Foam::cellShape Foam::degenerateMatcher::match ( const primitiveMesh& mesh, const label cellI ) { return match ( mesh.faces(), mesh.faceOwner(), cellI, mesh.cells()[cellI] ); }
void Foam::meshTriangulation::getFaces ( const primitiveMesh& mesh, const boolList& includedCell, boolList& faceIsCut, label& nFaces, label& nInternalFaces ) { // All faces to be triangulated. faceIsCut.setSize(mesh.nFaces()); faceIsCut = false; nFaces = 0; nInternalFaces = 0; forAll(includedCell, cellI) { // Include faces of cut cells only. if (includedCell[cellI]) { const labelList& cFaces = mesh.cells()[cellI]; forAll(cFaces, i) { label faceI = cFaces[i]; if (!faceIsCut[faceI]) { // First visit of face. nFaces++; faceIsCut[faceI] = true; // See if would become internal or external face if (isInternalFace(mesh, includedCell, faceI)) { nInternalFaces++; } } } } }