Foam::labelList Foam::metisDecomp::decompose ( const polyMesh& mesh, const pointField& points, const scalarField& pointWeights ) { if (points.size() != mesh.nCells()) { FatalErrorIn ( "metisDecomp::decompose(const pointField&,const scalarField&)" ) << "Can use this decomposition method only for the whole mesh" << endl << "and supply one coordinate (cellCentre) for every cell." << endl << "The number of coordinates " << points.size() << endl << "The number of cells in the mesh " << mesh.nCells() << exit(FatalError); } CompactListList<label> cellCells; calcCellCells(mesh, identity(mesh.nCells()), mesh.nCells(), cellCells); // Decompose using default weights labelList decomp; decompose(cellCells.m(), cellCells.offsets(), pointWeights, decomp); return decomp; }
void findNearest ( const searchableSurfaces& geometry, const labelList& surfaces, const pointField& start, const scalarField& distSqr, pointField& near, List<pointConstraint>& constraint ) { // Multi-surface findNearest vectorField normal; List<pointIndexHit> info; geometry[surfaces[0]].findNearest(start, distSqr, info); geometry[surfaces[0]].getNormal(info, normal); // Extract useful info near.setSize(info.size()); forAll(info, i) { near[i] = info[i].hitPoint(); } constraint.setSize(near.size()); if (surfaces.size() == 1) { constraint = pointConstraint(); forAll(constraint, i) { constraint[i].applyConstraint(normal[i]); }
Foam::labelList Foam::metisDecomp::decompose ( const labelListList& globalCellCells, const pointField& cellCentres, const scalarField& cellWeights ) { if (cellCentres.size() != globalCellCells.size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "metisDecomp::decompose" "(const pointField&, const labelListList&, const scalarField&)" ) << "Inconsistent number of cells (" << globalCellCells.size() << ") and number of cell centres (" << cellCentres.size() << ")." << exit(FatalError); } // Make Metis CSR (Compressed Storage Format) storage // adjncy : contains neighbours (= edges in graph) // xadj(celli) : start of information in adjncy for celli CompactListList<label> cellCells(globalCellCells); // Decompose using default weights labelList decomp; decompose(cellCells.m(), cellCells.offsets(), cellWeights, decomp); return decomp; }
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::primitiveMesh::movePoints ( const pointField& newPoints, const pointField& oldPoints ) { if (newPoints.size() < nPoints() || oldPoints.size() < nPoints()) { FatalErrorIn ( "primitiveMesh::movePoints(const pointField& newPoints, " "const pointField& oldPoints)" ) << "Cannot move points: size of given point list smaller " << "than the number of active points" << nl << "newPoints: " << newPoints.size() << " oldPoints: " << oldPoints.size() << " nPoints(): " << nPoints() << nl << abort(FatalError); } // Create swept volumes const faceList& f = faces(); tmp<scalarField> tsweptVols(new scalarField(f.size())); scalarField& sweptVols = tsweptVols(); forAll(f, faceI) { sweptVols[faceI] = f[faceI].sweptVol(oldPoints, newPoints); }
Foam::labelList Foam::structuredRenumber::renumber ( const polyMesh& mesh, const pointField& points ) const { if (points.size() != mesh.nCells()) { FatalErrorInFunction << "Number of points " << points.size() << " should equal the number of cells " << mesh.nCells() << exit(FatalError); } const polyBoundaryMesh& pbm = mesh.boundaryMesh(); const labelHashSet patchIDs(pbm.patchSet(patches_)); label nFaces = 0; forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, patchIDs, iter) { nFaces += pbm[iter.key()].size(); } // Extract a submesh. labelHashSet patchCells(2*nFaces); forAllConstIter(labelHashSet, patchIDs, iter) { const labelUList& fc = pbm[iter.key()].faceCells(); forAll(fc, i) { patchCells.insert(fc[i]); } }
Foam::pointField Foam::polySplineEdge::intervening ( const pointField& otherknots, const label nbetweenKnots, const vector& fstend, const vector& sndend ) { BSpline spl(knotlist(points_, start_, end_, otherknots), fstend, sndend); label nSize(nsize(otherknots.size(), nbetweenKnots)); pointField ans(nSize); label N = spl.nKnots(); scalar init = 1.0/(N - 1); scalar interval = (N - scalar(3))/N; interval /= otherknots.size() + 1; interval /= nbetweenKnots + 1; ans[0] = points_[start_]; register scalar index(init); for (register label i=1; i<nSize-1; i++) { index += interval; ans[i] = spl.realPosition(index); } ans[nSize-1] = points_[end_]; return ans; }
