Esempio n. 1
  \ingroup group_imgproc_brightness

  Adjust the brightness of a grayscale image such as the new intensity is alpha x old_intensity + beta.

  \param I : The grayscale image to adjust the brightness.
  \param alpha : Multiplication coefficient.
  \param beta : Constant value added to the old intensity.
void vp::adjust(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const double alpha, const double beta) {
  //Construct the look-up table
  unsigned char lut[256];
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    lut[i] = vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>(alpha * i + beta);

  //Apply the transformation using a LUT
Esempio n. 2
  \ingroup group_imgproc_histogram

  Adjust the contrast of a grayscale image by performing an histogram equalization.
  The intensity distribution is redistributed over the full [0 - 255] range such as the cumulative histogram
  distribution becomes linear.

  \param I : The grayscale image to apply histogram equalization.
void vp::equalizeHistogram(vpImage<unsigned char> &I) {
  if(I.getWidth()*I.getHeight() == 0) {

  //Calculate the histogram
  vpHistogram hist;

  //Calculate the cumulative distribution function
  unsigned int cdf[256];
  unsigned int cdfMin = /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/ UINT_MAX, cdfMax = 0;
  unsigned int minValue = /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/ UINT_MAX, maxValue = 0;
  cdf[0] = hist[0];
  if(cdf[0] < cdfMin && cdf[0] > 0) {
    cdfMin = cdf[0];
    minValue = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
    cdf[i] = cdf[i-1] + hist[i];

    if(cdf[i] < cdfMin && cdf[i] > 0) {
      cdfMin = cdf[i];
      minValue = i;

    if(cdf[i] > cdfMax) {
      cdfMax = cdf[i];
      maxValue = i;
  unsigned int nbPixels = I.getWidth()*I.getHeight();
  if(nbPixels == cdfMin) {
    //Only one brightness value in the image

  //Construct the look-up table
  unsigned char lut[256];
  for(unsigned int x = minValue; x <= maxValue; x++) {
    lut[x] = vpMath::round( (cdf[x]-cdfMin) / (double) (nbPixels-cdfMin) * 255.0 );

Esempio n. 3
  \ingroup group_imgproc_gamma

  Perform a gamma correction on a grayscale image.

  \param I : The grayscale image to apply gamma correction.
  \param gamma : Gamma value.
void vp::gammaCorrection(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const double gamma) {
  double inverse_gamma = 1.0;
  if(gamma > 0) {
    inverse_gamma = 1.0 / gamma;
  } else {
    throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "The gamma value must be positive !");

  //Construct the look-up table
  unsigned char lut[256];
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    lut[i] = vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>( pow( (double) i / 255.0, inverse_gamma ) * 255.0 );

Esempio n. 4
  \ingroup group_imgproc_contrast

  Stretch the contrast of a grayscale image.

  \param I : The grayscale image to stretch the contrast.
void vp::stretchContrast(vpImage<unsigned char> &I) {
  //Find min and max intensity values
  unsigned char min = 255, max = 0;
  I.getMinMaxValue(min, max);

  unsigned char range = max - min;

  //Construct the look-up table
  unsigned char lut[256];
  if(range > 0) {
    for(unsigned int x = min; x <= max; x++) {
      lut[x] = 255 * (x - min) / range;
  } else {
    lut[min] = min;

Esempio n. 5
  \ingroup group_imgproc_contrast

  Stretch the contrast of a color image.

  \param I : The color image to stretch the contrast.
void vp::stretchContrast(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I) {
  //Find min and max intensity values
  vpRGBa min = 255, max = 0;

  //Split the RGBa image into 4 images
  vpImage<unsigned char> pR(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
  vpImage<unsigned char> pG(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
  vpImage<unsigned char> pB(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
  vpImage<unsigned char> pa(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());

  vpImageConvert::split(I, &pR, &pG, &pB, &pa);
  //Min max values calculated for each channel
  unsigned char minChannel, maxChannel;
  pR.getMinMaxValue(minChannel, maxChannel);
  min.R = minChannel;
  max.R = maxChannel;

  pG.getMinMaxValue(minChannel, maxChannel);
  min.G = minChannel;
  max.G = maxChannel;

  pB.getMinMaxValue(minChannel, maxChannel);
  min.B = minChannel;
  max.B = maxChannel;

  pa.getMinMaxValue(minChannel, maxChannel);
  min.A = minChannel;
  max.A = maxChannel;

  //Construct the look-up table
  vpRGBa lut[256];
  unsigned char rangeR = max.R - min.R;
  if(rangeR > 0) {
    for(unsigned int x = min.R; x <= max.R; x++) {
      lut[x].R = 255 * (x - min.R) / rangeR;
  } else {
    lut[min.R].R = min.R;

  unsigned char rangeG = max.G - min.G;
  if(rangeG > 0) {
    for(unsigned int x = min.G; x <= max.G; x++) {
      lut[x].G = 255 * (x - min.G) / rangeG;
  } else {
    lut[min.G].G = min.G;

  unsigned char rangeB = max.B - min.B;
  if(rangeB > 0) {
    for(unsigned int x = min.B; x <= max.B; x++) {
      lut[x].B = 255 * (x - min.B) / rangeB;
  } else {
    lut[min.B].B = min.B;

  unsigned char rangeA = max.A - min.A;
  if(rangeA > 0) {
    for(unsigned int x = min.A; x <= max.A; x++) {
      lut[x].A = 255 * (x - min.A) / rangeA;
  } else {
    lut[min.A].A = min.A;
