Esempio n. 1
void Replace(wstring& input, wstring find, wstring replace_with,
             bool replace_all, bool case_insensitive) {
  if (find.empty() || find == replace_with || input.length() < find.length())

  if (!case_insensitive) {
    for (size_t pos = input.find(find); pos != wstring::npos;
         pos = input.find(find, pos)) {
      input.replace(pos, find.length(), replace_with);
      if (!replace_all)
        pos += replace_with.length();
  } else {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length() - find.length() + 1; i++) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < find.length(); j++) {
        if (input.length() < find.length())
        if (tolower(input[i + j]) == tolower(find[j])) {
          if (j == find.length() - 1) {
            input.replace(i--, find.length(), replace_with);
            if (!replace_all)
              i += replace_with.length();
        } else {
          i += j;
Esempio n. 2
      /// <summary>Parses all the keywords/macros in a string and replaces them recursively</summary>
      /// <param name="text">Source text to parse</param>
      /// <param name="depth">Debugging output depth</param>
      /// <returns>Fully parsed text</returns>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::FileFormatException">Macro contains wrong number of parameters</exception>
      /// <exception cref="Logic::Language::RegularExpressionException">RegEx error</exception>
      wstring  DescriptionParser::Parse(wstring text, int depth) const 
         UINT Position;
         wsmatch match;
         wstring r;
            Console << Cons::Cyan << Indent(depth) << "Parsing: " << Cons::White << text << ENDL;

            // Find/Replace all macros:  {AAAA:bbb}, {AAAA:bbb,ccc}, {AAAA:bbb,ccc,ddd} ...
            for (Position = 0; regex_search(text.cbegin()+Position, text.cend(), match, MatchMacro); ) //  Manually track position for in-place replacement + avoid infinite loop
               // Recursively generate replacement text
               r = onMatchMacro(match, depth);

               Console << Indent(depth) << "Replacing text: " << Cons::Yellow << match[0].str() << Cons::White << " with " << Cons::Green << r << ENDL;

               // Advance position to beyond inserted text, and insert text
               Position = (match[0].first - text.cbegin()) + r.length();
               text.replace(match[0].first, match[0].second, r);

            // Find/Replace all keywords:  {AAAAA}, AAAAA
            for (Position = 0; regex_search(text.cbegin()+Position, text.cend(), match, MatchKeyword); )  
               // Recursively generate replacement text
               r = onMatchKeyword(match, depth);

               Console << Indent(depth) << "Replacing text: " << Cons::Yellow << match[0].str() << Cons::White << " with " << Cons::Green << r << ENDL;

               // Advance position to beyond inserted text, and insert text
               Position = (match[0].first - text.cbegin()) + r.length();
               text.replace(match[0].first, match[0].second, r);

            return text;
         catch (regex_error& e) {
            throw RegularExpressionException(HERE, e);
Esempio n. 3
bool FixPath(wstring& path) {
	// Fix unix paths
	std::replace( path.begin(), path.end(), L'/', L'\\' );

	// Remove double slashes
	while(true) {
		size_t p = path.find(L"\\\\");
		if (p == string::npos) break;
		path.replace(p, 2, L"\\");

	// Are we pointing at a real destination?
	if (DirectoryExists(path)) {
		if (path[path.length()-1] != L'\\')
			path += L'\\';
		return true;
	} else if ( - 1) == L'\\') {
		// It says its a directory but it's not, must be a file
		path = path.substr(0, path.length() - 1);

