Foam::pointIndexHit Foam::searchableSurfacesQueries::tempFindNearest
    const searchableSurface& surf,
    const point& pt,
    const scalar initDistSqr
    pointField onePoint(1, pt);
    scalarField oneDist(1, initDistSqr);
    List<pointIndexHit> oneHit(1);
    surf.findNearest(onePoint, oneDist, oneHit);
    return oneHit[0];
void Foam::AMIInterpolation<SourcePatch, TargetPatch>::projectPointsToSurface
    const searchableSurface& surf,
    pointField& pts
) const
    if (debug)
        Info<< "AMI: projecting points to surface" << endl;

    List<pointIndexHit> nearInfo;

    surf.findNearest(pts, scalarField(pts.size(), GREAT), nearInfo);

    label nMiss = 0;
    forAll(nearInfo, i)
        const pointIndexHit& pi = nearInfo[i];

        if (pi.hit())
            pts[i] = pi.hitPoint();
            pts[i] = pts[i];

    if (nMiss > 0)
            << "Error projecting points to surface: "
            << nMiss << " faces could not be determined"
            << abort(FatalError);