Esempio n. 1
nsNativeKeyBindings::KeyPress(const nsKeyEvent& aEvent,
                              DoCommandCallback aCallback, void *aCallbackData)
  // If the native key event is set, it must be synthesized for tests.
  // We just ignore such events because this behavior depends on system
  // settings.
  if (!aEvent.mNativeKeyEvent) {
    // It must be synthesized event or dispatched DOM event from chrome.
    return false;

  guint keyval;

  if (aEvent.charCode) {
    keyval = gdk_unicode_to_keyval(aEvent.charCode);
  } else {
    keyval =

  if (KeyPressInternal(aEvent, aCallback, aCallbackData, keyval)) {
    return true;

  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aEvent.alternativeCharCodes.Length(); ++i) {
    uint32_t ch = aEvent.IsShift() ?
      aEvent.alternativeCharCodes[i].mShiftedCharCode :
    if (ch && ch != aEvent.charCode) {
      keyval = gdk_unicode_to_keyval(ch);
      if (KeyPressInternal(aEvent, aCallback, aCallbackData, keyval)) {
        return true;

gtk_bindings_activate_event is preferable, but it has unresolved bug:
The bug was already marked as FIXED.  However, somebody reports that the
bug still exists.
Also gtk_bindings_activate may work with some non-shortcuts operations
(todo: check it). See bug 411005 and bug 406407.

Code, which should be used after fixing GNOME bug 162726:


  return false;
Esempio n. 2
/* static */ void
KeymapWrapper::InitKeyEvent(nsKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
                            GdkEventKey* aGdkKeyEvent)
    KeymapWrapper* keymapWrapper = GetInstance();

    aKeyEvent.keyCode = ComputeDOMKeyCode(aGdkKeyEvent);

    // NOTE: The state of given key event indicates adjacent state of
    // modifier keys.  E.g., even if the event is Shift key press event,
    // the bit for Shift is still false.  By the same token, even if the
    // event is Shift key release event, the bit for Shift is still true.
    // Unfortunately, gdk_keyboard_get_modifiers() returns current modifier
    // state.  It means if there're some pending modifier key press or
    // key release events, the result isn't what we want.
    // Temporarily, we should compute the state only when the key event
    // is GDK_KEY_PRESS.
    // XXX If we could know the modifier keys state at the key release event,
    //     we should cut out changingMask from modifierState.
    guint modifierState = aGdkKeyEvent->state;
    if (aGdkKeyEvent->is_modifier && aGdkKeyEvent->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) {
        ModifierKey* modifierKey =
        if (modifierKey) {
            // If new modifier key is pressed, add the pressed mod mask.
            modifierState |= modifierKey->mMask;
    InitInputEvent(aKeyEvent, modifierState);

    aKeyEvent.location = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_MOBILE;
#else // #ifdef MOZ_PLATFORM_MAEMO
    switch (aGdkKeyEvent->keyval) {
        case GDK_Shift_L:
        case GDK_Control_L:
        case GDK_Alt_L:
        case GDK_Super_L:
        case GDK_Hyper_L:
        case GDK_Meta_L:
            aKeyEvent.location = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT;

        case GDK_Shift_R:
        case GDK_Control_R:
        case GDK_Alt_R:
        case GDK_Super_R:
        case GDK_Hyper_R:
        case GDK_Meta_R:
            aKeyEvent.location = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT;

        case GDK_KP_0:
        case GDK_KP_1:
        case GDK_KP_2:
        case GDK_KP_3:
        case GDK_KP_4:
        case GDK_KP_5:
        case GDK_KP_6:
        case GDK_KP_7:
        case GDK_KP_8:
        case GDK_KP_9:
        case GDK_KP_Space:
        case GDK_KP_Tab:
        case GDK_KP_Enter:
        case GDK_KP_F1:
        case GDK_KP_F2:
        case GDK_KP_F3:
        case GDK_KP_F4:
        case GDK_KP_Home:
        case GDK_KP_Left:
        case GDK_KP_Up:
        case GDK_KP_Right:
        case GDK_KP_Down:
        case GDK_KP_Prior: // same as GDK_KP_Page_Up
        case GDK_KP_Next:  // same as GDK_KP_Page_Down
        case GDK_KP_End:
        case GDK_KP_Begin:
        case GDK_KP_Insert:
        case GDK_KP_Delete:
        case GDK_KP_Equal:
        case GDK_KP_Multiply:
        case GDK_KP_Add:
        case GDK_KP_Separator:
        case GDK_KP_Subtract:
        case GDK_KP_Decimal:
        case GDK_KP_Divide:
            aKeyEvent.location = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD;

            aKeyEvent.location = nsIDOMKeyEvent::DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD;
#endif // #ifdef MOZ_PLATFORM_MAEMO #else

    PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
        ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeyEvent, modifierState=0x%08X "
         "aGdkKeyEvent={ type=%s, keyval=%s(0x%X), state=0x%08X, "
         "hardware_keycode=0x%08X, is_modifier=%s } "
         "aKeyEvent={ message=%s, isShift=%s, isControl=%s, "
         "isAlt=%s, isMeta=%s }",
         keymapWrapper, modifierState,
         ((aGdkKeyEvent->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS) ?
               "GDK_KEY_PRESS" : "GDK_KEY_RELEASE"),
         aGdkKeyEvent->keyval, aGdkKeyEvent->state,
         ((aKeyEvent.message == NS_KEY_DOWN) ? "NS_KEY_DOWN" :
               (aKeyEvent.message == NS_KEY_PRESS) ? "NS_KEY_PRESS" :
         GetBoolName(aKeyEvent.IsShift()), GetBoolName(aKeyEvent.IsControl()),
         GetBoolName(aKeyEvent.IsAlt()), GetBoolName(aKeyEvent.IsMeta())));

    if (aKeyEvent.message == NS_KEY_PRESS) {
        keymapWrapper->InitKeypressEvent(aKeyEvent, aGdkKeyEvent);

