bool wb_session::deleteFamily(wb_object o, bool storeix) { if (isReadonly()) throw wb_error_str("ReadOnlySession"); if (!isLocal(o)) { m_sts = LDH__OTHERVOLUME; return false; } pwr_tStatus sts; wb_object parent = o.parent(); sts = triggAnteUnadopt(parent, o); ldh_sEvent* ep = m_srep->eventStart(o.oid(), ldh_eEvent_ObjectDeleted); m_srep->eventOldFamily(ep, o); sts = triggPostUnadopt(parent, o); if (storeix) m_srep->recix_add(o); bool rsts = m_vrep->deleteFamily(&m_sts, (wb_orep*)o); m_srep->update(); m_srep->eventSend(ep); return rsts; }
pwr_tStatus wb_volume::triggPostMove(wb_object& o) { pwr_tStatus sts; char *methodName; wb_tMethod method; wb_cdrep *cdrep = m_vrep->merep()->cdrep(&sts, o.cid()); if (EVEN(sts)) return sts; cdrep->dbCallBack(&sts, ldh_eDbCallBack_PostMove, &methodName, 0); delete cdrep; if (EVEN(sts)) return LDH__SUCCESS; m_vrep->erep()->method(&sts, methodName, &method); if (EVEN(sts)) return LDH__SUCCESS; wb_object father = o.parent(); if (father) { sts = ((wb_tMethodPostMove) (method))((ldh_tSesContext)this, o.oid(), father.oid(), father.cid()); } else sts = ((wb_tMethodPostMove) (method))((ldh_tSesContext)this, o.oid(), pwr_cNObjid, pwr_cNClassId); return sts; }
pwr_tStatus wb_volume::triggPostCreate(wb_object& o) { pwr_tStatus sts; char *methodName; wb_tMethod method; // Call object method, or inherited method for ( wb_cdef cd = cdef(o.cid()); cd; cd = cd.super()) { wb_cdrep *cdrep = cd; cdrep->dbCallBack(&sts, ldh_eDbCallBack_PostCreate, &methodName, 0); if (ODD(sts)) { m_vrep->erep()->method(&sts, methodName, &method); if (EVEN(sts)) return LDH__SUCCESS; wb_object father = o.parent(); if (father) { sts = ((wb_tMethodPostCreate) (method))((ldh_tSesContext)this, o.oid(), father.oid(), father.cid()); } else sts = ((wb_tMethodPostCreate) (method))((ldh_tSesContext)this, o.oid(), pwr_cNObjid, pwr_cNClassId); return sts; } } return LDH__SUCCESS; }
bool wb_session::moveObject(wb_object o, wb_destination d) { if (isReadonly()) throw wb_error_str("ReadOnlySession"); validateDestination(d, o.cid()); if (evenSts()) return false; // Check that object is not ancestor to destination wb_object dest = object(d.oid()); while (dest) { if (cdh_ObjidIsEqual(dest.oid(), o.oid())) throw wb_error(LDH__BADDEST); dest = dest.parent(); } wb_object parent; switch (d.code()) { case ldh_eDest_IntoFirst: case ldh_eDest_IntoLast: parent = object(d.oid()); break; case ldh_eDest_After: case ldh_eDest_Before: parent = object(d.oid()).parent(); break; default: throw wb_error(LDH__NODEST); } wb_object old_parent = o.parent(); m_sts = triggAnteMove(o, parent, old_parent); if (evenSts()) return false; m_sts = triggAnteUnadopt(old_parent, o); if (evenSts()) return false; m_sts = triggAnteAdopt(parent, o.cid()); if (evenSts()) return false; ldh_sEvent* ep = m_srep->eventStart(o.oid(), ldh_eEvent_ObjectMoved); m_srep->eventOldFamily(ep, o); bool rsts = m_vrep->moveObject(&m_sts, (wb_orep*)o, d); m_srep->update(); triggPostMove(o); triggPostUnadopt(old_parent, o); triggPostAdopt(parent, o); m_srep->eventNewFamily(ep, o); m_srep->eventSend(ep); return rsts; }
// // printHierarchy // void wb_print_wbl::printHierarchy(wb_volume& v, wb_object& o) { if (v.object() == o) indent(1) << "SObject " << << ":" << endl; else indent(1) << "SObject " << o.parent().longName() << endl; printObject(v, o); indent(-1) << "EndSObject" << endl; }
bool wb_volume::isAncestor(wb_object& ancestor, wb_object& o) { if (ancestor.oid().vid != o.oid().vid) return false; wb_object p = o.parent(); while (p) { if (p.oid().oix == ancestor.oid().oix) return true; p = p.parent(); } return false; }
bool wb_recix::add_object_tree( wb_object &o) { clear(); wb_object p = o.parent(); if ( p) strcpy( m_srcroot, p.longName().c_str()); add( o.longName().c_str(), o.oid().oix); for ( wb_object ch = o.first(); ch; ch = ch.after()) add_object_ctree( ch); // for ( ix_iterator it = m_ix.begin(); it != m_ix.end(); it++) { // cout << " Object: " << it->second << " " << it->first << endl; // } return true; }
void wb_srep::eventOldFamily( ldh_sEvent *ep, wb_object o) { if ( !m_thisSessionCb) return; if (ep == NULL) return; wb_object parent = o.parent(); if ( parent) ep->OldParent = parent.oid(); wb_object before = o.before(); if ( before) ep->OldLsibling = before.oid(); wb_object after = o.after(); if ( after) ep->OldRsibling = after.oid(); }
void wb_srep::eventNewFamily( ldh_sEvent *ep, wb_object o) { if ( !m_thisSessionCb) return; if ( !ep) return; wb_object parent = o.parent(); if ( parent) ep->NewParent = parent.oid(); wb_object before = o.before(); if ( before) ep->NewLsibling = before.oid(); wb_object after = o.after(); if ( after) ep->NewRsibling = after.oid(); }