Esempio n. 1
  Multiply( const matrix_type & A ,
            const size_type nrow ,
            const size_type ncol ,
            const vector_type & x ,
            const vector_type & y )
    CudaSparseSingleton & s = CudaSparseSingleton::singleton();
    const scalar_type alpha = 1 , beta = 0 ;

    cusparseStatus_t status =
      cusparseScsrmv( s.handle ,
                      nrow , ncol , A.coefficients.dimension_0() ,
                      &alpha ,
                      s.descra ,
                      A.coefficients.ptr_on_device() ,
                      A.graph.row_map.ptr_on_device() ,
                      A.graph.entries.ptr_on_device() ,
                      x.ptr_on_device() ,
                      &beta ,
                      y.ptr_on_device() );

    if ( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS != status ) {
      throw std::runtime_error( std::string("ERROR - cusparseDcsrmv " ) );
Esempio n. 2
bool compareRank1(const vector_type& y,
                          const vector_type& y_exp,
                          const scalar_type rel_tol,
                          const scalar_type abs_tol,
                          Teuchos::FancyOStream& out)
  typedef typename vector_type::size_type size_type;
  typename vector_type::HostMirror hy = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(y);
  typename vector_type::HostMirror hy_exp = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(y_exp);
  Kokkos::deep_copy(hy, y);
  Kokkos::deep_copy(hy_exp, y_exp);

  size_type num_rows = y.dimension_0();
  bool success = true;
  for (size_type i=0; i<num_rows; ++i) {
    for (size_type j=0; j<y.sacado_size(); ++j) {
      scalar_type diff = std::abs( hy(i).fastAccessCoeff(j) - hy_exp(i).fastAccessCoeff(j) );
      scalar_type tol = rel_tol*std::abs(hy_exp(i).fastAccessCoeff(j)) + abs_tol;
      bool s = diff < tol;
      out << "y_expected(" << i << ").coeff(" << j << ") - "
          << "y(" << i << ").coeff(" << j << ") = " << hy_exp(i).fastAccessCoeff(j)
          << " - " << hy(i).fastAccessCoeff(j) << " == "
          << diff << " < " << tol << " : ";
      if (s)
        out << "passed";
        out << "failed";
      out << std::endl;
      success = success && s;
  return success;
  static void apply( const matrix_type & A ,
                     const vector_type & x ,
                     const vector_type & y )
    CudaSparseSingleton & s = CudaSparseSingleton::singleton();
    const double alpha = 1 , beta = 0 ;
    const int n = A.graph.row_map.dimension_0() - 1 ;
    const int nz = A.graph.entries.dimension_0();

    cusparseStatus_t status =
      cusparseDcsrmv( s.handle ,
                      n , n , nz ,
                      &alpha ,
                      s.descra ,
                      A.values.ptr_on_device() ,
                      A.graph.row_map.ptr_on_device() ,
                      A.graph.entries.ptr_on_device() ,
                      x.ptr_on_device() ,
                      &beta ,
                      y.ptr_on_device() );