	return FileExists(path);
Esempio n. 4
wstring NBTools::doReplace(wstring text, wstring find, wstring replace)
    while (true)
        size_t pos = text.find(find);
        if (0 > pos || pos > text.length()) return text;
        text = text.replace(pos, find.length(), replace);
Esempio n. 5
void string_replace( wstring& strBig, const wstring& strSrc, const wstring& strDst )
	wstring::size_type pos=0;
	wstring::size_type srclen = strSrc.size();
	wstring::size_type dstlen = strDst.size();
	while( (pos=strBig.find(strSrc, pos)) != wstring::npos)
		strBig.replace(pos, srclen, strDst);
		pos += dstlen;
Esempio n. 6
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  関数名  :  ws_replace
 *  機能概要:  str内のbeforeをすべてafterに置換します
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void	ws_replace(wstring &str, const wstring &before, const wstring &after)
	int	sz_bef = before.size();
	int	sz_aft = after.size();
	for(int rp_pos = 0; ; rp_pos += sz_aft) {
		rp_pos = str.find(before, rp_pos);
		if (rp_pos == -1)
		str.replace(rp_pos, sz_bef, after);
// & の削除
static wstring	RemoveAmpersand( wstring sLavel)
	size_t	nPos =0;
	while ((nPos = sLavel.find( L"&", nPos)) != wstring::npos) {
		if (sLavel[nPos+1] == L'&') {
			// &&
			sLavel.replace( nPos, 1, L"");
		nPos ++;
	return sLavel;
// & の補完
static wstring	SupplementAmpersand( wstring sLavel)
	size_t	nPos =0;
	while ((nPos = sLavel.find( L"&", nPos)) != wstring::npos) {
		if (sLavel[nPos+1] != L'&') {
			// &&でない
			sLavel.replace( nPos, 1, L"&&");
		nPos +=2;
	return sLavel;
Esempio n. 9
void ReplaceChars(wstring& str, const wchar_t chars[],
                  const wstring replace_with) {
  if (chars == replace_with)

  size_t pos = 0;

  do {
    pos = str.find_first_of(chars, pos);
    if (pos != wstring::npos)
      str.replace(pos, 1, replace_with);
  } while (pos != wstring::npos);
Esempio n. 10
void GraphicsInterface::Replace(wstring & wstrText, wstring wstrFind, wstring wstrReplace)
	size_t pos = 0;

	pos = wstrText.find(wstrFind);
	while (pos != wstring::npos)
		wstrText.replace(pos, wstrFind.length(), wstrReplace);
		pos = wstrText.find(wstrFind);

Esempio n. 11
RegistryMonitor::convertRegistryObjectNameToHiveName(wstring registryObjectName)
	/* Convert /Registry/Machine etc to the actual hive name like HKLM */
	std::list<ObjectPair>::iterator it;
	for(it = objectNameMap.begin(); it != objectNameMap.end(); it++)
		size_t position = registryObjectName.rfind(it->first,0);
		if(position != wstring::npos)
			return registryObjectName.replace(position, it->first.length(), it->second, 0, it->second.length());
	return registryObjectName;
Esempio n. 12
FileMonitor::convertFileObjectNameToDosName(wstring fileObjectName)
	stdext::hash_map<wstring, wstring>::iterator it;
	for(it = dosNameMap.begin(); it != dosNameMap.end(); it++)
		size_t position = fileObjectName.rfind(it->first,0);
		if(position != wstring::npos)
			fileObjectName.replace(position, it->first.length(), it->second, 0, it->second.length());
	//transform(fileObjectName.begin(), fileObjectName.end(), fileObjectName.begin(), tolower);
	return fileObjectName;
Esempio n. 13
      /// <summary>Populates the parameters markers within the description source text.</summary>
      /// <param name="src">source text.</param>
      /// <param name="cmd">command syntax.</param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      wstring  DescriptionParser::Populate(wstring src, CommandSyntaxRef cmd)
         wsmatch match;
         wstring r;
         // Replace all {aaa,bbb} markers.  Manually track position for in-place replacement + avoid infinite loop
         for (int Position = 0; regex_search(src.cbegin()+Position, src.cend(), match, MartchParameterMarker); )
            r = onParameterMarker(match, cmd);

#ifdef PRINT_CONSOLE            
            Console << "  Replace: " << Cons::Yellow << match[0].str() << Cons::White << " with " << Cons::Green << r << ENDL;
            // Advance position + perform replacement
            Position = (match[0].first - src.cbegin()) + r.length();
            src.replace(match[0].first, match[0].second, r);

         return src;