    // The transformations above and in gdk for the keyval are not invertible
    // so link to the GdkEvent (which will vanish soon after return from the
    // event callback) to give plugins access to hardware_keycode and state.
    // (An XEvent would be nice but the GdkEvent is good enough.)
    aKeyEvent.pluginEvent = (void *)aGdkKeyEvent;
    aKeyEvent.time = aGdkKeyEvent->time;
Esempio n. 3
KeymapWrapper::InitKeypressEvent(nsKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
                                 GdkEventKey* aGdkKeyEvent)
    NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(aKeyEvent.message == NS_KEY_PRESS);

    aKeyEvent.charCode = GetCharCodeFor(aGdkKeyEvent);
    if (!aKeyEvent.charCode) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, "
             "keyCode=0x%02X, charCode=0x%08X",
             this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode));

    // If the event causes inputting a character, keyCode must be zero.
    aKeyEvent.keyCode = 0;

    // If Ctrl or Alt or Meta or OS is pressed, we need to append the key
    // details for handling shortcut key.  Otherwise, we have no additional
    // work.
    if (!aKeyEvent.IsControl() && !aKeyEvent.IsAlt() &&
        !aKeyEvent.IsMeta() && !aKeyEvent.IsOS()) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, "
             "keyCode=0x%02X, charCode=0x%08X",
             this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode));

    gint level = GetKeyLevel(aGdkKeyEvent);
    if (level != 0 && level != 1) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, "
             "keyCode=0x%02X, charCode=0x%08X, level=%d",
             this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode, level));

    guint baseState = aGdkKeyEvent->state &
        ~(GetModifierMask(SHIFT) | GetModifierMask(CTRL) |
          GetModifierMask(ALT) | GetModifierMask(META) |
          GetModifierMask(SUPER) | GetModifierMask(HYPER));

    // We shold send both shifted char and unshifted char, all keyboard layout
    // users can use all keys.  Don't change event.charCode. On some keyboard
    // layouts, Ctrl/Alt/Meta keys are used for inputting some characters.
    nsAlternativeCharCode altCharCodes(0, 0);
    // unshifted charcode of current keyboard layout.
    altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode =
        GetCharCodeFor(aGdkKeyEvent, baseState, aGdkKeyEvent->group);
    bool isLatin = (altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode <= 0xFF);
    // shifted charcode of current keyboard layout.
    altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode =
                       baseState | GetModifierMask(SHIFT),
    isLatin = isLatin && (altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode <= 0xFF);
    if (altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode || altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode) {

    bool needLatinKeyCodes = !isLatin;
    if (!needLatinKeyCodes) {
        needLatinKeyCodes = 
            (IS_ASCII_ALPHABETICAL(altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode) !=

    // If current keyboard layout can input Latin characters, we don't need
    // more information.
    if (!needLatinKeyCodes) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, keyCode=0x%02X, "
             "charCode=0x%08X, level=%d, altCharCodes={ "
             "mUnshiftedCharCode=0x%08X, mShiftedCharCode=0x%08X }",
             this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode, level,
             altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode, altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode));

    // Next, find Latin inputtable keyboard layout.
    gint minGroup = GetFirstLatinGroup();
    if (minGroup < 0) {
        PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
            ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, "
             "Latin keyboard layout isn't found: "
             "keyCode=0x%02X, charCode=0x%08X, level=%d, "
             "altCharCodes={ mUnshiftedCharCode=0x%08X, "
             "mShiftedCharCode=0x%08X }",
             this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode, level,
             altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode, altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode));

    nsAlternativeCharCode altLatinCharCodes(0, 0);
    uint32_t unmodifiedCh =
        aKeyEvent.IsShift() ? altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode :

    // unshifted charcode of found keyboard layout.
    uint32_t ch = GetCharCodeFor(aGdkKeyEvent, baseState, minGroup);
    altLatinCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode =
        IsBasicLatinLetterOrNumeral(ch) ? ch : 0;
    // shifted charcode of found keyboard layout.
    ch = GetCharCodeFor(aGdkKeyEvent,
                        baseState | GetModifierMask(SHIFT),
    altLatinCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode =
        IsBasicLatinLetterOrNumeral(ch) ? ch : 0;
    if (altLatinCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode ||
        altLatinCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode) {
    // If the charCode is not Latin, and the level is 0 or 1, we should
    // replace the charCode to Latin char if Alt and Meta keys are not
    // pressed. (Alt should be sent the localized char for accesskey
    // like handling of Web Applications.)
    ch = aKeyEvent.IsShift() ? altLatinCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode :
    if (ch && !(aKeyEvent.IsAlt() || aKeyEvent.IsMeta()) &&
        aKeyEvent.charCode == unmodifiedCh) {
        aKeyEvent.charCode = ch;

    PR_LOG(gKeymapWrapperLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS,
        ("KeymapWrapper(%p): InitKeypressEvent, "
         "keyCode=0x%02X, charCode=0x%08X, level=%d, minGroup=%d, "
         "altCharCodes={ mUnshiftedCharCode=0x%08X, "
         "mShiftedCharCode=0x%08X } "
         "altLatinCharCodes={ mUnshiftedCharCode=0x%08X, "
         "mShiftedCharCode=0x%08X }",
         this, aKeyEvent.keyCode, aKeyEvent.charCode, level, minGroup,
         altCharCodes.mUnshiftedCharCode, altCharCodes.mShiftedCharCode,