Esempio n. 1
void GeomTree::RayTriIntersect(int numRays, const vector3f &origin, const vector3f *dirs, int triIdx, isect_t *isects) const
	const vector3f a(m_vertices[m_indices[triIdx+0]]);
	const vector3f b(m_vertices[m_indices[triIdx+1]]);
	const vector3f c(m_vertices[m_indices[triIdx+2]]);

	vector3f v0_cross, v1_cross, v2_cross;
	const vector3f n = (c-a).Cross(b-a);
	const float nominator = n.Dot(a-origin);

	v0_cross = (c-origin).Cross(b-origin);
	v1_cross = (b-origin).Cross(a-origin);
	v2_cross = (a-origin).Cross(c-origin);

	for (int i=0; i<numRays; i++) {
		const float v0d = v0_cross.Dot(dirs[i]);
		const float v1d = v1_cross.Dot(dirs[i]);
		const float v2d = v2_cross.Dot(dirs[i]);

		if (((v0d > 0) && (v1d > 0) && (v2d > 0)) ||
			 ((v0d < 0) && (v1d < 0) && (v2d < 0))) {
			const float dist = nominator / dirs[i].Dot(n);
			if ((dist > 0) && (dist < isects[i].dist)) {
				isects[i].dist = dist;
				isects[i].triIdx = triIdx/3;
Esempio n. 2
void Camera::Draw(Renderer *renderer, const Body *excludeBody)
	if (!m_camFrame) return;
	if (!renderer) return;

	m_renderer = renderer;


	m_renderer->SetPerspectiveProjection(m_fovAng, m_width/m_height, m_zNear, m_zFar);

	matrix4x4d trans2bg;
	Frame::GetFrameRenderTransform(Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_camFrame, trans2bg);

	// Pick up to four suitable system light sources (stars)
	position_system_lights(m_camFrame, Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_lightSources);

	if (m_lightSources.empty()) {
		// no lights means we're somewhere weird (eg hyperspace). fake one
		const Color col(1.f);
		m_lightSources.push_back(LightSource(0, Graphics::Light(Graphics::Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, vector3f(0.f), col, col)));

	//fade space background based on atmosphere thickness and light angle
	float bgIntensity = 1.f;
	if (m_camFrame->GetParent() && m_camFrame->GetParent()->IsRotFrame()) {
		//check if camera is near a planet
		Body *camParentBody = m_camFrame->GetParent()->GetBody();
		if (camParentBody && camParentBody->IsType(Object::PLANET)) {
			Planet *planet = static_cast<Planet*>(camParentBody);
			const vector3f relpos(planet->GetInterpPositionRelTo(m_camFrame));
			double altitude(relpos.Length());
			double pressure, density;
			planet->GetAtmosphericState(altitude, &pressure, &density);
			if (pressure >= 0.001)
				//go through all lights to calculate something resembling light intensity
				float angle = 0.f;
				for(std::vector<LightSource>::const_iterator it = m_lightSources.begin();
					it != m_lightSources.end(); ++it) {
					const vector3f lightDir(it->GetLight().GetPosition().Normalized());
					angle += std::max(0.f, lightDir.Dot(-relpos.Normalized())) * it->GetLight().GetDiffuse().GetLuminance();
				//calculate background intensity with some hand-tweaked fuzz applied
				bgIntensity = Clamp(1.f - std::min(1.f, powf(density, 0.25f)) * (0.3f + powf(angle, 0.25f)), 0.f, 1.f);

	Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetBackground().Draw(renderer, trans2bg);

		std::vector<Graphics::Light> rendererLights;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lightSources.size(); i++)
		renderer->SetLights(rendererLights.size(), &rendererLights[0]);

	for (std::list<BodyAttrs>::iterator i = m_sortedBodies.begin(); i != m_sortedBodies.end(); ++i) {
		BodyAttrs *attrs = &(*i);

		// explicitly exclude a single body if specified (eg player)
		if (attrs->body == excludeBody)

		double rad = attrs->body->GetClipRadius();
		if (!m_frustum.TestPointInfinite((*i).viewCoords, rad))

		// draw spikes for far objects
		double screenrad = 500 * rad / attrs->camDist;      // approximate pixel size
		if (attrs->body->IsType(Object::PLANET) && screenrad < 2) {
			// absolute bullshit
			double spikerad = (7 + 1.5*log10(screenrad)) * rad / screenrad;
			DrawSpike(spikerad, attrs->viewCoords, attrs->viewTransform);
		else if (screenrad >= 2 || attrs->body->IsType(Object::STAR) ||
					(attrs->body->IsType(Object::PROJECTILE) && screenrad > 0.25))
			attrs->body->Render(renderer, this, attrs->viewCoords, attrs->viewTransform);

	Sfx::RenderAll(renderer, Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_camFrame);

	delete m_camFrame;
	m_camFrame = 0;