    if ( CUSPARSE_STATUS_SUCCESS != status ) {
      throw std::runtime_error( std::string("ERROR - cusparseDcsrmv " ) );
Esempio n. 4
 void prod( sparse_matrix_type const& A,
            vector_type const& x,
            vector_type& b ) const
     int ierr = 0;
     petsc_sparse_matrix_type const& _A = dynamic_cast<petsc_sparse_matrix_type const&>( A );
     petsc_vector_type const& _x = dynamic_cast<petsc_vector_type const&>( x );
     petsc_vector_type const& _b = dynamic_cast<petsc_vector_type const&>( b );
     if ( _A.mapCol().worldComm().globalSize() == )
         //std::cout << "BackendPetsc::prod STANDART"<< std::endl;
         ierr = MatMult( _A.mat(), _x.vec(), _b.vec() );
         CHKERRABORT( _A.comm().globalComm(),ierr );
         //std::cout << "BackendPetsc::prod with convert"<< std::endl;
         auto x_convert = petscMPI_vector_type(_A.mapColPtr());
         ierr = MatMult( _A.mat(), x_convert.vec(), _b.vec() );
         CHKERRABORT( _A.comm().globalComm(),ierr );
Esempio n. 5
 bool operator==(box const &b2) const
     std::equal(m_lower.begin(), m_lower.end(), b2.m_lower.begin())
     std::equal(m_upper.begin(), m_upper.end(), b2.m_upper.begin());
unsigned_type checksum(vector_type& input)
    unsigned_type sum = 0;
    for (vector_type::const_iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i)
        sum += (unsigned_type)((*i).m_key);
    return sum;
     * \brief Sum a value into existing value at the global row index. The
     * global index must exist on process.
    static void sumIntoGlobalValue( vector_type& vector,
    				    global_ordinal_type global_row,
    				    const scalar_type& value )
	MCLS_REQUIRE( vector.getMap()->isNodeGlobalElement( global_row ) );
	vector.sumIntoGlobalValue( global_row, value );
     * \brief Sum a value into existing value at the local row index. The
     * local index must exist on process.
    static void sumIntoLocalValue( vector_type& vector,
    				   local_ordinal_type local_row,
    				   const scalar_type& value )
	MCLS_REQUIRE( vector.getMap()->isNodeLocalElement( local_row ) );
	vector.sumIntoLocalValue( local_row, value );
Esempio n. 9
	public: vector_type simulate(vector_type const& u, vector_type const& e, real_type na_value = real_type(0)) const
		namespace ublas = ::boost::numeric::ublas;
		namespace ublasx = ::boost::numeric::ublasx;

		size_type n_obs = u.size();
		size_type n_e = e.size();

			n_obs == n_e,
			throw ::std::logic_error("Size of Input Data and Noise Data does not match.")

		size_type n_a = ublasx::size(a_); // # of output channels
		size_type n_b = ublasx::size(b_); // # of input channels
		size_type k_min = 0;
		size_type k_max = n_obs - ::std::min(static_cast<size_type>(d_*ts_), n_obs);

		vector_type y(n_obs, na_value);

//		for (size_type k = 0; k < k_min; ++k)
//		{
//			y(k) = e_var_*e(k);
//		}
		for (size_type k = k_min; k < k_max; ++k)
			y(k) = 0;

			if (n_a > 0 && k > 0)
				size_type nn_a = ::std::min(n_a, k);

				y(k) -=	ublas::inner_prod(
						ublas::subrange(a_, 0, nn_a),
						//::dcs::math::la::subslice(y, k-1, -1, n_a)
						ublas::subslice(y, k-1, -1, nn_a)

			if (n_b > 0)
				size_type nn_b = ::std::min(n_b, k+1);

				y(k) += ublas::inner_prod(
						ublas::subrange(b_, 0, nn_b),
						//::dcs::math::la::subslice(u, k, -1, n_b)
						ublas::subslice(u, k, -1, nn_b)

			y(k) += e_var_*e(k);

		return y;
Esempio n. 10
 std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> get_all(const TId id) const {
     const element_type element {
     return std::equal_range(m_vector.cbegin(), m_vector.cend(), element, [](const element_type& a, const element_type& b) {
         return a.first < b.first;
Esempio n. 11
 typename vector_type::const_iterator find_id(const TId id) const noexcept {
     const element_type element {
     return std::lower_bound(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), element, [](const element_type& a, const element_type& b) {
         return a.first < b.first;
Esempio n. 12
matrix_type Reflector(const vector_type& x)
    using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;

    matrix_type F(x.size(), x.size());

    Reflector<matrix_type, vector_type>(x, F);

    return F;
Esempio n. 13
    void setBounds( vector_type const& __lb, vector_type const& __up )
        GST_SMART_ASSERT( __lb.size() == __up.size() )( __lb )( __up )( "inconsistent bounds definition" );
        M_lb = __lb;
        M_ub = __up;
        M_lb_ub = __up - __lb;

