Esempio n. 1
void async_aar_reg_callback(int is_timeout, void *param, AAAMessage *aaa, long elapsed_msecs) {
    struct cell *t = 0;
    pcontact_t* pcontact;
    unsigned int cdp_result;
    struct pcontact_info ci;
    udomain_t* domain_t;
    int finalReply = 0;
    AAASession *auth = 0;
    rx_authsessiondata_t* p_session_data = 0;
    int result = CSCF_RETURN_ERROR;
    pcontact_info_t contact_info;

    LM_DBG("Received AAR callback\n");
    saved_transaction_local_t* local_data = (saved_transaction_local_t*) param;
    saved_transaction_t* data = local_data->global_data;
    domain_t = data->domain;

    int is_rereg = local_data->is_rereg;

    //before we do anything else, lets decrement the reference counter on replies
    if (data->answers_not_received <= 0) {
        finalReply = 1;
    if (data->ignore_replies) { //there was obv. a subsequent error AFTER we had sent one/more AAR's - so we can ignore these replies and just free memory
        if (finalReply) {

    LM_DBG("received answer and we are waiting for [%d] answers so far failures flag is [%d]\n", data->answers_not_received, data->failed);

    if (tmb.t_lookup_ident(&t, data->tindex, data->tlabel) < 0) {
        LM_ERR("t_continue: transaction not found\n");
        goto error;
    //we have T, lets restore our state (esp. for AVPs)
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_FROM | AVP_CLASS_URI, &t->uri_avps_from);
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_TO | AVP_CLASS_URI, &t->uri_avps_to);
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_FROM | AVP_CLASS_USER, &t->user_avps_from);
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_TO | AVP_CLASS_USER, &t->user_avps_to);
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_FROM | AVP_CLASS_DOMAIN, &t->domain_avps_from);
    set_avp_list(AVP_TRACK_TO | AVP_CLASS_DOMAIN, &t->domain_avps_to);

    if (is_timeout != 0) {
        LM_ERR("Error timeout when sending AAR message via CDP\n");
        goto error;
    if (!aaa) {
        LM_ERR("Error sending message via CDP\n");
        goto error;

    counter_add(ims_qos_cnts_h.registration_aar_response_time, elapsed_msecs);

    /* Process the response to AAR, retrieving result code and associated Rx session ID */
    if (rx_process_aaa(aaa, &cdp_result) < 0) {
        LM_ERR("Failed to process AAA from PCRF\n"); //,;
        goto error;

    if (cdp_result >= 2000 && cdp_result < 3000) {
	if (is_rereg) {
            LM_DBG("this is a re-registration, therefore we don't need to do anything except know that the the subscription was successful\n");
            result = CSCF_RETURN_TRUE;
            goto done;
	//need to set Rx auth data to say this session has been successfully opened
	//This is used elsewhere to prevent acting on termination events when the session has not been opened
	//getting auth session
	auth = cdpb.AAAGetAuthSession(aaa->sessionId->data);
	if (!auth) {
	    LM_DBG("Could not get Auth Session for session id: [%.*s]\n", aaa->sessionId->data.len, aaa->sessionId->data.s);
	    goto error;
	//getting session data
	p_session_data = (rx_authsessiondata_t*) auth->u.auth.generic_data;
	if (!p_session_data) {
	    LM_DBG("Could not get session data on Auth Session for session id: [%.*s]\n", aaa->sessionId->data.len, aaa->sessionId->data.s);
	    if (auth) cdpb.AAASessionsUnlock(auth->hash);
	    goto error;
	p_session_data->session_has_been_opened = 1;
	if (auth) cdpb.AAASessionsUnlock(auth->hash);
        LM_DBG("Success, received code: [%i] from PCRF for AAR request (contact: [%.*s]), (auth session id: %.*s)\n",
                cdp_result, local_data->contact.len, local_data->contact.s,
                local_data->auth_session_id.len, local_data->auth_session_id.s);
        LM_DBG("Registering for Usrloc callbacks on DELETE\n");

        ul.lock_udomain(domain_t, &local_data->via_host, local_data->via_port, local_data->via_proto);
        contact_info.received_host = local_data->recv_host;
        contact_info.received_port = local_data->recv_port;
        contact_info.received_proto = local_data->recv_proto;
        contact_info.searchflag = (1 << SEARCH_RECEIVED);
        contact_info.aor = local_data->contact;
        contact_info.via_host = local_data->via_host;
        contact_info.via_port = local_data->via_port;
        contact_info.via_prot = local_data->via_proto;
        if (ul.get_pcontact(domain_t, &contact_info, &pcontact) != 0) {
            LM_ERR("Shouldn't get here, can't find contact....\n");
            ul.unlock_udomain(domain_t, &local_data->via_host, local_data->via_port, local_data->via_proto);
            goto error;

        //at this point we have the contact
        /*set the contact state to say we have succesfully done ARR for register and that we dont need to do it again
         * for the duration of the registration.
         * */
        if (ul.update_rx_regsession(domain_t, &local_data->auth_session_id, pcontact) != 0) {
            LM_ERR("unable to update pcontact......\n");
            ul.unlock_udomain(domain_t, &local_data->via_host, local_data->via_port, local_data->via_proto);
            goto error;
        memset(&ci, 0, sizeof (struct pcontact_info));
        ci.reg_state = PCONTACT_REG_PENDING_AAR;
        ci.num_service_routes = 0;
        ci.num_public_ids = 0;
        LM_DBG("impu: [%.*s] updating status to PCONTACT_REG_PENDING\n", pcontact->aor.len, pcontact->aor.s);
        ul.update_pcontact(domain_t, &ci, pcontact);
        //register for callbacks on contact
        ul.register_ulcb(pcontact, PCSCF_CONTACT_DELETE | PCSCF_CONTACT_EXPIRE,
                callback_pcscf_contact_cb, NULL);
        ul.unlock_udomain(domain_t, &local_data->via_host, local_data->via_port, local_data->via_proto);
        result = CSCF_RETURN_TRUE;
    } else {
        LM_DBG("Received negative reply from PCRF for AAR Request\n");
        result = CSCF_RETURN_FALSE;
        goto error;

    //set success response code AVP
    goto done;

    //set failure response code

    if (t) tmb.unref_cell(t);
    //free memory
    if (aaa)

    if (finalReply) {
        tmb.t_continue(data->tindex, data->tlabel, data->act);