nsresult JNICALL EmbedEventListener::takeActionOnNode(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> currentNode,
						      void *myObject)
    nsresult rv = NS_OK;
    nsString nodeInfo, nodeName, nodeValue; //, nodeDepth;
    jstring jNodeName, jNodeValue;
    PRUint32 depth = 0;
    EmbedEventListener *curThis = nsnull;
    //const PRUint32 depthStrLen = 20;
    //    char depthStr[depthStrLen];
    JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *) JNU_GetEnv(gVm, JNI_VERSION);

    PR_ASSERT(nsnull != myObject);
    curThis = (EmbedEventListener *) myObject;
    depth = curThis->mInverseDepth++; 

    if (!(curThis->mProperties)) {
        return rv;
    // encode the depth of the node
    //    PR_snprintf(depthStr, depthStrLen, "depthFromLeaf:%d", depth);
    //    nodeDepth = (const char *) depthStr;

    // Store the name and the value of this node

        // get the name and prepend the depth
        rv = currentNode->GetNodeName(nodeInfo);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            return rv;
        //        nodeName = nodeDepth;
        //        nodeName += nodeInfo;
        nodeName = nodeInfo;
        if (prLogModuleInfo) {
            char * nodeInfoCStr = ToNewCString(nodeName);
            PR_LOG(prLogModuleInfo, 4, ("%s", nodeInfoCStr));
        rv = currentNode->GetNodeValue(nodeInfo);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            return rv;
        //        nodeValue = nodeDepth;
        //        nodeValue += nodeInfo;
        nodeValue = nodeInfo;
        if (prLogModuleInfo) {
            char * nodeInfoCStr = ToNewCString(nodeName);
            PR_LOG(prLogModuleInfo, 4, ("%s", (const char *)nodeInfoCStr));
        jNodeName = ::util_NewString(env, nodeName.get(), 
        jNodeValue = ::util_NewString(env, nodeValue.get(), 
        util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject(env, (jobject) curThis->mProperties,
                                       (jobject) jNodeName, 
                                       (jobject) jNodeValue, 
        if (jNodeName) {
            ::util_DeleteString(env, jNodeName);
        if (jNodeValue) {
            ::util_DeleteString(env, jNodeValue);
    } // end of Storing the name and value of this node

    // store any attributes of this node
        nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNamedNodeMap> nodeMap;
        rv = currentNode->GetAttributes(getter_AddRefs(nodeMap));
        if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !nodeMap) {
            return rv;
        PRUint32 length, i;
        rv = nodeMap->GetLength(&length);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            return rv;
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            rv = nodeMap->Item(i, getter_AddRefs(currentNode));
            if (nsnull == currentNode) {
                return rv;
            rv = currentNode->GetNodeName(nodeInfo);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                return rv;
            //            nodeName = nodeDepth;
            //            nodeName += nodeInfo;
            nodeName = nodeInfo;

            if (prLogModuleInfo) {
                char * nodeInfoCStr = ToNewCString(nodeName);
                PR_LOG(prLogModuleInfo, 4, 
                       ("attribute[%d], %s", i, (const char *)nodeInfoCStr));
            rv = currentNode->GetNodeValue(nodeInfo);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                return rv;
            //            nodeValue = nodeDepth;
            //            nodeValue += nodeInfo;
            nodeValue = nodeInfo;
            if (prLogModuleInfo) {
                char * nodeInfoCStr = ToNewCString(nodeName);
                PR_LOG(prLogModuleInfo, 4, 
                       ("attribute[%d] %s", i,(const char *)nodeInfoCStr));
            jNodeName = ::util_NewString(env, nodeName.get(), 
            jNodeValue = ::util_NewString(env, nodeValue.get(), 
            util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject(env, (jobject) curThis->mProperties,
                                           (jobject) jNodeName, 
                                           (jobject) jNodeValue, 
            if (jNodeName) {
                ::util_DeleteString(env, jNodeName);
            if (jNodeValue) {
                ::util_DeleteString(env, jNodeValue);
    } // end of storing the attributes
    return rv;