        GST_SMART_ASSERT( *std::min_element( M_lb_ub.begin(), M_lb_ub.end() ) >= 0 )
        ( M_lb )( M_ub )( "lower and upper bounds are not properly defined" );
Esempio n. 14
    decorated_tuple(cow_pointer_type d, const vector_type& v)
        : super(tuple_impl_info::statically_typed)
        , m_decorated(std::move(d)), m_mapping(v) {
#       ifdef CPPA_DEBUG
        const cow_pointer_type& ptr = m_decorated; // prevent detaching
#       endif
        CPPA_REQUIRE(ptr->size() >= sizeof...(ElementTypes));
        CPPA_REQUIRE(v.size() == sizeof...(ElementTypes));
        CPPA_REQUIRE(*(std::max_element(v.begin(), v.end())) < ptr->size());
Esempio n. 15
 * @test Test MaRC::Vector magnitude (norm) calculation.
bool test_vector_magnitude()
    using vector_type = MaRC::Vector<int, 3>;
    vector_type const v{ 3, 4, 5 };

    double const mag =
        std::sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]);

    return MaRC::almost_equal(v.magnitude(), mag, ulps);
Esempio n. 16
    decorated_tuple(cow_pointer_type d, size_t offset)
        : super(tuple_impl_info::statically_typed), m_decorated(std::move(d)) {
#       ifdef CPPA_DEBUG
        const cow_pointer_type& ptr = m_decorated; // prevent detaching
#       endif
        CPPA_REQUIRE((ptr->size() - offset) >= sizeof...(ElementTypes));
        CPPA_REQUIRE(offset > 0);
        size_t i = offset;
        std::generate(m_mapping.begin(), m_mapping.end(), [&]() {return i++;});
Esempio n. 17
 const TValue get(const TId id) const final {
     const element_type element {
     const auto result = std::lower_bound(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), element, [](const element_type& a, const element_type& b) {
         return a.first < b.first;
     if (result == m_vector.end() || result->first != id) {
     } else {
         return result->second;
Esempio n. 18
// ===================================================
// Methods
// ===================================================
SolverAztecOO::solve ( vector_type& solution, const vector_type& rhs )
    M_solver.SetLHS ( &solution.epetraVector() );
    // The Solver from Aztecoo takes a non const (because of rescaling?)
    // We should be careful if you use scaling
    Epetra_FEVector* rhsVectorPtr ( const_cast<Epetra_FEVector*> (&rhs.epetraVector() ) );
    M_solver.SetRHS ( rhsVectorPtr );

    Int  maxiter (M_maxIter);
    Real mytol  (M_tolerance);
    Int status;

    if ( isPreconditionerSet() && M_preconditioner->preconditionerType().compare ("AztecOO") )
        M_solver.SetPrecOperator (M_preconditioner->preconditioner() );

    status = M_solver.Iterate (maxiter, mytol);

    M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Number of iterations = ", M_solver.NumIters() );
    M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Norm of the true residual = ", M_solver.TrueResidual() );
    M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Norm of the true ratio    = ",  M_solver.ScaledResidual() );

    /* try to solve again (reason may be:
      -2 "Aztec status AZ_breakdown: numerical breakdown"
      -3 "Aztec status AZ_loss: loss of precision"
      -4 "Aztec status AZ_ill_cond: GMRES hessenberg ill-conditioned"
    if ( status <= -2 )
        maxiter     = M_maxIter;
        mytol       = M_tolerance;
        Int oldIter = M_solver.NumIters();
        status      = M_solver.Iterate (maxiter, mytol);

        M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Second run: number of iterations = ", M_solver.NumIters() );
        M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Norm of the true residual = ",  M_solver.TrueResidual() );
        M_displayer->leaderPrint ( "  o-  Norm of the true ratio    = ",  M_solver.ScaledResidual() );
        return ( M_solver.NumIters() + oldIter );

    return ( M_solver.NumIters() );
Esempio n. 19
SolverAztecOO::computeResidual ( vector_type& solution, vector_type& rhs )
    vector_type Ax ( );
    vector_type res ( rhs );

    M_solver.GetUserMatrix()->Apply ( solution.epetraVector(), Ax.epetraVector() );

    res.epetraVector().Update ( 1, Ax.epetraVector(), -1 );

