Esempio n. 1
    void reproduce( population_type& pop , fitness_type& fitness )
        GPCXX_ASSERT( pop.size() == fitness.size() );
        GPCXX_ASSERT( m_rates.size() == m_operators.size() );
        GPCXX_ASSERT( m_operators.size() > 0 );

        std::vector< size_t > indices;
        sort_indices( fitness , indices );
        population_type new_pop;
        new_pop.reserve( pop.size() );
        // elite
        for( size_t i=0 ; i<m_number_elite ; ++i )
            index_vector elite_in_indices;
            index_vector elite_out_indices;
            size_t index = indices[i] ;
            elite_in_indices.push_back( index );
            elite_out_indices.push_back( new_pop.size() );
            new_pop.push_back( pop[ index ] );
            m_observer( -1 , elite_in_indices , elite_out_indices );

        size_t n = pop.size();
        std::discrete_distribution< int > dist( m_rates.begin() , m_rates.end() );
        while( new_pop.size() < n )
            int choice = dist( m_rng );
            auto& op = m_operators[ choice ];
            auto selection = op.selection( pop , fitness );
            index_vector in;
            for( auto s : selection ) in.push_back( s - pop.begin() );
            auto trees = op.operation( selection );
            index_vector out;
            for( auto iter = trees.begin() ; ( iter != trees.end() ) && ( new_pop.size() < n ) ; ++iter )
                out.push_back( new_pop.size() );
                m_final_transform( *iter );
                new_pop.push_back( std::move( *iter ) );
            m_observer( choice , in , out );
        pop = std::move( new_pop );
Esempio n. 2
        // setup runtime and population for the genetic algorithm
        genetic_algorithm( const std::size_t runtime_in_second_=3600, const std::size_t population_per_generation_ = 256 ): population_per_generation(population_per_generation_)
            current_population.reserve( population_per_generation ); 
            selected_population_for_xover_father.reserve( population_per_generation ); 
            selected_population_for_xover_mother.reserve( population_per_generation ); 

            //Should all these managers move to private member list????
            //setup timer
            auto& t_manager = feng::singleton<time_manager>::instance();

            //setup selection manager
            auto& xs_manager = feng::singleton<xover_selection_manager>::instance();
            xs_manager.initialize( population_per_generation );

            //setup mutation manager
            auto& m_manager = feng::singleton<mutation_manager>::instance();
            m_manager.initialize( population_per_generation );
Esempio n. 3
        Problem_Representation_Type const 
        operator()( Chromosome_Args ... ch_args )  
            //initialize first generation randomly
            for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != population_per_generation; ++i )
                current_population.push_back( chromosome_type( ch_args... ) );

            //std::cerr << "\ninitialized " << population_per_generation << " chromosomes.\n";

            std::size_t debug_counter = 0;
            best_fitness = std::numeric_limits<Fitness_Type>::max();
            srand ( unsigned ( time (NULL) ) ); //for random_shuffle
            Fitness_Type total_fit;

            Problem_Representation_Type pr_0;
            Problem_Representation_Type pr_1;
            Problem_Representation_Type pr_2;
            Problem_Representation_Type pr_3;

            std::ofstream elite_out( "elite.dat" );
            std::ofstream elite_fit( "elite_fit.dat");
            for (;;)
                //feng::for_each( current_population.begin(), current_population.end(), [](chromosome_type& chrom) { Evaluation_Method()(Chromosome_Problem_Translation_Method()(chrom)); });
                //std::cerr << "\nevaluating........";

#if 0
                for ( auto& ch : current_population )
                    if ( ch.modification_after_last_evaluation_flag )
                        Chromosome_Problem_Translation_Method()( *(ch.chrom), pr );
               = Evaluation_Method()(pr);
                        ch.modification_after_last_evaluation_flag = false;
#if 1
                std::thread t0( parallel_evaluator(), current_population.begin(), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()/4), &pr_0 );
                std::thread t1( parallel_evaluator(), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()/4), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()/2), &pr_1 );
                std::thread t2( parallel_evaluator(), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()/2), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()*3/4), &pr_2 );
                std::thread t3( parallel_evaluator(), current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()*3/4), current_population.end(), &pr_3 );
                //parallel_evaluator()( current_population.begin()+(current_population.size()*3/4), current_population.end(), &pr_3 );

