Esempio n. 1
File: window.c Progetto: clobber/UME
int sdlwindow_video_window_create(running_machine &machine, int index, sdl_monitor_info *monitor, const sdl_window_config *config)
	sdl_window_info *window;
	worker_param *wp = (worker_param *) osd_malloc(sizeof(worker_param));
	int result;



	// allocate a new window object
	window = global_alloc_clear(sdl_window_info);
	window->maxwidth = config->width;
	window->maxheight = config->height;
	window->depth = config->depth;
	window->refresh = config->refresh;
	window->monitor = monitor;
	window->m_machine = &machine;
	window->index = index;

	//FIXME: these should be per_window in config-> or even better a bit set
	window->fullscreen = !video_config.windowed;
	window->prescale = video_config.prescale;

	// set the initial maximized state
	// FIXME: Does not belong here
	sdl_options &options = downcast<sdl_options &>(machine.options());
	window->startmaximized = options.maximize();

	if (!window->fullscreen)
		window->windowed_width = config->width;
		window->windowed_height = config->height;
	window->totalColors = config->totalColors;

	// add us to the list
	*last_window_ptr = window;
	last_window_ptr = &window->next;

	draw.attach(&draw, window);

	// create an event that we can use to skip blitting
	window->rendered_event = osd_event_alloc(FALSE, TRUE);

	// load the layout
	window->target = machine.render().target_alloc();

	// set the specific view
	set_starting_view(machine, index, window, options.view(), options.view(index));

	// make the window title
	if (video_config.numscreens == 1)
		sprintf(window->title, "%s: %s [%s]", emulator_info::get_appname(), machine.system().description, machine.system().name);
		sprintf(window->title, "%s: %s [%s] - Screen %d", emulator_info::get_appname(), machine.system().description, machine.system().name, index);

	wp->window = window;

	if (multithreading_enabled)
		osd_work_item *wi;

		wi = osd_work_item_queue(work_queue, &complete_create_wt, (void *) wp, 0);
		result = *((int *) (osd_work_item_result)(wi));
		result = *((int *) complete_create_wt((void *) wp, 0));

	// handle error conditions
	if (result == 1)
		goto error;

	return 0;

	sdlwindow_video_window_destroy(machine, window);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
int sdlwindow_video_window_create(running_machine *machine, int index, sdl_monitor_info *monitor, const sdl_window_config *config)
	sdl_window_info *window;
	worker_param *wp = malloc(sizeof(worker_param));
	char option[20];
	int result;



	// allocate a new window object
	window = alloc_or_die(sdl_window_info);
	memset(window, 0, sizeof(*window));
	window->maxwidth = config->width;
	window->maxheight = config->height;
	window->depth = config->depth;
	window->refresh = config->refresh;
	window->monitor = monitor;
	window->machine = machine;
	window->index = index;
	//FIXME: these should be per_window in config-> or even better a bit set
	window->fullscreen = !video_config.windowed;
	window->prescale = video_config.prescale;
	window->prescale_effect = video_config.prescale_effect;
	window->scale_mode = video_config.scale_mode;

	// set the initial maximized state
	// FIXME: Does not belong here
	window->startmaximized = options_get_bool(mame_options(), SDLOPTION_MAXIMIZE);

	if (!window->fullscreen)
		window->windowed_width = config->width;
		window->windowed_height = config->height;
  	window->totalColors = config->totalColors;

	// add us to the list
	*last_window_ptr = window;
	last_window_ptr = &window->next;

	draw.attach(&draw, window);
	// create an event that we can use to skip blitting
	window->rendered_event = osd_event_alloc(FALSE, TRUE);

	// load the layout
	window->target = render_target_alloc(machine, NULL, FALSE);
	if (window->target == NULL)
		goto error;

	// set the specific view				    
	sprintf(option, SDLOPTION_VIEW("%d"), index);
	set_starting_view(machine, index, window, options_get_string(mame_options(), option));

	// make the window title
	if (video_config.numscreens == 1)
		sprintf(window->title, APPNAME ": %s [%s]", machine->gamedrv->description, machine->gamedrv->name);
		sprintf(window->title, APPNAME ": %s [%s] - Screen %d", machine->gamedrv->description, machine->gamedrv->name, index);

	wp->window = window;

	if (multithreading_enabled)
		osd_work_item *wi;		
		wi = osd_work_item_queue(work_queue, &complete_create_wt, (void *) wp, 0);
		result = *((int *) (osd_work_item_result)(wi));
		result = *((int *) complete_create_wt((void *) wp, 0));

	// handle error conditions
	if (result == 1)
		goto error;

	return 0;

	sdlwindow_video_window_destroy(machine, window);
	return 1;