gfx::Matrix ComputeTransformForUnRotation(const nsIntRect& aBounds, ScreenRotation aRotation) { gfx::Matrix transform; static const gfx::Float floatPi = static_cast<gfx::Float>(M_PI); switch (aRotation) { case ROTATION_0: break; case ROTATION_90: transform.PreTranslate(0, aBounds.Height()); transform.PreRotate(floatPi * 3 / 2); break; case ROTATION_180: transform.PreTranslate(aBounds.Width(), aBounds.Height()); transform.PreRotate(floatPi); break; case ROTATION_270: transform.PreTranslate(aBounds.Width(), 0); transform.PreRotate(floatPi / 2); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Unknown rotation"); } return transform; }
nsIntRect RotateRect(nsIntRect aRect, const nsIntRect& aBounds, ScreenRotation aRotation) { switch (aRotation) { case ROTATION_0: return aRect; case ROTATION_90: return nsIntRect(aRect.Y(), aBounds.Width() - aRect.XMost(), aRect.Height(), aRect.Width()); case ROTATION_180: return nsIntRect(aBounds.Width() - aRect.XMost(), aBounds.Height() - aRect.YMost(), aRect.Width(), aRect.Height()); case ROTATION_270: return nsIntRect(aBounds.Height() - aRect.YMost(), aRect.X(), aRect.Height(), aRect.Width()); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unknown rotation"); } }
bool TabChild::RecvUpdateFrame(const nsIntRect& aDisplayPort, const nsIntPoint& aScrollOffset, const gfxSize& aResolution, const nsIntRect& aScreenSize) { if (!mCx || !mTabChildGlobal) { return true; } nsCString data; data += nsPrintfCString("{ \"x\" : %d", aScrollOffset.x); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"y\" : %d", aScrollOffset.y); // We don't treat the x and y scales any differently for this // semi-platform-specific code. data += nsPrintfCString(", \"zoom\" : %f", aResolution.width); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"displayPort\" : "); data += nsPrintfCString("{ \"left\" : %d", aDisplayPort.X()); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"top\" : %d", aDisplayPort.Y()); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"width\" : %d", aDisplayPort.Width()); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"height\" : %d", aDisplayPort.Height()); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"resolution\" : %f", aResolution.width); data += nsPrintfCString(" }"); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"screenSize\" : "); data += nsPrintfCString("{ \"width\" : %d", aScreenSize.width); data += nsPrintfCString(", \"height\" : %d", aScreenSize.height); data += nsPrintfCString(" }"); data += nsPrintfCString(" }"); jsval json = JSVAL_NULL; StructuredCloneData cloneData; JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer buffer; if (JS_ParseJSON(mCx, static_cast<const jschar*>(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(data).get()), data.Length(), &json)) { WriteStructuredClone(mCx, json, buffer, cloneData.mClosure); } nsFrameScriptCx cx(static_cast<nsIWebBrowserChrome*>(this), this); // Let the BrowserElementScrolling helper (if it exists) for this // content manipulate the frame state. nsRefPtr<nsFrameMessageManager> mm = static_cast<nsFrameMessageManager*>(mTabChildGlobal->mMessageManager.get()); mm->ReceiveMessage(static_cast<nsIDOMEventTarget*>(mTabChildGlobal), NS_LITERAL_STRING("Viewport:Change"), false, &cloneData, nullptr, nullptr); return true; }