void Foam::boundBox::calculate(const pointField& points, const bool doReduce) { if (points.empty()) { min_ = point::zero; max_ = point::zero; if (doReduce && Pstream::parRun()) { // Use values that get overwritten by reduce minOp, maxOp below min_ = point(VGREAT, VGREAT, VGREAT); max_ = point(-VGREAT, -VGREAT, -VGREAT); } } else { min_ = points[0]; max_ = points[0]; for (label i = 1; i < points.size(); i++) { min_ = ::Foam::min(min_, points[i]); max_ = ::Foam::max(max_, points[i]); } } // Reduce parallel information if (doReduce) { reduce(min_, minOp<point>()); reduce(max_, maxOp<point>()); } }
polyLine::polyLine(const pointField& ps) : controlPoints_(ps), distances_(ps.size()) { if (ps.size()) { calcDistances(); } }
Foam::labelList Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose ( const polyMesh& mesh, const pointField& points, const scalarField& pointWeights ) { if (points.size() != mesh.nCells()) { FatalErrorIn ( "ptscotchDecomp::decompose(const pointField&, const scalarField&)" ) << "Can use this decomposition method only for the whole mesh" << endl << "and supply one coordinate (cellCentre) for every cell." << endl << "The number of coordinates " << points.size() << endl << "The number of cells in the mesh " << mesh.nCells() << exit(FatalError); } // // For running sequential ... // if (Pstream::nProcs() <= 1) // { // return scotchDecomp(decompositionDict_, mesh_) // .decompose(points, pointWeights); // } // Make Metis CSR (Compressed Storage Format) storage // adjncy : contains neighbours (= edges in graph) // xadj(celli) : start of information in adjncy for celli CompactListList<label> cellCells; calcCellCells(mesh, identity(mesh.nCells()), mesh.nCells(), cellCells); // Decompose using default weights List<int> finalDecomp; decomposeZeroDomains ( mesh.time().path()/, cellCells.m(), cellCells.offsets(), pointWeights, finalDecomp ); // Copy back to labelList labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size()); forAll(decomp, i) { decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i]; } return decomp; }
Foam::labelList Foam::manualDecomp::decompose ( const pointField& points, const scalarField& pointWeights ) { const polyMesh& mesh = *meshPtr_; labelIOList finalDecomp ( IOobject ( decompDataFile_, mesh.facesInstance(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::AUTO_WRITE, false ) ); // check if the final decomposition is OK if (finalDecomp.size() != points.size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "manualDecomp::decompose(const pointField&, const scalarField&)" ) << "Size of decomposition list does not correspond " << "to the number of points. Size: " << finalDecomp.size() << " Number of points: " << points.size() << ".\n" << "Manual decomposition data read from file " << decompDataFile_ << "." << endl << exit(FatalError); } if (min(finalDecomp) < 0 || max(finalDecomp) > nProcessors_ - 1) { FatalErrorIn ( "manualDecomp::decompose(const pointField&, const scalarField&)" ) << "According to the decomposition, cells assigned to " << "impossible processor numbers. Min processor = " << min(finalDecomp) << " Max processor = " << max(finalDecomp) << ".\n" << "Manual decomposition data read from file " << decompDataFile_ << "." << endl << exit(FatalError); } return finalDecomp; }
bool surfaceOffsetLinearDistance::sizeLocations ( const pointIndexHit& hitPt, const vector& n, pointField& shapePts, scalarField& shapeSizes ) const { const Foam::point& pt = hitPt.hitPoint(); const scalar offsetCellSize = surfaceCellSizeFunction_().interpolate(pt, hitPt.index()); if (sideMode_ == rmBothsides) { shapePts.resize(4); shapeSizes.resize(4); shapePts[0] = pt - n*surfaceOffset_; shapeSizes[0] = offsetCellSize; shapePts[1] = pt - n*totalDistance_; shapeSizes[1] = distanceCellSize_; shapePts[2] = pt + n*surfaceOffset_; shapeSizes[2] = offsetCellSize; shapePts[3] = pt + n*totalDistance_; shapeSizes[3] = distanceCellSize_; } else if (sideMode_ == smInside) { shapePts.resize(2); shapeSizes.resize(2); shapePts[0] = pt - n*surfaceOffset_; shapeSizes[0] = offsetCellSize; shapePts[1] = pt - n*totalDistance_; shapeSizes[1] = distanceCellSize_; } else if (sideMode_ == smOutside) { shapePts.resize(2); shapeSizes.resize(2); shapePts[0] = pt + n*surfaceOffset_; shapeSizes[0] = offsetCellSize; shapePts[1] = pt + n*totalDistance_; shapeSizes[1] = distanceCellSize_; } return true; }
