//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::processOpenFileSelection(ofFileDialogResult openFileResult){ ofLogVerbose("getName(): " + openFileResult.getName()); ofLogVerbose("getPath(): " + openFileResult.getPath()); ofFile file (openFileResult.getPath()); if (file.exists()) { ofLogVerbose("The file exists - now checking the type via file extension"); string fileExtension = ofToUpper(file.getExtension()); //We only want images if (fileExtension == "JPG" || fileExtension == "PNG") { //Save the file extension to use when we save out originalFileExtension = fileExtension; //Load the selected image image.loadImage(openFileResult.getPath()); /*if (image.getWidth()>ofGetWidth() || image.getHeight() > ofGetHeight()) { image.resize(image.getWidth()/2, image.getHeight()/2); }*/ } } }
void testApp::processOpenFileSelection(ofFileDialogResult openFileResult){ ofLogVerbose("getName(): " + openFileResult.getName()); ofLogVerbose("getPath(): " + openFileResult.getPath()); ofFile file (openFileResult.getPath()); if (file.exists()){ string fileExtension = ofToUpper(file.getExtension()); if (fileExtension == "XML") { canvasLocation.set(0, 500); if( XML.loadFile(openFileResult.fileName) ){ enemies.clear(); collectables.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < XML.getNumTags("enemy"); i++) { ofPoint tmpPoint; tmpPoint.set(XML.getValue("enemy:x", 0, i), XML.getValue("enemy:y", 0, i), XML.getValue("enemy:size", 0, i)); enemies.push_back(tmpPoint); } } } } }
void testApp::processOpenFileSelection(ofFileDialogResult openFileResult){ ofFile file (openFileResult.getPath()); if (file.exists()){ image_loaded = false; loaded_image_name = file.getBaseName(); string fileExtension = ofToUpper(file.getExtension()); if (fileExtension == "JPG" || fileExtension == "PNG") { loadedImage.loadImage(openFileResult.getPath()); num_leds = loadedImage.getWidth(); if (num_leds <= MAX_LEDS){ if (num_leds <= 32){ led_spacing = 3; led_h = 30; led_w = 30; } if (num_leds > 32){ led_spacing = 2; led_h = 16; led_w = 16; } if (num_leds > 64){ led_spacing = 1; led_h = 11; led_w = 11; } num_frames = loadedImage.getHeight(); current_frame = 0; image_loaded = true; } } } }
void oniActorApp::processOpenFileSelection(ofFileDialogResult openFileResult) { ofLogVerbose("getName(): " + openFileResult.getName()); ofLogVerbose("getPath(): " + openFileResult.getPath()); ofFile file (openFileResult.getPath()); if (file.exists()) { setupPlayback(openFileResult.getPath()); isLive = false; } else { ofLogVerbose("Problem with openFileResult: " + openFileResult.getName()); } }
void testApp::saveFileToSelection(ofFileDialogResult saveFileResult){ // step 1 - build a string representation of the image data stringstream s; s << TEMPLATE_HEADER << "\n" << "// file: " << loaded_image_name << "\n" << "// generated at " << ofGetTimestampString() << "\n\n" << "#define N_FRAMES " << num_frames << "\n" << "#define N_PIXELS " << num_leds << "\n\n"; // eg const struct CRGB frame_0[1] = {{255,0,0}}; for (int f=0; f<num_frames; f++){ s << "const struct CRGB " << loaded_image_name << "_frame_" << f << "[" << num_leds << "] = {"; for (int l=0; l<num_leds;l++){ if (l != 0) s << ","; ofColor c = loadedImage.getColor(l,f); int r = c.r; int g = c.g; int b = c.b; s << "{" << r << "," << g << "," << b << "}"; } s << "};\n"; } // eg const struct CRGB* frames[1] = {frame_0} // s << "const struct CRGB*" << loaded_image_name << "_frames[" << num_frames << "] = {"; s << "const struct CRGB* frames[" << num_frames << "] = {"; for (int f=0; f<num_frames; f++){ if (f != 0) s << ","; s << loaded_image_name << "_frame_" << f; } s << "};\n\n"; s << "// end of generated image data\n"; // step 2 - load a boilerplate arduino sketch ofBuffer buffer = ofBufferFromFile("arduino_template/arduino_template.ino"); if(buffer.size()) { // step 3 - insert the image data into the arduino sketch string arduino_template = buffer.getText(); ofStringReplace(arduino_template,TEMPLATE_PLACEHOLDER,s.str()); buffer.set(arduino_template); // step 4 - save the file ofBufferToFile(saveFileResult.getPath(), buffer); } }