 * Updating the database:
 * The Update() method takes a series of chunks separated with control data,
 * as described in
 * http://code.google.com/p/google-safe-browsing/wiki/Protocolv2Spec
 * It will iterate through the control data until it reaches a chunk.  By
 * the time it reaches a chunk, it should have received
 * a) the table to which this chunk applies
 * b) the type of chunk (add, delete, expire add, expire delete).
 * c) the chunk ID
 * d) the length of the chunk.
 * For add and subtract chunks, it needs to read the chunk data (expires
 * don't have any data).  Chunk data is a list of URI fragments whose
 * encoding depends on the type of table (which is indicated by the end
 * of the table name):
 * a) tables ending with -exp are a zlib-compressed list of URI fragments
 *    separated by newlines.
 * b) tables ending with -sha128 have the form
 *    [domain][N][frag0]...[fragN]
 *       16    1   16        16
 *    If N is 0, the domain is reused as a fragment.
 * c) any other tables are assumed to be a plaintext list of URI fragments
 *    separated by newlines.
 * Update() can be fed partial data;  It will accumulate data until there is
 * enough to act on.  Finish() should be called when there will be no more
 * data.
nsUrlClassifierDBServiceWorker::UpdateStream(const nsACString& chunk)
  if (gShuttingDownThread)



  return mProtocolParser->AppendStream(chunk);