Foam::labelList Foam::ptscotchDecomp::decompose ( const labelListList& globalCellCells, const pointField& cellCentres, const scalarField& cWeights ) { if (cellCentres.size() != globalCellCells.size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "ptscotchDecomp::decompose(const pointField&, const labelListList&)" ) << "Inconsistent number of cells (" << globalCellCells.size() << ") and number of cell centres (" << cellCentres.size() << ")." << exit(FatalError); } // // For running sequential ... // if (Pstream::nProcs() <= 1) // { // return scotchDecomp(decompositionDict_, mesh) // .decompose(globalCellCells, cellCentres, cWeights); // } // Make Metis CSR (Compressed Storage Format) storage // adjncy : contains neighbours (= edges in graph) // xadj(celli) : start of information in adjncy for celli CompactListList<label> cellCells(globalCellCells); // Decompose using weights List<int> finalDecomp; decomposeZeroDomains ( "ptscotch", cellCells.m(), cellCells.offsets(), cWeights, finalDecomp ); // Copy back to labelList labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size()); forAll(decomp, i) { decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i]; } return decomp; }
Foam::labelList Foam::simpleGeomDecomp::decompose(const pointField& points) { // construct a list for the final result labelList finalDecomp(points.size()); labelList processorGroups(points.size()); labelList pointIndices(points.size()); forAll(pointIndices, i) { pointIndices[i] = i; } pointField rotatedPoints = rotDelta_ & points; // and one to take the processor group id's. For each direction. // we assign the processors to groups of processors labelled // 0..nX to give a banded structure on the mesh. Then we // construct the actual processor number by treating this as // the units part of the processor number. sort ( pointIndices, UList<scalar>::less(rotatedPoints.component(vector::X)) ); assignToProcessorGroup(processorGroups, n_.x()); forAll(points, i) { finalDecomp[pointIndices[i]] = processorGroups[i]; } // now do the same thing in the Y direction. These processor group // numbers add multiples of nX to the proc. number (columns) sort ( pointIndices, UList<scalar>::less(rotatedPoints.component(vector::Y)) ); assignToProcessorGroup(processorGroups, n_.y()); forAll(points, i) { finalDecomp[pointIndices[i]] += n_.x()*processorGroups[i]; }
labelList triSurfaceSearch::calcNearestTri ( const pointField& samples, const vector& span ) const { labelList nearest(samples.size()); const scalar nearestDistSqr = 0.25*magSqr(span); pointIndexHit hitInfo; forAll(samples, sampleI) { hitInfo = tree().findNearest(samples[sampleI], nearestDistSqr); if (hitInfo.hit()) { nearest[sampleI] = hitInfo.index(); } else { nearest[sampleI] = -1; } }
void Foam::dx<Type>::writeDXData ( const pointField& points, const scalarField& values, Ostream& os ) const { // Write data os << "object 3 class array type float rank 0 items " << values.size() << " data follows" << nl; forAll(values, elemI) { os << float(values[elemI]) << nl; } if (values.size() == points.size()) { os << nl << "attribute \"dep\" string \"positions\"" << nl << nl; } else { os << nl << "attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"" << nl << nl; } }
void Foam::unionSearchableSurface::getVolumeType ( const pointField& points, List<volumeType>& volType ) const { if(debug) { Info << "Foam::unionSearchableSurface::getVolumeType" << endl; } List<volumeType> inA; List<volumeType> inB; a().getVolumeType(points,inA); b().getVolumeType(points,inB); volType.setSize(points.size()); forAll(volType,i) { if( inA[i]==INSIDE || inB[i]==INSIDE ) { volType[i]=INSIDE; } else if( inA[i]==OUTSIDE && inB[i]==OUTSIDE ) { volType[i]=OUTSIDE; } else { volType[i]=UNKNOWN; } if(debug) { Info << "Point: " << points[i] << " A: " << inA[i] << " B: " << inB[i] << " -> " << volType[i] << endl; } } }
Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::movingConeTopoFvMesh::vertexMarkup ( const pointField& p, const scalar curLeft, const scalar curRight ) const { Info<< "Updating vertex markup. curLeft: " << curLeft << " curRight: " << curRight << endl; tmp<scalarField> tvertexMarkup(new scalarField(p.size())); scalarField& vertexMarkup = tvertexMarkup.ref(); forAll(p, pI) { if (p[pI].x() < curLeft - small) { vertexMarkup[pI] = -1; } else if (p[pI].x() > curRight + small) { vertexMarkup[pI] = 1; } else { vertexMarkup[pI] = 0; } } return tvertexMarkup; }
void Foam::dx<Type>::writeDXData ( const pointField& points, const tensorField& values, Ostream& os ) const { // Write data os << "object 3 class array type float rank 2 shape 3 items " << values.size() << " data follows" << nl; forAll(values, elemI) { const tensor& t = values[elemI]; os << float(t.xx()) << ' ' << float(t.xy()) << ' ' << float(t.xz()) << float(t.yx()) << ' ' << float(t.yy()) << ' ' << float(t.yz()) << float(t.zx()) << ' ' << float(t.zy()) << ' ' << float(t.zz()) << nl; } if (values.size() == points.size()) { os << nl << "attribute \"dep\" string \"positions\"" << nl << nl; } else { os << nl << "attribute \"dep\" string \"connections\"" << nl << nl; } }
void Foam::exclusiveSearchableSurface::getVolumeType ( const pointField& points, List<volumeType>& volType ) const { List<volumeType> inA; List<volumeType> inB; a().getVolumeType(points,inA); b().getVolumeType(points,inB); volType.setSize(points.size()); forAll(volType,i) { if ( ( inA[i]==INSIDE && inB[i]==OUTSIDE ) || ( inA[i]==OUTSIDE && inB[i]==INSIDE ) ) { volType[i]=INSIDE; } else if( inA[i]==UNKNOWN || inB[i]==UNKNOWN) { volType[i]=UNKNOWN; } else { volType[i]=OUTSIDE; } } }
void Foam::boundBox::calculate(const pointField& points, const bool doReduce) { if (points.empty()) { min_ = point::zero; max_ = point::zero; if (doReduce && Pstream::parRun()) { // Use values that get overwritten by reduce minOp, maxOp below min_ = point(VGREAT, VGREAT, VGREAT); max_ = point(-VGREAT, -VGREAT, -VGREAT); } } else { min_ = points[0]; max_ = points[0]; forAll(points, i) { min_ = ::Foam::min(min_, points[i]); max_ = ::Foam::max(max_, points[i]); } }
bool Foam::blockMesh::patchLabelsOK ( const label patchLabel, const pointField& points, const faceList& patchFaces ) const { bool ok = true; forAll(patchFaces, faceI) { const labelList& f = patchFaces[faceI]; forAll(f, fp) { if (f[fp] < 0) { ok = false; WarningIn ( "bool Foam::blockMesh::patchLabelsOK(...)" ) << "out-of-range point label " << f[fp] << " (min = 0" << ") on patch " << patchLabel << ", face " << faceI << endl; } else if (f[fp] >= points.size()) { ok = false; WarningIn ( "bool Foam::blockMesh::patchLabelsOK(...)" ) << "out-of-range point label " << f[fp] << " (max = " << points.size() - 1 << ") on patch " << patchLabel << ", face " << faceI << endl; } } } return ok; }
// Calculate geometrically collocated points, Requires PackedList to be // sized and initalised! Foam::label Foam::autoSnapDriver::getCollocatedPoints ( const scalar tol, const pointField& points, PackedBoolList& isCollocatedPoint ) { labelList pointMap; label nUnique = mergePoints ( points, // points tol, // mergeTol false, // verbose pointMap ); bool hasMerged = (nUnique < points.size()); if (!returnReduce(hasMerged, orOp<bool>())) { return 0; } // Determine which merged points are referenced more than once label nCollocated = 0; // Per old point the newPoint. Or -1 (not set yet) or -2 (already seen // twice) labelList firstOldPoint(nUnique, -1); forAll(pointMap, oldPointI) { label newPointI = pointMap[oldPointI]; if (firstOldPoint[newPointI] == -1) { // First use of oldPointI. Store. firstOldPoint[newPointI] = oldPointI; } else if (firstOldPoint[newPointI] == -2) { // Third or more reference of oldPointI -> non-manifold isCollocatedPoint.set(oldPointI, 1u); nCollocated++; } else { // Second reference of oldPointI -> non-manifold isCollocatedPoint.set(firstOldPoint[newPointI], 1u); nCollocated++; isCollocatedPoint.set(oldPointI, 1u); nCollocated++; // Mark with special value to save checking next time round firstOldPoint[newPointI] = -2; } }