    Real residual;

    res.norm2 ( &residual );

    return residual;
Esempio n. 20
 bool is_empty() const
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_lower.size(); ++i)
     if (m_lower[i] >= m_upper[i])
       return true;
   return false;
PreconditionerBlockMS<space_type>::applyInverse ( const vector_type& X, vector_type& Y ) const
    U = X;
    *M_uin = U.template element<0>();
    *M_pin = U.template element<1>();

    // Solve eq (12)
    // solve here eq 15 : Pm v = c
                                     ) ;

    // solve here eq 16

    U.template element<0>() = *M_uout;
    U.template element<1>() = *M_pout;
    toc("[PreconditionerBlockMS] applyInverse update solution",FLAGS_v>0);
    return 0;
	public: uniform_signal_generator(vector_type const& u_min, vector_type const& u_max, random_generator_type& rng)
	: rng_(rng),
	  ub_( ::std::numeric_limits<value_type>::infinity()),
		// pre: size(u_min) == size(u_max)
		DCS_ASSERT(u_min.size() == u_max.size(),
									   "Size of min and max vectors does not match"));

		::std::size_t n(u_min.size());
		for (::std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			distrs_.push_back(uniform_distribution_type(u_min[i], u_max[i]));
Esempio n. 23
     * \brief Create a deep copy of the provided vector and return a
     * reference-counted pointer.
    static Teuchos::RCP<vector_type> deepCopy( const vector_type& vector )
	Teuchos::RCP<vector_type> vector_copy = clone( vector );
	Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar> copy_view = vector_copy->getDataNonConst();
	copy_view.deepCopy( vector.getData()() );
	return vector_copy;
Esempio n. 24
 bool contains(VecType const &pt, double threshold=1e-10) const
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_lower.size(); ++i)
     if (pt[i] < m_lower[i] - threshold 
         || pt[i] >= m_upper[i]+threshold)
       return false;
   return true;
Esempio n. 25
                TValue get(const TId id) const final {
                    const auto result = find_id(id);
                    if (result == m_vector.end() || result->first != id) {
                        throw osmium::not_found{id};

                    return result->second;
Esempio n. 26
                TValue get_noexcept(const TId id) const noexcept final {
                    const auto result = find_id(id);
                    if (result == m_vector.end() || result->first != id) {
                        return osmium::index::empty_value<TValue>();

                    return result->second;
Esempio n. 27
  static void apply( const value_type&   alpha ,
		     const vector_type & x ,
		     const value_type &  beta ,
                     const vector_type & y )
    const size_t row_count = x.dimension_0() ;
    parallel_for( row_count , Update(alpha,x,beta,y) );
Esempio n. 28
  void recv( const vector_type & v )
    const size_t recv_msg_count = m_recv_request.size();
    const std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> recv_range( m_map.count_owned , m_map.count_owned + m_map.count_receive );

    const vector_type vrecv = subview<vector_type>( v , recv_range );

    // Wait for receives and verify:

    for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < recv_msg_count ; ++i ) {
      MPI_Status recv_status ;
      int recv_which = 0 ;
      int recv_size  = 0 ;

      MPI_Waitany( recv_msg_count , & m_recv_request[0] , & recv_which , & recv_status );

      const int recv_proc = recv_status.MPI_SOURCE ;

      MPI_Get_count( & recv_status , MPI_BYTE , & recv_size );

      // Verify message properly received:

      const int  expected_proc = m_map.host_recv(recv_which,0);
      const int  expected_size = m_map.host_recv(recv_which,1) *
                                 m_chunk * sizeof(scalar_type);

      if ( ( expected_proc != recv_proc ) ||
           ( expected_size != recv_size ) ) {
        std::ostringstream msg ;
        msg << "MatrixMultiply communication error:"
            << " P" << comm::rank( m_map.machine )
            << " received from P" << recv_proc
            << " size "     << recv_size
            << " expected " << expected_size
            << " from P"    << expected_proc ;
        throw std::runtime_error( msg.str() );

    // Copy received data to device memory.

