove this
        // PossiblyByteExpandedFileName check.
        NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 in(aIn);
        if (PossiblyByteExpandedFileName(in)) {
          // removes high byte
          rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(in), false, getter_AddRefs(filePath));
        else {
          // input is unicode
          rv = NS_NewLocalFile(in, false, getter_AddRefs(filePath));

        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
            NS_GetURLSpecFromFile(filePath, aOut);
            return NS_OK;

    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 19
/* static */ nsresult
nsPrincipal::GetOriginForURI(nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& aOrigin)
  if (!aURI) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> origin = NS_GetInnermostURI(aURI);
  if (!origin) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsAutoCString hostPort;

  // chrome: URLs don't have a meaningful origin, so make
  // sure we just get the full spec for them.
  // XXX this should be removed in favor of the solution in
  // bug 160042.
  bool isChrome;
  nsresult rv = origin->SchemeIs("chrome", &isChrome);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isChrome) {
    rv = origin->GetAsciiHostPort(hostPort);
    // Some implementations return an empty string, treat it as no support
    // for asciiHost by that implementation.
    if (hostPort.IsEmpty()) {
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  // We want the invariant that prinA.origin == prinB.origin i.f.f.
  // prinA.equals(prinB). However, this requires that we impose certain constraints
  // on the behavior and origin semantics of principals, and in particular, forbid
  // creating origin strings for principals whose equality constraints are not
  // expressible as strings (i.e. object equality). Moreover, we want to forbid URIs
  // containing the magic "^" we use as a separating character for origin
  // attributes.
  // These constraints can generally be achieved by restricting .origin to
  // nsIStandardURL-based URIs, but there are a few other URI schemes that we need
  // to handle.
  bool isBehaved;
  if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(origin->SchemeIs("about", &isBehaved)) && isBehaved) ||
      (NS_SUCCEEDED(origin->SchemeIs("moz-safe-about", &isBehaved)) && isBehaved) ||
      (NS_SUCCEEDED(origin->SchemeIs("indexeddb", &isBehaved)) && isBehaved)) {
    rv = origin->GetAsciiSpec(aOrigin);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
    // These URIs could technically contain a '^', but they never should.
    if (NS_WARN_IF(aOrigin.FindChar('^', 0) != -1)) {
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    return NS_OK;

  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isChrome) {
    rv = origin->GetScheme(aOrigin);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
  else {
    // If we reached this branch, we can only create an origin if we have a nsIStandardURL.
    // So, we query to a nsIStandardURL, and fail if we aren't an instance of an nsIStandardURL
    // nsIStandardURLs have the good property of escaping the '^' character in their specs,
    // which means that we can be sure that the caret character (which is reserved for delimiting
    // the end of the spec, and the beginning of the origin attributes) is not present in the
    // origin string
    nsCOMPtr<nsIStandardURL> standardURL = do_QueryInterface(origin);
    rv = origin->GetAsciiSpec(aOrigin);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 20
MozMtpDatabase::CreateEntryForFileAndNotify(const nsACString& aPath,
                                            DeviceStorageFile* aFile,
                                            RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer)
  // Find the StorageID that this path corresponds to.

  nsCString remainder;
  MtpStorageID storageID = FindStorageIDFor(aPath, remainder);
  if (storageID == 0) {
    // The path in question isn't for a storage area we're monitoring.
    nsCString path(aPath);

  bool exists = false;
  if (!exists) {
    // File doesn't exist, no sense telling MTP about it.
    // This could happen if Device Storage created and deleted a file right
    // away. Since the notifications wind up being async, the file might
    // not exist any more.

  // Now walk the remaining directories, finding or creating as required.

  MtpObjectHandle parent = MTP_PARENT_ROOT;
  bool doFind = true;
  int32_t offset = aPath.Length() - remainder.Length();
  int32_t slash;

  do {
    nsDependentCSubstring component;
    slash = aPath.FindChar('/', offset);
    if (slash == kNotFound) {
      component.Rebind(aPath, 0, aPath.Length());
    } else {
      component.Rebind(aPath, 0 , slash);
    if (doFind) {
      MtpObjectHandle entryHandle = FindEntryByPath(component);
      if (entryHandle != 0) {
        // We found an entry.
        parent = entryHandle;
        offset = slash + 1 ;

    // We've got a directory component that doesn't exist. This means that all
    // further subdirectories won't exist either, so we can skip searching
    // for them.
    doFind = false;

    // This directory and the file don't exist, create them

    RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = new DbEntry;

    entry->mStorageID = storageID;
    entry->mObjectName = Substring(aPath, offset, slash - offset);
    entry->mParent = parent;
    entry->mDisplayName = entry->mObjectName;
    entry->mPath = component;

    if (slash == kNotFound) {
      // No slash - this is the file component
      entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_DEFINED;

      int64_t fileSize = 0;
      entry->mObjectSize = fileSize;

      // Note: Even though PRTime records usec, GetLastModifiedTime returns
      //       msecs.
      PRTime dateModifiedMsecs;
      entry->mDateModified = dateModifiedMsecs / PR_MSEC_PER_SEC;
    } else {
      // Found a slash, this makes this a directory component
      entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION;
      entry->mObjectSize = 0;
    entry->mDateCreated = entry->mDateModified;
    entry->mDateAdded = entry->mDateModified;

    AddEntryAndNotify(entry, aMtpServer);
    MTP_LOG("About to call sendObjectAdded Handle 0x%08x file %s", entry->mHandle, entry->mPath.get());

    parent = entry->mHandle;
    offset = slash + 1;
  } while (slash != kNotFound);
