Esempio n. 1
        void core(vcl_size_t /*kernel_id*/, utils::kernel_generation_stream& stream, statements_type const & statements, std::vector<detail::mapping_type> const & mapping) const {
          stream << "for(unsigned int i = get_global_id(0) ; i < N ; i += get_global_size(0))" << std::endl;
          stream << "{" << std::endl;

          //Fetches entries to registers
          std::set<std::string>  fetched;
          for(std::vector<detail::mapping_type>::const_iterator it = mapping.begin() ; it != mapping.end() ; ++it)
            for(detail::mapping_type::const_reverse_iterator iit = it->rbegin() ; iit != it->rend() ; ++iit)
              //Useless to fetch cpu scalars into registers
              if(detail::mapped_handle * p = dynamic_cast<detail::mapped_handle *>(iit->second.get()))
                p->fetch( std::make_pair("i","0"), vector_size_, fetched, stream);

          //Generates all the expression, in order
          vcl_size_t i = 0;
          for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it){
            std::string str;
            detail::traverse(it->first, it->second, detail::expression_generation_traversal(std::make_pair("i","0"), -1, str, mapping[i++]));
            stream << str << ";" << std::endl;

          //Writes back
          for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it)
             //Gets the mapped object at the LHS of each expression
            if(detail::mapped_handle * p = dynamic_cast<detail::mapped_handle *>(at(,it)), std::make_pair(&it->second, detail::LHS_NODE_TYPE)).get()))
              p->write_back( std::make_pair("i", "0"), fetched, stream);

          stream << "}" << std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
        void core(vcl_size_t /*kernel_id*/, utils::kernel_generation_stream& stream, statements_type const & statements, std::vector<detail::mapping_type> const & mapping) const {

          for(std::vector<detail::mapping_type>::const_iterator it = mapping.begin() ; it != mapping.end() ; ++it){
            for(detail::mapping_type::const_iterator iit = it->begin() ; iit != it->end() ; ++iit){
              if(detail::mapped_matrix * p = dynamic_cast<detail::mapped_matrix*>(iit->second.get()))

          stream << "for(unsigned int i = get_global_id(0) ; i < M ; i += get_global_size(0))" << std::endl;
          stream << "{" << std::endl;
          stream << "for(unsigned int j = get_global_id(1) ; j < N ; j += get_global_size(1))" << std::endl;
          stream << "{" << std::endl;

          //Fetches entries to registers
          std::set<std::string>  fetched;
          for(std::vector<detail::mapping_type>::const_iterator it = mapping.begin() ; it != mapping.end() ; ++it)
            for(detail::mapping_type::const_reverse_iterator it2 = it->rbegin() ; it2 != it->rend() ; ++it2)
              if(detail::mapped_matrix * p = dynamic_cast<detail::mapped_matrix *>(it2->second.get()))
                p->fetch(std::make_pair("i", "j"), vector_size_, fetched, stream);

          vcl_size_t i = 0;
          for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it){
            std::string str;
            detail::traverse(it->first, it->second, detail::expression_generation_traversal(std::make_pair("i", "j"), -1, str, mapping[i++]));
            stream << str << ";" << std::endl;

          //Writes back
          for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it){
            if(detail::mapped_handle * p = dynamic_cast<detail::mapped_handle *>(at(,it)), std::make_pair(&it->second,detail::LHS_NODE_TYPE)).get()))
              p->write_back(std::make_pair("i", "j"), fetched, stream);

          stream << "}" << std::endl;
          stream << "}" << std::endl;
        virtual void operator()(utils::kernel_generation_stream & stream, std::size_t device_offset, statements_type const & statements) const {
          std::vector<detail::mapping_type> mapping(statements.size());

          ///Get Prototype, initialize mapping
          std::string prototype;
          std::set<std::string> already_generated;
          kernel_arguments(statements, prototype);

            std::map<void *, std::size_t> memory;
            unsigned int current_arg = 0;
            std::size_t i = 0;
            for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it)
              detail::traverse(it->first, it->second, detail::map_functor(memory,current_arg,mapping[i++]));

          for(statements_type::const_iterator it = statements.begin() ; it != statements.end() ; ++it){
            detail::traverse(it->first, it->second, detail::prototype_generation_traversal(already_generated, prototype, vectorization(), mapping[std::distance(statements.begin(), it)]));

          prototype.erase(prototype.size()-1); //Last comma pruned

          for(std::size_t n = 0 ; n < num_kernels() ; ++n){
            //stream << "__attribute__((vec_type_hint()))" << std::endl;
            stream << " __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(" << local_size_1_ << "," << local_size_2_ << "," << 1 << ")))" << std::endl;
            stream << "__kernel " << "void " << "kernel_" << device_offset << "_" << n << "(" << std::endl;
            stream << prototype << std::endl;
            stream << ")" << std::endl;

            stream << "{" << std::endl;
            core(n, stream, statements, mapping);
            stream << "}" << std::endl;