    Impl::DeepCopy<typename Device::memory_space,HostSpace>( vrecv.ptr_on_device() ,
                                                             m_host_recv_buffer.ptr_on_device() ,
                                                             m_map.count_receive * m_chunk * sizeof(scalar_type) );
Esempio n. 29
	public: vector_type simulate(vector_type const& u, real_type na_value = real_type(0)) const
		namespace ublas = ::boost::numeric::ublas;
		namespace ublasx = ::boost::numeric::ublasx;

		size_type n_obs = u.size(); // # of samples
		size_type n_a = ublasx::size(a_); // # of output channels
		size_type n_b = ublasx::size(b_); // # of input channels
		//size_type k_min = ::std::max(n_a*ts_, (n_b+d_)*ts_)-1;
		//size_type k_min = (n_b > 0) ? ((n_b+d_)*ts_-1) : 0;
		size_type k_min = 0;
		//size_type k_max = n_obs - ::std::min(d_*ts_, n_obs);
		size_type k_max = n_obs - ::std::min(static_cast<size_type>(d_*ts_), n_obs);

		vector_type y(n_obs, na_value);

//		// Set non-computable outputs to the given N/A value
//		if (na_value != real_type(0))
//		{
//			// Actually, this setting is done only if the N/A value
//			// is different from the default value '0'.
//			for (size_type k = 0; k < k_min; ++k)
//			{
//				y(k) = na_value;
//			}
//		}
		for (size_type k = k_min; k < k_max; ++k)
			y(k) = 0;

			if (n_a > 0 && k > 0)
				size_type nn_a = ::std::min(n_a, k);

				y(k) -=	ublas::inner_prod(
						ublas::subrange(a_, 0, nn_a),
						//ublas::subslice(y, k-1, -1, n_a)
						ublas::subslice(y, k-1, -1, nn_a)

			if (n_b > 0)
				size_type nn_b = ::std::min(n_b, k+1);

				y(k) += ublas::inner_prod(
						ublas::subrange(b_, 0, nn_b),
						//::dcs::math::la::subslice(u, k, -1, n_b)
						ublas::subslice(u, k, -1, nn_b)

		return y;
Esempio n. 30
DirScalingMatrix<NumType>::update( value_type const& __Delta,
                                   vector_type const& __x,
                                   vector_type const& __s,
                                   mode_type __mode )
    GST_SMART_ASSERT( __x.size() == M_lb.size() )( __x )( M_lb )( "inconsistent bounds definition" );
    GST_SMART_ASSERT( __x.size() == M_ub.size() )( __x )( M_ub )( "inconsistent bounds definition" );

    M_value.resize( __x.size(), __x.size(), 0, 0 );
    M_jacobian.resize( __x.size(), __x.size(), 0, 0 );

    M_zeta = zeta( __x );

    vector_type __dl = distanceToLB( __x );
    vector_type __du = distanceToUB( __x );

    if ( M_zeta * std::min( norm_inf( __dl ), norm_inf( __du ) ) > __Delta )
        // we are in the trust region
        M_value = identity_matrix<value_type>( M_value.size1(), M_value.size2() );

        M_trust_region_active = true;

        for ( size_t __i = 0; __i < __x.size(); ++__i )
            if ( __s ( __i ) < 0 )
                M_value ( __i, __i ) = M_zeta * std::min( 1. , __dl( __i ) ) / __Delta;

                M_value ( __i, __i ) = M_zeta * std::min( 1. , __du( __i ) ) / __Delta;

    if ( __mode == WITH_JACOBIAN )
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < __x.size(); i++ )
            if ( ( __s( i ) < 0 ) && ( __x( i ) < M_lb( i ) + __Delta ) )
                M_jacobian ( i, i ) = M_zeta / __Delta;

            else if	( ( __s ( i ) > 0 ) && ( __x ( i ) > M_ub( i ) - __Delta ) )
                M_jacobian ( i, i ) = -M_zeta / __Delta;

                M_jacobian ( i, i ) = 0;