                //using nth_element?
                //mutate duplicated chromosome?
                std::sort( current_population.begin(), current_population.end() );

                auto const elite_one = *(current_population.begin());
                Chromosome_Problem_Translation_Method()( *(elite_one.chrom), pr );

                //keep the best individual of the current generation
                if ( < best_fitness )

                    best_fitness =;
                    best_one = pr;
                    elite_out << best_one;
                    elite_fit << best_fitness;

                    if ( debug_counter & 0xf )
                        elite_out << "\n";
                        elite_fit << "\n";
                        elite_out << std::endl;
                        elite_fit << std::endl;

                current_population.resize( std::distance( current_population.begin(), std::unique( current_population.begin(), current_population.end() )) );
                if ( current_population.size() < population_per_generation )
                    //generate someone randomly and evaluate
                    for ( std::size_t i = current_population.size(); i != population_per_generation; ++i )
                        auto ch = chromosome_type( ch_args...);
                        Chromosome_Problem_Translation_Method()( *(ch.chrom), pr );
               = Evaluation_Method()(pr);
                        ch.modification_after_last_evaluation_flag = false;
                        current_population.push_back( ch );
                    //shuffle the resize
                    std::random_shuffle( current_population.begin(), current_population.end() );
                    current_population.resize( population_per_generation );
                std::sort( current_population.begin(), current_population.end() );

                //total_fit = 0;
                //for( auto& ch : current_population )
                //    total_fit +=;
                //std::cout << total_fit << "\n";

                //if timeout, return output elite
                auto& t_manager = feng::singleton<time_manager>::instance();
                if ( t_manager.is_timeout() )
                    std::cerr << "\nthe residual for the best individual is " << best_fitness;


                    return best_one;
                    //return pr;

                //std::cerr << "\nElite of " << debug_counter++ << " is \n" << pr;
                //std::cerr << "\nElite of " << debug_counter << " is \n" << *(elite_one.chrom);

                auto& xpm = feng::singleton<xover_probability_manager<>>::instance();
                std::size_t const selection_number = xpm(population_per_generation);

                //std::cerr << "\nselecting............." << selection_number;

                auto& xs_manager = feng::singleton<xover_selection_manager>::instance();
                for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != selection_number; ++i )
                    //selected_population_for_xover_father[i] = current_population[xs_manager()];
                    //selected_population_for_xover_mother[i] = current_population[xs_manager()];
                    const std::size_t select1 = xs_manager();
                    const std::size_t select2 = xs_manager();


                //std::cerr << "\nselectedted";
#if 0
                //not working as selected population for xover are pure reference of current populaiton
                for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != selection_number; ++i )
                    feng::for_each( selected_population_for_xover_father[i].begin(), selected_population_for_xover_father[i].end(), 
                                    selected_population_for_xover_mother[i].begin(), Chromosome_Xover_Method() );

                current_population.reserve( population_per_generation + selection_number + selection_number );
                //append newly generated genes into current population
                current_population.insert( current_population.begin()+population_per_generation, selected_population_for_xover_father.begin(), selected_population_for_xover_father.end() );
                current_population.insert( current_population.begin()+population_per_generation+selection_number, selected_population_for_xover_mother.begin(), selected_population_for_xover_mother.end() );
                //std::cerr << "\nxover.............";
                for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != selection_number; ++i )
                    chromosome_type son( ch_args... ); 
                    chromosome_type daughter( ch_args... ); 

                    feng::for_each( selected_population_for_xover_father[i].begin(), selected_population_for_xover_father[i].end(), selected_population_for_xover_mother[i].begin(), son.begin(), daughter.begin(), Chromosome_Xover_Method() );

                    current_population.push_back( son ); 
                    current_population.push_back( daughter ); 
                //mark new generation not evaluated
                feng::for_each( current_population.begin()+population_per_generation, current_population.end(), [](chromosome_type& ch) { ch.modification_after_last_evaluation_flag = true; } );

                //std::cerr << "\nxovered";

                //std::cerr << "\nmutating";

                auto& mpm = feng::singleton<mutation_probability_manager<>>::instance();
                for ( auto& chromosome : current_population )
                    if ( mpm.should_mutate_current_gene() )
                        for ( auto& gene : chromosome )
                        //makr muated ones as not evaluated
                        chromosome.modification_after_last_evaluation_flag = true;

                //std::cerr << "\nmutated";

            //goto evaluate


            assert( !"Should never reach here!!" );

            return Problem_Representation_Type();
