static const char* unique_string(const char *name) {
    int  unique = 2;
    string_set::iterator i = all_strings.find(name);
    if (i == all_strings.end()) return register_string(name);
    while (true) {
        vector<char> n(strlen(name)+10);
        snprintf(&n[0], n.size(), "%s %d", name, unique++);
        string_set::iterator i = all_strings.find(&n[0]);
        if (i == all_strings.end()) return register_string(&n[0]);
static void free_strings(string_set &s)
    for (string_set::iterator i=s.begin(); i!=s.end(); i++) {
Esempio n. 3
string_set operator+(const string_set& a_, const string_set& b_)
  string_set r(a_);
  for (string_set::iterator i = b_.begin(), e = b_.end(); i != e; ++i)

  return r;
Esempio n. 4
/** Build the chroot at the path **/
bool WorkerBee::build_chroot(const std::string &path, uid_t user, gid_t group, string_set &executables, string_set &extra_dirs) {
  // Make the root path
  string_set already_copied;
  std::string full_path;
  // The base directories  
  string_set base_dirs;
  // Add the extra directories requested
  for (string_set::iterator dir = extra_dirs.begin(); dir != extra_dirs.end(); ++dir) base_dirs.insert(dir->c_str());
  for (string_set::iterator dir = base_dirs.begin(); dir != base_dirs.end(); ++dir) {
    if ((*dir->c_str()) == '/') full_path = path + *dir; else full_path = path + '/' + *dir;
    // Make the paths
  // Build the root libraries
  for (string_set::iterator executable = executables.begin(); executable != executables.end(); ++executable) {
    // If we are pointed at an absolute path to a binary
    // then find the linked libraries of the executable
    // If it's not found, then find it, then look up the libraries
    std::string res_bin;
    if (abs_path(*executable))
      res_bin = *executable;
    else {
      res_bin = find_binary(*executable);
    // The libraries for the resolved binary 
    bee_files_set *s_libs = libs_for(res_bin);
    // collect the libraries and copy them to the full path of the chroot
    for (bee_files_set::iterator bf = s_libs->begin(); bf != s_libs->end(); ++bf) {
      BeeFile bee = *bf;
      std::string s (bee.file_path());
      // Don't copy if the file is already copied
      if (already_copied.count(s)) {
      } else {
        // If it is a symlink, then make a symlink, otherwise copy the file
        // If the library starts with a '/' then don't add one, otherwise, do
        // i.e. if libs/ turns into full_path/libs/ otherwise turns into full_path/
        if (s.c_str()[0] == '/') full_path = path + s.c_str(); else full_path = path + '/' + s.c_str();
        if (bee.is_link()) {
          // make symlink
          if (symlink(bee.sym_origin().c_str(), full_path.c_str())) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not make a symlink: %s to %s because %s\n", bee.sym_origin().c_str(), full_path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
        } else {
          // Copy the file (recursively)
          cp_r(s, full_path);
        // Change the permissions to match the original file
        struct stat file_stats = bee.file_stats();
        mode_t mode = file_stats.st_mode;
  			if (chown(full_path.c_str(), user, group) != 0) {
  			  fprintf(stderr, "Could not change owner of '%s' to %i\n", full_path.c_str(), user);
        if (chmod(full_path.c_str(), mode) != 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Could not change permissions to '%s' %o\n", full_path.c_str(), mode);
        // Add it to the already_copied set and move on
    // Copy the executables and make them executable
    std::string bin_path = path + '/' + res_bin;
    cp_r(res_bin.c_str(), bin_path.c_str());
    if (chown(bin_path.c_str(), user, group) != 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "Could not change owner of '%s' to %i\n", bin_path.c_str(), user);
    if (chmod(bin_path.c_str(), S_IREAD|S_IEXEC|S_IXGRP|S_IRGRP|S_IWRITE)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not change permissions to '%s' make it executable\n", bin_path.c_str());
  return true;