Esempio n. 1
void Polygon::addAllWaypoints(const waypoints_t& waypoints_)
    for (auto i = waypoints_.begin(); i != waypoints_.end(); i++)
Esempio n. 2
	// main operator that is used according to GSL specification
	// it is used as a callback from a traverser code
	// list<node_value> &e - list of child nodes - this list is used as an output - the follwoing code
	// pushes node values to this list
	// list<cost_value>& ce - output list for costs of child nodes - costs should have the same
	// positions at the list as corresponding nodes in a previous list
	// node_value n - this is a node to be expanded
	// node_value - this is a parent of a previous node
	// cost_value c - the cost of a node to be expanded
	void operator()(list<node_value> &e, list<cost_value>& ce, node_value n, node_value, cost_value c) {

		// x and y coordinates of a lag start waypoint
		float xs = waypoints[n.waypointid].x;
		float ys = waypoints[n.waypointid].y;

		// iterator over all waypoints on a routes' map
		waypoints_const_iter_t i = waypoints.begin();
		for(;i != waypoints.end();++ i) {
			waypoint wp = *i;

			// find if a waypoint is already examined in a current route - to avoid cycles
			vector<long>::iterator i = find(
			if( (i == n.previds.end()) && ( != n.waypointid) ) {

				// x and y coordinates of a lag end waypoint
				float xf = wp.x;
				float yf = wp.y;

				// lag length
				float LagLen = sqrt( SQR(xf - xs) + SQR(yf - ys) );

				// waypoint is added if the lag length does not exceed predefined value
				if(LagLen < _MaxLagLen) {
					bool crosses = false;
					// iterating over all obstacles
					for(obstacles_const_iter_t j = obstacles.begin(); j != obstacles.end(); ++j) {
						obstacle ob = *j;
						float xo = ob.x;
						float yo = ob.y;
						float ro = ob.r;
						float a = SQR( (xf - xs)/(yf - ys) ) + 1.0;
						float b = 2.0 * (xf - xs)/(yf - ys) * ( (xs - xo) - (xf - xs)/(yf - ys) * ys ) - 2.0 * yo;
					        float c = SQR( (xs - xo) - (xf - xs)/(yf - ys) * ys ) + SQR(yo) - SQR(ro);
						float D = SQR(b) - 4.0 * a * c;
						// if a line connecting two waypoints crosses an obstacle area
						if(D > 0.0) {
							// find whether the area is crossed between waypoints
							float y1 = ( - b + sqrt(D) ) / (2.0 * a);
							float y2 = ( - b - sqrt(D) ) / (2.0 * a);
							float ymin = ys > yf? yf: ys;
							float ymax = ys > yf? ys: yf;
							if ( (y1 <= ymax) && (y1 >= ymin) || (y2 <= ymax) && (y2 >= ymin) ) {
								crosses = true;


					if(!crosses) {
						// adding node value to a result list
						e.push_back(node_value(, n));
						// calculation of heuristics
						// x and y coordinates of a final route waypoint
						float xg = waypoints[19].x;
						float yg = waypoints[19].y;

						// euclidean distance for a child node waypoint to final route waypoint
						float h = sqrt( SQR(xf - xg) + SQR(yf - yg) );
						// adding cost value to a result list
						// one should put 0.0 instead of h as a constrcutor parameter here
						// if no heuristics is used
						ce.push_back(cost_value(c.g + LagLen, h));