bool uniformDistance::sizeLocations ( const pointIndexHit& hitPt, const vector& n, pointField& shapePts, scalarField& shapeSizes ) const { const Foam::point& pt = hitPt.hitPoint(); const scalar distanceCellSize = surfaceCellSizeFunction_().interpolate(pt, hitPt.index()); if (sideMode_ == rmBothsides) { shapePts.resize(2); shapeSizes.resize(2); shapePts[0] = pt - n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize; shapePts[1] = pt + n*distance_; shapeSizes[1] = distanceCellSize; } else if (sideMode_ == smInside) { shapePts.resize(1); shapeSizes.resize(1); shapePts[0] = pt - n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize; } else if (sideMode_ == smOutside) { shapePts.resize(1); shapeSizes.resize(1); shapePts[0] = pt - n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize; } return false; }
Foam::labelList Foam::decompositionMethod::decompose ( const labelListList& globalCellCells, const pointField& cc ) { scalarField cWeights(cc.size(), 1.0); return decompose(globalCellCells, cc, cWeights); }
Foam::labelList Foam::decompositionMethod::decompose ( const polyMesh& mesh, const pointField& points ) { scalarField weights(points.size(), 1.0); return decompose(mesh, points, weights); }
Foam::scalarField Foam::cellShapeControl::cellSize ( const pointField& pts ) const { scalarField cellSizes(pts.size()); forAll(pts, i) { cellSizes[i] = cellSize(pts[i]); }
Foam::labelList Foam::scotchDecomp::decompose ( const labelListList& globalCellCells, const pointField& cc, const scalarField& cWeights ) { if (cc.size() != globalCellCells.size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "scotchDecomp::decompose" "(const labelListList&, const pointField&, const scalarField&)" ) << "Inconsistent number of cells (" << globalCellCells.size() << ") and number of cell centres (" << cc.size() << ")." << exit(FatalError); } // Make Metis CSR (Compressed Storage Format) storage // adjncy : contains neighbours (= edges in graph) // xadj(celli) : start of information in adjncy for celli List<int> adjncy; List<int> xadj; calcCSR(globalCellCells, adjncy, xadj); // Decompose using weights List<int> finalDecomp; decompose(adjncy, xadj, cWeights, finalDecomp); // Copy back to labelList labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size()); forAll(decomp, i) { decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i]; } return decomp; }
void Foam::searchableExtrudedCircle::boundingSpheres ( pointField& centres, scalarField& radiusSqr ) const { centres = eMeshPtr_().points(); radiusSqr.setSize(centres.size()); radiusSqr = Foam::sqr(radius_); // Add a bit to make sure all points are tested inside radiusSqr += Foam::sqr(SMALL); }
bool linearDistance::sizeLocations ( const pointIndexHit& hitPt, const vector& n, pointField& shapePts, scalarField& shapeSizes ) const { const Foam::point& pt = hitPt.hitPoint(); if (sideMode_ == rmBothsides) { shapePts.resize(2); shapeSizes.resize(2); shapePts[0] = pt - n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize_; shapePts[1] = pt + n*distance_; shapeSizes[1] = distanceCellSize_; } else if (sideMode_ == smInside) { shapePts.resize(1); shapeSizes.resize(1); shapePts[0] = pt - n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize_; } else if (sideMode_ == smOutside) { shapePts.resize(1); shapeSizes.resize(1); shapePts[0] = pt + n*distance_; shapeSizes[0] = distanceCellSize_; } return false; }
Foam::labelList Foam::metisDecomp::decompose ( const pointField& points, const scalarField& pointWeights ) { if (points.size() != mesh_.nCells()) { FatalErrorIn ( "metisDecomp::decompose(const pointField&,const scalarField&)" ) << "Can use this decomposition method only for the whole mesh" << endl << "and supply one coordinate (cellCentre) for every cell." << endl << "The number of coordinates " << points.size() << endl << "The number of cells in the mesh " << mesh_.nCells() << exit(FatalError); } List<int> adjncy; List<int> xadj; scotchDecomp::calcCSR ( mesh_, adjncy, xadj ); // Decompose using default weights List<int> finalDecomp; decompose(adjncy, xadj, pointWeights, finalDecomp); // Copy back to labelList labelList decomp(finalDecomp.size()); forAll(decomp, i) { decomp[i] = finalDecomp[i]; } return decomp; }